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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.19 MB, 914x1239, atsuko4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3644231 No.3644231 [Reply] [Original]

hey guys, i got recommended to post my current paper stuff here, anything on advice is welcome, cause i wanna get better at drawing on paper.

i will also share some stuff of mine.

>> No.3644233
File: 2.01 MB, 1407x1139, atsuko on paper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one was done on paper in a single sheet and used bicolor pencil.

>> No.3644234
File: 777 KB, 765x986, atsuko pinup 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this one was one of my best uses of Copic markers with some minor prismacolor combinations.

>> No.3644237
File: 1.00 MB, 893x1088, uraraka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was also a commission done for some user from tumblr, but i actually run out the E00 Cotton Pearl marker on this one.

>> No.3644243

hey anon, I would recommend you post your stuff in the draw thread or the alternative art/stylization general thread, people here usually react negatively if someone creates their own thread for their art instead of posting it in the appropriate general thread and will usually just bash you. Posting in those threads instead land you a better chance of getting some constructive feedback instead of a teardown. Try midday to afternoon tomorrow instead of middle of the night (US) as well.

>> No.3644246


>> No.3644248

How did you get so good

>> No.3644249

these are nice, i like em. def check proportions i feel the torsos are too short and the legs too short. shoulder blades are too detailed

>> No.3644251

Don't listen to this faggot >>3644243
He just wants you to be lost within all the other plebs and not receive any feedback. You've just stumbled upon a bucket of crabs and everyone is stepping over each other and pull each other down. What this Anon is trying to do is mislead you into posting on other threads instead of dedicating one of your own thus minimizing your exposure and the odds of receiving genuine feedback drops tenfold.
This post is also sarcastic.

>> No.3644253

err i meant legs too long

>> No.3644254

Just trying to heads up, nice art btw.

>> No.3644256

Dont be a dick

>> No.3644258
File: 740 KB, 860x1097, pisa dbz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thank you then.

i been trying many styles on paper, anime style sketch, copic illustration, and black soft shades, i have one but i cannot post it here.

>> No.3644271

What did you do to practice? Love the aesthetics

>> No.3644278

I been drawing since 2013 but I had no fucking idea of proportions, construction or perspective.

and my weakness is still the hands and how to position the arms sometimes, but everything I did before was on tablet an PaintSAI, then I moved on to Clip Studio Paint, I am posting on my phone atm so I cannot post more stuff, at least nothing that's allowed.

on paper I draw on 2-3 sheets to get the right tone, for copic sketching I first use the multiliners Sakura Pigma from 0.05 to 03, sometimes 08, used to do it on the same sheet I did the final pencil lineart, but I found that more often, the pencil pigments make the colors of the markets dirtier due to them being alcoholic.

Also if I am honest, to construct the body I used CSP 3D modeling feature as my manikin while looking at character references at the same time.

for tracing I bought a transparent checker surface and draw over heavy light sources like my lamp or my phone flashlight sometimes.

>> No.3644524

Fuck those bashing people. They're ignorant of reality and worry about "good threads dying", which is completely retarded for a slow board like /ic/.

>> No.3644643


Pretty nice, reminds me of old anime. Maybe I should try that csp 3d model thing.

>> No.3644870

thanks fellas, i cant decided if i will do OP on black pencils or copic colors.

>> No.3644904

Assuming these aren’t traced from some 80s anime, I think they’re pretty good with some minor proportions issues.
Also I’d lose the name.
/ic/ does not take kindly to namefags

>> No.3644907

I thought the name was cute to be honest

>> No.3645092
File: 497 KB, 893x1148, atsuko4F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3645320

working on another one

>> No.3645328

why are you ignoring my comment peppiiii

>> No.3645332

Stop being retarded, you projecting mongoloid.

Also OP, making your own thread is ok if you’re dumping your stuff, you don’t want to spam the draw thread, anyway.
It’s people making new threads for one (usually halfassed) drawing that people don’t like.

>> No.3645481

your work is awful, not to mention that one drawing you can't post here is of your drawing little girl fetish, sicko

>> No.3645506

literally worse than Yev, and that's saying something

>> No.3645520

wow derailer shitposter much? ya triggered?

>> No.3645538
File: 69 KB, 581x783, DpFzw0zUUAAVOSg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I been drawing since 2013 but I had no fucking idea of proportions, construction or perspective.
five years later,it still shows

>> No.3645547

I kinda liked the cute retro-ness of this but then I saw that you're a lolicon. Desposit art in trash, pls.

>> No.3645612

Just draw boxes goy, I swear its not hard

>> No.3646106

Women and anti loli normals shouldn't be posting here.

>> No.3646178

I really like this. I always like erotica where the girl is naked, but something is covering her naughty bits purely due to movement or coincidence.

>> No.3646441 [DELETED] 

But pedophiles should, right? Freak.

>> No.3646871
File: 454 KB, 890x1148, Illustration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shitposters aside, i updated the atsuko fukune sketch by adding more shades, using a 0.7 mechanical pencil to emphasize the lineart more and more smoothing.

>> No.3646874
File: 152 KB, 600x837, 1539554763223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But pedophiles should, right?

>> No.3646878

Reminder anti-loli posting is pedophiles themselves doing it as a meme.

>> No.3646994
File: 814 KB, 890x1147, Illustrationc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

color i did myself.

>> No.3646998

Your art is great, good lolis btw.
>faggots pretending lolis on a thai cooking coven are a holocaust
Eat shit newfags.

>> No.3647000


The jem on the far below right just looks weirdly placed. Like you're trying to hide something. Otherwise I like your style.

>> No.3647013

it still looks like shit, pedophile.

