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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 3.65 MB, 2904x4000, God Speed - Edmund Leighton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3612172 No.3612172 [Reply] [Original]

The reason for this is because of the abstractness. The artist chooses to express something in a form that has no meaning to us such as lines and circles the reason these things have no meaning to us is because of their distance from reality everything we believe or know is in the form of our reality such as a painting of a knight saying goodbye to his wife expresses something because the form that has been chosen to express that something is in the form of our reality which are the human archetypes in our mind and these archetypes which are essentially symbols that have meaning to us such as the warrior which is an archetype expressed in the mind of all humans although it is expressed as a knight in the medieval world which has high morals and stands by them in the Aryan mind and is expressed as more of a savage animal that is simply stronger than the others in the African mind because these archetypes are suited to the differences in each race/culture. So therefore having the knight in a painting expresses the Knight Archetype and the meaning that is associated with that so these base archetypes which have been striped away from their racial uniqueness such as the warrior is not a form for these meanings to be expressed it is essentially the meaning itself because this form to express emotion which is archetypes is our only form. For if we did not have these common archetypes in our minds we would not have the capacity or ability to express such emotions or idea. Although most of the time these archetypes go over peoples heads they simply see the situation not the meaning for example they see a knight saying goodbye to his wife while they do not realize the emotional impact and affect they are getting from the knight which causes the painting to take on a totally different feeling/meaning. Therefore even though modern art is not always so abstract when it does resemble certain archetypes it is usually represented in a degenerate fashion.

>> No.3612192

I guess /ic/ is not a place to discuss true art and beauty but a rubbish pile to discuss degeneracy like "what are some good models to draw lollie porn" fucking degenerates.

>> No.3612196

what a disappointment this thread turned out to be

>> No.3612197
File: 2.04 MB, 2329x4000, The Accolade - Edmund Leighton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well might as well post some nice art

>> No.3612198
File: 286 KB, 600x800, cd82f7c18ed1bb96dac4000325d0cdb2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No ones cares about your WoT, go deusvulting in your hugbox or something, we're busy drawing furry dick
>a perfectly fine sakimichan thread died for this

>> No.3612200

Fuck off degenerate if only you could see how bad things really are

>> No.3612201

Post your work.

>> No.3612202
File: 190 KB, 800x695, Tristan and Isolde - Edmund Leighton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3612204

/ic/ is a slow board chill

Your post is a poorly formatted wall of text, it's hard to read

The people that agree with you will not listen to people who disagree with you.
And equally the people that disagree with you will not listen to the people that agree with you.

This is a very polarized subject and nobody is willing to change their minds through these threads.
If someone has the wrong information, they must seek it out and learn the truth themselves, you can't feed it to someone, and you certainly can't shove it down their throats

>> No.3612206
File: 2.87 MB, 1792x4000, Stitching the Standard - Edmund Leighton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have work I have beauty

>> No.3612207

Then I can safely discard your opinions.

>> No.3612208

yes but I was just searching for a good discussion and I'm sure I could change a few good peoples views

>> No.3612209


people who dislike modern art are tiny brained simps who can't understand anything unless it's explicitly spelled out to them (yet pretending it's "symbolic" and "meaningful" [wow a knight representing a knight archetype you must feel so smart and clever])

>> No.3612211

And I can safely shit on your furry drawings.

>> No.3612212

I'm even going to read this shitpost.
Learn what modern means

>> No.3612215

This. It's the same type of person who listens to Coltrane once and thinks its shit

>> No.3612216

Your asshole won't stand a chance against my sunidonuts

>> No.3612217

noo you're going about it wrong
If you hit a dog for shitting on the carpet, it doesn't learn not to shit on the carpet, it just fears its owner and will shit on the carpet when you're not around.

You can't berate someone about their most sensitive beliefs and hope they will change, all you will achieve is more enemies.
You must make friends with them and help them see the truth for themselves, they must develop withinthemselves a desire to better themselves

>> No.3612219

wow a circle and a line somehow representing something meaningful no I offered obvious reason for how something that is not based in our reality cannot have meaning. You don't even understand what a fucking Archetype is Read some Jung faggot. You simply say thats untrue because it doesn't fit in with my current feeling of jerking myself off to the idea of me being a modern art intellectual.

>> No.3612220
File: 156 KB, 1498x900, Michelangelo_Merisi_called_Caravaggio_-_Saint_John_the_Baptist_in_the_Wilderness_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The notion that expressionst and further isms art is more expressive and emotional than art from older times is just a load of bullshit

You can't convey an emotion through a rothko square on the wall or the random splatterings of Pollack, they have no control, all they express is the movement of the arm.
Art is an incredibly challenging skill, it takes and immense amount of knowledge and practice to be able to convey an emotion through the strokes of a brush, you cannot just "feel" it and let the brush move you

The swing of an axe is not violent, it is controlled.

>> No.3612223

Good point, art is meant to be jerked to, not for.

>> No.3612224

A circle may be one of the most powerful symbols in iconography. Leave this board and don't come back until you're finished with your literal first year art history and psych 101 classes at your turd-ass community college.

>> No.3612229

I simply used modern as an umbrella term to describe all of the shit art that stated popping up since the late 19th century I can't say (The abstract art that appeared from around 1910 to present day is degenerate prove me wrong it just isn't as catchy besides most of these autists just think of the words modern art with such things as expressionism or abstract art or surrealism so it's a lot easier to just say modern art than list all of the unique artistic movements in the turn of the century to present day..

>> No.3612232

no one cares about your boring fascist opinions on art, i'd rather sift through all the garbage degenerate art forever than be restricted to some boring rigid standard of what is acceptable. freedom is more important than beauty, Hitler lost the war, aryan is just a meme and doesn't mean anything, kill yourself.

>> No.3612235

Coltrane is shit his music was based around free jazz which is a tonal and the human brain craves tonality it needs order his music is nothing but chaos.

>> No.3612239

yes but they can have that desire to better themselves but if I cannot change them then how can I change that desire to be actually bettering .

>> No.3612240

Imagine being this simple minded. ngmi anywhere

>> No.3612241

Uh, no. Proper aesthetics require abstraction. If you take a classical approach to drawing loli this is what you end up with. Classical art has served its purpose and this is why it has been discarded as humanity evolves. Favoring the weaker art form is nothing short of slave morality.

>> No.3612245
File: 1.23 MB, 1821x2368, 1525216163040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.3612248

The journey to self improvement must begin alone, nobody can guide you onto the path

>> No.3612251

exactly expressionism is emotions(usually negative and degenerate emotions) expressed in a more simple form while not all expressionism is inherently bad most of it is degenerative.

Yes but a circle does not inherently mean anything and that fact does not change when you have black lines floating around it only when you have the visible representation of an archetype can that circle than take meaning and form.

Also I don't need to get you faggoty modern art degree to know about art and that fact also stands for psychology as well. Your just paying money for something you can easily do yourself in a much easier way.

>> No.3612252

I am not saying Aryans are superior it is just a racial term to separate humans in Aryan you have the sub races of Nordic, Alpine and Mediterranean. And to say that just because something is restricted to our reality is boring is idiotic This reality is the only way to express anything if we throw that away we are left with nothing but your own perception of the painting that is just influenced by your own mood and beliefs if you truly want to convey a message in art you must do it by using archetypes which is reality.

>> No.3612254

I studied the neoclassical tradition at an atelier and still think you're a faggot. Accept the fact that some people like different things than you do and realize that you're not special and your opinions mean shit.

>> No.3612255

Archetypes are not real.

>> No.3612256

Doesn't say how I'm wrong or show logical points just insults and throws at me their feels not any rationality. Your entire belief is based on your feels and in this case your feels of feeling special because you can jerk yourself off to the idea of being a modern art intellectual. Making you feel like you are worth something.

>> No.3612258

Imagine posting this pathetic diatribe and NOT thinking you're doing it to feel like a superior intellectual. You're actually retarded anon. I'm sorry. P.S. learn to use simple grammar, you fucking ape.

>> No.3612262

You are saying that no matter what we cannot devolve to say that because a form of something is occurring after a previous form it is somehow intrinsically better. And yes you can have your impression of reality which is okay because it still has identifiable archetypes and meaning(as long as it isn't degenerate)but the ultimate way to express meaning in art is to base it on our own reality.

>> No.3612263

jesus christ conservatives are sad. you cling to outdated bullshit because you have nothing and all you can do is watch the world pass you by

>> No.3612267

but one can set someone on the path can they not. If so there are people that will live their hole life blind and not knowing it which is a sad thought to me.

>> No.3612271

>you're not special and your opinions mean shit

You sound like someone that feels worthless

Also big shit you wasted money on something you can learn yourself. Just because you have a degree doesn't mean you all of a sudden have authority over the matter.

>> No.3612272
File: 37 KB, 512x384, Tards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Archetypes are not real

>> No.3612275

>P.S. learn to use simple grammar, you fucking ape

and who's the one doing this to feel intellectual superior.

>Someone posts an art discussion thread

Means that Op is doing this to feel superior.

>> No.3612277

Holy shit, i never thought about this way.

>> No.3612279

Again not saying how I am wrong just the usual autistic left argument of their feels like "get with the times" just because something is a future version that same thing does not mean it is superior that should be the goal but is not always the end result.

>> No.3612281
File: 214 KB, 753x1024, A Cat and a Chaffinch - Bruno Lijefors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend you seem like the only other intelligent person on this board everyone else just seems like modern art cucks.

>> No.3612282

Your whole argument is based on your "feels" and your definition of degeneracy in regards to a totally subjective ideal. This is what room temperature IQ looks like.

>> No.3612283
File: 152 KB, 900x675, Cat Bird hunting - Bruno Liljefors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3612284
File: 70 KB, 750x505, Family of Foxes by ther own Den - Bruno Liljefors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3612286
File: 39 KB, 500x351, Fox and Black Grouse in a Winter landscape - Bruno Lijefors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3612287
File: 1.36 MB, 2850x1933, Fox hiding under Spruce - Bruno Lijefors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3612288

The only way humanity ever progressed is through fighting against the boundaries put upon us. Real life has grown old. The obvious step at this time and age is through VR and being able to design the cutest waifus possible.

>> No.3612289
File: 166 KB, 777x599, Foxes - Bruno Liljefors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3612290

Nope. Pretend friends for Jung retards.

>> No.3612291
File: 108 KB, 800x574, Winter Hare - Bruno Lijefors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3612294

Archetypes aren't alive idiot they are more an aspect of the mind that is expressed in different forms because of there existing different minds.

Jung is easily the greatest psychologist to ever of lived

>> No.3612297

babby's first psychology
you're just as good reading your local paper's astrology charts

>> No.3612298
File: 162 KB, 664x900, Off - Edmund Leighton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3612301

Based retarded Jung fan

>> No.3612302

I swear he probably read one fucking article talking about archetypes being fake and all of a sudden the God king of psychology appears>>3612290

>> No.3612305

Yes he seems to appeal to schizos. But hey if your anima tells you to wear a dress I'm not gonna stop you.

>> No.3612304

I used of correctly

>> No.3612306
File: 263 KB, 594x782, trent_reznor__i_am_not_afraid_by_leo3375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to ever of lived

>> No.3612307

Imagine taking a chon’ board this seriously

>> No.3612308

That's not how it works if you feel like you need to wear a dress your Anima is disturbed or fucked up because of a certain reason that is not normal the anima is just an umbrella archetypes encompassing all other females archetypes. That's why it's so important and your dominant archetypes in that area of the mind dictate things such as the Anima.

>> No.3612311

Again I used it correctly of join to words hur dur

>> No.3612313

Or maybe you shouldn't allow characters in your head make decisions for you.

>> No.3612315

I think most post-Renaissance art would be considered degenerate by Traditionalist standards. In traditional art the work was made for the purpose of conveying spiritual meaning, which was communicated using a multi-layered system of symbolism. With naturalism came nominalism in art - now the priority was about how to render something realistically, as it looks in our material world, rather than ideally in the world of forms. Traditional artists would have contemplated the logoi of things, whereas the naturalist would only care about the lighting, color temperature, and so on. The abstractists who rejected the material world only went one step further than the naturalists who did the same to the spiritual world. This is analogous to how the post-modernists rejecting physical reality are merely the end product of the rationalists who denied Platonism. Basically we’ve slid down the whole slippery slope, as Chesterton said: “Art in the middle ages was ‘art for God’s sake’; art in the Renaissance was ‘art for man’s sake’; art in the 19th century was ‘art for art’s sake’; now art in the 20th century is ‘no art, for God’s sake.”

