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3638651 No.3638651 [Reply] [Original]

What can I do about people who take my OC and make porn from it?

Has this happened to anyone else? I have an OC character that I based off my sister who passed away and scumbags online are making Rule34 pics of her and it pisses me off. What can I do?

>> No.3638652

don't post it online. although i feel your pain, and im sorry this is a part of reality, but it is a part of reality. you can't stop it, you can try, but it wont end unless no one sees your OC. sorry dude, you have to ignore it, get over it it, or keep being upset about it.

its shitty, but that's how it is.

>> No.3638653

>I have an OC character that I based off my sister who passed away and scumbags online are making Rule34 pics of her
Just be glad that her memory lives on the fap sessions off others you ungrateful cunt.

>> No.3638654

Pics of your sister

>> No.3638665

Are you 15?

>> No.3638670
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Gotta agree with this guy anon. That's just the nature of the beast. It's like getting upset over negative comments. You can't let them get to you, that's what they want

>> No.3638675
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>> No.3638676

All fictional characters that currently exist and have existed in media/literature are OCs.

>> No.3638679

Oh no! how upsetting. Could you post some of it here? maybe we could do something about these people!

>> No.3638682

What would you call it then?

>> No.3638686
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>I have an OC character
>OC character
>original character character

>> No.3638687

Was your sister hot?

>> No.3638690

Post pics of your OC or your sister... Preferably nude.

>> No.3638724

either you have a mega popular webcomic etc or they're doing it to provoke you because you're a lolcow and they know they'll get a response out of you. try not reacting they'll get bored and move on to steven universe porn eventually

>> No.3638801

Most you can do is stop uploading the pics to reduce popularity and file DMCAs where you can. e621 and other fandom sites are pretty good about respecting artists from what I've seen. If it's a normie human character spammed on tumblr there's not much you can do besides report their tumblr enough for it to be an issue I guess.

>> No.3639657


>> No.3639676

Hi, Tsukiyo. :^)

>> No.3639677

I always thought it standed for original content.

>> No.3639693

It stands for both.

>> No.3639702

Steven Universe is based off the author's brother and Gravity Fall's protagonists are based off the author, his sibling and their grandpa but everyone doesn't really care and still makes lewds of them

>> No.3639711

Personally I find it flattering when people make porn from my OCs.

>> No.3639733

Is it flattering when people make porn of your sister?

>> No.3639887

To each his own. I would absolutely hate it if it happened.

>> No.3639951
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Even a "badly" drawn doodle of any character I've created is something I have come to appreciate greatly. Is not just the sentiment of having content of your OC, but also knowing that someone else really respects and appreciates your work.

>> No.3640316

What if the character was you and they drew it with a micropenis?

>> No.3640413

lol cry more tumblrfag

>> No.3640614

Don't draw your sister you weird perv.

Don't draw self-inserts you loser.

>> No.3640615

>original character
>character is you
Careful with the oxymorons.

>> No.3640902

I wish people would draw porn of my shit so I don't need to draw it myself