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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 2.11 MB, 2242x1800, 53245345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3612380 No.3612380 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever gotten in trouble or under fire for your art?

>> No.3612394


Please tell me this is real.

>> No.3612397

I remember my high school teacher accidentally had a tab open for sankaku complex. I busted out laughing but nobody knew what sankaku was but me.

>> No.3612408

One of my colleagues know I draw porn and gets assblasted every time I refuse to share my work. And since my entire portfolio worth sharing is nsfw, he's never seen anything outside of fundie practice.

>> No.3612414
File: 60 KB, 522x468, 1478809463638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got pretty close to having the boss look at the personal waifu drawings made from referencing real figures, but thank GOD I left the canvas layer only showing the initial sketch of gesture only and all he saw was squiggly lines from the gesture. Heart skipped for a second since I thought he saw the full blown form with all its glory.

>> No.3612416

i got busted in grade 7. the teacher found my secret stash of dick drawings. she confronted me in front of the whole class and the girl beside me saw it and was so disgusted eventually everybody found out and I was alone for the rest of my middle school life. nobody would hang out with me after that.

>> No.3612422

Everyone used to draw dick drawings as a joke inside text book pages, what was the big deal?

>> No.3612424

>what was the big deal?
this guy can actually draw

>> No.3612427

He was a pervert hording dick pics for some reason.

>> No.3612436

one of the drawings was a giant dick attacking the school, it had minions too, smaller dicks and they were raping everybody.

>> No.3612438

Where is the link to the thread?

>> No.3612446


>> No.3612451
File: 28 KB, 418x396, 1517888114626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it had minions too, smaller dicks and they were raping everybody.

>> No.3612474
File: 12 KB, 480x640, 1521422709604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beautiful mental image

>> No.3612481
File: 5 KB, 117x125, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one of the drawings was a giant dick attacking the school, it had minions too
pls post it

>> No.3612483

Stop posting here and go back to drawing Guts' and Caska's reunion, Miura.

>> No.3612485

Jonah Hill is that you

>> No.3614607
File: 109 KB, 516x544, 601309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit

>> No.3614615

did you bring it up to him?
"so youre a man of culture aswell?"

>> No.3614618

go back to /wowg/ faggot

>> No.3614637

Do you uh...still have it? Hahaha my friend won't stop bugging me to see it after I told him hahahahahaha

>> No.3614641

>dick minions raping everyone

>> No.3614647

You draw Miuna lewds?

>> No.3614755
File: 149 KB, 600x600, 85BCEA2A-344A-4035-BFEC-2B1B3D69AF9C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah back when I was a full I’m nor/mlp/erson I would draw ponies all the time for fun because of this I was brought into an office with my two head tutors who told me it was weird and it came off as gay and that I had to stop or else they would have to contact my parents (was 17 at the time and I’m the UK) I ended up breaking down after leaving the office and crying in the bathroom for two hours. Truth was drawing ponies was my only way to cope with my anxiety and depression, something about them made me happy. They also told me I would never be a successful artist, they were awful people who should of never taught. A year after I left that course it was shutdown because everyone was either leaving or just not applying, I wish I had reported them now, I didn’t know they couldn’t do that at the time.

After that incident I left the course, took a gap year attempted suicide during it as I spiralled downwards, ended up eventually getting some help. I’m 23 now, I feel a lot better than I was but thinking about the way they treated me makes me mad as fuck, because I wasn’t the only one they picked on.

>last pony I ever drew before the meeting

>> No.3614760

>tfw they were right, that drawing ponies is fucking gay and creepy and you should have found a healthier way to cope with your internal issues than obsess over cartoon horses

for real tho I hope your better. just with 20/20 hindsight, you can't really villainize them. because, like, it's not really like they were wrong

>> No.3614780

It’s was a games course, 100% male and a couple of us watched the show though as it was in its peak during the time. What they did was a massive breach of responsibility and trust between a student and tutor, they had no right to bring me in and attack me for doing something I enjoyed as it hurt no-one. The fact that you think that they’re we’re in the right is disturbing anon, no artist should be forced by social pressure not to draw something, especially when it’s something as silly as ponies.