>> No.3612316

le ebin fascist incel thread

>> No.3612318

thats not how it works either you probably just didn't like the idea of something else controlling you which again isn't how it works. These Archetypes are what define you as a singular and as a part of something bigger such as nation, race, species and more they are simply aspects of the mind and they are personified because that is because humans only know humans to express this ability of advanced emotion and higher brain functions so they are expressed as human. Just as an aliens archetypes (if they exist) would be in the form of their species and mainly race although there are archetypes although these archetypes much less important and further back are archetypes of previous forms such as Negros although this idea is still debated.

>> No.3612325

Yes I can see how it would be a useful psychological model for /pol/yps who enjoy larping as templars, girls, ponies, etc...
But you have to understand the rest of us just wants artwork to fap to and are not interested in illustrating your prepubescent roleplay

>> No.3612326


>You don't even understand what a fucking Archetype is Read some Jung faggot.

lmao your level of understanding of art boils down to "read Jung" which you probably haven't even read you've just heard some shitty summary from Jordan Peterson's incel garbage.

You realize even non-modern art had symbolism well past basic fucking Jungian archetypes right?

>> No.3612328

I disagree naturalism which became very popular in the romantic period does not necessarily have to also mean nominalism in the renaissance they had paintings of people or landscapes although religion was a much bigger part of society it was therefore in a lot more art works. Also this whole idea of the spiritual world and physical world is embedded in our psyche whether we like it or not so rather than seeing it as a slippery slope although the romantic period definitely gave way to some of the 20th century art styles like expressionism it is more of a denial of everything rather than a denial of simply the natural world I would say some expressionism is a slippery slope but someone like Jackson pollack is simply causing nothing but the viewers current feeling and beliefs it conveys nothing it inherently means nothing.

Sorry took so long had to go to bathroom

>> No.3612329
File: 2.33 MB, 2974x4000, 208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3612332


>wants to wank to pony porn

now who is the prepubescent roleplayer

But you see these archetypes are inside everyone but are expressed differently the smaller the group until you get to the singular.

>> No.3612333

fuck off with your kindergarten drawings

>> No.3612334
File: 115 KB, 595x900, Archangel Michael overthrows the rebel Angel - Luca Giordano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3612336
File: 106 KB, 663x900, St Michael - Luca Giordano -.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3612337
File: 40 KB, 431x600, The Annunciation - Luca Giordano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3612338
File: 56 KB, 750x550, The Asumption of the Virgin - Luco Giordano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3612339
File: 55 KB, 750x565, Expulsion of the Moneychangers from the Temple - Luca Giordano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3612340
File: 42 KB, 750x549, The Lamentation - Luca Giordano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3612341
File: 46 KB, 617x600, Resurrection - Luca Giordano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3612342

>his music was based around free jazz

>> No.3612346

It must have felt amazing to be knighted by royalty

>> No.3612345

what did I mix it up with another shit jazz player

>> No.3612348

>admitting to not knowing what he's talking about and doing a broad generalization for the sake of baiting
You can have a discussion without that shit, that's just sad.

>> No.3612349

yep I guess so I'm pretty sure thats his lover anyway so his gonna be king it was in Op post

>> No.3612350
File: 73 KB, 826x619, caravaggio_judith_beheading_holofernes-jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love that the last paintings you dumped are just a technically skilled painting of a bible verse. Wow, really shows the beauty of art there bud.

You couldn't even pick any pre-Modern art that has depth? Or significance?

Do you just look at art as another way to jerk off to the bible?

>> No.3612351


He's the perfect example of a dumb incel being tricked into thinking he knows anything by Jordan Peterson (in exchange for a hefty sum of money)

>> No.3612352

No it's because of autists like you that when big words are used you scurry away like rats while if I just use the term modern art most people understand and you can easily see that I understand the different periods and forms of art it's just simpler for people to see and want to click on.

>> No.3612353
File: 3.08 MB, 3543x2741, langedufoyer_ln2012_282_123_300x232mm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is a fun shitshow though, thanks op

>> No.3612354

and yes I have many paintings that have meaning but to simply say that you cannot have a painting simply because of the beauty and open meaning is idiotic.

>> No.3612355

I'm not /pol/, I fap to pokemon exclusively. And last time I checked the cum on my figurines was very tangible, so clearly I am not pretending to get off.

All I'm saying is there is a reason you're better off rendering lopunny's dripping wet pussy today and that is: Artistic evolution. But I suppose that's just another archetype to you. Fact is no one cares about your dusty church paintings and they won't cut it these days. Contemporary artists provide much more stimulating material with much less effort.

Porn is in, fantasy is out.

>> No.3612356


wow you must have a really high IQ. you must be very Rational and Logical too

>> No.3612357

Jordan Peterson is autistic his just famous for SJW videos the way he acts and the way he gets his point across (when it comes to philosophy)is autistic as well. I wouldn't buy his book

>> No.3612358

anytime my dude I might come back another time

>> No.3612359
File: 478 KB, 1536x1453, Dante_Gabriel_Rossetti._Dantis_Amor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Romanticism there was a temporary restoration of some traditional values; their realism was a means to an end, as it was in a lot of late Medieval - early Renaissance art.

I'm having a hard time understanding the rest of your wording anon

>> No.3612360


No one's saying you can't. We're mocking you for shitting on vague abstract symbolism and saying the symbolism in pre-modern (b/c you can't specify a time period just pre-"modern") is great and the deepest symbolism you've got is Knight = Knight.

>> No.3612361
File: 1.45 MB, 1200x630, pablo-picasso-self-portrait-style-evolution-fb66.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


also, the only thing you seem to care about is technical skill. The majority of modern artists have technical skill, but there's more to art than just portraying realism. Artists aren't only painting want the church pays them to paint anymore. There's a reason Picasso went from his early work to his later work.

>> No.3612362

no wonder your so pathetic you still watch porn fucks sake. And those "dusty church paintings convey a lot more" than a dot and a line. Just because something is a future of of it's previous self does not make it superior fucking hell how autistic do you people have to be art has been getting simpler and simpler and intrinsically does not express anything other than your own current feeling and your beliefs which is okay but not as the main form of art art should be about conveying a message and beauty not degeneracy and nothing.

>Porn is in, fantasy is out.

implying porn isn't a fantasy
You cannot say that any one of the paintings that I have posted are less meaningful or less beautiful than a Jackson Pollock painting or any artists you like so pls tell me what artists do you like.

>> No.3612363

he did free jazz at the end of his life, where he practised music like no other. He was a master.
Also I think you do not know what tonality refers to. It's essentially a system of musical writing developped in europe, based around the possibility of vertical composition. It's a standard. You crave tonality because you were born in it, but there is a lot of other musical systems that existed independently for a long ass time.

>> No.3612364

thats because that incel has no idea what hes talking about. he just watched a bunch of right-wing charlatans on youtube and took their word blindly, pretending hes smart for consuming the same "intellectual" content as millions of other insecure white boys

>> No.3612365

Yea I am rational and logical unlike you. I say I don't like art like this because of scientific facts you say you like it because for your feels.

>> No.3612367

>I'm having a hard time understanding the rest of your wording anon

doesn't really matter I think you understand what I mean
it's a fucking example autist knight is as good a representation as any other. Well thats because everything that was premodern was based in our reality autist so I don't inherently have a problem with it.

>> No.3612370

Reading essays and books in Jung's psychology gives you a fairly good idea of his psychology idiot you are accusing me of the same thing you are guilty of doing the only reason you like modern art is too feel special.

Also if you have to watch youtube videos to get an understanding of art or psychology then you are autistic and should read a fucking book.

>> No.3612371

I never said I masturbate to dots and lines. Where did you get this from? Stupid /pol/

I think porn can be very beautiful, especially a big juicy cock, and it can have very important messages for example the characters fucking each other confessing their love at the same time.

Also, porn is the most realistic artform. There is no larp anywhere, there is just getting hard and rubbing one out. Utilitarian as AF.

idk who Jackson Pollack is but for example I like Dagasi and Oob you can find them on e621.

>> No.3612373

And besides I was the first one to accuse these modern/postmodern art fags of doing this to feel special.

>> No.3612374

That's what I'm talking about. Understating, baiting, aren't likely to spur a discussion. You just beget idiocy with idiocy. And you're taking your interlocutors for autists, idiots, etc. before even having talked to them. You're not gonna get anything but dumber.

Not to mention that in what you wrote, I didn't see you displaying anything but a shallow understanding of what modern means. Maybe try non-Traditional ? you seem to discuss things around a negative understanding of what you like

>> No.3612375
File: 408 KB, 1200x876, 37bf5bceaecd5dc214cada09b036f761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but..

>but there's more to art than just portraying realism.

>Artists aren't only painting want the church pays them to paint anymore.
Pretty much all traditional art was spiritual, this 'individualist artist' phenomenon is quite recent

>There's a reason Picasso went from his early work to his later work.
Unfortunately he went abstract for purely aesthetic reasons

>> No.3612379

>Yea I am rational and logical unlike you

saying this just means you're unaware and unwilling to acknowledge your own biases and faults. there's a reason why right-wingers are frequently so angry to the point of psychosis despite proclaiming their Logicality and Rationality

>> No.3612389

I couldn't find any dagasi or Oob only anime and someone with a similar name. Also when I say "jerk yourself to the idea of being a modern art intellectual" well ithink you know what I mean. And realism doesn not equal quality also it would be on par with any movie when it comes to realism but masterpieces such as 2001: A Space Odyssey or A clockwork orange are obviously superior to any fool. But to say that porn is art is insulting to every other form of art what porn expresses is degenerate the cinematography is just run of the mill porn no one has ever created a masterpiece porno because you cant it would stop being a porno and start being a movie with sex. Porn expresses degeneracy it expresses the idea of meaningless sex and studies have shown it lowers activeness and heightens the chance of violence against women. Porn destroys your dopamine receptor system by overflowing it, your shitty animal brain is not build to process porn, porn is the MC Donalds of sex, you get sick after consuming it regularly
Porn is also highly addictive, instead of going out trying to get sex in real life, you just watching two other people fucking, you are programming yourself to be a cuck, AND you will need to find always new ways to stimulate your receptor system, thus, you will develop fetishes destroying once again your ability to relate to others by becoming a degenerated cuck, AND (it will never stop) you will not be able to have multiple orgasms this way, i bet 99% of people watching porn, just do it to come by ejaculation, again your are not your optimal self, you become weaker.

>> No.3612393

look fag how many times do I need to tell you I understand what modern means when it comes to art it's just even when you are an intellectual person simpler things grab your mind rather than a long sentence about random things to the viewer any way. This is not baiting it is just a way for people to find the thread idiot know the difference.

>> No.3612395

Girl detected.

>> No.3612400

>There's a reason Picasso went from his early work to his later work.

Yea because his an idiot

But lets say you have an 8 bit game the story can be expressed better in a 16 bit game and so on but still retaining the game graphics allows for a separate feeling about more ability and control over emotions.

>> No.3612405

I'm a fucking tall blonde blue eyed good looking chad that gets all the pussy he wants besides I started this thread do you think a girl would even be on 4chan.

>> No.3612409
File: 5 KB, 225x224, Suicidal wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any way faggots I'm gonna take a cold show so be back in 10 so I wont be able to respond to your autistic modern art beliefs for a little while

>> No.3612412

>thinks porn is icky and gross
>sex has to be "meaningful" and "spiritual" and shit
>muh violence against muh womyns
>everything should be nice and clean and pleasant and flowers
>can't utilize a search engine
Girl. Or testosterone issues. Do you even masturbate lmao

>> No.3612415



bruh those are typical right-wing incel views

>> No.3612417

These people are girls?

>> No.3612430

Sex should be meaningful with your long term partner not with some good looking slightly chubby blonde you fucked at school. And Woman need to be put in that place although not too extreme. My point was just that obviously it has psychological affects that aren't good. Also of coarse porn isn't icky and gross every normal guy likes it although I realized the affects it has so I stopped. Your dopamine receptors get fucked by porn lowering your ambition and heightening your want for more dopamine and so thats when people get into kinky shit. If you want to make anything off yourself you must stop wanking and fuck a couple hundred chicks then get married and get a job and for fucks sake get some exercise incels.

>> No.3612431

Also I don't think everything should be nice in art it's just you shouldn't express art in a degenerate fashion you can express the idea of murder in a much more beautiful/meaningful way.

