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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 590 KB, 1577x823, 1405900908721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3638015 No.3638015 [Reply] [Original]

How did he do it bros?

>> No.3638016

idk, maybe he practiced or something

>> No.3638020

Anime/manga style just shouldn't ever be over-rendered like that. He needs to take his drawing skill on the right side and combine it with the simplistic cel-shading on the left side.

>> No.3638021

I'm pretty sure the left one was made as a joke.
There's too many things that are too well done with it, with the obvious fuckups like the eyes and face all around that seem too blatant of a mistake for someone that can draw the proportions and other parts of the anatomy fairly well.

>> No.3638026

He learned to use an airbrush.

>> No.3638027
File: 161 KB, 900x1107, 1538884623643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm pretty sure the left one was made as a joke.
He has posted more of his old drawings that are just as horrid if not worse. pic very related, I am still baffled and at awe to this day at how suddenly and drastically he's improved.

>> No.3638031

he uses sai and you dont really have to use airbrush to make soft edges... you can do it with the watercolor brush

>> No.3638033

If all you draw are pin-ups, it's possible to get to this level pretty quickly. hence the neverending supply of porn artists

>> No.3638035

What the fuck? Okay this shit was done on purpose.

>> No.3638036

This and the one in the OP is not in the same time frame.

The OP one is bad with some odd decisions, but things like the legs are arms have consistent and pretty much good proportions and shape. The torso is a bit off, but the main culprits are the shading and the face. And the face looks like someone purposefully made it bad when you take into account they could get the hands and feet more or less correct.

Maybe he just didn't draw faces ever and only drew hands and feet. but I'm calling bullshit.

>> No.3638038

thats not kyles tho, thats mikufag's

>> No.3638059

Any evidence that Kyle drew that? Google does somehow guess that it's Kyle, but it is most likely influenced by the shitposting in the /ic/ warosu archives. There's nothing on the boorus either.

>> No.3638061 [DELETED] 

The hair/skin color combo on the left is atrocious.

>> No.3638064

this. I vomit whenever I see white girls with dark hair in real life too

>> No.3638066

I am certain you will find the origin of that image from Kyle himself when he posted it, I remember that thread vividly one cannot simply forget after bearing witness to such a piece. I remember someone quoting along the lines of Kyle having balls to even attempt to color and render that piece.

>> No.3638068

its mikufags i already told you


>> No.3638069

He didn't shade the hair on the right at all hahahaha what the fuck lol did he just stop believing in that kind of thing or what? HAIR DOESNT HAVE SHADOWS ANYMORE HAHAHAHAHAHAHA IT IS ALL JUST ONE FLAT COLOR

>> No.3638071

here's a source that leads to Kyle.

>> No.3638073
File: 958 KB, 1024x932, 1439320206539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another drawing you can find from the archive, note the similarities between the drawing it is definitely kyle's no doubt about it.

>> No.3638074

they literally just said its not kyles in that thread

>> No.3638075

that's not the oldest repost though.
The oldest repost I can track in the archive is here, dating a few months older than your post. But the filename already have 4chan numbers in it, which means that it's a repost of an even older drawing

>> No.3638076

>a human being drew this

>> No.3638078

and I forgot to mention the foot faggotry in this image it all screams KYLE.

>> No.3638079

>implying its not still better than 90% of /ic/

>> No.3638080

Anatomy wasn’t too terrible in left but improved that a bit. Then he learned to render with hard round brush with opacity jitter probably grinded Robertson books. Pretty good for 2 years but very possible.

>> No.3638084

I love the feet are still very decent even at that level. Footfags.

>> No.3638090

actually drew instead of shitposting

>> No.3638094
File: 39 KB, 472x472, 1447435783941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3638107

he improved fast yes, but has he gone any further than that? no.

>> No.3638117

You faggots will belittle anyone and anything.

