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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 47 KB, 375x499, 5161WpgxJHL._SX373_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3604812 No.3604812 [Reply] [Original]

IF YOU ARE A /BEG/INNER IN ART, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice. We should not have to make new threads or post in the Drawthread with our fundamental exercises.

Feel free to post even the smallest exercise you have done to show you are still trying, do not give up, make someone proud.


>screenshot the image and post that instead

>change camera capture settings to something smaller

>send to computer and resize in MSPaint

→ →
There's a new (and cleaner) sticky in town! You can see it at:


TRY TO BE MORE ACTIVE AND GIVE PEOPLE SOME FEEDBACK - many studies are left unreplied, which is a bit sad and can be quite demotivating for the people that try their best to improve, but are left directionless.

Just remember: "Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do."

>> No.3604814
File: 267 KB, 913x1243, 20180916_192541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wowee a new beg thread. Imma start off. Pic related is an expression doodle of a scientist character

>> No.3604816


>> No.3604819

You've drawn the bulges of muscles without really understanding what they're there for. You should draw some studies from artist or medical anatomy books. That bulge between ribcage and the end of the external oblique does not exist, the external oblique attaches the ribs to the pelvis.

>> No.3604825
File: 189 KB, 1024x711, 1518207209377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used


and pic related for references. I've tried robo bean, normal bean and the old loomis method and I still fuck up with muscle definition.

>> No.3604827

Draw the skeleton first. Draw lots of skeletons in different orientations. Then start stretching muscles over the skeleton. Also do that to learn faces. Things make SO much sense when you work from the skeleton cuz you can see why things have the shape that they do, and how the body attaches muscles to itself to operate. Also that DA ref is shit, they don't know their muscles.

>> No.3604829

Thank you, also to avoid stiff poses and proportional errors, would I start from the body and work the head in there or start at the head and work the pose that way? I feel my heads end up too small or the length of the neck is wrong. IS it a matter of studying from life/gestures to get a natural gist of how to work off either starts?

>> No.3604831

Draw shit from quickposes.com or similar sites. Remember to use lines of action at the start of a sketch to understand where you're going. Proportion can be worked out with maths or whatever the fuck but you're better of practicing till it's unconscious

>> No.3604834
File: 548 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-09-16-01-16-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drew these not too long ago, just wanted to get feedback on them, so I can improve on at least something.

>> No.3604835
File: 402 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-09-16-01-15-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got more but I don't want to spam post them lmao

>> No.3604836

>post good art
>pretend you're a beginner and lack self confidence so you can soak up compliments
90% of beginner threads

>> No.3604838

You have a good sense of form but your faces need to be simplified more to be more appealing, they're too realistic for the rest of the style. Assuming this is the kinda stuff you want to draw I'm sure you'll get quite good with practice, imo it's not very interesting tho.

>> No.3604839

More like
>get praise and told to go to style/alternative
>get called shit and told to go back here

>> No.3604840

Nice. It looks like you've been practicing Loomis lately.

Any blogs?

>> No.3604843

nah, it's more like
>40% post good art, pretend to be beginnner
>40% post bad art, can' accept that they're a beginner
>10% beginners practicing and posting genuine attempts looking for critique and advice
>10% beginners that gave up and just coming in here to shitpost and give bad advice

>> No.3604845

>>10% beginners practicing and posting genuine attempts looking for critique and advice
>>10% beginners that gave up and just coming in here to shitpost and give bad advice
both me lmao but the bad advice is just what I hear others tell me

>> No.3604848

Araki anatomy.

>> No.3604850

Part 5 maybe.

>> No.3604879

Are there any good resources to learn skeleton structure? I don't really want to just google pictures and copy shit

>> No.3604880

Find a medical textbook, or the Artist's Anatomy Handbook which is a good book cuz it was made when having naked turnaround pics was considered valuable for art and not perverted

>> No.3604937

I'm curious as to one thing. Lately I've been drawing less and less due to my emotional stigma that comes with drawing – should I force myself to draw even when I'm not having fun with it? I feel like I draw even worse than usual when I draw with a poor attitude, and I don't think the studies I do during this are going to use either.