>> No.3612433

no most are incels but I'm the 1% who are chads.

>> No.3612435

>These people are girls?

kek you just considered joining the alt right because of the opportunity of getting some pussy.

>> No.3612439


I can't decide if this is a bad shitpost, some idiot who's serious, or a serious post that the poster realized was dumb and is trying to pass it off as a joke but no matter what it's dumb.

>> No.3612442

Well I suppose the pathetic dorks always were jealous of the chads.

But I'm sorry but nobody has proven my point wrong I have continued to dismantle their arguments it's just idiotic this abstract art.

>> No.3612444

Except porn has heightened my ambition to unimaginable levels. Would having some basic bitch around help me draw better pokemon cock? Fat chance. I don't need anyone around to get in my way pursuing my artistic goal of optimally enhancing the erotic curves of raichu.
>If you want to make anything off yourself you must stop wanking
Post work. There is a 100% chance i draw better than you

>getting off to guro
>calling others degenerate

>> No.3612455
File: 83 KB, 900x1233, My drawing of a woman 27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Porn hasn't heightened your goal it has just been a frame for drawing gay hentai.

Science has said you cannot disagree porn is bad for you.

Also I know i soughta fucked up on the eyes. I'm not a natural drawer just wanted to learn it and after years I finally have.

>> No.3612457

I don't even know what guro is besides I don't wank anymore.

>> No.3612458

I want to learn to do more realistic drawings I planned to outline everything in black but it soughta came out too black any way show me some of your stuff do you draw or paint?

>> No.3612461

So I think from now on no more black out lining. But I just wanted to put extra emphasis on the face.

>> No.3612463

s c i e n c e

>> No.3612465

Before I got into porn I wasn't interested in art now I am, and every penis I draw is better than the last one. Soon I will be better than Sakimichan.

>porn is bad for you because it makes you feel good
Better feel bad so I won't feel bad lmao

Also how am I supposed to fap to your drawing? It is just a face looking.

>> No.3612466


the reason why people aren't answering is because you have poor sentencing. and it is painfully obvious that you are a teenie that thinks you've seen it all, analyzed it all and your conclusion is indisputable.

you've chosen an artwork that isn't even of yesteryear, it's an entire century ago. consider this: in 1911, the topic of this painting was already historic and nostalgic. if you are so interested in the theme of "people in their most honorable moments", then fucking start painting contemporary weddings, car sales, businessmen shaking hands.

we are in 2018. AI is the number one topic of the tec world, cars are about to be self-driving, art has found a new field in VR and computer based art ....
why would anyone need knights and damsels? we live in an abstract world. you don't only talk to people, you text with them, skype with them, write emails, take photos .... interaction has become abstract in many ways.

art isn't just made up of archetypes. if anything, the concept of archetypes is challenged by good works of art. or, new archetypes are introduced or being proposed. take the Angel by Michael Borremans. or Naomi by Marlene Dumas.

art has moved forward. yes, there is abstract art. but there is also contemporary art that is still figurative in a classic sense, but the themes are ultimately of today.

is this something that you strongly disagree with?
>it is usually represented in a degenerate fashion.
this sentence alone is absolute bullshit. if you propose something like that, you better come up with good examples and a valid reasoning why you would think like that.

yes, there is some bullshit art out there. so what? there are shit cars out there, shitty businesses, bad products, stupid people ... literally anything you can name in this world can be low standard. my suggestion to you is to stop looking at shit and start searching for the gems out there. cause they are there, but somehow, you refuse to see them.

>> No.3612467

yes s c i e i n c e

>> No.3612472

Hey I'm am somewhat new only being doing art for a couple years besides art isn't for fapping to it's like you people don't understand that.

Also how much more do I have to say I gave you a scientific and logical explanation for why masturbation is bad you still masturbate.

Also why the fuck do you draw penises unless your gay if your that intent on looking sex or sexual references than just watch fucking porn even though I am against it it is better than doing fan art about it. Only fags are this hyper sexualised.

>> No.3612478

So I suppose you're an intellectual person ?
Simple doesn't exclude precise. You're mistaking vulgarisation for popularisation.

>how many times do I need to tell you I understand what modern means
>it is just a way for people to find the thread
>This is not baiting
I'm not gonna post it twice, but >>3612353 you're ok

>> No.3612484

Abstract expressionism goal is to not use symbols, so your brain free associates, and it forces a meaning on something that has none. It's like watching clouds. They where heavily influence by Frued and Jung, and so obsessed with the subconscious.
We have tv, film, photography and comics to deal with symbols.

>> No.3612486
File: 110 KB, 800x500, talking with autistic Pharisees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3612487

Aside from instruction manuals the only purpose of art is fapping. Porn is the natural next step in art. It is evolution. Do you think the ancient painters didn't fap to all those naked ladies? It was huge step to draw nudes back then instead of clothed people. Now society has progressed even more as we can draw cumshots freely without getting our heads cut off. We are slowly progressing to more advanced and refined fetishes than simply boring naked ladies. No one is interested in telling stories we've heard a thousand times when you can look at a sexy lucario.

Why should I not allow myself to feel good? lmao what are you a masochist? You are low T obviously. Get help with that and maybe you can appreciate actual art one day.

>> No.3612488

Your logic is that is something isn't new it is invalid or isn't beautiful. Also I cant fucking paint I am just judging and stating the obvious. But cant you see as we advance we must hold on to our roots that is what caused such a popularity in naturalism and feels with the industrial revolution it's also what allowed Hitler to take power. We must remember what beauty looks like and you can have modern version of an Archetype it is still that same archetype but don't you see these knights and damsels express something so much more pure and beautiful than a car because it represents the natural order between man and woman and the idealism of what a man and woman should be. And this painting represents the sorrow of a man having to carry the burden war and his duty to his country and the beautiful and sad parting between them because this sadness is what affirms life and gives us appreciation for it. Also VR is not beautiful and neither is computer art and our world is not abstract it is the only world we are given so when I say abstract I mean unlike or not based on this reality. Now the only way to express any meaning is to express it through this reality if we express it in random colors and circles and dots it cannot mean anything other than what you make of it even then you cannot make as much beauty into a painting as when it is there for you to see. What I am saying is that not all modern art is bad the (title was just bait to start a thread)and not all abstract art is bad but it tends to either be(when it is abstract art representing something good) somewhat bland or boring and if it's not that then it is representing sadness or negative aspects to life but in a very degenerate way such as having a man dribbling with a disgusting brain. Okay we as humans need something to be expressed in our reality to understand it and to understand it are Archetypes without archetypes we cannot understand the meaning of it without creating it our self's.

>> No.3612490

I wasn't referring to myself as intellectual but simply what most of the fags identify with being on this board and your not too bad either even though your art taste is obscure.

>> No.3612496

But you see the artist is not giving meaning to something that has none the viewers are simply projecting their current mood and their beliefs. That is if it is truly abstract and has no relation to this reality for example Jackson Pollock. Also it's stupid to say that because a form of something is used on many other forms of art so it shouldn't be used here what is it with abstract artists and original content.

>> No.3612501

>Your logic is that is something isn't new it is invalid or isn't beautiful.
ace strawman, my dude. really terrible reading comprehension. and your saying that you can't even paint, puts your stupid rant in perspective. no you are not "stating the obvious", because it is quite literally your short sighted opinion on the subject, not a universial assessment.

again, your obsession with this archetypical painting and the rather simple narrative - love between man and woman, honorable setting, pretty looking fashion, classic role allocation and expectations - is highly subjective, if anything.

>VR is not beautiful and neither is computer art
are we discussing your taste now? is that what you want to talk about? do you want people to agree with your taste? what do you say to someone who says that he doesn't like that knight and damsel painting and finds it awfully boring and kitsch?

>(title was just bait to start a thread)

>we as humans need something to be expressed in our reality to understand it and to understand it are Archetypes without archetypes we cannot understand the meaning of it without creating it our self's.
you sound slightly stupid. please think beyond archetypes for once in your life.

listen to Stockhausen, Conlon Nancarrow, Ligeti
read beat generation authors, William S. Burroughs, Bukowski
watch Cronenberg, Lynch, Tarkowski

and you better learn to differentiate between modern art and contemporary art. they are not the same thing. reading your closed-minded garbage, i would suspect you mean the latter.

>> No.3612506

By definition art is to express beliefs or feelings so to say it only used to fap to is insane it can express deeper meaning such as sacrifice or certain burdens I don't fucking know anything and we as humans can realize this and therefore relate to it as well and when you have these sad aspects to life expressed so well you are asserting life in front of yourself and acknowledging humanity. At least that is the reaction I get from such sad paintings. If the only purpose of art for you is to wank too I'm sorry but you are autistic and obviously cannot appreciate it. Wanking is bad I have gone over this it destroys your dopamine receptors lowering you work ethic and general will and it gets you into degenerate sexual kinks by making you want more. What you are saying is like saying that the only purpose of a movie is porn which is idiotic movies can convey such beauty and meaning just as a painting can but in a different way such as 2001: A Space Odyssey or A clockwork orange
The point is that nudity is not for wanking it is for the expression of the ideal.

>> No.3612524

>2001: A Space Odyssey
i was gonna mention 2001 in>>3612501
, lol. some quantum connection here.

>> No.3612525

>listen to Stockhausen, Conlon Nancarrow, Ligeti
>read beat generation authors, William S. Burroughs, Bukowski
>watch Cronenberg, Lynch, Tarkowski
what i mean to say is, abstraction and themes that are inspired by "the world today" so to speak are found in all media.

if all that art ever needed was archetypes, than we'd all just be buisy repeating or emulating the drama of ancient greek theater, Shakespear, Mozart, Sistine Chapel by Michelangelo etc etc

>> No.3612527

>you've chosen an artwork that isn't even of yesteryear, it's an entire century ago

Implying that because it's old you shouldn't like it or study it.


explain how it is not normal for a male to be fighting and carrying the burden of having to fight for his country and the woman staying at home and the love that is expressed through this is asserting both our the beauty in our reality and our own humanity. So my view is objective not subjective.

>are we discussing your taste now
No we are discussing the objective view that cartoon art that is obviously not real cannot express as much as say a realist paint or a movie. While it can express something in it's own unique way. Just saying that 3d cartoons don't generally incite the same feeling of beauty and love as a painting does.

>you sound slightly stupid. please think beyond archetypes for once in your life.

Maybe it has something to do we with me having to give the same answer a hundred times because you people keep asking the damn same questions a hundred times. But the point still stands our reality is the only way for us to understand anything if it is not expressed through our reality the only reality on that piece of art is our own.

>you better learn to differentiate between modern art and contemporary art. they are not the same thing

And yes I have said this a hundred times I already know the difference it's just for people to understand because when someone see's postmodern art they don't think "oh thats post modern art" they think "modern art" besides when I say modern art I mean most of the abstract art in the 20th century although not all is bad because it is based or at very least representing our reality so it can have meaning but that meaning is often a degenerate meaning when it comes to abstract art.

>> No.3612529

> it can express deeper meaning such as sacrifice or certain burdens
Why do you need to express this shit unless you are mentally ill?
The only reason people go see movies are because of hot actresses. Would anyone see a movie full of uggos? No. "Plot" is for the pseuds to make themselves feel important. But in the end they are also in it to get off.
>2001: A Space Odyssey or A clockwork orange
I mean the rape scene in clockwork was pretty hot but otherwise boring movies and it comes to no surprise most people hate them. Only self-important pseuds write pages of analyzing and other pointless shit.
Nudity IS for wanking. Is the ideal we run around naked? Mental.

Also, I'm perfectly happy because I can freely masturbate to whatever I want whenever I want. I don't need to complicate things with bullshit theories because I'm sexually healthy and can get it up.

>> No.3612530

kek probably.

Fan of Kubrich?

>> No.3612538

>Why do you need to express this shit unless you are mentally ill?
1dimensional incel detected

big fan, yup

>> No.3612540

I don't think you understand what I mean when I said archetypes. Archetypes are universal as we advance so do they. The wanderer archetype is still expresses but in a different way it would be expressed in a modern format but the idea that is that archetype remains. But with the rapidly growing advancements in technology there also needs to be and is a comeback of traditional archetypes such as the warrior except instead of being in modern form of a soldier he is a night in shining Armour it depends on our self's and our current period in which way these archetypes appear.