>> No.3638124

he hasnt moved much since then lol its pure fact

>> No.3638149

You don't keep exponentially improving at art forever. Particularly with stylized cartoon porn, where are you supposed to go once you master drawing the figure, technically speaking? Most artists get to a competent level and remain roughly there for years, with improvements visible on the scale of decades. His stuff's cleaner now anyway.

>> No.3638216
File: 256 KB, 603x626, 1111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

practice and yes a did that fucked up miku 5 years ago

>> No.3638220

All the books in the artbookvthread megas contain serious knowlege. Start reading them and you will get quick gains.

>> No.3638229

There's actually not all that much difference between them.

>> No.3638300

spoken like a true retard
features too big, fix your proportions

>> No.3638302

Provide one (1) example of an artist who gets good and continues to show massive gains every 2-3 years for the rest of their life.


Oh you're one of them. I can just tell you don't get style or appeal. You sure as hell aren't critiquing his anatomy, just expressing your opinion that a cartoon drawing is too cartoony for your taste.

>> No.3638308

again, spoken like a true retard.

>> No.3638331

Why should anyone listen to your nothing critique when you can't articulate a single one of your points? Or are you so disingenuous that you not only pretend not to know that cartoon characters have big eyes, you don't even expect anyone to listen to you? Anyone who starts and ends their critique of a cartoon with "p-proportions" deserve to be ignored, they don't know what they're talking about.

>> No.3638342

again, spoken like a true retard.

>> No.3638346

spoken like a true retard

>> No.3638744

Anything specific that you've practiced? For example, what did you do to help you with coloring and better understand how to refine form with light and shadow?

>> No.3638755




And stop wasting your time chasing for shortcuts on fucking /ic/.

You complete dumbass.

>> No.3638767

Kyle is notorious for giving vague answers and being useless. To this day he hasn't given a single drop of helpful advice.

>> No.3638768

>lol just draw bro!

>> No.3638769

So that's why there is so much pent up butthurt from /ic/ throughout the years.

>> No.3638771

Imbecile, if you just draw you will get nowhere. There's plenty of people in deviantart who draw everyday but remain stuck. It's only till you analyze what you are doing that you git gud. Idiot.

>> No.3638772

was meant for >>3638767

>> No.3638798



Fucking retard.

>> No.3638802

So what? Why the fuck would he have to help random people on the internet?
Do you want to know how to get good as Kyle?



>> No.3638808
File: 178 KB, 850x755, 1518045295789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but post what you're working on right now and lead by example.

>> No.3638813


>> No.3638814
File: 895 KB, 500x450, 1514309518952.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3638817

he worked hard i guess, you can do it too anon i believe in you

>> No.3638942

probably has something to do with this

>> No.3639068

Is this really kyle's? Why are his faces so good now?

>> No.3639076


>> No.3639477

Hit and miss. They were always like this.

>> No.3639487

isn't that the shortcut answer to when someone ask you how they learned?

>> No.3639600

That's how good artists learn.
There are no shortcuts to art. Sorry for breaking your bubble, lazy faggot.

>> No.3639606

Just draw is the stupidest thing ever because it doesn't tell you anything. Its the shortcut for people who can't turn on there brain to answer a simple question

>> No.3639608

Its the only way.
You don't learn by reading books, you learn by actually feeling what you're doing. On a conceptual level everyone more or less understands what they need to do. Shading is easy, in theory. Actually putting it into practice is where its hard, and it just requires doing it a fuck ton of times until you intuitively understand what you're trying to do.

>> No.3639666

Can someone source me to the original right image?

>> No.3639669

high IQ

>> No.3639673

Have you started playing this game? Do you like it so far?

>> No.3639683 [DELETED] 

What’s your friend code for the game?

>> No.3639686

You autists leave Kyle alone he doesn't need you faggots buttstalking him.

>> No.3639688 [DELETED] 

I'm just asking if he plays since he's drawing a character from the game. Maybe he wants to play with me? Stay out of it.

