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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 24 KB, 1280x322, 1280px-DeviantArt_Logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3644974 No.3644974 [Reply] [Original]

What is /ic/ opinion on Deviantart

>> No.3644978
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>> No.3644979

I used it to find 3d DOA renders to fap to, that's about it

>> No.3644980
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>>3644978 God thats awful

>> No.3644998

this makes me feel trapped in a basement, getting raped by furry autists with no chance to escape. its uncomfortable.

>> No.3645008

How about if we DDOS Deviantart

>> No.3645023

that site needs to be nuked

>> No.3645024

So why are we waiting for LETS DO IT!!

>> No.3645052

what tool to use?

>> No.3645060

About LOIC

>> No.3645062

I know it's a cesspool now but weren't they trying to reform the website?

>> No.3645067 [DELETED] 

We want to DDOS the website so we can make the users butthurt

>> No.3645085


what about Fast DDoS Attack Cmd?


>> No.3645089


>> No.3645095

There are some talented people that post fairly frequent. Follow quality groups.

>> No.3645214

You guys are retarded

>> No.3645234

in 10 years in deviantart, i saw the massive transformation from serious art site about "breaking the norms of art" that the site intended to massive literal fetish bomb for furaffinity users who got banned because they're too young to post NFSW

i suggesting this advice as well

>> No.3645299
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never fucked with it.

should I make an account for muh maymays?

>> No.3645382

No, you should stay the fuck away from any art communities.
Including this one.

>> No.3645384

I've been in DA for longer than that, and it was always shit. It's always been full of pseudoanime, furries, fetish, etc.

>> No.3645387

dA is alright. I mainly post on tumblr but i usually get more feedback on dA

>> No.3645398

Just don't reply.

>> No.3645402
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pic related is my opinion on deviantart.

>> No.3645408


>> No.3645416

Like every thread it's the same asshole. Just kill yourself nigger. You are so much more annoying than he is.

>> No.3645448

are you sure you're joining DA (or any art site in general) and expecting realism, anime, and no furries lmao

>> No.3645778


They can't reform the website when it became an unofficial forum for furries and degenerates obsessed with fetish porn (feet, scat, diapers, inflation etc)

The only way to be reformed is to ban porn from the site. Maybe without degeneracy, good, respectable artists will come back and use DA as a platform.
Till then, DA is that place barely any artist want to be associated with.

>> No.3645825



>> No.3646104

no explanation needed lol

>> No.3646105
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The website is literally called deviantart

>> No.3646107

>fetish porn (feet, scat, diapers, inflation etc)
I will say one thing, that gives the site soul, something this board lacks

>> No.3646110

Why are you fags so surprised that a site called DEVIANT art would be filled with deviants

>> No.3646294


To be honest, I never expected that name to be taken literally. I always saw the "deviant" part of the name meaning the people posting are deviants for art, obsessed by art.

I never took that name literally as implying it is a site to post only lewd shit

>> No.3646303

Dead since 2007 and each year is much worse.

>> No.3646309

eh i imagine the intent was more along the lines of "deviate" meaning just being different or whatever. could have been called "alternativeart" or "uniqueart" or something along those lines and had the same meaning. wouldn't have stopped fetishists from overtaking it anyway i guess.

>> No.3646318

Site is nothing but expensive commissions and cryptomining

>> No.3646982

It was initially meant to be the opposite of what the "deviant" stood for. Basically, it was really about being different from the norm, not porn related, but "contrarian" really. Too bad autistic people and degenerates took the name and ran with it, and then funnily enough porn became normie tier popular aka trash, basically 180ing the original standpoint for the name for that site.

>> No.3647027

I think it's worthless shit, honestly.
>locks some useful and/or just cool features behind a paywall
>no direct live chat, just an on-site email type of message system
>can't pick and choose what you see from users in a widespread way, have to go to each of their profiles individually and black list their journals, polls, etc
>groups are unorganized as all fuck
>very limited space in ever folder in a group leading to 15+ folders dedicated to the same concept, but scattered around through the drop down bar
>submitting things to groups is a huge hassle, no drop down bar to see all your groups all at once
>have to type them in manually which is a huge bitch if you want to submit to 10+ groups at one time
>many groups have inactive mods so submissions expire
>webcam function, arguably the best thing about people's profiles, stopped working for many users a long time ago and staff hasn't bothered to fix it for whatever reason
>no "see more" toggle for those faggots who have a thousand gifs on their page before the comments
>no actual porn allowed on the site, just nudity
>the points system as a whole is fucking stupid
>bait for kids who don't have money so they try to commission you with points anyways
>front page is guaranteed to have something of rick and morty, mlp, sonic, or a combination of those at all times every day
Maybe I'm just using it wrong but it's never been a priority for me. I've gone months, years even, without uploading anything just because it's such a forgettable experience. I did buy a subscription last year though, because it was a buy 3 months get 3 months free sale, mostly because I wanted to change my name. Didn't do much for me at all in any other area to be entirely honest. The biggest thing I'll give them is the fact that you get to keep your paywall features even after your sub runs out, which is cool. Other than that, I've never seen any positives in using it.