>> No.3612542

Also ancient Greek drama was the peak of culture look at Wagner's musical dramas such as Parsifal and Der Ring Des Nibelungen as modern incarnations of a Greek tragedy.

>> No.3612545
File: 3.60 MB, 2116x3136, 1534858489620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3612547

I am here only to copy the good art

>> No.3612548

I fucking swear man have you no idea of culture.

Movies express much more than simply a way to get off just as paintings also do. And when I say nudity is for expressing the ideal I mean the ideal human s strong masculine man that is good looking and intelligent and a feminine female who is also good looking and intelligent.

Basically what he said>>3612538

>> No.3612550

>big fan, yup

I see you a man of good taste

Which movie would you say are most interested in

>> No.3612551

>there also needs to be and is a comeback of traditional archetypes
i'm sensing german-to-english direct translation mistakes.

>> No.3612553

>night in shining Armour
throw in some more typos and you land in a totally different subject area.

>> No.3612555
File: 149 KB, 365x460, Tarquin and Lucrece - Luca Giordano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well I can assure you I have plenty of that

>> No.3612558

nope aussie although I have a fair bit of German heritage.

kek just typing to fast for my brain

>> No.3612559

>Movies express much more than simply a way to get off just as paintings also do
All forms of media and communication evolved because of the human need to masturbate.
>And when I say nudity is for expressing the ideal I mean the ideal human s strong masculine man that is good looking and intelligent and a feminine female who is also good looking and intelligent.
Yes because these are fappable traits as far as humans go.
But humanity has started to evolve beyond this. In a hundred years most people will ideally have VR pokemon waifus because of the inherent limitations of real humans. Why settle for less when you can have more? In the end we will probably live in perpetual orgasm.

>> No.3612564

directors: Gaspar Noe, Lars von Trier, Gus van Sant, Guy Maddin, David Cronenberg, Quentin Dupieux (aka Mr. Oizo), ... off the top of my head

>> No.3612568

>have a fair bit of German heritage.
aHuh, gotcha!

at this point, you are barely b8ing. that is just too fucking ridiculous to reply to.

>> No.3612571

This whole discussion is so retarded, saying that abstract art isn't based on reality just goes to show that you haven't even read the most basic stuff about design, most abstractions are an idealized form of insticts that are very much based on reality.
Do you reject color theory too? Because I don't know if you know this, but colors are abstract, at least as far as color theory is concerned. So according to your retarded post, colors can't mean anything because we never find isolated, uniform shapes of solid color in nature.

>> No.3612572

I don't think you understand how civilizations work there is going to be a counter movement against all of this degeneracy whether you like it or not it is the way the world works there will always be fags who are the counter movement for the sake of it. So we will never get to your degenerate ideal world. For example Full Metal Jacket expresses the ideas of man and machine and the duality of nature and one having to embrace the machine in war. This is called evolving bucko but do you think of nothing more than what you can get off on next evolutionary speaking our goal is to advance and non stop ejaculating is bad for the brain and lowers ambition it is evolutionary bad. While these traits such as intelligence affect your children do you not want them to be intelligent or do you want them to also be a failure like you who draws pony porn and faps to it kek.

>> No.3612578

If you're french go see Bertrand Mandico. Not really belonging to that short list, but he's the best starting director we've got

>> No.3612579

>going to be a counter movement against all of this degeneracy
yeah we had that back in '45 with "Entartete Kunst". no thanks.

>> No.3612580

>Gaspar Noe, Lars von Trier, Gus van Sant, Guy Maddin, David Cronenberg, Quentin Dupieux

Some are a bit odd but have to admit they make good movies I think you would probably like David Lynch. His mvoies are very sub consciously based for example Eraserhead I know the name sounds stupid but well made movie he also made the elephant man.

>> No.3612582

Remove that stick from your ass and just fap you retard. Prudishness is the biggest mental illness. Holy fucking shit you people are hopeless.

The urge for sexual release is what drives humanity forward. I've proven again and again throughout this discussion that I am right but as always stuck up retards will opt for "purity" and "intellect" as relevant. Probably because you always need to feel so god damn self-important. And it is pretty fucking ironic considering I'll be right in the end. Who'll be the intellectual then, I wonder?

>> No.3612583

Yea a fair bit off Irish too so being German and Irish makes one quite fond of the drink. A curse and blessing.

>> No.3612586

Yes but color with no other objectivity such as something based in our reality is subjective by nature.

>> No.3612587


i knew this was a lobster

>> No.3612588

read something else than Freud
Sexuality isn't that important, it was just him struggling with societal taboo

>> No.3612590

lmao I don't see myself trying to justify looking at naked ladies through self-important pretentiousness any day soon. Because I'm not delusional, like you are when you go on dumb little rants of "the duality of man" or some other bullshit.

Stop being afraid of your own dick. Jesus.

>> No.3612591

not french, but i'm checking out his stuff now. thanks!

I thought mentioning Lynch in an art related forum was kinda redundant. but yeah, big Lynch fan here obviously. INLAND EMPIRE was a horror rolercoaster.

>Remove that stick from your ass and just fap you retard.
lmao, you do you, faggot.
first it's archetypes, now it's fapping. you are a simple one.
sexuality can be a theme in art, but there are many more themes that can impress people artistically and keep them remembering a certain piece of art.

i would really like to hear your background in order to understand your decisions and arguing a bit more. what background do you have in art? what do you do mostly in any artistic area (if anything)? what are your favorite five works of art?

>> No.3612594

Yes but you see no movement can grow this strong and this fast and obviously so quickly without a very strong equal besides degeneracy like ours is a sign of a collapsing civilization it's part of the 7 stages of civilization or is it 6 or 9 I can't remember but just as a flower blossoms and then shrivels up and dies so does a civilization.

>> No.3612595

>go see Bertrand Mandico.
can you recommend a "must see" movie by him? I saw that the most recent one is "The wild boys"

>> No.3612597

lol, yeah so they say. i'm in a fairly alcoholic nation myself. beer is in my veins.

>> No.3612599

Sexuality is not what drives humanity it allows humanity to drive but it is by no means the driving force of mankind. While Freud was important to psychology most of his theories were lunacy just a way for him to bury the fact that his father molested him.

>> No.3612601

>Sexuality isn't that important
Yes people only kill themselves and others over it en masse. Thankfully people are ceasing to obsess over each other and waifuism is making strides. The future is VR and with that people can free up their lust and become content and productive.

>> No.3612602
File: 520 KB, 1280x779, Egger-Lienz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, why is it that that people who sperg out the most about "modern art" know and care so little about art and cant draw a stick figure themselves. The absolute state of /pol/yps

>> No.3612603

>austrian detected
aussie =/= austria ....

>> No.3612604

It was a joke bucko

Tell me how do you think the brain functions do you truly believe that everything we is based on sexuality if so that is insanity there obvious factors and mental illnesses that come from something other than sexuality.

Good good glad someone is sane here and not raving on about out dated Freudian theory's that have been proven wrong time and time.

>> No.3612606

>aussie =/= austria
Was hat er damit gemeint?

>> No.3612607

>sexuality can be a theme in art, but there are many more themes that can impress people artistically and keep them remembering a certain piece of art.
>what background do you have in art?
Surfing e621
>what do you do mostly in any artistic area (if anything)?
From behind.
>what are your favorite five works of art?
Dunno, I've been into Sunibee lately.

Fapping is a revolutionary act, btw.

>> No.3612608

Also dude I was the one talking about archetypes not that Freudian autist I'm the kubrich fan anyway I think you miss understood what I meant by archetypes but you seem fairly intelligent I would recommend reading Jung's Man and his Symbols it's basically a much more simple version of his psychology for newcomers I read it when I started to get into him.

>> No.3612609

>nope aussie although I have a fair bit of German heritage.
what is it now. Austrialian or Austrian?

>> No.3612610

>Tell me how do you think the brain functions do you truly believe that everything we is based on sexuality if so that is insanity there obvious factors and mental illnesses that come from something other than sexuality.

>> No.3612611

It's his first and only so far full-length film, I'd recommend that honestly.
Terayama+Verne+Cocteau+Rimbaud+Wakamatsu+Bava etc etc
I'd recommend his interview with Thiellement too, the best alive french writer, but I doubt there's english subs
I don't even know if there's an easily findable copy of Les garçons Sauvages with english accomodations

>> No.3612612

Well I can drink to that

Kek i guess you have to be able to paint if you want to judge paintings the lunacy.

>> No.3612613

[citation needed]

>> No.3612617

neither desu

>> No.3612619

you already know too much

This is obviously an incel who hasn't made anything off himself and is just trying to justify his sexually depraved self by making sexuality into the most important aspect of life.


>> No.3612621

maybe more Wakamatsu than Terayama, but there's this strong feel of 60-70 japan, pinku eiga and all, even this fetish of school boys in uniforms acting crazy and violent like in a maruo manga
not the gore though

>> No.3612622

being an artist yourself 100% makes your judgements on artwork more informed and valuable.

>> No.3612624

>>sexuality can be a theme in art, but there are many more themes that can impress people artistically and keep them remembering a certain piece of art.
i'm officially done with you and your 1-point-horizon shit.
i'd janitor the shit out of you. don't make another thread like this ever again.

>I would recommend reading Jung's Man and his Symbols
Jung was known to branch off into completely esoteric theories about the soul and the mind. I really can't be bothered with esoteric stuff, but I do have "Conscious and Unconscious" by Jung at home.

nice list, i'll look into that as well. yeah i don't mind watching a movie in french. i understand like 75% of it most of the time. had lessons a few years ago and also a good base with 4 years of Latin in school.

>copy of Les garçons Sauvages with english accomodations

oh ok.


i can relate

>> No.3612626

I don't need any god because I excel at drawing pokecock already. I don't need more than this. As for sexual encounters I'm well experienced in public.

You on the other hand tremble at thought of the mentally ill masses, or ((((god))))) exacting sexual judgment. There is no god to pity you but I do for sure.

>> No.3612627

I am Australian but have German heritage.

So lets say your whole life you have always wanted money it was your life's meaning to get more money does that than come from sex. Also how do you explain schizophrenia does that also somehow come from sex if so please explain don't just say "no"

It's obvious humans have a innate drive to advance in any way and is express differently with every group you have look at it as Humans have a will and that will is to advance than you have races which have their own unique will of wanting but it is based off of the human will than you get nationality than smaller groups in that country and eventually the singular person who has their own personal will but that is built upon the bigger will upon them. Sex is just the oil that allows the machine to keep running.

>> No.3612629

I didn't even make this thread, dumb Jungshit.

>> No.3612631

no that is untrue my judgement on how it was made or how difficult it was to make is more valid but not on other matters.

>> No.3612634

kek, your wording in the other posts kinda reminded me of translations from german texts.

shut your festering gob, you tit.

>> No.3612635

>my judgement on how it was made or how difficult it was to make
how would you know?

>> No.3612638

Also dude I created this thread I was the one talking about Kubrich/Lynch and archetypes.

Also I would recommend modern man in search of a soul. I know Jung is esoteric but trust me once you read most of his theories it all comes together and makes sense at first it may sound silly but after reading most of his work life starts to make sense.

NSW Australia

>> No.3612639

>So lets say your whole life you have always wanted money it was your life's meaning to get more money does that than come from sex.
You want to secure a fast speed-internet connection to browse e621 so you can fap all day.
>Also how do you explain schizophrenia does that also somehow come from sex if so please explain don't just say "no"
I don't know, why don't you ask your "archetypes" about it? You probably make up multiple personalities to fuck them tho. Except since you're a prude you won't admit it.

>It's obvious humans have a innate drive to advance in any way and is express differently with every group you have look at it as Humans have a will and that will is to advance than you have races which have their own unique will of wanting but it is based off of the human will than you get nationality than smaller groups in that country and eventually the singular person who has their own personal will but that is built upon the bigger will upon them. Sex is just the oil that allows the machine to keep running.
No the machine is meant to provide fap material. This is the highest art and point of existence.

>> No.3612641

No, but I am masturbating currently.

>> No.3612652

I'm a chad always have been and always got all the pussy I wanted it's just when your with the woman that you want to marry it's best her be a virgin and wait to get married to shag.

kek typing to fast

because I am an artist

>You want to secure a fast speed-internet connection to browse e621 so you can fap all day.

I fucken swear his been shit posting this whole time fucks sake I shoulda known I didn't eve sleep because of your stupidity it's 9 am.