>> No.3604941

idk if I can give a objective answer but I have similar issues due to other circumstances but I force myself to just doodle even every single day so I maintain hand to eye coordination and some times it boosts my mood by lowering my expectations but doodling something I half-like.

>> No.3604944

Are you trying new things or are you doing the same things the same way again and again?

>> No.3604963

I'm constantly trying new styles or new pencils – different characters, references, men, women – a lot of different stuff.

I hate doodling just because I can't doodle. I can't just draw a little thing here or there or a little person and feel like I've actually done anything. I just can't doodle.

>> No.3604966

>I hate doodling just because I can't doodle.
same anon, when I doodle I count it by pages done, not doodles done. when I count by pages it feels like i've done something. but at the same time I rather enjoy doodling when I'm watching something or taking a break or something - otherwise I'd rather just draw something proper.
dunno what to say tho anon. theres nothing rly wrong with breaks as long as you understand you'll need a little more warm up time when you get back into it.

>> No.3604973

How about something that's not figure related?

>> No.3604976

I've done that for practice, but I rarely do it anymore. It's just not very fun to me, and I can't imagine that's changed much. Especially when most of my time drawing consists of me crying because I can't get something to look right.

>> No.3604978

What the difference between symbol drawing and imaginative drawing? Isn't imaginative drawing just using different variations on symbols to make variety? Is this where the visual library comes in handy?

>> No.3604983

Sometimes part of getting better means drawing things you're uncomfortable with until you enjoy it, a long as it's part of your vision or goals.

Try not to be so hard on yourself either, anon. The goal of drawing isn't to get something right or wrong. It's to understand how your brain sees things, and what things make the world unique to you. It can be frustrating when our hands don't do what our eyes do--but you have to remember that the eyes and the hands are functionally different. We see with our eyes, not with our hands. Our hands are made to touch and move. So it takes deliberate practise to learn how to make our hands translate what our eyes see into its own language.

>> No.3604986

And you're not having fun doing your usual shit.

>> No.3605001
File: 144 KB, 1043x759, head compare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

left is a head I drew yesterday and right is the one I drew just now
I feel like I'm finally onto something here, made the head bigger so I can actually draw on it
also managed to stop the eyes from staring at me but now they feel misaligned
fucked up the mouth's perspective I think
overall feels like a sidegrade instead of an improvement but I'm feeling hopeful

>> No.3605063
File: 163 KB, 702x913, windfist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3605124
File: 191 KB, 1027x981, gun03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can some 1 help me make the torso look better pleez lolz

>> No.3605139
File: 471 KB, 2048x1536, 90A722DB-B076-49C1-A036-2A3CCF27BAFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help with the right arm, one with the ball. Sorry about quality it’s small scale, bad equipment. When I’ve sketched it out enough I’ll just be sticking it on photoshop anyway.
Appreciate any help, especially guidance lines

>> No.3605140

The torso is actually the least fucked up body part there.

>> No.3605149

Best way to work through How to Draw? More so asking when I should progress to the next exercise, I feel like I would move on too early or spend too much time on one thing myself. Also should I draw everything in the book?

>> No.3605161
File: 162 KB, 811x1000, RL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3605164
File: 71 KB, 330x700, 370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How'd I do here?

The color and shading I straight up just copied from the show and how other artists do it because I really have no idea how it's done. Even while I copy it from the show's screenshots it just feels so random to me (the shading and highlights, particularly the highlights on her leotard).

>> No.3605169

Consider that Gyro's body is sort of facing towards your right a little bit so with how his arm is there it looks like you want it tilted a bit away from him which is how you've drawn it but that conflicts with his posture.

>> No.3605178
File: 1.09 MB, 1354x780, SmartSelectImage_2018-09-16-11-00-32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attempt was made

>> No.3605180
File: 185 KB, 1280x975, tumblr_lzog52ZOVy1qmgc1bo6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody know where this is from?

