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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 144 KB, 1200x1129, DpTcGRmVsAAWDkj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3640113 No.3640113 [Reply] [Original]

>anime can't be realist-

>> No.3640120

>this really looks grea-

>> No.3640124

>over-rendered and muddy

>> No.3640127

so you mean its realistic because half of it is realistic color palette and the other half is anime face? i dont get ur point. Also was there ever a point in amking anime realistic? Isnt main reason its simple so you can animate it quicker?

>> No.3640128

If you think that looks realistic then you need to get your eyes checked. More detailed than animu usually is? Sure. Realistic? Nah.

>> No.3640132

the mechanical part feel odd on the girl

>> No.3640136

The tail? Yeah it should be on the girl but in the girl. And yeah, I wish I was that tail.

>> No.3640143

>Proportions are gre-

>> No.3640152
File: 146 KB, 1200x800, optimus.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i sure do love my overcomplicated mech designs instead of aesthetic design choices and functionality :)

>> No.3640173

I like the cat-ear lasers. Would enter combat with that setup.

>> No.3640188

Retard only the foot is realistic

>> No.3640194

At some point it cannot. For instance that is starting to look uncanny

>> No.3640196

the fuck i thought it was the mask when it is open

>> No.3640212

Why would you want it to be realistic? Anime looks great as a stylization form

>> No.3640218

ugh, the artist ruined it with the baby face.

I maybe if he rendered the rest of the body like he did the feet, it would be nice.

>> No.3640221

>adult bottom half
>tiny child top half
it looks like a human centipede

>> No.3640230

This person has no fucking idea how the pelvis connects to the legs.

>> No.3640236

redline it

>> No.3640243

this is creepy af, maybe it would have worked with a semi-realistic manga style but not this cartoony

>> No.3640692

Her fucking spine is being snapped in two holy shit

>> No.3640694


>> No.3640695


>> No.3640703

nigga do you have eyes?

>> No.3640704


>> No.3640706

>he can't pose like this

>> No.3640710
File: 206 KB, 1233x957, db7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3640720

redline it bro

>> No.3640721
File: 94 KB, 684x1000, DogjCuUUcAEfX7K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are this artist's secrets?

>> No.3640783


>> No.3640895

That looks horrible.
Shit rendering.
Bad anatomy, okay, that's anime for you. But there's so much conflict and disparity. Do what you want to do, don't make a composite of a dozen. It's incoherent.

>> No.3640901
File: 1.21 MB, 1200x1610, 69646991_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anime can't be realist-

>> No.3640909

disgusting desu

>> No.3640914

I hate the subject matter but the rendering is so nice.

>> No.3640923
File: 590 KB, 684x1200, 42424928_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should check his normal illustrations

>> No.3640925

lmao even the bird enjoy the it

>> No.3640985

this isn't even that bad. artist?

>> No.3640987

>turns photo into painting

how did he do it

>> No.3641042

Her face still looks like moe garbage. Dropped.

>> No.3641044

OK this is going TOO far.

>> No.3641049

I would literally call this CP except no human is being exploited so it's the MOST ethically questionable possible content.

>> No.3641072

They're dolls. In context. But you can buy loli dolls for sex IRL.

>> No.3641098
File: 112 KB, 1280x720, 4123674567123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anime can't be realist-

>> No.3641101

This is obviously painted over a photo.

>> No.3641277

her arms look so short

>> No.3641287

You keep telling yourselves that. Next you'll say that you were honored to be inducted as a part of the Legion Scroll of Triumph, or as normal people call it, the Sex Offender Registry.

>> No.3641288

>"Th-they're just dolls, officer!! I picked mine up from the Harvester Factory a few blocks from here!"
>"You mean Casseder Heights Middle School?"
>"YES! No wait..."

>> No.3641344
File: 53 KB, 1600x900, 841084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we cease with the "LOLI IS CP" sperg bait, its been tired for years now and nobody cares

>> No.3641373

idk that kinda looks disturbing

>> No.3641415

I always hate that Sakimichans rendering is so.... shiny and soft.