>> No.3639689

Fanboys are an absolute cancer.

>> No.3639690

you are the king of /ic/

>> No.3639691
File: 101 KB, 500x666, tumblr_pfxl1pjzgF1s1j5euo2_r4_500.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about we talk about Kyle has the attention span of an ant and can't do simple research or look into correct colors. Boos tongues for example. Purple? He's retarded.

>> No.3639692

lies. he rendered my drawings in a thread twice and it greatly improved my perception of light

>> No.3639728

Holy shit I didn’t notice that.

>> No.3639741

It is a fine minor piece of detail that would otherwise go unnoticed, remember that you're pandering to an audience in which all they care about is ass and tits. It's only people within the same autism spectrum as you that notice tidbits and then go out their way to proclaim the deviation from the original source.

Nobody fucking cares.

>> No.3639744

>Waifufags and normalfags that only care about porn don't actually play Mario games
Wow who woulda thunk it?

>> No.3639817

There's no official Boosette design antways, dumbass. This is so petty.

>> No.3639831

Behold the crab in his natural habitat.

>> No.3639846

kyle pls, tellme what books to read, what videos to watch, teach me the secrets

>> No.3639894
File: 31 KB, 200x156, 3E2386A4-BE70-4637-BF3B-0D5A9247FCA8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know Boos have red tongues right? He colored them all purple here. I beat he makes a ton of color mistakes on commissions because he doesn’t pay attendtion.

>> No.3639979

get back to drawing, I can assure you it works

>> No.3640001

Yeah thats a lazy error...

>> No.3640005

Thats the general way people represent boosette now

>> No.3640008
File: 59 KB, 620x919, King Boo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A safer bet is that he probably just used King Boo as a base for both Booette and the regular ones.

>> No.3640046
File: 3.78 MB, 2724x2568, King_boo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

King Boo is also pink/red. He was only purple when he broke the Dark Moon in the second Luigi Mansion.

>> No.3640072

Maybe he wanted to draw them with purple tongues

>> No.3640121

the secret is to suck my cock you loser

>> No.3640171

Its funny because i know you are the real kyle

>> No.3640210

Never post on this board again.

>> No.3640276

You are just a retarded lazy faggot. That's all.
this, this and only this.

>> No.3640278

no sane person cares about shit like this. only captain autismos like you. fucking retard.

>> No.3640838

Stop giving him attendtion.

>> No.3640998 [DELETED] 
File: 171 KB, 1280x788, tumblr_pgl2wqIkBR1s1j5euo1_1280.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought to think Kyle drew good feet. This feet look like the feet the Chinese used to do to women by bounding their feet together.

>> No.3641003 [DELETED] 

They are drawn well but the design and look of them are not pleasing at all. Did they Chinese really bind feet or was that just stereotype rumors?

>> No.3641005 [DELETED] 
File: 171 KB, 1280x788, tumblr_pgl2wqIkBR1s1j5euo1_1280.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3641008 [DELETED] 
File: 171 KB, 1280x788, tumblr_pgl2wqIkBR1s1j5euo1_1280.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought to think Kyle drew good feet. This feet look like the feet the Chinese used to do to women by bounding their feet together.

>> No.3641014
File: 171 KB, 1280x788, tumblr_pgl2wqIkBR1s1j5euo1_1280.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3641021
File: 6 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it was a real practice. They're called lotus feet were indicative of status and wealth in ancient China, as a woman with bound feet is pretty much unable to walk around and work the fields. Walking with shoes is exceptionally difficult, and without shoes most are forced to crawl to get around. The process begins very young, and starts with the manual breaking of the feet, and then pressing the broken bones/tissue inwards, and binding it with cloth. As you can imagine it was excruciating.

The practice began to die out around the mid-1900's, but there still exists a few women sporting lotus feet today, remnants of a different age. Picture related.

>> No.3641028
File: 82 KB, 662x913, chinas-foot-binding7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another pic illustrating the shape of the shoes they fit into.