>> No.3647015

Pedophile is a compliment on this website.

>> No.3647031

Update? Didn't you just post the same shit here >>3645092 ? God, every time I look at your drawing I can't help to see it hit with the Inspector Gadget look, amateur.

>> No.3647033

what, I added more detail to the pic.

you guys came here just to slander and shitpost?

>> No.3647034
File: 233 KB, 850x882, Pathetic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what's worse, Pepsi. Your sad attempts at drawing "retro", or the fact that your fucking Japanese and you can't even draw retro to save your life. lol

>> No.3647036

why is this fagmo phone posting to himself

>> No.3647037

>using old 2014 picture


>> No.3647039

And you didn't draw in any more detail, you worthless hack. All you did was lighten the scan.

>> No.3647040 [DELETED] 

Pedoshitter kill yourself

>> No.3647042

Issu dah bettoru, Shamefurr disspray?


>> No.3647043

Here's the blade, save yourself the stupid display and just end it already, just don't make a mess when you seppuku.

>> No.3647044

This is your only half-decent drawing. Practice your anatomy by sketching real humans and blocking out body parts with basic shapes. Focus on gesture. I don’t know what’s with the pedo talk. I didn’t notice anything too questionable.

>> No.3647046 [DELETED] 

En espanol: pedofilo de mierda

>> No.3647049

August 24, 2018

October 17th, 2018

How did you get SHITTIER in two months?!

>> No.3647148

I think if you focused on detail more and studied human anatomy all shit posting aside.

>> No.3647213 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 203x203, 7840-8754785-078-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pepofile, die

>> No.3647277
File: 1018 KB, 1744x2444, 5128ee56caff7b968e044306fb9834e3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But pedophiles should, right?

>> No.3647353


>> No.3647357

Get the fuck out, tumblr.

>> No.3647577



seriously, are these people who slander OP trying to do some fucked up shit or what?

>> No.3647582

At last I truly see. Disgusting 3DPD are the real shitposters of this board.

>> No.3647587

>hating on somebody who draws Roll butt
Truly the worst of criminals

>> No.3647707

OP did this to himself. Being exposed was only a matter of time.

>> No.3647713
File: 194 KB, 510x524, tumblr_inline_owlihslNbY1t4ix24_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>icee in a nutshell

I'm starting to remember why i stopped posting lol
don't get discouraged OPepipo po po, continue drawing your art is appealing.
also, like, try to get the best out of your thread by reading the valid critiques, like the one i gave you and you never replied to


>> No.3647715

Stop shitposting Cris, you stick out like a Sonichu.

>> No.3647719

Samefagging this hard

>> No.3647721
File: 4 KB, 262x128, q7oB8PE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try again retard

>> No.3647723

>trying this hard to prove something on the internet
M...my...sides. lol

>> No.3647724

Hand me another (You), troglodyte. lol

>> No.3647726

3 idiots is the same thing as one idiot, really.

>> No.3647729

Don't you have some penis to be taking or something. Surely women have better to do than shitpost here.

>> No.3647733

Yeah, I was taking a look through its Twitter and I saw a decline in its work. Pats on the head aren't offered here, just class/ic/ truth, if OP doesn't like it, it can stop posting here, plain and simple.

>> No.3647734

Hi Cris.

>> No.3647735
File: 25 KB, 415x454, 1501043518677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does women have to do with those posts, anon?

>> No.3647744

Who do you think are the main percentage of shitposters on this board?

>> No.3647745

Morons who can’t draw?

>> No.3647752

>OP did this to himself.
>being exposed

you didnt exposed shit, you just got triggered by fucking cartoon drawings.

>> No.3647766

which one was it?

>> No.3647780 [DELETED] 

Fuck off Pepipopo. I knowed its you, lol.

>> No.3647788

ctrl+f my name
le sigh

>> No.3647791

Good to see you admit you draw shit cartoons, Pepsi. Retro you will never be.

>> No.3647835
File: 243 KB, 818x810, 1483835505807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

N-no don't leave us again lefty

>> No.3649440

who the hell is lefty

>> No.3650246

Let's have this thread hang around for a while as an example.

>> No.3650260

example of what? that shitposters love to ruin people's good time by trowing around labels over cartoon drawings?

>> No.3651276


>> No.3652791

Bumping for example of how NOT to draw the animus.

>> No.3652807

>this thread is still around D :
not much point in staying since im not drawing ^^;
just a terrible namefag

>> No.3653184


>> No.3653390

Can you do a Nicole Watterson pinup, please?

>> No.3653422
File: 63 KB, 546x1080, 1540439462920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well said, my good gentleman! *clicks champagne glass together with yours* You most certainly showed up these crabs. How they want beginners to post in beginner threads and not clog up the catalog. A toast to you, Anon, a toast!

>> No.3653990

no. pay me first.

>> No.3656168

Bumping to keep this shit alive as an example.

>> No.3658347

Not yet...

>> No.3659341

Not yet of what? explain yourself.

>> No.3660533

The suffering continues. This thread will never die. lol

>> No.3661073

Her pelvis twist doesnt work.

>> No.3662674

There are a lot of things with this poser's work that doesn't twist the right way or, looks a certain way.

>> No.3663834

The suffering continues, Pepsi. Let's put you right next that other pretender who thinks he can draw in the 'retro animu' style, shall we?

>> No.3663852
File: 35 KB, 720x767, 1466124860312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is /ic/ having another one of those bouts of autism over this faggot again?

>> No.3663994

I'm sorry for being a newfag, but why is everyone being such a douche? Couldn't you just, ignore it if you don't like it... This thread would die faster that way.

>> No.3664901

Where do you think we are.png