>> No.3641421

Don't give him you and watch samefaging fest. It's great.

>> No.3642134
File: 116 KB, 1200x1046, 1530546239587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't get it. How is this possible? The person that drew that has a very limited knowledge regarding anatomy and proportion. The upper torso is completely fucked., the way the spine is bent, the tiny and short ass arms and hands, the gigantic head. The torso seems to be in a neutral perspective but the lower body looks like it is in a different plain, a different dimension.

It's all fucked and yet, that guy is already trying to render realistically.
Should painting and render be something you learn after you master anatomy? Why are new age artists so obsessed to jump into shading before they know how to properly draw?

I can do better than this and even I think I'm too newbie with anatomy to try to render

>> No.3642141

>I can do better than this
Obligation pyw faggot

>> No.3642148
File: 259 KB, 1338x912, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The most recent shit I did.

>> No.3642161

He knows what the people really care about.

An untrained normie doesnt really see such faults but appreciates the good render. Why do you think Sakimi gets praised to high heacen by the normies? Because they dont know enogh to see the problems with her works.

>> No.3642162

>this isn't anime, nor is realistic


>> No.3642165

that's very stiff, even when traced

>> No.3642166

dude photobashed a real torso and put a cartoon upperbody wtf hahahahahaha

>> No.3642168

the yellow makes it look like she has foot fungus lol

>> No.3642176


normies only care about pornographic content, even if it is average quality, a highly, exaggerated render can hide a lot of imperfections and distract the person that is looking at the drawing.
I bet if you only saw the linework of most of those drawings, shit would look awful

>> No.3642183

>An untrained normie
Hahahahaha the fucking cope. Why would a normie need to be "trained?" They're consumers. As an artist, your goal is to get more consumers than the other artist. They don't need to be "trained," YOU need to give them what they want or else stop complaining that no one likes your art.

>> No.3642200

>trash tier proportions, doesn't understand perspective
>garbage tier anatomy

fucking kek

>> No.3642214

Feet are put of persprctive and the level of detail isnt on the thighs

>> No.3642245

Anon, that sounds like what a pimp would say.

>> No.3642258

Have you ever heard of exaggerating certain parts of the anatomy to the artists liking you literal baboon

>> No.3642276

girls like lauren mayberry exist. They are just real life anime girls.

>> No.3642277

you know that on average asians have longer torso and shorter limbs adaptation for a sedentary lifestyle which require less walking, right? and this makes their spine more flexible simply by having longer length to work with

also less protruding noses and thicker skin with more fat underneath which are responsible for less wrinkles and less skull structure to be seen, making the face look younger. which also explain why the asian culture finds youngish features handsome, because that's what they have, explains a lot of stylistic decisions such as defining the nose less, both frontal and side view, sometimes even drawing everything from the tip of the nose to the tip of the chin as a straight continuous line, and also explains why a lot of asian artists are bad at drawing old and / or bony faces

>> No.3642333
File: 391 KB, 1530x747, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, I'm working on my anatomy. I started working on it more recently so I still have a lot to learn and master. But at least i'm starting with the basics instead of jumping to rendering.

>> No.3642337


Not at all applicable. You can justify those proportions with different types of bodies. Unless the figure in OP's picture suffers from some sort of physical deformities, even people with different types of bodies follow a proportion ration. You won't see a person with such smaller torso compared with his/hers lower body. No person has such short arms and tiny hands compared with the rest of the body, including hand.

Now, you can talk about stylization. And that is an acceptable excuse. But if that is the case, the illustration still feels odd with a realistic rendering and realistic body parts (feet for example) and then a out of place, weirdly drawn upper torso and head.

I doubt the artist intention was to make an abstract painting.

>> No.3642345

This is high /beg/ tier stuff and it's also unappealing. Post a painting and you'll fail even harder.

Also what's this muh honorabru artists don't paint & render before they master anatomy mentality? Is this autism what happens to people who come to /ic/ too early in their development?

