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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3657043 No.3657043 [Reply] [Original]

Massive Black Forums.

So far they have been releasing information on new mods on their Facebook. They have been giving select artists invite links and trying out the "beta" stage before releasing it to public.

>> No.3657044
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Even snagging old CA.org moderators.

>> No.3657086

Elaborate, anonymassé

>> No.3657092
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Back in April they came up with the idea to bring back the forum days. Back to CA.org style Sketchbook threads and challenges.

>> No.3657094
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Now they have a beta up and been unveiling who will be their mod team. Many of which old CA.org moderators.

>> No.3657096
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Eventually it will be released publicly but for now it's a secret clubhouse with people giving each other invite links as they bulk up on their mods.

>> No.3657101
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>> No.3657115

>le sooper sekret club with cuck name XD
I hope it crashes and burns. Wouldn't surprise me if those tards lurk on here and download our resources

>> No.3657117

Sounds like a horrible platform desu

>> No.3657121

Unless there's some reward for posting critiques, nobody worth their salt is gonna bother using the site
People are well connected today with discord and social media, there's no good reason to interact with a bunch of nobodies when they could go straight to a pro they know

Sites like this died as the internet became better connected, they're from an old era where if you wanted art critique you had to go to the only site where you could find them

>> No.3657124

>there is a secret way to make pros hand out free critiques today that everyone except (you) knows about
Huh? I only know /ic/ for getting critiques

>> No.3657131

>I hope it crashes and burns.

You're crazy. ConceptArt.org was fucking incredible. I don't know if they can bring back anything resembling the glory days of 2005, but if it's even half as good it'd be waay better than this shithole.

>Unless there's some reward for posting critiques, nobody worth their salt is gonna bother using the site

Critiques are overrated. You know what's wrong with your art; you don't need someone to point it out. What made CA great was the networking. I used to get like 4 or 5 job offers a week off that site back in like 2008 when my art was dogshit. Full time offers, tons of freelance stuff, you get to hang out with some of the top people in the industry, they used to do workshop/convention things... it was great.

Really excited for this.

>> No.3657142

The one thing about CA.org was it was interesting seeing how artists grow. Here's Thom Scholes old sketchbook: http://www.conceptart.org/forums/showthread.php/56810

>> No.3657162

When the sketchbook isn't an absolute graveyard it's interesting to see what people used to draw like versus now. For example Robogabo: http://www.conceptart.org/forums/showthread.php/71911-robogabo-Daily-Robo-sketches-amp-Mo

Tumblr: https://robogabo-art.tumblr.com/

>> No.3657170

will they make contests that are really just free work for their company?
is this a way to scout for new talent?

>> No.3657190
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One thing this will do is raise the industry standard to unachievable heights.
Trying to keep up with these fag will be torture, for everyone involved

>> No.3657192

he was always a weird dude

>> No.3657204

It’s not exactly unachievable if people are consistently achieving it with hard work.

>> No.3657208

>consistent hard work.
As I said, unachievable. Especially if you're not asian.

>> No.3657213

>go to pro's twitter/discord
>"hey bud I'm making this image, can you gimmie your thoughts on it"
>"yeah sure man, you've fucked up the perspective on this corner here, you should do it more like this"
"ah that's awesome, thanks for the help dude"

>> No.3657220

That's life for you, anon. Either you put in effort, or achieve nothing. Everything is simple.

>> No.3657222

I don't want this industry to turn south-korea tier, and neither do you, trust me.

>> No.3657223


They really can't recreate this. They can't even create a discord server if they tried, either. They're already shooting themselves in the foot allowing "exclusive invites" to build up that circle jerk conceptart.org had with Elwell and his 10 sex friends who replied to 98% of the threads at any given moment.

Imagine a conceptart.org today with SJWs infiltrated as mods from the very beginning because the decided such diversity is good to soften the blow to their dad joke name. If they did away with a form and did a discord that would crash and burn within a few weeks.

>> No.3657224

It will succeed exactly because it filters out bitter idiots like yourself.

>> No.3657225


Aww, did I hurt where it stung, MB dev?

