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3655179 No.3655179 [Reply] [Original]

>artists are generally pretty lonely creatures

How do you deal with loneliness anon? I usually listen to talks on japanese radio, and pretend like I have some company

>> No.3655188
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anime and manga

>> No.3655190

Bursts of fake suicidal despair to avoid complacency with worthless comforts.

>> No.3655239

loneliness fades after the first few weeks or months of solitude and never returns. only the ones living indecisively have to suffer under their indecision.

>> No.3655289

i go out once or twice a week and hang out with my friends, and any time im not doing that, im drawing. i dont need to talk to people all day to get by, but i start to get pretty downtrodden if i dont get my fix of social interaction once in a while.

>> No.3655291

You accept it and move on.

>> No.3655294


>> No.3655303
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20 something years of being an only child and autistic
And I listen to podcasts and streamers play games badly

>> No.3655849

I need to get a gf who is an artist so we can draw together and not get lonely

how do i get one

>> No.3655859

Alone doesn't mean lonely. Some of us enjoy it in moderation.

>> No.3656896

i get on tinder and chat up some art hoes, generally a lot of younger girls are MAD attracted to guys with even a LITTLE artistic talent (given you dont look like a sperg)

>> No.3656917

>artist has a social media presence
*never stops throwing up*

>> No.3656927

I look like a sperg. Wat do?

>> No.3656935
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This, many of us can adapt to solitude if we allowed it. A few years ago I'd hang out every night with my friends, but now I only leave the house once a week for groceries and rarely interact with people

>> No.3656937

i'm so happy being alone. in fact, if i had the money i would buy a house in a remote place near a lake or idk. it's not that i detest people, because i don't, but i'm comfortable by myself.

>> No.3656981

Put a drawing live stream at the BG instead of music.

>> No.3656989

I've never been not alone

>> No.3657002

>How do you deal with loneliness anon
post one 4chin

>> No.3657006

hit the gym, get a good body

>> No.3657021

I'm only lonely because I'm a cunt and can't relax my face when meeting new people. I freeze people out.

Trying to change, though. I never noticed but my eyes are particularly scary when I'm tense, I've been told they are like dead lumps of coal and unsettling to stare into.

>> No.3657100
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I talk to myself and have conversations with e-friends.

>> No.3657111

Wear sunglasses

>> No.3657236
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>> No.3657989

Would you do this without internet connection?

>> No.3657993

I did it without an internet connection for 15 years. Being a homeschooled only child with borderline live-at-work parents in a strict household trains the mind well for solitude. I can get by on media like books and movies just fine.

>> No.3658000

I don't get lonely.
I mean, why would I need other people when I could draw? or do literally anything else?
and it's not some defense mechanism either, since I've never enjoyed the company of others throughout my entire life.

>> No.3658007

I don't know man. I'm in the process of figuring out how to have a social life again.
I'm close to getting therapy, it's a real fucking issue. Sometimes I can't work because I'm so depressed.

>> No.3659297


>> No.3659337

I've been lonely for so long I've forgotten how it feels. So now I'm not lonely anymore.

>> No.3659340

almost everyother day with thisshit

>> No.3659342

>artists are lonely
you mean "autists"

>> No.3659348


>> No.3659364

I join discord and kik art groups until I get sick of memes. Recently trying out Bumble with bad results.

>> No.3659383

Honestly I like being alone. The past days I reduced the time spent with my social circle and it's really refreshing.

>> No.3659410
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can confirm, even when wearing ''bad ass'' sunglasses, I feel ppl open up easier

>> No.3659431

It's okay you'll start to hate people sooner or later anyway

>> No.3660077

are your friends also artists?

>> No.3660078

lmao do you introduce yourself as an artist or what?

>> No.3660080

will you be.. fulfilled in the long run :/

I worry for you anon-chan

>> No.3660188


8 years heremit here, this is bullshit, when you get back to your friends and hanging out you can't go back being a heremit.