>> No.3642348


lol the OP picture is 100x better than the trash you draw. Don’t even bother with anatomy when you can’t even handle proportations.

>> No.3642349


I guess I am autistic then and never knew about it. I mean, people do say autism spectrum is wide.
Who knows. Maybe /ic/ is filled with autistic people and they don't know >>3642345

>> No.3642352



>> No.3642355

How bout you post your work

>> No.3642378

Regular anime drawing with feet copied from a photo.

>> No.3642401

But you said you could do better than the op
You can't

>> No.3642416


I think i can do a better job than OP.
I sure wouldn't do the mistakes OP did regarding the how the body was drawn

If my drawing skills are shit, then i don't know what to say about OP's pic. I'm a shit artist and even I can see big issues with the picture posted.
The only thing good about that pic are the feet which are probably just a photo heavily edited, not a drawing or a render job from the artist.

>> No.3642423

/beg/ here, I thought you aren't supposed to touch painting until you got all your fundamentals down, was that a meme?

>> No.3642457

"Getting your fundamentals down" can mean almost anything, from "leave /beg/" to tens of thousands of hours until mastery sometime late in your life or never. It's a dangerous limitation to set on yourself and will probably make you hate everything. Waiting a bit with more complex things like painting isn't wrong if you find them overwhelming, but in the end it's up to you to express yourself and have fun. If you want to paint, do it. Don't turn into one of those guys who sob on /ic/ about how they can't paint because they put this autismal limiter on themselves and now they've created a negative feedback loop so they're never ever going to paint in their lives.

Lots of anons suffer from YOU CAN'T DO x UNTIL YOU DO y. You can do whatever the fuck you want and you'll be okay as long as you have intrinsic motivation to apply stronger and stronger fundamentals to whatever you do, be it apples on tables or anime cat girl stuff like op

>> No.3642466


This post is so wrong, it just makes it extra funny because of how you project yourself as being an art expert and connoisseur. If you want to be a well versatile, good artist you need the fundamentals. Even if you are going to do more abstract work, you need fundamentals. Anatomy, composition, know how light works, shading, construction of a painting.

Picasso painted abstract art, cubism. He applied unique techniques. He also learned the fundamentals and mastered them.
Trying to do complex perspectives, highly rendered paintings is like trying to drive a F1 car without having a driving license.
You can learn to drive an F1 car without it, but it isn't very recommended

>> No.3642480

I’m not that anon, but what are you even responding to? That anon basically said, as he literally summed up in his last paragraph, that you don’t have to wait until x to do y as long as you keep practicing and applying stronger fundamentals.

Your autistic post makes it seem like he said IGNORE THE FUNDAMENTALS! Are you an NPC with a broken script? Otherwise, I don’t see how sperging out over MUH FUNDIES applies here.

>> No.3642489


>are you an NPC?

Why do people still use this term? Is what you are seeing in reddit and then spewing it like a sperg on social media and friends like it is a smart word to use on others?
Fucking "NPC"? Are you a 12 year old retard? Do you laugh at knuckles uganda jokes too?
I don't even know what that is suppose to mean. Are you calling me a drone? A sheep? NPC? Who would use that shit unironic? Go fuck edit your "gamers rise" edgy pics to post on your facebook groups like the fucking child you are.

>> No.3642497

I’m calling you a moron with bad reading comprehension. Sorry for the confusion, moron. Lurk more.

>> No.3642501


>lurk more
I'm surprised you didn't type it as "moar" since you are trying so hard to fit in and use cringy lingo you think people still use in this imageboard.

>> No.3642504

>tired of memes
>literally parrots the most generic FUNDIES ONLY, EVEN PICASSO EVEN KNEW REALISM /ic/ schlock without a hint of irony
Stop posting

>> No.3642506

He didn't deny that though. The point is "How much skill counts as having your fundamentals down?". Some drawings obviously need that on /beg/, but sometimes even outside it you see artists creating art better than 90% of /ic/ like Sakimichan and they're still told they don't have fundamentals. I mean, I hate Saki's art and I can see the problems, but you get my point.

