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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 134 KB, 1280x720, 1536763796875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3606921 No.3606921 [Reply] [Original]

There was a thread on here a while ago talking the concept of Artists subconsciously drawing people that look similar to themselves. What was it Called?

The example in that thread was a side-by-side picture of a Warhammer 40k artist and a character in the game.

What was the Name for that and are there any other artist like this?

>> No.3606922

sorry this was the only picture i could think to use

>> No.3607015

Whoa, her face doesn't match the plane of her head. She looks kinda lopsided.
And I'm not talking about the drawing.

>> No.3607023

i actually find quite attractive the flat chested she-ra. artist is objectively ugly

>> No.3607218

I always draw my characters without faces most of the time o_o Does that imply something about my personality?

>> No.3607219

Oh and i can think of an artist like this. Check out Mirukawa

>> No.3607245

this is absolute bullshit once you reach some semblance of skill. if you paint more than 10 pieces the likelyhood that any one of them is going to look like you diminishes significantly, even more so if they are different genders and races

>black artist decides to do a year long project on a fantasy war between Russian and Japanese future soldiers

literally none of the characters if drawn correctly are going to look like the guy. who comes up with this shit

>> No.3607254
File: 71 KB, 725x539, 1492237766122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is actually some wingnut art historian who has dedicated his whole shit to proving that this is a thing-- lemme find it.


>> No.3607267

no need to get upset at this very basic fact of life
you are most familiar with your own face
it's no suprise some of that familiarity seeps into your paintings, make the eyes a little too far apart or too close - little things like that

>> No.3607268

It's not just that I paint myself, I paint people I know, I make faces morph into ones I actually recognise. Sucks.

>> No.3607269

i draw lolis, what does this mean?

>> No.3607298

it means you're a pedophile

>> No.3607299

none of what you said is true

>> No.3607325

My brother who knows nothing about making art looked at one of my pieces and said "dude thats you as a lesbian woman". That hurt because I realized he had a point. Completely unconsciously.

>> No.3607346

bad example imo, the western/anime cute girl face is so generic it looks like anyone.

most artists are ugly, male or female.

>> No.3607442

Its not really a thing.

>> No.3607446
File: 58 KB, 600x551, 54974505_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this mean im actually a cute loli and i just havent realized it yet?

>> No.3607452

I once drew a skeleton and my brother saw me and he said "dude thats you if your flesh sas removed"it hurt because i realized he had a point. Completely unconiously.

>> No.3607465

no it means you are also a pedophile

>> No.3607475

>I draw hotblooded guys and slutty loli
>I looks like apollo justice

I'm a hotblooded slut! >:3

>> No.3607487

imagine the smell
take your abilify, bucko

>> No.3607508

Its probably more common that artists will stick to drawing certain physical features on their characters. Roman noses, cervine legs, stubble, etc.

>> No.3607512 [DELETED] 
File: 863 KB, 2366x3832, memeirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I look like muh memes necessarily. I use my face for reference on all of them tho and they're all dirty and lazy and smell bad. I smell like my art.

>> No.3607558

A lot of artists draw by referencing, and artists are the only model accessible to themselves 24/7. There is no need to explain this via psychobabble when it's a matter of practicality.

>> No.3608614
File: 97 KB, 805x521, andy_chambers_marine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The example in that thread was a side-by-side picture of a Warhammer 40k artist and a character in the game.

It's not the same one, but I'm pretty sure GW's Andy Chambers was the inspiration for this chainsword-wielding badass.

>> No.3608650
File: 401 KB, 1134x459, john_howe_hobbit_sketch-063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

John Howe uses himself as reference a lot, especially when painting Gandalf or dwarves. I'm sure other artists do too, or they learned too much from self portraits.

>> No.3608658

>using "o_o" face
Is this 200fucking9?

>> No.3608745

Well the head that you have easiest access to study is your own, so it doesn't really seem that far fetched.

>> No.3609577

>most artists are ugly, male or female
Men a praised because of their actual skill. Women are only praised for their looks, the skill level is automatically assumed shit regardless.

>> No.3610132

this site is interesting af thanks for sharing

>> No.3610137

Hitler did this too in his art. You are soul twins. Embrace it.

>> No.3610148

People always tell me every character I draw looks like me, so I am making a conscious effort to try and differentiate facial features

Problem is that I am very generic looking, like every "protagonist" type character.

>> No.3610174

shera would be 10x better they made her a trap

>> No.3610178

take your girl pillz