Women had it rough.

>> No.3641029

Janitors deleting comments I see. Nice to know.
The Chinese were fucked up people. Did they do it as torture or to keep women down the social latter.

>> No.3641039

>did they do it as torture or to keep women down the social latter.

Neither. It was a status symbol of the elite. Women with lotus feet could be expected to be served on hand and foot by household servants.

It was a brutal, horrifying practice that I'm glad is on the cusp of extinction, but if I recall, most if not all of the women subjected to the lotus foot practice saw their mutilated feet as a source of pride, as it was indicative of them belonging to a higher, more noble class.

>> No.3641041

This is traced as fuck.

>> No.3641053


>> No.3641063

you actually have proof or is this just the art equivalent of calling 'aimbot' on the guy who actually has decent aim in an fps

>> No.3641086

that's like 95% of call out posts on /ic/

>> No.3641095

His faces are just getting worse and worse.

>> No.3641198

i feel like he is trying to make his art look more "realistic" cuz look at that pic, he reduced the size of the eyes, bigger mouth and the shape of the hea isnt a animu-like

>> No.3641233

Kek, you're right

>> No.3641270

use reference.

>> No.3641276

Dude just used a reference

>> No.3641383

>Not a rainbow tongue
Into the trash

>> No.3641390


>> No.3641403
File: 377 KB, 1080x1076, 1534776575148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spotted the sperg

>> No.3641406

do you have autism by any chance

>> No.3641472

that tongue is fucking enormous, wtf

>> No.3641477

Yeah wtf let's draw it with a normal size nose and teeth ridge to be more realistic

>> No.3643980
File: 433 KB, 494x718, 329024389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's done a good job on improving his faces.

>> No.3643983
File: 68 KB, 950x1024, 1524667445263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is stylization

>> No.3643988
File: 209 KB, 609x686, 1122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he really needs to work on his proportions, the eyes are so close together and the features(eyes mouth) are too big

>> No.3643994

That thigh doesn't look like it is even connected to her body. Looks like as if someone just put some fake fat thigh in front of her legless pelvis and the left foot looks broken.

>> No.3643996
File: 1.11 MB, 504x636, GIF4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3644056

kyle pls draw a goo monster

>> No.3644329


That does look a bit better.

>> No.3644441

That looks worse

>> No.3644453

you need to stop. your version looks like crap. much worse than the original.

>> No.3644470

hi kyle, fix your proportions please.

>> No.3644476


>> No.3644518

I can't find how kyle draws the hands.

>> No.3644521

explain instead of sperging

>> No.3644661

Looks better imo. But i think it comes donw. To "muh style."

>> No.3644671

Feet actually look okay here for once. Not overkill. Surprisingly a nice piece. Good job Kyle.

>> No.3644762

Spoken like a true rard.

>> No.3645324

kyle when are you gonna draw footjobs?

>> No.3645336
File: 58 KB, 1280x720, 1502743607728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't encourage him

>> No.3645338

He probably stopped being jealous of people better than him and started learning, like you should.

>> No.3645339

It’s not just feet, the hands are solid on all of these too. Yet literally everything else looks like it’s melting. It’s uncanny.

>> No.3645345


Why not? If you're a footfag, you gotta love them.

>> No.3645375

someone shoop some hot glue on kyle's feet pls

>> No.3645579

Shit thread.

>> No.3645620
File: 917 KB, 2000x2000, reimu 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's just no catharsis to it.

>> No.3645642

>Features too big, fix your proportions
Wow, you pointed out such an "objective" inaccuracy in a pro-level piece of art so nonchalantly. This speaks magnitudes about your eye for art. I bet everyone in this thread is blown away by your high-level critique, and probably thinks you're an amazing artist.

>> No.3645662
File: 501 KB, 494x718, hotglueing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There, better?

>> No.3646220

How do I draw nice looking feet just like Kyle?

>> No.3646225

Use references.