Fundamentals to me is simply knowing that you can't ignore light and shadows, being able to rotate stuff, and that there is a body under clothes. Anyone who draws applying those principles already has fundamentals to me, even if they need to be improved.

>> No.3642508

It’s okay, moron. Next time, simply read the entire post before making your own autistic essay about the post you didn’t read. It’s that simple.

>> No.3642516


Thank you for the tip. Maybe next time I won't act like a... what you kids say now? NPC?
Yeah, I won't act like a NPC.

>> No.3642602

Did it ever cross your mind that perhaps she is not meant to follow human anatomy?

>> No.3642625

dont listen to these spergs, your lineart is gorgeous

>> No.3642649

this is great

>> No.3642660

you sound upset

>> No.3642910

What does rendering have anything to do with anatomy? You're just like the fags they say you need to know anatomy JUST to animate right. No, you need that for structure; defined characters. It's not mandatory just to have it, like rendering. All rendering is is just illusions of what looks like irl. Bot many things exist irl that doesn't fit standard norm, based on our definition.

It's only wrong based on what you rather have "right". But to most, that's not important, just like having "Perfectly drawn frames" in an animation, because the important factor is seeing the motion, hence being a animation.

TL;DR: There is no order, just appeal. What people look for is what matters.

>> No.3643123
File: 78 KB, 837x897, 1539641112552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm assuming a person that is rendering is also doing the linework. If you are going to render a human figure, you are also going to draw it, and if you are going to draw a human figure I think you need to have the basics regarding anatomy, perspective and proportions.
And yes, you need to learn how to draw if you want to do animation.Unless you are doing cut out animation,

Rendering is something you should learn after you have the fundamentals, if you are drawing human figures, animals, mechanical objects like cars, or just backgrounds. Knowing perspective, knowing scale. Even the simple act of training your lines, doing the typical "draw this curve like 100 times per day" stuff is important.
At least that's what I believe and what I hear a lot of people, people that are quite good at what they do, usually say and I agree and that mindset is what I'm following know.

Besides, why jump important processes? Wouldn't you want to have a bigger knowledge regarding a lot of aspects of drawing and painting? I think ambition also has a big role regarding the artists that make it and the ones that do not

>> No.3643156

The NPC meme is not even a month old you spastic. Not everyone can be as cool and hip as you and only use memes that were created this very day.

>> No.3643178

the meme is older than when /pol/ decides its kewl

>> No.3643293

holy shit crab city in this thread. anons drawing is genuinely high quality and shows both a sturdy fundamental skill and aesthetic sense.

>> No.3643298

>anons drawing is genuinely high quality
top lel
Only crab is the anon in question.

>> No.3643299

not him but unironically post work. pretty sure you are eric tier

>> No.3643307

No, it would be embarrassing to be associated with this thread.

I'm not trying to say that lineart guy is shit (I think he's got potential). It's just irritating that he criticizes OP's pic for things like perspective when his own lineart (ironic when posted as response to a painting) drawings are mediocre in that department. He couldn't do something like OP's pic at his current level. If you call people crabs for thinking this, you're just /beg/ too.

>> No.3643314

>No, it would be embarrassing to be associated with this thread.
its a fucking chinese cartoon forum fuck off with this pathetic excuse
anon has better anatomy and lineart than the OP image, i can guarantee you are /beg/ justdrawfag and are just resentful of an artist showing actual improvement by dedicating to the fundamentals

>> No.3643317

nice shitpost

>> No.3643407

No, the guy is Dunning-Kruger and you're still at the level where you're dazzled by defined musculature.

>dedicating to the fundamentals
...of which color and value are parts that Dunning-Kruger here has not been able to display, despite claiming to be able to outdo OP in this regard. The rants about dedicating to the "fundamentals" before painting are misguided bullshit to begin with. Total joke

>> No.3644133

I mean, I'll commend them for the attention to detail on the mechanical parts, but the rest is just par for the course weebshit with a bit more polish than usual. Far from "realistic".