>> No.3660195
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>It's all about the artistic talent, bruh
Fuck off with this bullshit

>> No.3660199

Do you add drawing on your profile? That'd be pretty sperg IMO

>> No.3660206
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I genuinely don't feel anything anymore besides guilt when i'm not drawing

>> No.3660225

Accidentally became mgtow/redpill in last relationship, so the solitude is fantastic

>> No.3660231

>Adding an interest to your profile is spergy.
Sounds like you are a sperg projecting. That's how regular dating apps work, tard.

>> No.3660239

So you fucked up choosing a partner and instead of taking responsability you are going to act as if all women are the same, like a teenage girl who dot dumped for the first time?

>> No.3660251

I like you anon

>> No.3660532

same thing

>> No.3660536

no, unfortunately. they just play video games. im not the biggest fan of them, but i join in because i like talking to my friends. though that really cuts into my schedule and i really hate being put in a position where i have to weight the pros and cons of friendship vs art.

>> No.3661169

no it just says 'tattoo artist' as my job title and they usually ask about it

>> No.3661176

How do you guys handle managing time between your passion and your partner? I'd honestly just like to shut myself in on weekends and draw all day, but my gf is a very active/sporty person

>> No.3661215

well anon, if that person is truly important to you then you better spend much more time with her. Art won't run away even if you draw 5h less today, but a relationship will suffer in the long run if you can't at least spare an hour of proper attention today.

The relationship of most artists suffer since they are too "obsessed" with becoming better, art, art, and only art. It was this way 500 years ago, and especially true today since there are so many other things that take your attention away. When you hear "An artist had 3-5 marriages" it's not because he got bored of his wife, or wants something "fresh and inspiring" in his life, it's because he's genuinely a lousy, selfish partner, who could never grow up and take responsibility for the things he has and hasn't done.

Don't be that guy anon, like I said, art won't run away

>> No.3661235
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dreams/success > partner
You'll always have your career, vs someone who can just wake up one morning and breakup with you.

That being said if the only time you're not spending on art is when you're exercising with your girlfriend to counter act the effects of being a shut in drawing all day, then idk what the fuck you're complaining about. You should be doing that on your own regardless.

>> No.3661247
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If we're talking about genuine, non-online connections: I was a friendless asocial misfit for so long I don't really care anymore. I know that'll sound edgy or whatever but even if I now get along just fine with people and enjoy company, I don't really feel close to anyone, never did. Maybe I don't want to. Perhaps that's because everyone used to act so shittily towards me for years for being an autist, who knows.
So, regardless of how much shit I have to distract myself daily, I actually like being alone, but still enjoy the occasional visit or invitation I get.

>> No.3661613



>> No.3661833

This is good advice, I'm in the process of breaking up after 8 yrs of relationship because I became too focused on myself.

Still, if you can handle the solitude, then what this nihilist says >>3661235 can be also true
I don't know anon, having a social life is kinda shit

>> No.3662102
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>calls me a nihilist because I want to actually succeed in pursuing my dream before I commit to a relationship that will only take away time and energy from said pursuit

ok bud.

>> No.3662660
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Podcasts about nothing are the best, my favorite's Sleepycast, they have such good chemistry and play off each others' stupidity so well and occassionally get into animation and art topics and the struggles of being artists and animators in current times. Sadly I've replayed every episode to the point of being able to recite them verbatim so I had to stop listening to it until the next yearly episode of season 2.

>> No.3662769

>Sadly I've replayed every episode to the point of being able to recite them verbatim
Same dude, it's fucked.

>> No.3662889


>> No.3663151

Dear OP

From working in the industry I think the best artist are ones with social life, if only it means they go outside and experience life (more inspiration for paintings etc)

I think artist are pretty introverted but really loners. Since artist are human we need some sort of connection. I find that the healthier ones have something else they enjoy. Dnd game nights, board game groups, life drawing, book club etc. Just something small group.

TL;DR: artist are humans and humans need a life oncw in a while to function, or at least not be boring.
Get a hobby and join a local group on it.

Ps if you feel you need therapy I highly recommend it