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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 292 KB, 406x564, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3621515 No.3621515 [Reply] [Original]

yoshinari streaming, time to put your art questions, 25 min left
https://www.twitch.tv/ studio_trigger

>> No.3621517

>forced to go on an exhibition
Oh well. Thanks for notifying Anon.

>> No.3621523

I'm wondering why he's using corel over their own software. To be different on purpose?

>> No.3621525

I've notice he used corel for the shadows, and ps for colors, but I don't know what he used for the lineart

also, early, he said he prefers screenless tablets

>> No.3621528

He said he's probably the only one at trigger who uses corel, and that the studio doesn't force a specific software on them so they use what they like more.

Color and lineart was done on PS

>> No.3621529

That's still odd. Corel always felt really gimmicky to me.

And does their translator ever respond to Japanese comments? If not that has to probably feel like a shit to only catering to west.

>> No.3621531

he responds to few questions to begging with, the fact that the jp questions are few doesn't help

>> No.3621539

>catering to the west
You mean the "west" as in the western people who donated to TRIGGER's patreon, which made it a success and encouraged them do the livestream?

>> No.3621541


I'm aware of that, anon. I'm just wondering if they ever answer jp questions.

>> No.3621548

when is it starting?

>> No.3621553

did someone screencap it pls??

>> No.3621556
File: 478 KB, 786x1079, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this? yeah, but it's kind of washed

>> No.3621562

oh the actual stream and process :/

>> No.3621563

>left leg longer and fatter

>> No.3621566
File: 568 KB, 1920x1080, sc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3621567

right leg is coming towards us, go back to your /be/ threads anon

>> No.3621570
File: 35 KB, 468x723, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean her left retard

>> No.3621574

yeah dumbass, her right is coming towards us so because of foreshortening, the left is longer

>> No.3621578
File: 23 KB, 336x583, Capture2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats not what foreshortening is retard, foreshortening is when the objects starts to overlap on top of its self, and bent knee is facing too far to the left to be foreshortened

>> No.3621590

oh no yoshinari fucked up lets disregard everything else that went into the creation of the picture that I could learn from and just point out the obvious error
you'll never get out of the bucket with that attitude my friend.

>> No.3621595

thats what you faggots literally sound like when you talk shit about sakimi and ruan jia lets talk about the fucked up parts and disregard everything els, oooooh but if we talk about yohs fuck ups then it must be invalid

>> No.3621616
File: 91 KB, 792x767, 4213231547618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you assume I shittalk Sakimi? I don't care about what she does man, not really my thing. same for Ruan Jia except I'm more into his art.
I'm not saying we should disregard the bad things about artworks made by big names but in comparison to the astronomical amount of nitpicking and shittalking there's next to zero analysis of what makes peoples art good... that's what I'd rather like to read since I'm not really good enough to dissect things well.

>> No.3621618

>that anatomy


>> No.3621620
File: 19 KB, 280x297, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her right eye (left in pic related) a bit misplaced innit?

>> No.3621627

This >>3621517 fag here, anyone kind enough to reiterate the Q&A?

>> No.3621628

Inferno cop season 2 will happen when the original guy approves of an idea with the newer guy.

>> No.3621629

Thanks, I was looking more about art/drawing/painting though. Anything related?

>> No.3621643

>It took him 2 hours to finish this
>thats good! f-f-for an animator!!
>that awkward science

I could feel the nipponese blood of shame.

>> No.3621645

>brainlet has no clue what the process for animating in the industry is
lmaoing at you its like you think the animators are responsible for layout,clean up and color lmao

>> No.3621646 [DELETED] 

Of course I don't. There is no 2D animation industry in the west so there is no need. Now settle down, weeb.

>> No.3621652


Wait I take that back. This is just giving you too much ammo to work with. I do know the process. That's still an absurd amount of time.

>> No.3621659

>literally talking shit about the ruan jia of the animation industry
stop lol

>> No.3621660

Consider this: a guy making a minor mistake doing a quick drawing in two hours while answering questions is different from a turd polished for 8+ by someone doing them every time.

>> No.3621662

It is, though. Animators often don't color and work exclusively with lines, it's not their part in the process.

>> No.3621667

>can't say anything bad about my God
Did anyone tell him to make a colored illustration? Viewers would have been fine with sketches...

