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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3645417 No.3645417 [Reply] [Original]

>Spend a year learning fundies
>no desire to actually make anything
wtf do I do? is this proof talent exists? I've had this problem for over a year now. The talented learn fundies and make shit while the untalented only cared about learning the process and idea of making art but never cared about actually making anything?

Fuck you talent is a meme fags, that book you keep linking is for 20iq npc sheeple that believe because people can recite 100 numbers that somehow negate the entire spectrum idea of talent. Maybe everyone can recite 100 numbers if they practiced? That doesn't mean everyone can be leonardo de vinci.

>> No.3645421

post work?

>> No.3645459

I think creativity is something many of anons underestimate - having the skills to draw doesn't make you a great artist anymore than being a pianist makes you a great composer

>> No.3645462

If you can "make anything" after a single year of practice you are unironically the most talented artist that's ever existed. The truth is though you're still not good and you think somehow you should be despite barely drawing at all. Talented? What you are is dumb as hell

>> No.3645464

I have always thought of myself as a very uncreative person since childhood, but I still have faith that you can become more creative by being creative.

>> No.3645468

>have the fundemental skills to draw anything, doesn't want to draw anything.

I promise that your art is not very good and what you are mistaking for a lack of interest is really a lack of ability. If you actually could draw anything, you'd have no shortage of cool ideas.

>> No.3645495

This. I've spent my whole life drawing. I've been considered pretty good and have made money off of work. But I still suck at so many things.

>> No.3645530

Scratch that, you're not dumb as hell, you're just naive. Many of the people on this board, even those in the beginner's thread, have spent at least a year drawing and a good portion of us still suck throughout the entire board. Think of their sacrifice and realize that yours too has only just begun.


>> No.3645532
File: 2.43 MB, 2989x3668, 171. Avatar 2 The Real True True.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

draw memes that you like. Or

built in audience base. People will generally be stoked that you did it regardless of what it ends up looking like.

Don't put subject matter up on a pedestal. Just do things and then retroactively add your own meaning to them.

>> No.3645535
File: 886 KB, 2915x3818, 292. cut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever didn't notice the typo. They have a built in audience base. And the Or was going to say "Or still images of things that are funny to you" etc. Like Tarantino started writing scripts by watching shows he liked and literally copying down the dialogue. And like Judd Apatow used to listen to comedy albums and transcribe them.

Just literally try creating things that you like from whatever medium. Follow your gutfeels.

>> No.3645555



like in the film icaro in which a ciclyst juices up to the brim and still looses proving that even if an athlete was on steroids he is still inherently better than everyone else. some people are better than others, its that simple.

>> No.3645611

OP, you need to realize why did you start drawing and trying to get better in the first place, what was your driving force back then. It can be anything, but think about that and then just try and make art around it.
Basically, what are the subjects or themes you enjoy the most, something you just want to watch and get lost into.
I think it doesn't matter if you are the best or not, here is about communicating something, and so long you have something to say you can try and become better at doing so. OP problem is he seems to have lost the spark to talk about anything, not that it's falling behind the rest of the people.