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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 856 KB, 1292x861, 1538023203358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3620461 No.3620461 [Reply] [Original]

Do you realize how those "artists" mess up your mind and the soul with this total degeneracy?

Today's kids achieve less than their parents were achieving at that age, because the parents lived in a no-porn Era.

I mean, if someone attacks you on the street you'll probably defend yourself and kill that motherfucker.

But here, with those "artists" the attack is straight on your soul, the attack is invisible and comes with a slight illusion of pleasure.
So you will relax and swallow that pill.

Your energy is lowering while you watch porn/hentai, vids/pics.

I'm not saying we should kill those "artists", because that's a death threat, but you know...
Let us say, I call you to initiate a self-defense mode. egm...

Clean your mind from that pollution, know, little one... that there is a hope out there. and that hope is delightful.
Break the chains, be free.

>> No.3620470
File: 263 KB, 1062x1500, yande.re 482830 sample anus breasts censored ken_(coffee_michikusa) nipples no_bra nopan open_shirt pubic_hair pussy pussy_juice shameimaru_aya skirt_lift touhou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im still fapping, im butt naked and pp out as we speak

>> No.3620521

Jesus fucking christ I hate the word "degeneracy". If you get addicted to porn it's your problem and you should seek help or something not force people to only have sex after mariage for procreation and never masturbate. Then again if you fap to 2D animu you probably should seek mental help already.

>> No.3620552

bump the truth!

>> No.3620561


These degenerates are a plague that targets the dullest of minds. Porn is low-effort trash and you are trash for drawing porn.

>> No.3620562

>Then again if you fap to 2D animu you probably should seek mental help already.

True, but I'm a psychologist, so the help is here.

>If you get addicted to porn it's your problem.

I love my bros, I will not leave it like that.

>> No.3620568

I guess the overly neotenous face makes me immune to yevs particular degeneracy

>> No.3620573
File: 367 KB, 791x554, 1398287727019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you realize how those "artists" mess up your mind and the soul with this total degeneracy?

Yeah! It couldn't possibly be the hyper materialistic nature of humans, particularly western ones. Nope it's the artists, even though they are being paid to draw said material...

>But here, with those "artists" the attack is straight on your soul, the attack is invisible and comes with a slight illusion of pleasure.

This could be said of any secularized metaphysics.

>> No.3620581

>in the trash it goes

>> No.3620582

can there not be a healthy middle ground? i think most porn now is pretty disgusting but i also don't want to live in a world where porn is illegal. i also think 2D porn is more ethical and helps distinguish fantasy from reality but i understand that most people wouldn't agree with that. if paying for porn were still a thing i'd rather pay some NEET in his basement to draw sexy pictures than pay some poor girl to stretch her asshole out with black cocks and snort cocaine to dull the pain.

>> No.3620595

not only is it more ethical, it is better.

>> No.3620600

it really is. you get to leave out all the gross details of real human biology and are left with what's aesthetically pleasing. just as long as you can distinguish fantasy from reality and not push unrealistic expectations on real humans, your brain shouldn't be fucked from it.

>> No.3620602

the artists are just a symptom of a larger illness, but that doesn't make OP's criticism invalid

>> No.3620608
File: 16 KB, 167x282, ss (2018-09-28 at 06.59.10).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3620617

I think the only unreal expectation being exposed to anime as a whole leaves you with is that of pure, innocent women who are attracted to perverted, shy men

>> No.3620620
File: 209 KB, 682x600, 1390832022331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I make 100-120 K a year by selling said porn(I don't even make it, just sell it) and fap 5-8 times a day to it while living in a huge house I would have never imagined to live in.

Every other week I'll go to a strip club and fuck some hot pussy in said house, off said money made of said porn.

So fuck you, I'm loving this degeneracy

>> No.3620622

Not at all, but the source needs critiquing more than the effect.

>> No.3620625
File: 181 KB, 318x381, 1464638254558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because the parents lived in a no-porn Era.
>mudfucks in the 60's during sexual liberation
>heavy drug abuse and sex going hand in hand during late 70's early 80's in America
>Yurop was notorious for a partying and sex driven lifestyle
But thank GOODNESS they lived a no porn lifestyle! How dare can today's generation be a shut in and fap to themselves instead of catching an STD from a roastie and then be accused of rape in this day and age of the #metoo era!

>> No.3620631

artist name?

>> No.3620633

Crab's public enemy #1

>> No.3620637

Nobody fucking cares fuck off.

>> No.3620646

as much as i dislike the spamming of the word "crab", i can see that.
For real tho, name?