>I don't know, why don't you ask your "archetypes" about it? You probably make up multiple personalities to fuck them tho. Except since you're a prude you won't admit it.

If you had half a brain you might understand the simple idea of archetypes. I am going to put it as simple as possible Archetypes are not conscious they are just aspects of your mind.

Sexual pleasure lasts for an hour or two get over it. The pleasure you get form asserting your humanity by looking at a statue or painting is by far a greater feeling.

>> No.3612654
File: 125 KB, 600x600, Wojak- Suicide.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking hell I let him get to me again

>> No.3612659

>I'm a chad always have been and always got all the pussy I wanted it's just when your with the woman that you want to marry it's best her be a virgin and wait to get married to shag.
That's a lot of sexual anxiety.

>I fucken swear his been shit posting this whole time fucks sake I shoulda known I didn't eve sleep because of your stupidity it's 9 am.
keep going stupid /pol/tard fag

>If you had half a brain you might understand the simple idea of archetypes. I am going to put it as simple as possible Archetypes are not conscious they are just aspects of your mind.
Well I hope your "aspects" will tell you to stop being such a prude womanlike bitch
>Sexual pleasure lasts for an hour or two get over it. The pleasure you get form asserting your humanity by looking at a statue or painting is by far a greater feeling.
lmao no. Intellectual wankery doesn't count as real masturbation.

>> No.3612670

No it's just called being normal sex happens in life that doesn't make it the most important aspect to life besides whats causing the sexual anxiety when you have always gotten sex when you wanted it from the hot girls I can imagine this is why you have such an obsession with sex because you never got it and I got as much as I wanted from the hottest chicks I don't care that much about it.

Is this your attempt to get rid of me well I got good news I am going to be a new regular because I liked the chat and will consistently post threads like this and get everyone's attention away from your gay drawings.

These aspects make up your personality I'm sure this basic element to psychology is to abstract for your nigger level brain.

Of coarse it doesn't count as masturbation maybe because it has nothing to do with masturbation. Besides the feeling is a lot more filling and meaningful then a short orgasm. Kek you probably cum after two mins.

I suppose a shirt sexual deviant will always hate the tall blonde, blue eyed, good looking, smart people of the world because of all the hot pussy they get which is 10x more satisfying then masturbation or a fictional character but you wouldn't know or if you have had sex it's probably with those shot fat girls in high school when you were always wishing you could fuck the cheerleaders team like me. THE ENTIRE TEAM

>> No.3612672

Bet you haven't had an orgy when your the only guy and the rest are the cheerleaders team which are the sexiest girls at the school.

>> No.3612673

I care little for sex now and sex is the meaning to your life and yet I get 100x more sexual pleasure and experience than you. SAAAD

>> No.3612674

Find a new hobby other than masturbation faggot.

>> No.3612675

holy fucking run-on sentnce
lern2punctuate dumb faggot

>> No.3612676

stop larping, faggot.

>> No.3612677

Fuck off faggot or prove me wrong

>> No.3612678

I can sense that internal Jealousy and hatred but alright I admit it wasn't the entire team it was only 5 but hey at least they were the hottest

>> No.3612680

anything you say, Munchhausen.

>> No.3612681

I fucken loved that movie as a kid never read the book though. Anyway I don't care if you believe me or not I know it's true and a good memory from teenage years it's just I can sense you anger any way you gave me plenty of keks with the whole "sex is what drives everything in humans" thing.

>> No.3612682

>being this enraged over me enjoying a simple masturbation

Once again:
Fapping is a revolutionary act.

It exposes the clear sexual mass neurosis infesting modern society. You take your sexuality into your own hands and people struggling to project theirs onto the world obviously gets enraged. It's "cheating". I don't deserve sexual pleasure because I haven't jumped the hoops, throwing them away instead.

While you struggle with anxiety I enjoy a healthy sex life and not only that; I'm growing increasingly capable of projecting sophisticated fantasies onto a 2-dimensional plane while you pretend to enjoy architecture or some other boring shit.

Holy fuck. You are sad.

>> No.3612683
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>to ever've lived
>to ever HAVE lived
ftfy you absolute fucking brainlet
I even typed out the conjuction to show you where you went wrong

>> No.3612685

that sex schtick wasn't me, you moron. there are more anons in here ...
just sounds awfully scripted, your cheerleader fap-fantasy. either way, even if you had anything beyond a hoverhand experience with a girl, sex is ephemeral. it's gone as soon as it's over. to kissless virgins, it's cruel to hear stories about it. to an experienced, informed adult, it's just stupid bragging. "good for you" as they say.

>> No.3612686

>I fucken loved that movie as a kid
I ––still–– love it, faggot. don't give up on good movies.

>> No.3612688

>You take your sexuality into your own hands
pun not intended.

>Fapping is a revolutionary act.
write a thesis on it, Dr. Fapster

can you stop talking about your jizz-crusted hands and get back to the OP subject?

>> No.3612689
File: 57 KB, 346x416, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe I could argue with you if I knew what the fuck you were even trying to say. Again, lern2punctuate so you can communicate the ideas concocted by your tiny brain.

>> No.3612690

>implying potent erotic stylization doesn't require a huge amount of abstraction.

Abstraction is the highest cognitive function. As evidenced by the superior pornography produced utilizing it.

>> No.3612696

>porn addict incel, justifying his antisocial tendencies.

>> No.3612700

I'm just explaining to you why abstraction is the future of art and realism is a thing of the past.
Realism was necessary to bring about proper abstraction but as we've elevated art to the next stage we can now discard it.

>> No.3612705

You have no sex life if you masturbate the definition of sex is sexual intercourse with another
masturbation is bad get the fuck over it and get a girlfriend I simply walked through the hoops it was easy buddy. Now get a life and get over Freud

>> No.3612707

/pol/ takes on /ic/ headfirst lmao

>> No.3612709

I didn't read because that would take longer than two seconds and I'm really bored of this topic.
Here's my opinion on it:
Virtue is the middle between two extremes.
Overly abstract art is shit.
Overly representational art is shit. (IE. Photorealism)
A picture that is representational with artistic flair is superior. One that is not in some ways both is not taking full advantage of the medium and is missing lots of potential.

Reply "dumb frogposter" if you disagree.

>> No.3612710

get over it assburgers

I'm just talking about my great teenage years to enrage the freudian autist.

Yea so do I

I guess you could prove me wrong if you had a grasp on the subject

>> No.3612713

Agreed but photo realism still is not a photo and activates different parts of the brain but agreed it has to be based in or at least a representation of reality because reality is the only way to represent any idea. There is something unique to the form of expression which is paining. I agree with you but photo realism is okay in my book it can still be beautiful in a way different to a photo.

>> No.3612715

I'm not the one getting upset.
Could you justify your violent reaction against me masturbating? In any way? If I didn't know better your anger comes from the jealous realization of your neurosis contrasted to my boundless sexual freedom.

And of course, the freedom to create and enjoy 2D pokepenis. A thing you'll never wrap your head around, because you are stuck on a lower plane of sexual development. You can only imagine me getting off in absolute envy.

>> No.3612724

Your dreaming buck I have been calm this whole time. I have the ability to enjoy love and spiritual bonding with another person because I choose to and want to while you choose to fap because you have no other choice because no woman ever wanted this choice you does not come from you being "intelligent" rather ugly and unattractive and feminine I have the ability to experience love in the most Beautiful way I also have the opportunity to reject love for a short time and work more on philosophy and history while you are have the option of neither you are limited to a fat pit of sexual desire. And since when did going down a dimension become better the higher the dimension the more sensual the experience in 4th dimension sex would be more pleasurable than here while you insist on degenerating yourself in morals, pleasure, state of mind and health in general. Hopefully you meet a chick and have kids.

Why do you think love is so romanticized any way just simply because it's a good story no because true and beautiful love does exist. And I have experienced that although she is gone I have found another partner to share equally as meaningful and spiritual bonding with.

>> No.3612730

>he doesn't like Kim Jung Gi

>> No.3612736

Except love between 3DPD is highly conditional and therefore coupled with the prospect of excruciating separation anxiety and inevitable conflict and compromise.

2D love is unconditional, far closer to the ideal and healthier for all parties involved. Not to mention endless sexual opportunity and possibilities. With the emergence of increasingly realistic VR traditional relationships are doomed in face of sexual and emotional limitlessness.

But hey, keep pretending to enjoy your stressful and anxious state of existence. I enjoy the poetry of your meaningless struggle for "love" and "spiritual bonding" and other hippie shit.

>> No.3612758
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I will say that I really hate how popular culture is all about “destroying,” “smashing,” “subverting,” or “reconstructing,” the art in our culture.
Everything has to be ugly now, to “represent,” all the ugly people in our world. What happened to inspiring other people to BECOME closer to the ideal? You’ll never be perfect, but you can still be something noble and great.
It’s like instead of getting their act together and becoming presentable, acceptable human beings, they want to inflict their weird grossness on everyone else. Like fat people celebrating even more people becoming fat, and being totally in denial about why it’s not attractive and not okay, and then wanting everyone else to have lower standards for themselves.
And why are we artists asked to represent this? It’s part of their desire to push this on everyone else, to indoctrinate and create more people LIKE THEM. That’s fucked, and that’s what makes me a judgy bitch. Being indoctrinated to mutilate yourself and destroy your body is evil.

>> No.3612761

I aint no hippie but I understand the Beautiful feeling that is love and with those conditions come many pros that out way them if you are so childish that you swear of love than you do not deserve it. You have never had the feeling of love therefore you cannot judge it you only know what some edgy 12 yr old says about love because he thinks it's "icky" grow a pair and ask a woman out.

But obviously your the one with emotional trauma deep down your afraid afraid of rejection afraid of getting close to someone and letting them hurt you perhaps you were hurt when you were younger or sometime in your life or perhaps you were just born with this innate fear (which is the less likely option) either this belief of masturbation being the end all and be all is a defensive you have put up to stop yourself from being hurt(emotionally) and to make yourself feel adequate because you feel as if your not normal so you must justify your existence. Well you look are not the most important thing and neither is penis size or height or even intelligence it's your character and I have faith that if you shed this defensive shell than you will truly be free and truly know love and finally be loved.

I have faith in you that you can do it good luck anon

>> No.3612768

Yes it is self destructive attitude wished upon others. Not all of abstract art is bad but it must be based in reality or at very least must be related to it somehow to convey meaning while the few abstract art that has a relation to reality it is a sick and twisted relation with the focus point being an extremely ugly man or something like that. Most of it is degenerate.

>> No.3612776

When opportunity arises you'll also change out 3DPD for 2D. VR is the endpoint and ultimate artform. It is what the accumulated strides in technology and art always has been aiming for.

When it becomes more tangible, available hence mainstream you'll have an easier time breaking with your neurosis and conditioning as to what represents socially acceptable sexual outlets.

>> No.3612783
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I can't understand half of what this brainlet is even trying to say most of the time. How do you guys do it? I'm honestly impressed.

>> No.3612785

your idiology is that of art from over a century ago. in that you propose that art be only there to represent beauty, uplifting qualities, positivity, productivity, virtue.
you have failed to realize that art as a media for ideas can be about literally anything that is worthy to make a statement about. and it isn't YOUR measure that is applied to that art, it is, at best, the consensus of the mass that is informed about art, art history and art movements. most artists are only ever appreciated and celebrated in hindsight, as the validation of art is a long and analytic process. artists are know as the "seismologist" of their time, in that they can identify what defines the characteristics of their surroundings and the issues of their lifetime (ideally). that is what a good artist is capable of.

your nostalgia on the other hand is nothing more than that: nostalgia. a fetish for old news. regurgitating old standards and mourning the loss of the same.

you are a senile old man in art reception. you are definitely a dogmatic person, i make no mistake about that. but i reject your dogma and the old, long overcome standards you impose on art.

>> No.3612790

>make yourself feel adequate because you feel as if your not normal so you must justify your existence.
you are poorly conjuring up conspiracy-tier theories to shit on other peoples opinions and trying to tell them what they are "allowed" to like in your view. how in the fuck is your bleating intolerance supposed to make a point for "beautiful art"?
if you care so much about doing knight and damsel paintings, then i urge you start doing some yourself. if your art is any good, it doesn't matter if it's according to old principles, it will stand on its own. but it's no use to mourn the "good old days", you need to make a change and make the art you want to see and subsequently put it to the test and exhibit it. if you hate contemporary art so much, than compete with it, do it better.