>> No.3605181
File: 269 KB, 1280x975, tumblr_lzog52ZOVy1qmgc1bo5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3605183

>Best way to work through How to Draw?
How ever you feel like, just don't think you going to "finish" it and never need to go back to it.

>> No.3605186
File: 23 KB, 600x386, J0309047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i make it if i'm not going to make it?

>> No.3605187
File: 186 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_lzog52ZOVy1qmgc1bo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3605188

Stop planning on making it. Just draw.

>> No.3605189

but my drawings suck :((

>> No.3605190

stop shitposting

>> No.3605191
File: 162 KB, 1280x975, tumblr_lzog52ZOVy1qmgc1bo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3605193
File: 169 KB, 1280x975, tumblr_lzog52ZOVy1qmgc1bo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3605196

Fuck you asshole, just because you are slightly better at art than me you think you can look down on my struggles and brush aisde my problems. Every day I dream of being good at drawing and it's people like you who stand in my way. FUCK YOU

>> No.3605199

>stop shitposting

>> No.3605200

Who are you quoting?

>> No.3605203

stop killing the thread

>> No.3605207

Stop replying then

>> No.3605219

wowe thanks this really opened my eyes...

yeah i thought the legs where a bit short and they were

>> No.3605239

Yeah guess youre right there, cant really get to grips with foreshortening at all, I'm relatively new to experimenting with it, but still not much luck with improving

>> No.3605243

how do i get better at "planning out" the drawing before actually drawing it?

>> No.3605254
File: 233 KB, 783x943, gun02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is another pic i drawed and i dont know what's wrong with it but the torso still looks wrong but to me the legs look fine except maybe the lower legs

u have to picture the picture with ur mind and then draw the sketche and then work on it continuously until it looks more like the picture in your head and then fix smaller details and render thats what i do

>> No.3605256

>You can't just instantly be really good and able to draw what you want to
What the fuck?

>> No.3605262

construction my dear friend
get a horizon line down, vanishing points, create characters with boxes if you gotta. it'll get easier over time, but for now lay down as much info as you can before you begin.

>> No.3605263
File: 74 KB, 696x1000, chal sketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so I did this, I know there is a lot of mistakes around and I just want to know if I spotted some of the major ones which I think its the crotch area, obviously everything about the legs, her left arm, and fucking up the gesture?

I know right now I am shit and have a long way to go, but what should I keep in mind next time around so that it comes out a bit better?

>> No.3605269

Do you have a blog, twitter, youtube, deviantart, etc? I sense great things from this and I want to follow your work from the very beginning.

>> No.3605300

>Keys to Drawing
>"Draw a green pepper"
I don't fucking HAVE a green pepper

>> No.3605313

A red pepper is fine too.

>> No.3605316

I live in a dorm we dont got fruit

>> No.3605319

And when you live in dorm you cannot buy red, green or even yellow pepper?

>> No.3605327

Small thumbnails sketching.

>> No.3605363
File: 38 KB, 1000x666, pepper kill me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to kill myself
This book has gone from the drawing examples being beginner stuff to fucking photorealistic eyes and shit
How the fuck am I supposed to shade every grain and shit I don't know how to draw a fucking circle

>> No.3605374

Gotta work on those fundies, maybe it'll make more sense then

>> No.3605376

Try drawing foreshortened arms from reference, but draw the literal outline of the arm. Then try constructing those arms with basic shapes.

>> No.3605378

Needs more finesse. You're over-exaggerating parts of the body so proportions are all messed up. Try to reign it in and construct a body that's more accurate. Also take a look at references closely.

>> No.3605380

The torso is twisting in the opposite direction of the hips+legs. Breaks the line of movement.

>> No.3605381

don't be salty of other beginners more talented than you, anon.

>> No.3605385

>i know I'm shit
Stop talking to yourself like that.
>what should i keep in mind next time?
You already listed in the previous paragraph what you think is wrong with it. What do you want to change about those specific features in your next drawing? Go draw it.