>> No.3614786

>anon roasties will think ur gay stop enjoying yourself

>> No.3614818

>people think a young adult is strange for obsessing over a cartoon for children and it could be hiding a mental illness
>it was, anon was depressed, and instead of seeking help, retreated into a cartoon about horses to internalize issues

ponyfags please go

It is unethical that they would come at you from an issue of it being homosex, but I can't help but think you might be projecting that. what I really think was that they saw your obsession and saw through it, but you viewed it as an attack because, well, it was attacking how you used to behave. Obesseson with children's media is hooked to a fuckton of issues with development. And, all in all, if their intervention helped you move past a phase of mental instability, the were they ever the villains to begin with? The most you can pin on them is handling your intervention improperly

>> No.3614832

>current year
>still being a neighsaying kike

Oh shut your faggot mouths

Ponies are GOOD, redart.

>hottest porn

If you missed out on that horse drawn cart you might as well kill yourself right now because things will literally never get better.

>> No.3614836

I wasn’t exactly obsessed man, never wore merch only talked about it to people who already watched it and drew on my tablet during my breaks. I wouldn’t call it projecting because it’s what happened, they said exactly that it came off as gay and in a college setting that’s disgusting.

>> No.3614841

This reminds me of Superbad, kek

>> No.3614844

I kinda feel you man.
When I was 6 a teacher kept telling me I wasn't drawing "right" what she asked us kids to draw. That somehow made me stop drawing for years because I was fucking autistic. Makes me sad to think about it, I imagine I'd be a much better artist now if I kept drawing as a kid.

>> No.3614874

drawing guro sparks more negativity than anything else in my experience
People are okay with loli, futa, genderswaps, ryona, but if its gore then a lot of fans go ballistic even in the usually tolerant art community

>> No.3614878

Holy shit I go there

>> No.3614880

hahahahahah they were right lmao

>> No.3614883

>be me at 12
>love to watch south park and CSI (old south park, more shock humor, less politics)
>have people i hate in class
>start my own comic series every week, featuring a classmate or teacher dying a terrible death and the protags (2 friends of mine) finding out who did it
>always some stupid cause like tripping over banana peels
>lot of other kids loved the sillyness of it, some others (mainly the ones that died) hated it and tried to rat me out or destroy them
>teacher is featured one week
>goes ape shit over these comics
>wants to call child services and a psychiatrist
>banned from making comics ever again
>they call my parents to come to school over these comics
>my dad laughs at them and says its like what they show on tv
>teachers want none of it and bans me from making them ever again

>> No.3614895

tfw ur autistic greentext kills another thread
>tfw no face

>> No.3614925

When I was 9 I went to a summer camp where the staffers tried to fill every free minute with singing and games and it was really exhausting. I slipped away to draw during one lunch hour, drew myself surrounded by monsters forcing me to sing and dance. A staffer found me and asked to see what I was drawing. I thought I'd get in trouble so I just hugged my sketchbook. Bitch called over a bunch of other staff and they all surrounded me. They spent what felt like half the lunch hour trying to force me into showing my drawing. I ended up eating the page and they called my parents.

The whole thing was stupid. Teenage girls with authority are the fucking worst.

>> No.3614987

thats what he gets for jackin it to kiddie porn

>> No.3615209

put me inside of the screencap

>> No.3615814

Redraw from imagination. Please.

>> No.3616304
File: 428 KB, 545x425, 8675be05425cee033a514549c062581638afd9331407d71040012b99ed72b634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So literally pic related?

>> No.3616307

Lmfaoooo fucking same, but instead of people dying my comic was like a talk show, where people would share their problems, and the host would conclude the only way to solve it was to FUCK
... Obviously it was very stupid.

>> No.3616338

Woah my guy, you're like superbad.

>> No.3616717

Please tell me OP is real.

>> No.3618563
File: 48 KB, 393x374, chris ishyggdt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was that kid who always drew battle scenes and guns in art class.
One day my teacher pulled me aside and semi-jokingly asked me not to shoot up the school.
Being the mega autistic faggot I was, I told her that I couldn't even if I wanted to, since I didn't posess the proper licensing for firearms.
Surprisingly enough, that was about the extent of trouble I got in highschool. Never even had to visit the school shrink.