>> No.3612796

Anon you contradict yourself you say that the whole human mind is built around sex because of the need for reproduction but you yourself say the end goal of sex is to masturbate while watching hentai pokemon VR. Obviously I have proven my point and it is right this future you want for us is a self destructive future.

As always anon it's not too late to make a family also let you defense down and you will find love and someone who truly loves you Good luck anon.

>> No.3612800

>cries about degeneracy
>post a wall of barely punctuated degenerated English

>> No.3612804

Humans are also built to live as hunter-gatherers and dying in their 20's. This does not imply it's preferable to modern society. Similarly, time will prove VR to be the preferable option when it comes to sexual and emotional satisfaction.

>> No.3612805

just stfu man. nobody cares what you think

>> No.3612806

White people revolutionized painting, also white people introduced modernist movement of impressionism and cubism.
Really made me think

>> No.3612809
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You’re mischaracterizing my point.
I’m not saying that there’s NO ROOM for anything other than knights in shining armor and angels and shit.
I AM saying that there’s a massive, almost totalizing push in pop culture to strip art (and by extension our standards) of any kind of value judgement, or aspirational ideal. You can’t have standards anymore because standards are evil “-isms,” and inspiring people to change for the better is an evil “-ist.”
That was my point, if that makes me dogmatic, whatever. I’m not denying the range of artistic expression, but I hate how a lot of popular culture is trying to validate an ideology that totally lacks standards, and moreover pushes people to justify suboptimal lifestyles.

>> No.3612814

I hope you know Jesus wasn't white.

>> No.3612815

Maybe because your too autistic and cant understand true intelligence.

We can Art about sadness and death but art about disgust and or if it is represented in a degenerate form as most abstract art is that can relate to reality so it is therefore degenerate and needs to be burned.

The world is so autistic these days did you even read what that guys point was his point was that everything we do as humans comes from sex for fucks sake how insane do you have to be to believe that. Beautiful art is Objective not subjective know the difference anon. And if you had half a brain you would of read my countless points about what the damsel and knight represent but I will say it for the hundredth time because you idiots seems to ask the same questions a hundred times. The knight and damsel are an example of how meaning can only be expressed through our reality. You cannot express something that intrinsically has no objective meaning like a circle or line or a color while art based in our reality (Like the one with the knight and damsel) or at very least relating to our reality is the only way to express any meaning the only meaning you can give such extreme forms of abstract art such as Jackson Pollock is the meaning that you give it which comes from your current mood and beliefs it is inherently subjective. So again representing something in our reality does not simply allow for meaning or an idea the context of the painting is the meaning which comes from the archetypes in the painting which come from our minds and knight and damsel is an expression of the knight and probably princess but in medieval European form which originated in the medieval European mind. These archetypes exist in all cultures and races among the world allowing for the racial/cultural differences to change these certain archetypes form and meaning but the idea still remains.

>> No.3612822
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I got the gist of the OP from the first run-on sentence. Tl;Dr OP is upset that the human form and archetypes have been abstracted to the point that they cannot be easily recognized, and what passes for “art,” today doesn’t embody archetypes, and therefore doesn’t speak to meaning or truth. 99% sure that’s what it is. Also something something, race realism.

>> No.3612823

I hope you enjoy it !

>> No.3612827

This is what I don’t buy about race realism. It seems like no matter what race you are, we’re all susceptible to the same kinds of social cancer. That isn’t to deny that there are differences between races, but I don’t buy this determinism that dictates what you believe and what your values are based on race.

>> No.3612832

Get over it faggot I wrote it quickly

So how will we reproduce faggot?

typical lefty autist muh feels doesn't care about the logical points that I made though.

About what besides most of the deep end of abstractionism such as cubism or expressionism were Jewish really makes you think.

Don't even bother trying to educate these idiots I have been trying to explain why most of abstractionism is shit land similar points to you but they don't listen.

Yes he was autist

No my point was that art cannot be expressed in any way other than our reality and archetypes are the basic levels of our psyche that allow us to think they express meaning and ideas in their most fundamental form. So my point was that if something is not based in our reality or is not relating to it in someway it has no meaning(Such as a line or circle or colors with no reference to our reality)the only meaning it then has is the meaning you give it. So when I say archetypes I simply mean the expression of certain aspects/ideas in our minds personified because humans are the only thing we know that can express such ideas that is why these archetypes are expressed as humans. If you didn't understand I will clear anything up just say what. Also what I meant by race is that we have archetypes that are universal to humans such as the broad archetype of the warrior and that broad archetypes is expressed more uniquely the smaller you get race then sub race then nationality than smaller sects and then the family and then the individual which has the most unique when compared to other individuals the same thing goes for complexes(complexes are any pattern of emotions or wants in a person personal unconscious)these complexes come from archetypes and the dominance of some rather than another. Look at archetypes as aspects of the mind thats the simplest way to put it.

>> No.3612835

>So how will we reproduce faggot?
Who gives a shit

>> No.3612836

well there are obviously different values that come more naturally to certain races than others it is a given. Do you think the tiger goes through the same though process as the lion of coarse not although similar different.

>> No.3612837

You are autistic survival is the most important aspect of existence although the meaning of existence as humans is to advance if we cannot survive we cannot advance.

>> No.3612838

It is completely unimportant.

>> No.3612839
File: 98 KB, 700x692, Disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>survival is unimportant

>> No.3612843

Yes. If you die the world would keep going. If humanity disappeared the universe would keep going.
For being such an unimportant insignificant shit your arrogance is pretty excessive.

>> No.3612846
File: 50 KB, 388x507, georgecondo_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>strip art
I have no idea in what completely false direction you have to look to come to the conclusion that pop culture pushes "strip art" (wtf is strip art anyway?). A handful of internet forums and websites do not represent the current art world trends, anon.

yes, there are hardly any -isms to be found, but that is because there is no more need for the kind of art communities that artists used to entertain, like the Dadaist movement group. there are hardly any such art groups. (only example that comes to mind would be the Grupa Ładnie around Wilhelm Sasnal, Polish).

>but art about disgust
George Condo makes paintings that are on the verge of being repulsive, grotesque, obscene. But this isn't new. if you believe that art history only dealt with beauty, than you've obviously ruled out Hieronymus Bosch. Art can deal with all topics that excite people, and part of that is horror, disgust, ugliness (The Ugly Dutchess, DaVinci) and all sorts of genres.

>Beautiful art is Objective not subjective know the difference anon.
nothing about beauty is truly objective, anon. how fucking dense can one person be. if that was the case, than we would all agree on every "miss universe" contest, we'd all be buying the same furniture, watching the same movies.

>And if you had half a brain you would of read my countless points about what the damsel and knight represent
yeah you keep reitterating your shitty point over and over. it's really simple and boring.
the problem with you is, you can't think in the abstract. you can only speak about basic symbolism (archetypes) and basic abstractions. as you say, the whole geometrical art thing puzzles you. obviously, you have never learned to look at rhythm, dynamic, composition and color juxtaposition seperately, in an analytical sense. then you would begin to understand what something like "postmodern" means. it is deconstruction, namely the deconstruction of old, established sets of rules.

>> No.3612847

merci beaucoup, anon!

>> No.3612854

It’s more accurate to say that different races are more likely to have grown up with specific cultural values because of their proximity to those value’s origin. If you grow up Latino in a majority-white (keyword: majority) town, you’re likely to assimilate to the dominant culture’s values, but if you grow up in a latin Community you’ll be more Latin. I’m not convinced that it’s a “given,” one way or the other.
You also need to take into account the power of political propaganda on a multiracial population. Everyone has some kind of racial identity, and they will probably balkanize because they perceive one political ideology as favoring them and another as dangerous to them. I think it’s a threat response strategy, not a biologically ingrained value system.

>> No.3612866
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>there’s a push to strip art of any kind of ideal
>”hurrr durrr, what’s strip art?”
How do you misread something so badly? Is English your second language? If so, it’s fine, but to “strip” something is to remove the parts of something until all you have are it’s essential bits.

>> No.3612870

well nobody except your stupid ass calls it "strip art". are we in kindergarten?

>> No.3612872

If humanity died out then it would of been a waste of the universes time right now we are highest evolved lifeforms that we know and we ow it to exist to survive and keep advancing

>> No.3612875

of coarse but if we deal with it in such a way to express it and idealize than that is degenerate.

>> No.3612884

at this point, i have no clue what kind of art you would unironically call "degenerate". give some examples of works of art that fit your "degenerate art" category standards.

to me, the concept of dissecting and deconstructing is intriguing and valid.
If you look at Gerhard Richters career, he has started out with a lot of landscape paintings from photos. He is one of the most skilled painters when it comes to realism. Later in his career, destructive and disruptive interventions to the paintings became interesting to him and he started using huge fountain blades to apply a thick layer of color on top of realistic paintings. If you seriously believe that one of the most famous painters who is capable of producing a realistic depiction with his left hand would "accidentally" arrive at your so-called "degenerate" art, then you really can't be helped.

>> No.3612887
File: 88 KB, 600x792, 7ff6093a254d976521452f2d8c8686cf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anime is better

>> No.3612896

The universe is not conscious.
It doesn't know what waste is.
It doesn't care how complex we are.
Advancing or regressing, it doesn't matter because entropy will get to everything eventually.

We can pretend what we do is important all we want, but in the end whatever mark we make will be rendered meaningless. You will die and so will all your descendants and all you accomplishments will eventually be forgotten.

This is basic shit.

>> No.3612897

Are you going to compare our era with that one?
We dont have kings, emperors, heroes or god kings and most religious ppl refuse to draw.....modern art is just the expression of how i feel today (like a REEEEEEEE + picasso + your face + what do you think you are + one of your mental dissorders)...there`s a brazilian (i think) who tries to draw good stuff.

>> No.3612899

No beauty is Objective do you find over wait fat woman attractive no when men see a woman they all generally agree yea shes hot although there slight differences like one guy likes bit tits I dunno but over all beauty is not subjective it is objective something that we as humans have evolved to find beautiful. Okay it's just the singular persons taste vs the entire species taste which naturally is more important.

Yes fuck wit I already know what post modern means and color without any relation to our reality has no objectivity just like I have said before the own persons current feeling and their beliefs the same thing goes with shapes they inherently have no meaning to us until something that is identifiable and unique to our reality than these colors and shapes take meaning and form otherwise they mean nothing autist. Stop jerking yourself off to modern art think your so intelligent because you can "appreciate" it. And I never said the whole idea of archetypes was advanced or hard to understand I am simply pointing out the obvious which therefore led to the idea that if something does not represent something or something that has meaning to us it is meaningless and archetypes are the expression of that meaning. I had to say it a hundred times because autists on this board couldn't understand what I meant by archetype. You people just keep on saying the same shit and I keep on giving the same damn answers and than someone else comes along to ask the same damn question it gets irritating faggot.

>> No.3612902

of coarse you are going to assimilate but you would assimilate much better to a culture that has sprung forth from their racial values and beliefs that are intrinsic to them.

>> No.3612904


you legitimately need therapy. there is no way someone like you has any friends, although i'm sure you've already made up an excuse for that.

>> No.3612911

>I never said the whole idea of archetypes was advanced or hard to understand
yeah it's exactly the opposite actually. it's basic shit. but reading this:
>men see a woman they all generally agree yea shes hot although there slight differences like one guy likes bit tits I dunno but over all beauty is not subjective
it is clear to everyone here that you are as basic as basic can get. and pleeease use punctuation, you annoying cunt. your text is a fucking pain to read.

>think your so intelligent because you can "appreciate" it.
no, you lobotomized vegetable. but it seems like you are too stupid to understand the concepts behind contemporary art works.
stop shilling the word archetype. it's all you ever speak of. if something doesn't feature an archetypical concept, it seems to be unappealing to you. great! suit yourself, bitch.

done with your shit. i'm out.

>> No.3612915

>I had to say it a hundred times because autists on this board couldn't understand what I meant by archetype. You people just keep on saying the same shit
you are the one repeating yourself over and over again!

>> No.3612924

art degenerating the human form or ideal to such a degree in which this form is no longer familiar to us is degenerative.

God exists and we Must fight Evil
Do you not have any want to concur or advance to touch the stars to be God man in a mortal realm you disgust me.