>> No.3605386

Just keep going. Draw a fuck ton more heads before you start picking them apart. It's just your overall skill in sketching that's lacking, which can only improve through more drawing. Don't worry about perspective or proportion too much. As long as its in the general ball park, you're okay. You're still a ways to go before you can start refining these things.

>> No.3605387

I used a celery stick.

>> No.3605389

is doing Dynamic Sketching digitally a big no no? I don't mind doing trad its just Digital is my final goal and I want to do stuff there.

>> No.3605390

gigantic head with an old childlike body with saggy tits. start from the basics

>> No.3605392

not him but what basics?

>> No.3605393

You don't gave to shade every grain. Just do what you can.
Also read Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain but skip to the exercises and their explanations.

>> No.3605394

That doesn't look like you spent 20 minutes for each pepper anonkun. You're missing one, even.
Don't worry about every single grain and shit, as you put it, get down basic shading and try fit in some detail that's obvious.

>> No.3605397

i donte
but thats what i wanted to happen, i want her to look like she's standing one way but she s looking another if that makes sense

>> No.3605400

Use a gray background instead of ultra white so it hurts your eyes less and allows you to see your drawing better.

>> No.3605404
File: 2.90 MB, 4032x3024, 648F4A6B-4E67-45EF-8B86-1464812CB9E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to get better at drawing quick poses (1 -5min). Once I get something going I spend 20+ minutes trying to detail it

(Also would like to improve shading technique instead of using straight lines and thick lines as a silhouette)

>> No.3605405

>Clip Studio has no full screen
Why? The only way to use all of my tablet surface at the moment is to use the shitty 'Sketchpad' feature of the surface 4

>> No.3605408

I think then you need to adjust the pelvis. Her hips cannot physically turn like that; I get you're going for perspective but the rest of the drawing isn't being viewed from the angle the hips are at.

>> No.3605413

shift+tab tab
best ya can do

>> No.3605415

Can someone send me a resource of unlimited gestures

>> No.3605425

the knee and the pelvis facing different position

>> No.3605427
File: 1.17 MB, 2640x1366, loomis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this feel right? loomis

>> No.3605493
File: 143 KB, 996x864, practice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3605573
File: 2.89 MB, 3200x2400, DarkRavenfinishededited.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What can I do to improve visibility without repainting the entire scene. additionally its supposed to be at night, yet im having a hard time figuring out how to make a night scene visible. from just overcast light

>> No.3605574
File: 117 KB, 756x1008, rsz_20180916_193701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this helping? I'm wondering if I have the right idea here. Obviously these are no perfect jesture drawings, but am I in the right track?

>> No.3605581
File: 336 KB, 1512x2016, rsz_20180916_235459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3605588
File: 122 KB, 756x1008, rsz_20180916_235405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3605595

add a secondary light source or stylize the lighting similar to the way Frederic Remington did (look at his night scene paintings)

>> No.3605613

u suck at googling,,, mister http://stbernard.tumblr.com/post/31930643602/human-proportions-from-pachurz-some

>> No.3605621 [DELETED] 
File: 1019 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_20180916-202638~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope I did the resizing correctly.

This is a copy of a study, first drawing for a class, lights amd shadows and whatnot. I can see that it's sloppy, but I'm sure there's other mistakes you could point out. Thanks!

>> No.3605631
File: 894 KB, 930x667, Screenshot_20180916-202638~3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope I did the resizing correctly.

This is a copy of a study, first drawing for a class, lights amd shadows and whatnot. I can see that it's sloppy, but I'm sure there's other mistakes you could point out. Thanks!

>> No.3605644

dis is honestly so good i wish u were my mentor

>> No.3605653
File: 434 KB, 1350x1876, 160918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>flip drawing
>it looks horrible
wew lad. I also gave up on the hair midway
At least I think I'm getting the hang of shading now

>> No.3605674

Adjust the levels to bring out the light. Add a moonlit source. Look at examples of illustrated night scenes. They don't necessarily have to be this dark.

