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3654388 No.3654388 [Reply] [Original]

Stop reading Loomis and start reading Hitokaku if you want to draw anime/manga

>> No.3654391
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>> No.3654392
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>> No.3654394
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>> No.3654395

Does anyone have an English translation? You can copy the pictures but so much is lost not being able to read the words.

If I tried to do Loomis and didn’t read any of it I’d struggle and fail

>> No.3654486
File: 580 KB, 2748x4156, 601A8F59-7948-4E4D-8E07-9E52811E0358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does anyone have an English translation? You can copy the pictures but so much is lost not being able to read the words.

Unfortunately no but In the book he literally says just to sit down and copy the book lol. I still think you can learn some things even if you cant completely understand

>> No.3654488
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>> No.3654489

>Stop reading Loomis
Regressive mentality.

>> No.3654491

Every single page is basically Loomis except he completely ignores the most critical part of the construction which is you do not construct on a flat plane but rather a rounded one. You have to give him credit for foreshortening the forms and keeping it in perspective, but unless you know that faces are not flat you're going to shoot yourself in the foot.

>> No.3654494

What happens when you get bored of drawing doritos chip girls and want to sketch other characters with odd head shapes and different body type. What then? Will you then realize loomis is superior?

>> No.3654495
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>> No.3654499 [DELETED] 

>What happens when you get bored of drawing doritos chip girls and want to sketch other characters with odd head shapes and different body type?

He talks about that in the first chapter

>> No.3654500
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>What happens when you get bored of drawing doritos chip girls and want to sketch other characters with odd head shapes and different body type?

He talks about that in the first chapter

>> No.3654507
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>> No.3654510

>people who don't understand Loomis disparage Loomis while recommending that read guides that are bootleg Loomis
every time

>> No.3654514

It's all so tiring.

>> No.3654515

Good god this is a rip off of a technique a teacher I know. You eat up anything thats gook, huh?

>> No.3654517


Not only that, but the chink is adding unnecessary bits for morons when it's more simpler than what hes trying to convey. Maybe even to mislead idiots like you.

>> No.3654524

I still don't understand how these shapes work. What am I looking at

>> No.3654529

Loomis method literally preceeded this hitokaku book by 50 years. Everything you see on that seriea of books can be read from English souces, the fuck

>> No.3654537

>getting mad at one abstraction method only because some sperg insulted Loomis

Not Gonna Make It

>> No.3654542

>if you want to draw anime/manga

I don't

>> No.3654543

>shitting on loomis

>> No.3654557
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>> No.3654563

what book is this from?

>> No.3654567

これはアンドリュー・ルーミスの<やさしい人物画 >です

>> No.3654583

So then which is the one Loomis book that everyone absolutely needs to read?

>> No.3654586

>reading books

>> No.3654590
File: 130 KB, 500x333, successful-drawing-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Successful Drawing.

>> No.3654615


>> No.3654636
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What if I wanna draw anime that looks like this

>> No.3654644

>wanting to draw anime and manga
100% ngmi

>> No.3654677


isn't it Figure Drawing or something? Also him or Hampton, or that third guy?

>> No.3654789

you need head and hands, because that covers head
then figure drawing. for the whole body.
successful drawing just covers traditional perspective, and fun with a pencil isn't really needed.

>> No.3654801

I've kvetched about Loomis' vague head drawing method (in the sense of understanding the planes of the head), but today his book Figure Drawing has arrived from Amazon and I skimmed it through. Wow, what a great instructional book. For sure, it's the first step, forget about precise anatomy and planes for now, but this step will keep me busy for months.

Again, it's a well though-out, real instructional, practice book. Highly recommend.

>> No.3654802

Where can I buy the books?

>> No.3654809

>successful drawing just covers traditional perspective
Only if you don't read the fucking book.

>> No.3655092

>falling for the construction meme

>> No.3655094

This is some next level shitposting.

>> No.3655099

Can't tell if this is a bait thread or if you are serious

>> No.3655103

unironically this, you need to draw, downloading terabytes of books and videos will do nothing for you

>> No.3655106
File: 404 KB, 1263x800, 1513381301470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By that third guy you probably mean the chad hogarth, as far as I can tell he's a love it or hate it kinda guy, I personally am not a fan.

>> No.3655107

> Drawing mindlessly like a retard.

>> No.3655110

>capitalizing the n

>> No.3655111

Somehow, I can see why Japanese artists always crash when they have to draw not kawaii uguu Japanese anime faces or the caricatures of the western people. Slapping eyes on balls doesn't give the faces any features. It's still slapping gradient eyes, just on balls. I'm not even an expert but I can see that.

>> No.3655121

>Focusing on one method of construction instead of all of them.

NGMI famalam

>> No.3655145

>just draw the rest of the fucking owl bro

>> No.3655159

I think Bridges or something like that

>> No.3655161

It's amazing how mad Loomisfags get whenever someone offers a teacher or method of construction that isn't Loomis.

>> No.3655167

Shit makes zero sense. If I could actually draw I wouldn't really care what other methods people use since it's all the same shit anyway.

>> No.3655170
File: 252 KB, 681x1098, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanna draw Shibuya Rin

>> No.3655195
File: 26 KB, 354x499, 4537621541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>loomis and japanese loomis
>not hampton

>> No.3655248

Loomis = useless meme.

>> No.3655249

where i can download this?

>> No.3655258

Arid she have to leave and go away

>> No.3655264

go to the /ic/ archive and search Hitokaku

>> No.3655272

>Somehow, I can see why Japanese artists always crash when they have to draw not kawaii uguu Japanese anime faces

How is it possible to be this retarded? Have you seen any japanese art outside of moe anime?

>> No.3655344

and I wish I was a baller y'all
Wish I had a rabbit in a hat

>> No.3655349


>> No.3655354

>replace text on hampton book cover with japanese
>post on it's own thread as new great thing
>better than loomis

>> No.3655567

Fun With a Pencil

It’ll take you from: Won’t even attempt to draw something out of awkward embarrassment.
To: I can tell how most things are drawn, and am comfortable at least trying.

From there you just need to practice and can use any additional resources to continue your journey.

>> No.3657696


>> No.3658466
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pages that represent you