Yes because as we advance to the stars we find our self's looking behind us more and more and that is because of this lack of loss of morals and beauty in which we had in that era virtually any pre modern era can be expressed through these archetypes these days but most often around medieval world and before because of the distance. Now archetypes are often in contemporary form but because of this feeling of a loss of the past and our heritage it appears as so a knight and damsel it is also about what it represents the natural order between man and woman and the meaning of these particular archetypes such as the knight which is based around virtue and morals. Now do you see why it is important because the further we dive into degeneracy the harder it is for archetypes to express themselves in a contemporary fashion.

I have more fucking friends than you bucko but again your argument is based on emotion I have seen every single person come onto this board and start arguing and make the same points as everyone else and then for me to also make the exact same points in which it usually ends in the person just using personal insults because they base their entire ideology on their feels muh feels.

>> No.3612929

>implying jung is basic and easy to understand
Go read his red book faggot and tell me how easy it was to understand.

>doesn't say how I am wrong just uses personnel insults.

>no, you lobotomized vegetable

>but it seems like you are too stupid to understand the concepts behind contemporary art works.
stop shilling the word archetype

Look faggot how many times do I have to say this if something like color or shapes have nothing somehow joining them with reality (archetypes)than it has no other meaning than the meaning you give it.

>if something doesn't feature an archetypical concept, it seems to be unappealing to you

you still don't understand archetypes and yet you call the idea simple what a brainlet. If something has no archetypal concept then it has no meaning archetypes are meaning idiot they are the format to express meaning and since we have no other such format than it is that meaning.

>> No.3612931

Well if you understood fuck wit you would understand my argument instead of just saying "you dum dum you say if something has no meaning it can't have meaning how silly"

>> No.3612932
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Simplistic shapes like "lines and circles" do carry alot of meaning, and they are in life.

You seem like a conservative who doesnt like change. You can think of art types as degenerate, but its not that productive to shout at a moving train begging it to stop. Just make your own movement, or promote contemporary artists who you like.

Your participating in a huge debate, but you dont seem super knowledgeable.

>> No.3612935

please explain to me how a circle and a line have a meaning with a splotch of yellow it cannot have meaning until something identifiable that carry's meaning such as an archetypes is visibly expressed it then gives meaning to the subjective shapes.

>> No.3612938

romanticism has gone too far and art is now based purely on whatever the painter feels like doing with his wrist he does't choose I want to paint this or that no now he just does so the extreme example of abstractionism such as Pollock do not have any other meaning than the one you give it. If you want to express meaning through a painting something is is based or is somehow related to our reality allows for an idea of feeling to be expressed by the artist.

>> No.3612939

it started off with naturalism and feelings and the individual but it has branched off into insanity.

>> No.3612940

The real problem with art is conceptual art. minimalism,abstract and expressionist art is beautiful and ugly depending on who’s looking at it. But conceptual design is lazy and degenerate, when you have to be told what to think about a blank canvas, or a pile of garbage on the floor it’s a joke. When the effort is lacking and no skill whatsoever is involved, it’s trash even if it’s called art. Anything can be art but not all art is meaningful. “Intellectuals” will jerk each other off to a pair of glasses set on the ground by someone who was joking, that’s how idiotic conceptual art is.

>> No.3612941

Agreed conceptual art is worse than anything else but most the extreme ends of abstractionism such as Pollock objectively have no meaning.

>> No.3612950

Ahhh it's good to finally relax knowing you beat every left art fag here in an argument about most abstractionism and post modernism being shit.

>> No.3612959

The left will always be destructictive, and the right will always hold on to the past. It’s moderates who have to be the ones to change and create new things. They go unheard because modern politics is less about common sense and more about emotional immaturity.

>> No.3612960

c..could we get a dramatic reading of the entire thread?

>> No.3612971

No you will find the true right not the republican impostors which are left wing want to hold on to the past and advance taking a look at the greatest minds of how entire existence they have wanted to hold on to the past but they were also advancing we are the true creators the centralist faggots that don't have a political opinion other than the news network are nothing but worker bee's with no original thought in their life.

>> No.3612975

Basically goes like me making a thread to talk about modern and postmodern art and someone saying expressionism is good and me saying that if something is not based in our reality then it cannot have meaning and the few that have meaning have a degenerate meaning and then the person out of words just insults and leaves and the cycle repeats over and over and over my points were more complex then my simplified version but you get the jist just read above to understand.

>> No.3613043

I suppose their meaning is more limited then something complex. But emotion and sentiment can be derived from line alone. like a sense of order from parallel lines, or chaos from jagged ones.

>> No.3613078

Is it just me or are the legs on that hot piece of ass awkwardly placed?

>> No.3613089

>293replies / 37posters


>> No.3613090

>we're all gonna die anyway so like uh what's the point dude
you need to be 18 and older to post here, squirt

>the universe is not conscious
Humans come from the universe fucktard, we're matter just like everything else. If just the right things happen (abiogenesis and evolution), matter becomes conscious, the universe becomes conscious. Your nihilism is gay and retarded. The only thing that is "basic shit" is your brain, fag.

>> No.3613094
File: 1.16 MB, 1660x1548, ret.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people can easily judge abstract things in natural, or if they're functional like a piece of furniture, but as soon as it's a painting they get a mental block.

>beautiful garden
>beautiful kitchen benches
>wtf is this!

>> No.3613098

>with no other objectivity such as something based in our reality
Something being based in reality doesn't make it objective, sperg. Feelings themselves are based on reality.
Instincts, that comprise most of the psychological explanation as to why people react the way they do to abstractions are fucking based on reality.

You are spinning your wheels now, the fact is that if abstraction were subjective, people would have very different opinions abot what feelings transmit the 3 basic shapes, for example, but it's preetty consistent that most people instinctively hold the same meaning for all of them.

> is subjective by nature
No it's not, the whole point of color theory is that the perception of colors behaves similarly for most people because instincts are a thing.

>> No.3613130

there's nothing abstract about flowers or actual functional objects

>> No.3613190

My grammar is usually awful and even i think this post is a mess.

>> No.3613271

yes but the obscurity for it to mean a number of possible meanings make it subjective than objective that is until something identifiable from this world appears or can be made out for example an archetype although although these base more around direct ideas and other recognizable images do thee same job with different affect.

For example the color green by itself is inherently meaningless the only meaning it has is the meaning you give it which is based on your current mood and beliefs but only after that green is then is shapes of grass or trees or anything else can it take true form and meaning.

you cant see her legs


this. I swear that fat nihilist autistic believes masturbation is the meaning to life no joke.

I am not saying that it cant look nice my only point is that with paintings like that carry no meaning other than your own it can be nice to look at because it is visually stimulating but it has no other meaning than the one you give it.

>> No.3613272

get over it bucko English was always my interest and I was mostly quite good at it I just had to types fast.

My fucking gosh you are autistic you didn't even understand what I meant if you just have a green painting just green it can mean nothing it could possibly mean nature it could Jealousy my point was that until that green starts to take shape by something that is identifiable from world just not "green" for example that grass starts to represent nature when shapes are expressed through the painting. Color has no one meaning although the brain does identify everything by trying to find something similar to it or something that is recognizable but that is again just you making the painting into what you want it to be.

Yes color is subjective by nature moron the brain tries to find patterns such as green also being in nature but there are simply too many variables for what it represents and often the color is not even directly related to the meaning of the painting. Only when something is visibly from our reality and is an identifiable object or archetypes than it takes meaning.

>> No.3613273

fucken art fags

>> No.3613343

>Marlene Dumas
fucking shit
>Michael Borremans
Slightly less shit

>> No.3613413
File: 5 KB, 211x239, brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>well nobody except your stupid ass calls it "strip art"
Nobody is calling anything "strip art". The anon said "there’s a push to strip art of any kind of ideal", as in, to strip X (in this case, art) of one or more of its characteristics (in this case, ideals of any kind). To strip, in the sense of taking something away, removing it. It's not "strip art", as if it were a compound noun referring to some sort of art style or movement (see: baroque art, street art), it's "to strip art of", denoting an action. Learn to fucking read, you fucking dumbass. "are we in kindergarten?" You tell me.

>> No.3613525

>if you just have a green painting just green it can mean nothing it could possibly mean nature it could Jealousy
Why did you choose green, a color known for it's lack of meaning precisely because of how prevailing in nature, for your example?
Why not choose warm vs cool colors, for example? The most obvious choise when talking about color theory? Is it because saying that "it's subjective if you read oranges and yellows as a warm or cool temperature" would make you look as an absolute retard?
You can cover your ears all you want, but it's preety obvious to the rest of the world that colors transmit feelings and sensations in a preety consistent way.
It's also obvios that circles look harmless, squares look solid and triangles look dangerous. If you want to argue that a volkswagen beetle looks more solid than a square truck, or more dangerous that an angular lamborghini, be my guest. But you would be just proving yourself as a complete autist

>> No.3613572

Well yes the meaning of color is subjective lets say there is a painting of 3 rectangles of green do you have any Idea what it means no we may associate many different meanings to which we do not know it could have multiple meanings and the same goes for random shapes. Only when these things represent something that is visibly from our reality does it have meaning. Feeling does not = meaning. Again the only meaning it has is the meaning you give it. Stop being such a moron and such a virgin ass and stop basing everything on "muh feels" and wanting to feel special.

>> No.3613583

That's not degenerate ,if more catholic priest and monks had been banging nuns, we wouldn't be having all these gay pedo priest diddling children.

>> No.3613590

>That's not degenerate

How the fuck can you say that it would be worse enough a painting of two people fucking but when these people are painted as priests and nuns it's even worse because what these nuns and priests represent is virtue and virginity(at least for the woman)and a Connection to god this painting is degenerating the sacred virgin and such morals it is a representation of "sexual liberation" but you blind fools will never realize it is not liberation but entrapment.

>> No.3613594

>Going back to green
You are being purposefully retarded now.
Warm colors don't have "multiple meanings" more than a picture of fire has multiple meanings. They are warm. Anyone that isn't an autist would agree they are warm, it's instinctive. It’s not subjective.

>stop basing everything on "muh feels"
I only acknowledge a basic fact about human nature. You pretending that the human brain doesn't take hints with your "Is warm only if I see fire, no one knows if orange and yellow are warm colors" just makes you look like you are being an idiot on purpose.
The same drawing made by Junji Ito and another made by Aphonse Mucha would convey a different meaning based solely on the difference between their treatment of the lines. This is a fact. You can cover your ears all you want and pretend this isn't the case, but the rest of the world knows this to be true. You could as well be denying basic biology.

Thinking about it more clearly, autistic people do tend to lack basic instincts that the rest of the world has, so maybe you really are genuinely autistic.

>> No.3613597

>Being able to do what you want with your own body it's not liberation
>Being told what to do with your body, thats real liberation

>war is peace
>freedom is slavery
>ignorance is strength

How much more of a boomer can you get?

>> No.3613610

Look fag the colors may seem warm to you okay but that doesn't mean they can express any real meaning only subjective feeling sure humans instinctively go to certain feelings more than others when seeing colors but that does not mean it has a set meaning or it has any meaning all I am saying is the only meaning different colored splotches or lines have when not representing distinctive objects or archetypes in our reality is no meaning they have no meaning and neither does a random square or line it has no meaning it may cause some to feel a certain way because of the brain constantly searching for patterns or familiarity but it has no other meaning than the meaning you give it.

>> No.3613611

I'm not a boomer you millennial faggot

But you see you are not simply "choosing to be able to do with your body" it is an addiction a disease that sets into the mind it's as much liberation as a suicidal person killing themselves it is self destructive and degenerating.

>> No.3613643

>Being free gives you a disease of the mind
>You need to be told what to do to protect you!

Remember kids, freedom is disease!

>> No.3613659

become an anarchist and see how nice life is then. Just because something gives you more options doesn't make it good when you become suicidal it gives you a path to take that you wouldn't normally take does that mean it is good no it is self destructive there is Good freedom in the world and then there is Evil freedom in the world such as rape and murder.

And yes sexual "liberation" is bad freedom not as bad as rape or murder but still bad.

If you want "Complete freedom" than go to some shitty nigger country in Africa with drug lords and see how nice "complete freedom" is.

>> No.3613664

And these bad freedoms all revolve around a disease of wanting something that is degenerate or self destructive just as a psychopath kills to get pleasure so does the degenerate kink to get pleasure.

>> No.3613679

>the colors may seem warm to you
They seem warm to almost anyone on the world.

>sure humans instinctively go to certain feelings more than others
>this does not mean it's objective
The fact that this things convey the same things for most people it's an objective fact. It as objective as "meaning" goes.
You might as well say:
"Well icecream feeling cold is not objective, some people don't feel it cold!"
Or better yet:
"Biological Gender is not a thing because hermaphrodites exist."