>> No.3605695

You're on the right track! I love these shapes btw.

>> No.3605721

This is actually really promising. You just really need to keep pushing the values darker to create some more contrast.

>> No.3605736
File: 310 KB, 1500x1500, ewrdgfh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3605738

>Weeb linework study
>no face construction

>> No.3605740
File: 24 KB, 281x670, ravenface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you point to me where I can learn about these fundies? I assume this is for highlighting and shading.

This is the reference I mostly used for the proportions. I think a giant head and small body is how they usually do it in the show.

>> No.3605742

Complete your work woth advanced shit every time. Yiu learn by failing. Always angle the face, always draw the fingers, and make the face emotional, always attempt perspective, at least while training.

>> No.3605800

>Artist's Anatomy Handbook
you have a pic of the cover? I'm getting alot of different books doing a google search

>> No.3605809

>I think a giant head and small body is how they usually do it in the show.
Yours is too big.

>> No.3605820

I signed up for a drawing & sketching class that starts tomorrow. What should I expect from it?

>> No.3605827

you get nervous by an art class?
get in there and find out

>> No.3605828
File: 55 KB, 892x766, C36shkTWQAAyNlX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get nervous from everything, that's why I'm learning how to draw instead of picking up a hobby like ballroom dancing

>> No.3605829
File: 136 KB, 1200x1000, fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does nose still come around here?

>> No.3605831

can related but how good you are at drawing now
if you can follow well enough teacher will less likely to focus on you

>> No.3605839
File: 142 KB, 1080x1080, 6454455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an absolute beginner

>> No.3605860
File: 1.17 MB, 1646x1467, man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how's this anatomy study?

>> No.3605874
File: 84 KB, 500x707, img20180916_18254717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey ic, can you tell me why i Keep doing These excercises, even though i have Tremor?
I mean, i would like to Keep quiet About this, but the Tremor, even though it is a minor one, will not go away.
doctor told me.
should i... should i just give up?
I mean, I really, really want to draw....

>> No.3605875
File: 491 KB, 1654x2338, img20180916_18262948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3605877
File: 116 KB, 500x707, img20180916_18363045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3605901

you're not really studying the anatomy, you're just copying the shapes without trying to understand them. Studies like this can be helpfull if you're focusing on other areas like line control or shape design, but you're chicken scratching and there's no exaggeration, so it's not very effective. Good luck, anon, I know you can do better!

>> No.3605906

It looks kinda squashed.

>> No.3605921

god i hope not

>> No.3605922

If you really really wanted to draw, you'd be doing it already. Instead of making excuses.

>> No.3605928

Will work on it, thanks for the critique

Yes Loomis is the way to go! No,I haven't started an art blog yet :((( I don't have the skill level to start one yet


>> No.3605941

How do I do proper anatomy studies then?

>> No.3605942

For digital, do you start with a big canvas (1600x1300) and resize after? Or small and increase the size/stretch the rough?

>> No.3605943
File: 182 KB, 1400x1050, gest1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Side question, am I not conveying enough with my gestures, I use Quickposes 90 seconds per reference and feel im not doing this right.

>> No.3605948

Cross contour, especially for the limbs.

>> No.3605950

how do i overcome suck at art?

>> No.3605951

during or after quick gestures?

>> No.3605957

Probably does not matter.

>> No.3605965

Is it possible to draw well without using construction or anatomy?

>> No.3605966

When do you "draw well"?

>> No.3605973

yes but you're making it unnecessarily harder for yourself
you'll be more likely learning how to draw specific things like a specific character, instead of actually learning how to draw a proper form

>> No.3605981

Loomis or /ic/ sticky, which one should I read first?

>> No.3605983

Keys to drawing

>> No.3605988
File: 122 KB, 780x1000, chal color test beg friendly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't make the face too emotional cause character is supposed to be cold, bitchface mcgee.