Redpill me on DeviantArt if anyone has the knowledge or time.

>> No.3647047

furrys, furrys everywhere. and really cancerous ships

>> No.3647162

I'm a bit hazy on the details, but originally it was basically Myspace/FA for art and the most functional website for posting at the time. Web 1.0 was the dark ages. Your artsite choices were boomer painting forums and curated fanart collections.

dA came along and you could post digital art and subjects that had no traction elsewhere. Stylized works, animu, overcooked renders, faggot OCs. It was also the only place to host a portfolio for free. The "deviant" angle is that it wasn't restrictive like other sites, you could make tumblr art and post it next to your oils.

What really killed it was poor moderation, the algorithm changing, and 14 year olds.

>> No.3647185

I unironically fap to shit tier, worse than /i/ fetish art from there so I cant really say anything. I figure ill do commissions there eventually, but anonymously with an alternate artstyle.

>> No.3647207

It's alright

>> No.3647235
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>> No.3647238

> that artist who gets pissy when their work gets taken down for a rule violation
I don't know what you expected.

>> No.3647253

every time DA is mentioned here it's universally shat on, but what is the alternative? I've been stuck there for years and want out

>> No.3647273

Draw good and go to ArtStation and CG+
Dumb fuck.

>> No.3647329


DevianArt is now addicted to degenerate art/porn since it's what moves traffic in the site and new paying users.
If for some reason, DA staff decided to push back and ban that sort of content, millions of users would leave the site (probably flooding tumblr instead) and the website would be empty, slowly dying.

People no longer use DA, good artists that is. If they push away the shit from the site, it would be an empty site since no good artists would want to come back.
Good artists that want some online recognition are in places like artstation and the amateur artists have places like twitter and the sorts to post their shitty, fan made crap.

DeviantArt is doomed to be the place where you get diaper porn and foot fetish pics of tails licking sonic's soles

>> No.3647383
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Pretty fuckin shit for any kind of promotion
From the perspective of an animufag tho

Pixiv has a pretty decent tagging system in which people can discover stuff easily, the amount of users actively discovering new shit is also a lot compared to dA. Oh yeah, and shit art is actually regarded as shit, even in rookie rankings on Pixiv.
In dA, you must post your stuff into groups and still have to sort through dozens of folders every fucking group. After sharing to groups, good luck getting noticed by anyone.
After a while I just feel like there's no point to it anymore. 10 minutes to post to groups and the amount of views I get is not even a tenth of what my Pixiv can easily get on average
Twitter is also pretty shit to be honest, at least once some people remembered you or followed you, the views and interactions start getting constant and actually improves
I'm a bit neutral on Tumblr, but I have been able to get more shares than dA

>> No.3647386

Pixiv just as DA has virtually no concept art.

Deviant is basically what art would be if liberals could shape it according to their taste. Diversity. Diverse shit that is.

>> No.3647393

What do you mean by concept art tho?

The original rankings page have some of the stuff iirc, mostly good illustrations and there's no way I can get any of my art on it yet

yeah, I dunno how did Pixiv end up so differently from dA, both is an art site and both have their own share of degenerates. How did dA manage to get such a huge amount of furries, vores, giantess etc etc while Pixiv is still pretty dominated by mainstream animu fanarts

>> No.3647404
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By concept art I mean not illustration, but more of a production design. Artstation has both illustration and concept art for example. Pixiv is basically a illustration hub, mostly focused on animu style work. I think it is a Japanese site, so maybe it is why.

As for deviant- I stopped even uploading anything there like couple years ago. I don't think there is many serious artists there- like professionals working in the game/ film industry. It seems to me it is mostly thumblr level shit. I mean I am glad those people found a place for themselves, but damn there is nothing but cringe and degeneracy. I would kill myself if I found my kids post furries there. Or anywhere else for that matter.