>it has no other meaning than the meaning you give it
And don't people need to give meaning to the knight for it to mean something too? Its just a guy dressed in metal, after all.
It's even more pronounced with the knight, in fact, not only it means a lot of different things for different people, it can very well mean nothing if someone doesn't even know about what a knight is in the first place.
In comparison, even a tribe on africa could tell you that yellow looks warm.

So, a knight has even less meaning that blobs of color, acording to your own logic.

> I am saying is the only meaning [they] have is no meaning they have no meaning
Are you okay there buddy? Did you have a stroke?

>> No.3613699

>Evil freedom in the world such as rape and murder
Rape and murder take away the freedom of someone else. So they aren't freedom, you tard.
Lmao, "evil freedom", that must be the worst attempt at newspeak I have ever read..

>> No.3613719

>They seem warm to almost anyone on the world
Is warm now a meaning no it is a feeling for fucks sake artists don't just want to create something that is "warm" they want to express something the fact that it feels "warm" is not a meaning the only meaning the painting the has is the meaning you give to it these Pollock paintings are nothing more than visual stimulation I never said they were bad to look at.

Warm is not a fucking meaning it is simply one of the most basic expression it means nothing to us still. It is just the same reason children like the look of a clown they have bright colors.

>And don't people need to give meaning to the knight for it to mean something too

Of coarse to some extent there is a meaning given to any painting that is based off of the individual but a Knight is universally recognizable by Europeans it represents virtue and morals and this painting is also representing the natural order between man and woman.

>if someone doesn't even know about what a knight is in the first place

You see the knight is an expression of an archetype something universally recognizable to all humans but these archetypes are expressed in different forms depending on the culture it is being represented in and to some degree the subconscious awareness of such archetypes in race. Look at it as Humans then Races then Culture then smaller groups within that culture then the family and finally the singular. We all to some degree have such archetypes already present at birth in our racial culture such as a Knight to a European but we also have the archetypes that we process and accept as we continue to live such as an African man learning of the Knight archetype through life. These archetypes can be looked at most simply as representations of aspects of the Psyche and the reason these representations often appear in human form is because humans are the only thing capable of expressing such idea or meanings. ((Continuation below))

>> No.3613730

So therefore something as the Knight in shining armor inherently has meaning to a European just as whatever the African equivalent of this Knight is. But this Knight Archetypes is an expression most simply of the Warrior archetypes that is fundamentally understandable in every culture and to some degree even if you have the European Knight archetype lets say in physical form in Africa the power of deduction can be used to figure out what it is and for the same reason these Africans would be figure out he is a warrior is because all humans have this basic warrior archetype expressed in multiple ways. So to say that blotches have more meaning than a Knight in my logic is idiotic the very ability that allows you to have certain feelings and ideas come from Archetypes in your mind so a knight inherently without any background information has more meaning than a "warm color" Do not get the ability for more simple beings to be able to only understand simple things easily mixed up with that simple thing therefore expressing more because some do not understand it.

>Are you okay there buddy? Did you have a stroke?

Hurd Dur pLZ Semd helLLp

>> No.3613736

Freedom is the ability to act without restraint just because the freedom of some is taking away the freedom of others does not mean it is no longer freedom. One could argue that I am taking away a killers freedom because I am not letting him kill me so therefore I do not have freedom. It's still freedom imbecile next time think about what your saying. I don't care if Evil freedom sounds bad I am having a debate on 4chan nobody gives two shits am I going to be publishing it No so who gives a shit besides English has always been one of my strong suits would you prefer "destructive freedom".

>> No.3613755

>Is warm now a meaning no it is a feeling
Your original point was that abstraction couldn't mean anything and that it was all subjective, now that you have clearly been proven wrong you have to hide behind this retarded shit of "feelings are not meaning, only concepts are meanings". It's getting pathetic now.
Let’s ignore the fact that concepts like order and chaos can pretty easily be communicated with only abstractions, even if abstractions could only convey emotion, are you going to pretend that conveying feelings and mood it's not a big part of any painting?

>a Knight is universally recognizable by Europeans
Which is just another way of saying that it's not universally recognizable across the world.
Therefore, since "the meaning of colors is subjective because some people don't understand the same thing", the entire meaning of a knight is subjective.

You can say that what a knight represents is universal, but now you are talking about the meaning itself. You clearly dug yourself into a hole by trying to pretend as if warm colors being warm is not an objective fact, and now your whole retarded theory fals apart, kek.

>> No.3613763

>Hurd Dur pLZ Semd helLLp
Also, not my fault that your syntax resemble the incoherent thoughts of a senile man. You trying to make fun of me for pointing it out it's too funny.

>> No.3613883

I agree you are correct in this area but the points I am still making now is what I had made previously I am not hiding behind something I have not changed my argument simply you have shed some light on a certain area. But it cannot express any ideas or point just simply having something chaotic does not have meaning for fucks sake and I never said feeling and emotion are not a big part of a painting just simply it cannot express any deep emotions other than warm or cold and so on it cannot be inherently sad or inherently happy or it cannot express Beauty or or ugliness it to some degree expresses a very broad emotion or feeling which ca range from very happy or chilled and relaxed okay the only meaning or feeling past warm or cold or neutral is the meaning the person gives it.
>Which is just another way of saying that it's not universally recognizable across the world

Did you not read any other points I made did you simply read the first sentence. My point was that the broad archetypal form of the warrior is and has a definite feeling attached to it that is universally identifiable while certain expressions of this epitome of the warrior vary just as racial differences vary certain groups have different ideas of this perfect warrior in European society it is represented as a Knight in shining Armour who is Beautiful and holds his morality close to his heart and identified with chivalry, mercy, strong willed although the last one is most likely expressed through all cultural and racial variations of the ideal warrior it is still a common attribute for the European knight. My point was that this ideal is universally recognizable obviously you didn't read the rest of the sentence which obviously explained my point and view. My goodness you are autistic.

>> No.3613900

I wanted to fit this in but I ran out of space.

But we mustn't also forget the ability the brain has which looks for patterns and the most recent pattern or similarity it draws to the front of the brain first this is (I gather anyway) a way for the brain not to get lost and a way just to make life a lot easier because every time the brain remembers something it is remembering the last time it remembered it so this is why memory's often get a little foggy so this checking for the most recent similarity or pattern helps the brain. So lets say you walk into a room and there is a green emerald or a green eye on the wall even if you don't see it consciously you subconscious saw it so although as powerful certain instinctual feelings or attributes are to certain things the brain is going to bring forth these memories of the emerald/eye first.

>You trying to make fun of me for pointing it out it's too funny

No you idiot I was trying to have a joke in the midst of an argument to try to show that I do not mean to be rude and should be remembered as a discussion nothing more although then I read some insults and I went you know what fuck it.

>> No.3614002

>taking away the freedom of others does not mean it is no longer freedom
Yes it does, lmao , how can you be so retarded?.
One person being free to do what they want while the rest don't it's not "freedom".

"evil freedom" sounds funny not because it "sounds bad", but because its a very transparent attemp to redefine a word to win an argument.

>> No.3614029

>Freedom is the ability to act without restraint
Again restraint is not always bad it is necessary to resist complete freedom which is anarchy. Also I'm not sure you heard what the definition of freedom was it was not "the ability to act with restraint" even if that restraint is necessary.

I'm sorry how am I redefining a word to win an argument I am simply putting to words together to describe something just as you say "venomous snake".

>> No.3614031



>> No.3614226

So you are deciding that at some point of complexity something is no longer subjective and is objective. One line is meaningless 20 in the shape of a knight are significant.

>> No.3614568

>something chaotic does not have meaning
>to some degree expresses a very broad emotion
So now concepts like chaos are "not meaning" too. Your definition of meaning is getting more retarded by the second. No, something being very broad, or very simple does not make it "not meaning".

>I have not changed my argument
Yes you have, your original post was about how abstraction can't convey any meaning and how "circles don't exist in reality, so no one can understand what a circle means"
Now your position has moved to:
"sure, abstraction can convey emotions, and concepts, and ideas, but not ultra-specific concepts like the honor of being a knight"
In which case, the answer of everyone would be: no fucking shit, Sherlock.
Making this retarded definition of "only complex meanings count as meanings" to keep your retarded point only makes you look pathetic.

>My goodness you are autistic.
>Did you not read any other points I made did you simply read the first sentence
Yes I did, you just can't read for shit:
>You can say that what a knight represents is universal, but now you are talking about the meaning itself (>>3613755)
The painting of the knight is trying to convey the archetype, so the archetype it’s the meaning of the painting, not the symbol. So you still have to face the fact that the knight itself is subjective, and with less meaning that a blob of color, by your own definitions. Stop trying to weasel out of this very obvious contradiction.
Also, I don't respond to your brainlet explanations of Jung because 80% of the time they have nothing to do with the point.

>> No.3614803

I like dis

>> No.3614812

got a point there though

>> No.3615143

yes it becomes objective when when something is identifiable when you can identify that the painting is about a knight you cannot say that the painting is not about a Knight. To some degree the Knight in shining armour archetype has a set meaning the meaning the painting is conveying but then you have to counter in the viewers perception of the knight which is based on their current feels and their beliefs.

No chaos is not a "meaning" autistic. In art it can just be looked at as a very very broad style and the other very broad style being order okay stop being a fag it's just the difference between painting straight lines and swirly lines of coarse that may express some meaning but again that is subjective. Besides something chaotic can have meaning but just something being chaotic does not have meaning. Same thing goes for Order.

Get over it fag you know what I mean.

>Yes I did, you just can't read for shit

Well obviously you cant read because you said
that me saying ""a knight is universally recognisable by Europeans" is a way for me to say that it is not universally recognisable across the world" besides the fact that just because something is more simple and more recognisable to a larger audience does not make it superior but usually inferior but that was not my point my point was that the knight is simply a expression of the perfect warrior through medieval European culture while the African expression of this would be very different but over all both would be expressing the same idea but with different meanings. I swear man read the entire sentence and if you don't understand Jungian psychology that's fine just don't pretend like you do.

My point was is that the Knight in shining armour is a racial and cultural expression of an Archetype present in all humans across the world. But no the Archetype is not thee meaning of the painting it's unique representation of a certain archetype conveys meaning but the archetype itself is an idea.

>> No.3615147

The Archetype can give meaning to the painting or add meaning to the painting but the archetype itself is not the meaning of the painting unless the archetype is the only thing being represented in such painting by itself. As soon as you add another archetype the entire meaning/feeling can be changed.

>> No.3615150

You have a good taste in art my friend it is a painting of the Germanic Romeo and Juliet story of Tristan and Isolde. The painting is by Leighton.

I swear everyday we stray further from gods light.

>> No.3615540

I agree that a lot of art in the past century is hot trash, but I think I disagree with your reasoning as to why that is.

The one major distinction I see between past art and more recent art is that the former is remembered for transcendent beauty and the latter is frequently all about subversion. Perhaps I'm misunderstanding the quote in >>3612315, but this is certainly what I take "no art, for God's sake," to mean.

SOME subversion is okay, you still need change and evolution. But the nature of subversion is that it's inherently destructive...or degenerate, if you will. Once you have subversion for the sake of subversion, you indeed have degeneracy. Go on YouTube right now and search up people discussing what they were taught in art school in the past few years, and you're going to hear a lot of people who were told outright that they were going to receive low grades on projects where they simply tried to make beautiful pieces(!). They were asked instead to make subversive, and sometimes actually ugly artwork because that's more "meaningful." One video I found shared some of her art school assignment sheets, and one of her assignments was, "Make five paintings that are as ugly and unappealing as possible." The only merit I can see to this assignment is trying to find and convey the beauty in something "ugly" (as opposed to merely throwing ugliness in the viewer's face) but that is a pretty subversive idea as well. Whether you are trying to paint ugly for the sake of it, or "challenging" what is beautiful, the idea here is subversion. Too much of this is absolutely rotten, and won't stand the test of time that transcendent beauty in art does. I'm sure some of what was painted centuries ago was also hot trash, but notice we don't keep copies of it...

>aryan is just a meme
You're a fucking moron.

>hurr durr /pol/ is stoopid
>doesn't know who Jackson Pollock is

>> No.3615596

Normally I reply right away but I am feeling really fucken tired dude bout to go to sleep reply when I wake up I hope this message suffices until then have a good day.