Not sure what you mean by always angling the face, and perspective was hard considereing the pose on the ref as its straight on, would that mean the vanishing point is right at the center?

>> No.3605990

replying to >>3605742

>> No.3605991

Put the face at an angle to challenge yourself, and pick a red with a better pose then. Don't make excuses.

>> No.3605992

check the artbook thread, pretty sure its in one of the op links

>> No.3605997


ohhhhhhh, yeah I definitely try do that, just wasn't the case with this pic at least face wise

>> No.3606003

Why is it that whenever I try to draw something seriously I get a mental block?

>> No.3606011

Because you're not as talented or creative as you thought you were.

>> No.3606019

I'm not seeing it there either. Can I get an author? at least to sift through it that way.

>> No.3606023
File: 138 KB, 765x1300, countour1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about this?

>> No.3606025

Over kill. You don't need to cover the whole figure in a mesh of cross contour to suggest form and or direction.
Other than that it looks like you're on the right track. Keep it up man.

>> No.3606047

This shit never helped me much. If you're actually physically deficient like me you'll never be able to do effortless one stroke clean line art no matter the amount of practice you put in.

You'll still be able to do countless other art styles that aren't circlejerked by autists on internet message boards.

>> No.3606049

Anyone know why the fuck Bridgman's Constructive Anatomy has restricted shipping on UK amazon? I ordered a bunch of art books directly from amazon and it was the only one I couldn't ship to my country. What the fuck is up with that.

>> No.3606052

I have no idea about the why but I got my copy from bookdepository & it ships FROM the UK and is cheap so if you're still wanting it I'd recommend getting it from there!

>> No.3606053

you got a license for that book?

>> No.3606057

oh shit that website is pretty good, they got some stuff I wanted to order that was out of stock on amazon

thanks anon

>> No.3606065

are there any sites specifically for heads of people at different angles?
or can I just pic any of the model sites and zoom in on the head

>> No.3606071

Don't crab, asshole.

Art block is a pretty normal thing. Even pros get it. Have you tried watching or reading something new? Have you tried a new medium? Is something intimidating or bothering you about art?

>> No.3606073

Don't listen to >>3606025, they're a fucking retard. Drawing those lines is a great way to help you learn to see and understand form. Eventually you'll want to wean yourself off of it, but it's an effective way to practise until you're confident.

>> No.3606074

Maybe you should read the initial post. Anon is doing 90 seconds gesture drawing.

>> No.3606075

She doesn't come off cold or bitchy, she instead looks a little lifeless and hollow. Expression is important, even when drawing someone seemingly expressionless. An example that sticks or to me is Akira from the Akira manga.

>> No.3606078

I think your lines are really crisp even with your tremor. I dont think it'll take away from your art, if you figure out how to work with and around the tremor.

>> No.3606081

Sticky has suggestions on books, artbook thread has mega links with several gb of books for you to use. There's a ton on colour and lighting.

>> No.3606083

Oops yeah, I should have, turns out I'm the retard.

>> No.3606086

Not that meshing things is bad, like you said it's an immensely helpful tool for getting a feeling for form. But anon just don't have the time to do something this elaborate in 90 seconds.

>> No.3606089


>> No.3606115

Can the Loomis method be applied to drawing anything, or is it strictly for drawing old man heads?

>> No.3606122
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>> No.3606126

it's just construction, it can be applied to anything. once you know perspective, construction and form, you can start drawing literally anything.

>> No.3606127

You're absolutely right, thanks for checking me (not sarcastic btw).

>> No.3606128

>perspective, construction and form

I know what perspective and construction is, but what is form?

>> No.3606132

Any tips on shading with graphite pencil?
I'm using an HB pencil and it's really difficult to keep consistent tone over large areas. Everything ends up looking scratchy/messy when shading with the tip.
I can kind of cheat it by rubbing the tones to even them out, but you don't always want it to look that soft. When drawing with the side of the pencil, there's usually a little unevenness on the pencil, which gives an unintended texture and again scratchy tones.