>> No.3644163

This is actually pretty good, anon. Just wanted to put that out there because this shithole should recognize when something good is good, or at least decent.
I have mixed feelings about your faces though, especially with the dude looking at the gun. Rest is pretty good tho, just weird faces going on.

>> No.3644212

You don't have the right to criticize anyone when your "art" looks like it belongs on Deviantart.

>> No.3644525 [DELETED] 
File: 84 KB, 839x924, 44098783_1901061140189343_2631842219664867328_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, plenty of people say that about my stuff. I'm trying to make faces more appealing, and not awkward looking. Need to check more people's tricks and lessons about how to draw good expressions and facial proportions

This thread turned into a open war because of me so sorry for ruining it. Thank you for the compliments regarding the work I posted and thank you too for the criticism.

It feels nice when people value the things you because of course you want to compliment for your hard work, it is also important for people to criticize what you do. You won't evolve if all you get is positive feedback for sympathy. You won't evolve and learn what you did wrong. You need people to be critical That's how you improve your work and maybe, a way to avoid repeating the same mistakes.

I still think I can do a better job than OP's pic. I don't think I would make the same mistakes regarding perspective and anatomy. Maybe I'm wrong. I know I have a lot to improve and that is why I'm focusing on the basics till I'm confident about it.

So yeah. I will still monitor this thread to read any positive or negative feedback. But I will keep my thoughts to myself regarding others work to not spread more of my cancer.

>> No.3644528
File: 84 KB, 839x924, 44098783_1901061140189343_2631842219664867328_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, plenty of people say that about my stuff. I'm trying to make faces more appealing, and not awkward looking. Need to check more people's tricks and lessons about how to draw good expressions and facial proportions

This thread turned into a open war because of me so sorry for ruining it. Thank you for the compliments regarding the work I posted and thank you too for the criticism.

It feels nice when people value the things you do because of course you want people to compliment your hard work, it is also important for people to criticize what you do. You won't evolve if all you get is positive feedback for sympathy. You won't evolve and learn what you did wrong. You need people to be critical That's how you improve your work and maybe, a way to avoid repeating the same mistakes.

I still think I can do a better job than OP's pic. I don't think I would make the same mistakes regarding perspective and anatomy. Maybe I'm wrong. I know I have a lot to improve and that is why I'm focusing on the basics till I'm confident about it.

So yeah. I will still monitor this thread to read any positive or negative feedback. But I will keep my thoughts to myself regarding others work to not spread more of my cancer.

>> No.3644533


>Yeah, plenty of people say that about my stuff. I'm trying to make faces more appealing, and not awkward looking. Need to check more people's tricks and lessons about how to draw good expressions and facial proportions

was for >>3644163

>> No.3644541

>those stubby arms
>that face

>> No.3644579

People are just mad that you shit all over their favorite loli artist with facts and backed up that you can draw better.

lmao, keep making virgin weebs assmad, you're doing gods work.

>> No.3644640

No need to reply to yourself.

>> No.3644668


How embrassing

>> No.3644804

It's ok anon I think you're on the right path. At least you had the balls to pyw. Don't let the crabs bring you down.

>> No.3644859


Thank you. I know I need a lot of work, but I'm motivated to keep working on my stuff, to improve.
People are right. I still have a lot of issues to deal with regarding my drawings, but I think I'm getting there. Just need more practice

>> No.3644898

technical flaws aside, does no one else find OP incredibly uncanny and fucking terrifying looking?

>> No.3644908

Some people experience the uncanny valley differently from others. Yeah I think it looks weird, not unsettling, but I'd expect someone to feel that way.

>> No.3644954

Looks like some grotesque cartoon-realism centaur creature. I can only take this as a virulent insult to art itself and I am left simply horrified and appalled.