>> No.3620648

it's easier to scream at porn artists than at
"industrial society" if you're technosceptic
"capitalism" if you're communist
"democracy" if you're third positionnist
"tha joos" if you're /pol/
"modernity" if you're traditionnalist
"materialism" if you're a theocrat
there's just too many words for the illness, and too many groups fighting the same thing without realising it
whereas most of us can agree on the names of the symptoms

>> No.3620659


>> No.3620727
File: 335 KB, 400x400, 1537318989888.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It couldn't possibly be the hyper materialistic nature of humans
>This could be said of any secularized metaphysics.

I don't think you're disagreeing with me. I don't even know what this is. The "illness" is "materialism".

>> No.3620737

why does this board attract so many mentally ill incels holy shit

>> No.3620740

How does one just sell it, unless you mean real website style video porn

>> No.3620748

based and redpilled kohai

>> No.3620751
File: 2.90 MB, 2020x1480, 1526601595503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3620778


Retard artists upload artwork on printable resolutions, allowing me to sell their shit to fucking weeb's online and at con's.

Copyright's don't mean shit in 3th world countries

>> No.3620781

>I hate words!
Just because it's an overused concept doesn't mean it's not a useful one.

Key question: is it destructive to society? If yes, then it's degenerate. If it's just something you personally dislike, that's your own problem.

>> No.3620783

how do you sell it anon, I was thinking of selling my own art at a local con but I mean, what actually sells? prints, pins, posters...

>> No.3620804


Pin up's sell best, most people don't want(dare to) buy straight up porn. Also key chain's and flavour of the month t-shits (Like OPPAI one punch man)

>> No.3620810

I didn't mean as in porn really, just digital art in general since I don't nsfw

>> No.3621093

I'll never understand why this small, slow as fuck board attracts so many nutjobs.

>> No.3621324

Get your puritanical bullshit out of here, faggot. Go do something with your life.

>> No.3621328

Y-you weren't supposed to point this out...

>> No.3623707

>People who use the word degeneracy should stop!
>People who fap to 2D animu should stop!

You should stop.

>> No.3623711
File: 49 KB, 498x573, 1528437039833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the logic checks out

>> No.3623714

Art attracts nutjobs. Go to /g/ or /sci/ for rational posting because technology and science = rational and art = chaos.

>> No.3623718

You should maybe kill yourself. You’re so pathetic that not only do you sell pornography, but you steal and sell OTHER’s work of pornography.

>> No.3624269

>boomers into the hedonistic lifestyle
>receive unprecedented prosperity and waste it all and leave nothing for the next generation
got my noggin joggin

>> No.3624359

>talks about oldschool
>but then "I mean, if someone attacks you on the street you'll probably defend yourself and kill that motherfucker."

fuckin lmao today's hipster beta snowflakes would throw their iphone at him and run away screaming you underage faggot. Compare that with 20 years ago when dadbros would literally lynch you for being a disrespectful prick

>> No.3624363

>It's everyone's else's fault that I'm degenerate!
Yeah okay OP, the only reason you know this art exists is because you seek it out.

>> No.3624364

based OP, porn is soul poison

>> No.3624562

By this line of,thinking should we kill everyone who makes alcohol?
I know this is bait because you have fucking bowsette porn saved so you obviously use porn, but there are people on this site who actually think like this, so, this last part is addressed to them:
This kind of extreme moralfaggotry is actually replusive and part of the reasons real girls dont talk to you, anon. Stop passing such intense judgement on others and really stop to consider if you have a net positive or negative impact on society.

>> No.3624584
File: 147 KB, 435x367, 1537014250801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I hate porn
Still pretty degenerate. Doesn't check out.

>> No.3624660

i like you.

>> No.3625106

moral grandstanding. I hate busybodies.

>> No.3626309

I'd argue that porn has had an overall net positive on my life. I wouldn't be as much into programming and drawing as I am now without it.

>> No.3626349

I agree 100% and yet fap to niche hentai every other day. I'd say most of the damage of pornography is already ireversible anyways though, looking at it every day as a teenager probably fucks with your brain forever.

>> No.3626357

What am I if I am against capitalism, democracy, jews, modernity, materialism and (maybe)industrial society all at once?

>> No.3626372

Are you Julius Evola?

>> No.3626390

the main characteristic with people with an excessive addiction is their inability to take responsibility for themselves, it's always someone else's fault, someone or something else that has to change

>> No.3626395
File: 19 KB, 474x561, 1537993504644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone tell me why there is so much sperging over this yev guy? He seems pretty unremarkable, definitely doesn't warrant the daily autistic fits.

>> No.3626408

It's just 1 faggot throwing a hissy fit, then it turn into a meme and now everyone like to shit on him for fun.
I sometime do it too, for giggles of course, nothing malicious

>> No.3626498

Absolutely agree with you there, but I fear that most will not understand.
Also, why spread even more porn when you speak out against it?