>> No.3646228

Oh, also, stop being a brainlet and asking retarded questions.

>> No.3646249

by features i mean nose, eyes, moth, ears ect
are you retarded by any chance?

>> No.3646290

That's retarded.

>> No.3646325

This is gross. It makes me want to vomit.

>> No.3646368


Chill man, it was a legitimate question.

>> No.3646372

hot glue, not hot glue guns!
oh well, fapfapapfap

>> No.3646809

I know what you meant by features. It's pretty self-explanatory.

You're critiquing a piece drawn in an already established style that's notorious for having stylized proportions, as if were a technical study exercise.

You don't see how much of a dork that makes you look like?

>> No.3646813

>having stylized proportions
they are plain wrong. its wrong for child like proportions its wrong for middle sex and adult. its just plain wrong.

>> No.3646827
File: 363 KB, 3072x3072, king_boo_luigis_mansion_dark_moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

King Boo does in Luigi's Mansion 2 so suck on it.

>> No.3646873

Thanks, God
Kill yourself.

>> No.3646966

Try telling Akira Toriyama that his drawings of anime characters don't work because the proportions aren't true to life.

If you're going to critique proportions, at least offer a solution. You're obviously just trying to make yourself seem like some underground art expert, when you can't fathom that preferential stylization is not the same thing as not knowing how basic drawing fundamentals works, and it's "actually" cringy.

>> No.3646987

>don't work because the proportions aren't true
actually his proprtions are fine because of the head size, kyle has a small head and big eyes with big mouths and noses. are you done being retarded?

>> No.3647117

No it wasnt, dumbass. Asking a vague question like that without posting their art can't be a legitimate question.
It's just the equivalent of opening a new thread and asking how to draw good anime. It's retarded, and you should be ashamed for being so dumb to not realize that.

>> No.3647409

Are you done being arbitrarily nitpicky because you think you still have a point?

You're an amateur. You suck at articulating your thoughts, and you suck at drawing.

>> No.3647430


>> No.3647604

That king boo is not what >>3639691 is based on, based retard. You'd only have a point for the normal boos, but look at the fucking eyes and crown. Stop shitposting.

>> No.3647938

its not opinion lol its literally facts you dumb tumblerite

>> No.3647966

shit at drawing shit at bantering and shitposting, stay mad after getting called out

>> No.3647989

you did't call anyone out you delusional retard

>> No.3647994

I'm better than all the hack celebrities of this cuck board

>> No.3648047


Oh yeah, I guess I should've posted an image along with my post despite the fact that his artwork was already posted in this fucking thread, you blind fuck.

>> No.3648081

post work

>> No.3648133

Daz 3D

>> No.3648800

Your own art, you complete troglodyte. So that we can evaluate what kind of advice to give you.
Yes, you definitely are a brainlet. You are never gonna make it with this kind of brain, sorry.

>> No.3648806


I'll be honest, for 2 years that's not much of a progress.

>> No.3648810

>Overrendered anime art
Fucking creepy. I'd argue he was in a better place before and should have continued developing that way.

>> No.3649005

Goddammit. I hate this board and everyone on it.

>> No.3649018

That's just traditional thinking, but nowadays everything blends, sure you sitll have classic animu cell shaded, but in illustration, theer's a lot of people doing painterly anime pretty well and I find it interesting.

>> No.3649026

Give Kyle blog pls

>> No.3649031

true but you should probably pick the less stylish animu kind not the OP one, luckily he didn't too over render the face or it will end up like a deformed human face

>> No.3649541
File: 223 KB, 754x1200, CsEX1A_UsAA-Dte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks awfully like this pic... Probably copied that pic actually.

>> No.3649909

Probably not considering suicude squad didn't even exist yet when that miku was drawn

>> No.3649931

Oh really? I'll definetely give them a read!

>> No.3649949

>suicude squad
that movie came out in 2016 and i'm sure he drew that way before that movie came out.