>> No.3645107

I replied to you before about the faces but I think you'd benefit from more specific advice/criticism: you have good loomis on your bodies, really good, but you need better loomis on your faces (like here >>3644528), I feel like you probably know the structure of a head and face but just turn it all off when drawing and end up drawing symbols. The problem is that some people use symbols they know look good, even if they don't understand them, but I feel like your symbols are just "whatever works" and it both a) doesn't work 100% and b) isn't aesthetically pleasing like what someone copying what they remember from a generic anime face would be. Either try to make sense of head structure and practice to stylize it in your own way finding shapes and proportions you find pleasant to the eye, or straight up copy some of your favorite artists to get their style. Don't worry, your style will shine through (as long as you're not sticking TOO close to the artists you're copying). I feel like it's very easy for people to find a style for drawing the body without even realizing you're making it your style, but when it comes to the head it's a different issue and people don't make up their mind. You've got some sexy lines and gestures on your bodies, you need to somehow apply that to your faces.
In short: either loomis all the way and let your naturally preferred shapes/lines/proportions shine through, or copy whatever old or new anime/famous artist you really like.
What I'm telling you here is nothing you can't find on the sticky, but sometimes we overlook very simple and basic stuff that could
improve our drawings. See what you can do with that, and sorry for my vague advice without solid examples, take it with a grain of salt I guess. Godspeed.

>> No.3645114

Actually looking at your faces again, maybe you don't have enough loomis there. Practice face anatomy and structure some more. The Riley method will make wonders for you, look it up on google or youtube. I feel like it'd compliment your bodies really well and once you get it right your faces will be top tier, because it's all about relationships between the different features of the face (not unlike anatomical relationships in the body) and it also works for stylized faces, if you couple it with making sense of said features in 3D then your next Misty will pop some artistic boners.
That's just my 2 cents.

>> No.3645151


Thank you a lot for your feedback seriously. Your criticism is probably the more in depth analyses someone ever did to my stuff. I will follow your suggestion closely and strictly. I have issues with faces, even with just keeping a specific style. I tend to not keep a cohesive structure.

I shall study faces and work on expressions more. Thank you again for your constructive criticism
I have a tumblr page. I don't want to push my luck, but in case you are curious to check more of my stuff, please do.


Again, thank you for the help and feedback.

>> No.3645167

No problem man!
>I will follow your suggestion closely and strictly
Geez now I feel pressured haha, just follow it for a bit and see if it actually works for you. Everyone here thinks they know what they're talking about, but who knows if we're actually right. I guess you'll find out.

I don't use tumblr (maybe I should for the sake of art, same for Instagram), but do you happen to have an artstation or deviantart page? Twitter maybe? I do want to see and follow your progress.

>> No.3645198

>footchad makes feet illistration tier
fucking based

>> No.3645760


I don't have twitter no more and artstation i never dared to make an account there because I don't want to shit the place with my low tier art.
I have a deviant page (of course) so feel free to check it out

>> No.3645832

Am I the only one who think Sakimichan's drawing seems, heartless?
I know it's a vague concept I'm saying and I know that her drawing is super good but I can't seem to feel some sort of oomph in it.

>> No.3645841

You're certainly not unique there. I don't find anything interesting about her work let alone sexy.

>> No.3645848

Oh good. Thought I was the only one who don't feel anything much when I see her drawings.

>> No.3645860


She draws amazingly, but has no originality, nothing really engaging.
It's generic erotic drawings.
Female or male character laying down or in a sexy pose wearing either lingerie or some simplistic outfit to forcefully connect it with a popular character.

I think she did erotic art from either Rei or Asuka which is nothing but a normal, adult body wearing a bikini with the patterns of the plug suit.
Incredibly drawn, but incredibly bland shit.

>> No.3645867

Thanks for pointing that out. Plenty of things makes a lot of sense now.
Sometimes when I see a childish and less professional drawing, I tend to like it a lot more than I expected.
I guess it was the factor of originality which made me felt that.

>> No.3645871

I wish I was A2.

>> No.3645874

You can tell when someone knows what they're painting. She doesn't know the characters or what is appealing, her work isn't even erotic, just lifeless dolls staring into space that are too generic to look realistic and too over rendered to have an illustrative appeal.

>> No.3646518


>> No.3648903

The bird is dead, anon.

>> No.3648955

i would hang this on my wall.