>> No.3657228

so sad
alexa, play ngmi

>> No.3657229

aw poor baby, awww.

>> No.3657232

The only reason why anybody would give a fuck about that is not being a true confident artist. If you break at the sight of some over-rendered "Korean tier" bullshit - maybe you should've made different choices in life and do something else.

>> No.3657237


post your work faggot then kys because you're the one whos ngmi

>> No.3657240

>Elwell and his 10 sex friends who replied to 98% of the threads at any given moment.
Kind of this. Circlejerk around a group of mediocre artists that were more fine art than concept artists. Massive black is hardly considered anything but subpar compared to other outsourcing alternatives.

Not to mention the witchhunt for students that downloaded their precious exclusive paid for tutoring content, which itself was just lower quality versions of gnomon dvds. Or the clusterfuck that their art school and manley ran.

Let CA.org be a memory.

>> No.3657242 [DELETED] 

>post your work

This board is so stupidly toxic, can't wait for CA.org 2.0.
Btw, I never said I made it but I'm going to.

Now post yours. I'll wait

>> No.3657243

>unironically using the word toxic

You need to leave.

>> No.3657244 [DELETED] 
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>>3657237 (You)
>post your work

This board is so stupidly toxic, can't wait for CA.org 2.0.
Btw, I never said I made it but I'm going to, mark my words.

Now post yours. I'll wait

>> No.3657246


>> No.3657270

>Critiques are overrated. You know what's wrong with your art


>> No.3657276

Exactly this. This guy is seeing through rose tinted glasses. It's gonna be just like how it was post 2008 where people would ask honest questions and get told sarcastic remarks while upvoting their clique of friends who have been there since the beginning. Rather than get told "go read this thread, we have talked about it before" it'll be "dead artists quote because I'm such an intellectual" by the way I looooove cats :winking face emoji spam:.

Present day? I could just imagine the stench.

>> No.3657301


Honestly 4chan is pretty much the closest thing we have today to the old internet. The noise to signal ratio might be low but there's a certain rawness the anonymity that I much prefer to the ass kissing, virtue signaling smug shittiness of social media.

>> No.3657304


Not to bring /pol/ to this by a minimum but that is why they are trying to get rid of sites like this with the myth of "people getting radicalized". 4chan is one of the last sites online that is a relic of the older communities.

>> No.3657815

I’m pretty sure most of Massive Black is European.

>> No.3657973

>This guy is seeing through rose tinted glasses.

No, we're just talking about two different things. You're stuck on the critiques, because you're a noob and you think some pro can give you the secrets to good art but they won't because they're big meanie heads. I'm actually already working, though, so I'm more interested in the networking opportunities.

CA did have it's share of circlejerks and cliques, and I wasn't a big fan of every question being answered by 10 bad artists all trying to be snarky like Elwell and then 'thanking' each other. But only noobs like you ever thought questions and critiques were the point of CA. Noobs always think the answer is more critiques. The answer is actually to draw a lot more, you lazy fucks.

>> No.3657990
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>idea to bring back the forum days

>> No.3657998


>networking opportunities
>I know! Lets do this by forums like the worlds is on either Dial up or DSL!!

Do you not see why this won't work in this day and age? Or are you that much of a boomer?

>> No.3658095

I got my first in-house job thanks to my old CA.org sketchbook. I got a lot of freelance jobs just from the job boards CA.org had when they were good.

Also you can just call out guys for not giving constructive critique? You don't have to take bullshit if you don't want too. People give bad advice anywhere.

>> No.3658124

I liked the permanoobs forums while it lasted. The sketchbooks, primarily.

>> No.3658125


Never got over the weirdness of algen recycling several year old studies by reposting them as if they were new though.

>> No.3658275

>Alexa, play __
go back

>> No.3658436
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>> No.3658483

>massive black

>> No.3658484

No need to worry, now that i/c is aware we will easily ruin it.

>> No.3658485


>> No.3658538

It's an American company in America with mostly Americans.

>> No.3658637

>go straight to a pro
like he's gonna bother. Unless he proposes a mentorship for money or something.

>> No.3658756

Are we going to use GIMP too because it has a funny name?