>> No.3621668

>minor mistake
>while answering questions
watch the stream

>> No.3621682
File: 102 KB, 352x558, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who actually paints would know how disruptive/hard it is to paint/draw while talking mindfully. Why do you want everything to be so accurate anyway? I'm pretty sure most wouldn't notice this kind of shit unless they nitpick it. You're talking like pros should never make mistakes. Maybe for you it's problematic but that's just your philosophy. That leg is neither bad nor it is the whole illustration.
You might want to check pic related anyway.

>> No.3621684

thanks for proving that that leg is longer(knee is low)

>> No.3621692
File: 108 KB, 343x593, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3621714

I just remember him saying he doesnt use ref.

>> No.3621718

>everyone trying to critique this image

The current state of /ic/

>> No.3621722

I know, it's ridiculous. Trying to judge a guy with one of the most impressive careers in his field by an imperfect, impromptu quick drawing that he himself said he was ashamed of doing in public.

/ic/ dead ass trying to crab a director of animation.

>> No.3621723

>quick drawing
>2 hours

>> No.3621735

People on twitch pump out same quality of drawing in less time. AND they talk at the same time. No excuses. What you have witnessed today was your "God" being put on the spotlight in a live drawing demo.

>> No.3621739

They're used to it, perhaps? He even acknowledged on stream how impressed he was at younger artists for keeping up with this kind of rhythm regularly, talking and drawing on video. It was a very new experience for him.

The way you keep reaching to try and make this look bad on him when the guy did nothing but be humble is pretty fucking sad, man. I'm going to grind some fundies and suggest you do the same.

>> No.3621747

Stop calling out muah favorite animu artists >:[

>> No.3621751

>there must be no god and masters
>everybody is mediocre if you nitpick enough
lmao i dont even like yoshinari but you are bitter as fuck

>> No.3621785
File: 2.18 MB, 480x270, 148150774381.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/ic/ shitting on Yoshinari
AHAHHAHAHA the state of this trash hole
upload stream, you subhumans

>> No.3621791

>hurr durr that leg
>that eye
Post your fucking redlines, you cowards. I'm waiting. Oh wait, you won't, because you're just making shit up to look smart. What a dump this board really is.

>> No.3621796


>> No.3621868

did someone record it?

>> No.3621894
File: 2.99 MB, 2560x1440, 1538204225458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3621905

Did anyone save it? I missed everything

>> No.3621914

No. /ic/ degenerates are useless

>> No.3621920

there is this one guys that sucks yoshinari's dick day in day out.he didnt save it.tells a lot.

>> No.3621944

Well, this is awful.

>> No.3621947

Where can you download the video?

>> No.3621957
File: 17 KB, 455x406, 1498885503492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still not nearly as embarrassing as pic related
Yoshinari 1, Proko 0

>> No.3621968

her hips are at an angle you blithering idiot, you know, because she's striking a dynamic pose

>> No.3622017

Yoh, you have disappointed me. That face and "foreshortened" leg look bad, but I forgive you, you were probably just stressed out due to drawing live.

>> No.3622024

Yoshinari is trash artist.
Why are you sucking his cocks?

>> No.3622031

thank god you fuckers have no voice outside /ic/. you people are fucking retarded

>> No.3622057

your pelvis doesnt bend like that retard

>> No.3622061


>> No.3622069
File: 31 KB, 481x451, akkoed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3622075

>honestly thinks bending the hip changes proportions
retarded you are

>> No.3622079


>> No.3622081

im not clicking your fucking links

>> No.3622147

where is the replay

>> No.3622342
File: 54 KB, 705x540, gunsmith_cats-112-rally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is the level it takes to make it

Bros, we're all going to make it!

>> No.3622345

Some /ic/ fags are so fucking bitter and dumb. Holy shit.

>> No.3622350


>dont you dare criticize my asian messiah!!!

>> No.3622356

take a look at yourself and this whole thread. a drawing out of the millions he's done is getting this much shit. There's no art council that's going to take away his art license for a fun drawing he did. christ

>> No.3622359
File: 153 KB, 600x709, atom_by_neighborstudios-d7r6dcu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't give a fuck about Yoshinari. I'm not even interested in his art. Well, good luck getting at that level and be able animate that. Not as easy as you think.