How should I hold my pencil and what motion should I use when shading with graphite pencils?

>> No.3606133


I think I see what you mean. I was scared of making everything darker, and I didn't know wether to darken the background to let things pop or darken the figures. It does seem like they would gain depth if I made them darker. Ill bring it up in class, thanks!

>> No.3606135

Study other people's work, with the style of shading you want. There's also hatching and cross hatching, form/perspective lines etc.
Using a softer pencil helps.

>> No.3606138

A form is just a 3D object in perspective - a good understanding of a form is understanding how the form changes when rotated in perspective.

>> No.3606141


I think everyone should read this.

>> No.3606159

I was told that i cannot draw without improving my linework.
But i am not sure if i can imrpove my linework because of the tremor
Though today i did some slower strokes, i remember that i did this some time ago as well and that it worked better than the quick strokes.
i will do more today.
(and yes- my lines look so horrible even with all the ghosting i do before i actually draw them)

It feels pretty dark...

>> No.3606162

excuses. you draw those lines better than me most of the time.

>> No.3606164

Can you name or explain the muscles and bones that make all those shapes and lines you drew? If not, it's not a good anatomy study.

>> No.3606190

Well that's a different name that you said it was. But I found it, thanks.

>> No.3606191
File: 192 KB, 400x388, 1412104180773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck do all the muscles have latin names? It's so difficult to remember them all

>> No.3606202
File: 1.23 MB, 1200x630, Vagabond v30 c265 - 12-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've been drawing for a few months now and I'm at the point where I can tell that I'm doing things right and I understand the learning process but that it's gonna take 6+ hours of drawing every day for years before I can produce anything worth showing to people.

I've quit everything in my life so far, I thought I'd give up on drawing after a few days but I keep picking up the pencil and trying to improve. The only worry I have right now is anyone seeing my shitty /beg/ tier art and making their mind up that I'm shit and always will be. I don't want anyone to see my art until it's at the level where I'm proud to display it. So for the next few years I have to train in secret, I have to lie to friends and family about what I'm doing. I want to blow people's minds with my art right from second 1. If I end up giving up at some point at least no one will know my shame.

>> No.3606204

Which anatomy/proportions book is best for somebody who wants to start art all over again? I have been drawing for years and I upload some of my amateur-sih art on websites, but I want to make a serious attempt to get better, especially on humans. Are the Loomis books very, very, very noob-friendly, or is there an alternative that works just as well?

>> No.3606205

Just learn to see in 3D and then you can draw anything, no need for dry boring art books. Open your eyes and your mind and it will come naturally.

>> No.3606213
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I am in a similar position.
The way I look at it friends and family are a different beast to strangers. There's no harm at all showing to friends, family and even discord chats or acquaintances you've made - basically people who will always be around to notice the progression you make and thus be proud. But the internet, and making a twatter or tumblr or whatever the hell else there is, is something else - I want to make one personally to track my progress of my more indepth pieces and even maybe get some follows and build on something slowly but surely - but I worry about it a lot. I know I'm basically shit, and so getting myself and my work out there is a scary sort've thing. Sure, jus not getting follows or whatever isn't the end of the world, but it could be disheartening for sure.
I think sharing your passion with people close to you is a good thing to do, even if you personally believe you're shit - I always hear the "all I can draw is a stick figure you're SOOooOOO good" even though my stuff is fucking shit, but it at least gives you a small sense of pride, a little motivation and a smile on your face. I've been neet years now, and I do just sit in my room all day every day drawing and occassionally watching something, but I have found that sharing with a friend when I am personally happy with what I've done or learnt helps me a lot. Gives me a reason to go on, and a reason to talk to another human, kek.
You'll be blowing people's mind from day 1 who are people you've probably never met before and in most circumstances will never meet ever (thanks to the internet), but getting people close to you in on the journey, in my opinion, has it's own rewards.

>> No.3606214

then you must be a very shitty draughts-/wo-/man.