>> No.3618584

>Never even had to visit the school shrink.
It’s not that bad, they just stare at you

>> No.3618590

Oh boy, this guy's from my university

>> No.3618641

I don't know if this would count but last year of middle school and first year of highschool I had no self awarness or ego problems so I always drew flowers for the girls I liked, I gave the first one to a girl when she was with her friends, just walked up to her on valentines day and gave it to her, come to think of it she never let me know if she liked it or not, but she smiled and other people were laughing at me I didn't give a fuck though, happened 2 more times first year of highschool but no one ever knew except the girls though I don't if they told their friends and they secretly made fun of me, but they told me they liked em but both had bfs.

people think its cringe and so do I now that I look back, but it was so needed, it helped me realize crushes are nothing and that I don't really like anyone just lust. so I got over that phase early meanwhile people struggle to talk to girls and have crush problems after highschool.
fucked up thing is the girl I first drew a flower for used to say she loved me and she was cute as hell and she used to try to always hold my hand but later found out she was fucking with me for no real reason.

>> No.3618642

Not sure if chad or just oblivious

>> No.3618660

chad in middle school, oblivious in highschool

>> No.3618776

got called a transphobe via tumblr callout for doing a lesbian dick joke 2 years ago, left the site. The callout post isn't even there anymore since the OP deactivated, but I don't care to use tumblr again since it's dying anyway. Insta is better and I gain traction much faster there

>> No.3618842 [DELETED] 


Here you go:


>> No.3618858


Here you go anon:

Here is the link to the doujin

>> No.3618873

I had pretty horrible time thanks to my autistic drawings, when I was in high-school

>Been drawing my whole life
>Suddenly, find the whole realm of adult (not porn) content
>Fucking awesome
>Started my own attempts on gritty stories and stuff
>Created story fantasy/steampunk world, where bunch of fairies/pixies are defending their forest against small clockwork machines destroying the nature, like environmental message and stuff
>I suck at anatomy and scene composition, so... I started using photos from wars, civil unrests, car crashes and torture/guro content to show macabre conflict between brittle feminine form of fairies fighting against unfeeling masses of horrible machines
>Lots of gore
>Lots of naked body
>Lots of hidden sexual undertones, as later I found myself knee deep in BDSM (as my personal lifestyle choices, not drawings)
>One day, my autistic mind forgot the bag with all my stuff in school
>Teacher look over the stuff, to find owner

I ended with school mandated sessions with psychologist, because not only I have this full notebook of pixie guro (with some my classmates used as references), but also full stack of most horrible photos, that I used for composition and gore studies. On the bright side, art teacher loved them, fun fact, she was also into BDSM as I found out many, many years later (only by hearsay, not personally).

Also my mother wasn't found of me being deviant, but dad took it alright.

>> No.3619119

>Teenage girls with authority are the fucking worst
Nothing art related for me but holy hell if this isn't true.

>> No.3620507
File: 71 KB, 650x600, 1529368964797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone post the screencap I wanna have this saved

also include me

>> No.3620540

>Hey, Pamela here, what the FUCK is this?
fucking KEK

>> No.3620580

this is you

>> No.3620636

I never got in trouble and it wasn't a drawing, but another guy had a dick related story and I wanna share mine. In my 3D-Animation class in HS, the teacher gave us a 3d model of himself and we had to rig it. There was a sub the next day, and I just spent the whole day modeling a dick onto him, giggling to myself. Only a couple people really noticed.

>> No.3620690

freaking gay to be desu

>> No.3621447

Someone has to draw this.

>> No.3621704

I used to draw porn in high school. It was before high speed internet and I was a permavirgin so what the fuck, id just make my own world.

My parents rarely left our house but once they did I took the opportunity to invite a bunch of friends over. We got trashed off cheap beer and wine. Everyone crashed in whatever bed or sofa they could find. Next morning while cleaning the house I found myself alone. Turns out someone found my stash and everyone had gathered to gaze upon the glory of my lopsided cross eyed muse. Despite being the hero for organising the party, I obviously got shit for this for weeks. I figured it wasn’t really worth hiding anymore and just went on saying I wanna be a designer and artist and that they could just fuck off.

Fast forward two weeks and another friend “comes out of the closet” and admits he also thought our engineering plans were shit and we started studying together. We found conceptart dot .org and just kept drawing whatever instead of studying the normal classes any longer. The other stopped bothering about our dick drawings quite quickly.

Fast forward some 15 years, we are both art leads working each on some worldwide titles.