>> No.3622362


Well jeez, I wish I could learn how to animate in a form that isn't taught on the other side of the world. It's almost as if I'm disadvantaged by default simply because I don't live in Japan or Korea to go to animation school. If education like that existed over here I'd go without sleep every day.

I think everyone agrees he is a great artist. That does not dismiss we can't pick out the faults in his work without you white knighting your virtual boyfriend.

>> No.3622370

What are your criticisms again?
Are you >>3621684?

>> No.3622377

>That does not dismiss we can't pick out the faults in his work without you white knighting your virtual boyfriend

bruh it's a fucking sketch not a masterpiece, he was thinking more about the Q&A than the drawing, he wouldn't give a shit if it was thrown in the trash. it was just something to keep viewers entertained and the fact we have 2 threads about this shows how fucking retarded /ic/ is. he's not thinking strictly about anatomical proportions or how much the left leg is 2 inches longer than the right leg.

>> No.3622384

Even then, it seems to be correct as shown in >>3621692

>> No.3622712

>/ic/ shittin on yoshinari like this

I thought you guys were better than this holy fuck.
I think im done with this place.

>> No.3622739

lately I've notice an influx of shitters, idk from where or why, but that's a fact

>> No.3622758

I'm reading your post and I wonder if it's trolling to get attention or actual full blown bitterness

Either way it's pathetic. Every time /ic/ tries to rip apart drawings of professionals it's the most stupid thing ever.
When will you fags realize perfectly accurate drawings always lose to appealing drawings? Stop analyzing every little line and enjoy the drawing for what it is. If he had drawn some monstrosity with broken legs I'd understand, but you guys are nitpicking fucking stylization choices, this board has done this hundreds of times and it's always so fucking cringy to read.

>> No.3622791

/ic/ has been exactly like this since at least 2014.

>> No.3622793

We should've gatekeept against Tumblr and Reddit a lot more, I've seen some unironic Facebook normalfags posting here at least once too

>> No.3622794

Why can't you lighten up a little? If you want to read praise and nothing but praise you can always join your friends on reddi t.

>> No.3622806

0/10 but you get a response from me since (you) so desperately need it

>> No.3623333

Still no Vod upload ;_;

>> No.3623474

man u can just smell the filters on this one

>> No.3623481

FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK how did i miss this. andwhy did they not keep it uploaded? Someone must have recorded it right?

>> No.3623489

If you stream on Twitch it's literally a one click thing to keep a vod up of a previous broadcast. Dunno what they were thinking unless they plan to sell the vod or make it patreon access only.

>> No.3623490

someone must have recorded the stream

>> No.3623498

Here is the torrent link. Hash: ecd64546ffed7466f1684e3759977ac167b0c53c

>> No.3623773

Is this real? Im a little wary about using a random torrent

>> No.3624276

Heres the 1080p raw courtesy of /a/
Funny how no one on /ic/ decided to record the stream

>> No.3624287


>> No.3624289

hope this is still up when I get home

>> No.3626251

based and artpilled

>> No.3626280
File: 1.50 MB, 2480x3508, YY_Akko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres the first variant upload on the patreon, try to keep it to yourself!

>> No.3626320

hope this is still up when I get home

>> No.3627327

Here it is

>> No.3628886

based anon, thank you

>> No.3629099


>> No.3629326

I wonder how many dreams were crushed from this stream.

>> No.3629335

now list the critically acclaimed shows you've worked on

>> No.3629343

>animation and illustration are the same
lmao crabs

>> No.3629353
File: 62 KB, 500x333, 1124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't realize he still had something to prove considering his work history

>> No.3629462

he is the type of guy who if you put kjg in his face to draw something he would call "hack"

>> No.3629466

not fair
you can't compare kjg to anyone

>> No.3629866

Nice damage control.

>> No.3630240

Everything seems solid, it's just that I can't help but see that her right eye is a little off.

>> No.3630245

literally nobody is saying that

>> No.3630907

why have one of the best animators draw an illustration kind of a wasted opportunity

>> No.3630925

yoshinari is my inspiration.
He showed me that even the worst artists can become great animators.

>> No.3632204
File: 789 KB, 2159x1596, 110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a recording for the stream they did for the art in OP pic?

>> No.3632957