>> No.3647598

Oh I know. It used to be okay, you could get shitty art deleted for a long time. Then the internet moved on alongside the Second and Third Eternal September.

>> No.3647605

(((Wix.com))) bought it in 2017 for $36 million shekels

>> No.3647712
File: 59 KB, 600x600, Shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP Here

>> No.3647732

Dude for years if you wanted to use Pixiv you had to find a tutorial to know how to browse the site, or just know Japanese. Pixiv is pretty much all East Asian with a small but (probably?) growing western base posting as well. There's even translations for tags now too.

>> No.3649068

>with a small but (probably?) growing western base posting as well.
And you can tell because I'm seeing the same faggoty deviantart MSPaint fetish porn posters who've actually been kicked off of dA starting to use pixiv, probably due to pixiv's relaxed rules on porn.

>> No.3649178

You wouldn't believe how quickly the shift of 99.9% again art only Pixiv was like 3 years ago, then it turned into a western lite board in just 2 years. I believe within the next 3 years, it's going to be like 4chan, mostly ran by Americans, even more so thanks to level DA and mostly Tumblr thanks to their changes as well a while back ago..

>> No.3650265

https://chat.deviantart.com/ it's pretty dead though. The forum is also pretty dead and full of the same 50 people that spam their shitty art.
https://www.deviantart.com/watching/ lists all your watches with columns of what you can turn on and off.
Groups were only good in the beginning but now everyone ignores them because they've been flooded with 7 year old works and garbage.
They also doubled the subscription costs in the past couple years from $25/year to $50.

In my opinion, they ruined the site when the changed the popularity algorithm to prefer underused categories. There is no category moderation so any mislabeled odd category with a couple comments and ten favorites gets right to the top of the 24 hour section. Looking right now there seems to be a heavy bias on animated things.

I think they're trying to bring reddit on to the site or get some of those ARG youtubers audiences on there with this stupid roleplay bullshit they blasted out in the hot topics. They're trying but they're doing it wrong.

>> No.3650267
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You see more polished versions of deviantart shit.

>> No.3650274
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I know, I made my account in 2013.
Now its 2018 and all my favorite fetish tags are polluted with western autists spamming their crappy art. The only thing worse than them are the chinks/gooks who reupload still active artists works in galleries tagged with non-related bullshit

>> No.3650336

Eh, maybe cuz I follow mostly nip artists.
My twitter feed is 99% hentai and anime fanarts, nearly none of the western cartoon style

>> No.3650345

I find some charm in it. A lot of DA's art is sincerely quirky, unlike Tumblrite art.

>> No.3650350
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>What is /ic/ opinion on Deviantart

I found out that ERECTIONS are not allowed, you can be flaccid and still show it, but so help you god if you get a stiffy or if a little bit of semen drips, you get a warning.

I was pretty surprised that a site for deviants is so puritanical.

>> No.3650409

Yep. Nips have mostly migrated to Twitter as well.

>> No.3650440

Fuck, now that you mention it. It does look like there's more and more westerners in it. More english posts and shitty artworks.
Fucking infection has begun

>> No.3650787

I actually like that the website clearly defines what does or does not constitute pornography. It doesn't stop "photographers" from getting around it by having models spread their legs as wide as they can to expose themselves.
They need to be stricter on barely censored pornography and insufficient cropping.

>> No.3650793

case in point: https://www.deviantart.com/sexyvoluptuousvixens/gallery/27726210/Female-Nude-Photos
ugly flabby vagoos

>> No.3650796

Beats pixiv which is /pol/-tier "anything I don't like is degeneracy". I think they even call it degenerate or obscene without definition.

>> No.3651126

its really scary how bad westerners are at art.
i would hop onto dA, Twitter, Tumblr or wherever outside US times and the quality of the artwork being posted is staggering. even yuros have some good stuff.

god damm fucking anglos.
what the hell is wrong with them. why do they all have such shit tastes.

>> No.3651150
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DA is more misses than hits, but there are some genuinely talented people on there. Unfortunately these appeal mostly to the normie crowd as the weirdos make up the majority of the website. You've really gotta work hard and be patient to build your own niche there.

>> No.3651192

i'm sad its dead because its superior to tumblr, twitter, and the other popular places artists upload. it gives you an actually gallery where you can have folders and there is a search function so you can look up a piece. twitter is just a constant update of art and is hard to find an older piece and tumblr is the same but relies on tagging, so if the artist didn't tag it you probably won't find it.

>> No.3651331
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I remember