I mean, even shittier?!!

ok, maybe it is on my end, and my expectations are just fucked up

>> No.3606216

>ok, maybe it is on my end, and my expectations are just fucked up
though, i did new ones, much slower strokes, and they look better imo

>> No.3606229
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>> No.3606232
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how can i go from drawing cubes to spheres, cylinders cones?
Any tips??

>> No.3606233

i have no idea what your condition is like, but wouldnt it turn out better overall if you did it fast? wouldnt the jitter end up having less effect? no one can draw a good straight line fast when they're starting out, but wont faster been less time for the jitter to cause problems?

>> No.3606234
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Too close to home.

>> No.3606237
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>> No.3606238

By drawing spheres, cylinders and cones oddly enough.

>> No.3606242

depends, sometimes they turn out better when i do them slow, sometimes when i do them fast.
dont know why.
it is also a minor tremor. i only have it a bit, there are poor people like this one, my tremor isnt as horrible as his ones:

>> No.3606246

then go with faster, confident lines. keep testing different speeds until your lines are looking more straight, from there' it's muscle memory. you're better off going fast and confident, tremor or not.

>> No.3606247

I find myself slowing down if I stare at the tip of the pen while drawing.

>> No.3606254

what do you think is better:
-if i just do line confidence excercises (even though they could be useless because of my condition)
-or do you think i should do boxes as well

>> No.3606256

warm-up: 1.5 pages of lines
then do as many pages of boxes as you can handle doing, theyre pretty boring imo.

when you're good with lines, do boxes as a warm-up.

>> No.3606261

Good read. Thank you for sharing.

>> No.3606283

i need a good exercise to learn forms

>> No.3606289

Here you go.

>> No.3606296

thank you my love

>> No.3606303
File: 175 KB, 479x1086, goth_by_oddy_see-dclzhat-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was probably thinking about just learning to see in 3D, but based on the advice I was given on my most recent work (like pic related for example) I was told I should look into reading and researching human proportions before taking any real attempts on people first and said that the Loomis books were pretty good. I'm not exactly a big reader, but I'm not sure where else I can get better advice from the books either.

Maybe it's too much to ask, but based on pic related, what should I do better with it? I can now see a few mistakes with the anatomy (long neck, tiny shoulders), but how can I make it look like it's 3D?

>> No.3606309
File: 178 KB, 1229x1192, coelhinho de papel 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>before taking any real attempts on people first
This is a great shortcut to failure.

The shitty works you put out are as important as the good ones, if not more-so. Draw people, fuck up, study and then repeat, don't fall into the trap of "I gotta know this 100% well before I even dream about thinking of doing something tangentially related to it.

>I was probably thinking about just learning to see in 3D
This, depending on your goals, of course, is perhaps the most important skill to acquire and train, but it's something that you can - and should - mindfully develop as you study other things. It wont come without effort, but if you put in the brain power, it'll only be a matter of time.

>I'm not exactly a big reader, but I'm not sure where else I can get better advice from the books either.
There are two kinds of people in this world: lazies and non lazies; if you mean something like "I'm not exactly a big reader" you need to cut the animu and games and stop being lazy. I always recommend keys to drawing first and foremost, just to make sure you can actually study properly in the future. Other than that, Scott Robertson's How to Draw is a pretty cool and beginner friendly book, especially because it deals with a lot of easy to draw hard surface, so you can focus on the mathematics and 3d thinking aspect of the whole thing.

>> No.3606320

>The shitty works you put out are as important as the good ones, if not more-so. Draw people, fuck up, study and then repeat, don't fall into the trap of "I gotta know this 100% well before I even dream about thinking of doing something tangentially related to it.
I thought so, honestly. When I had somebody tell me this piece of advice, I was kind of confused as to why they would've even suggested this. I tend to draw and upload artwork so I can reflect back on what I can do better nowadays anyway.

>It wont come without effort, but if you put in the brain power, it'll only be a matter of time
It sounds like the best way you can learn 3D is subconsciously. Of course there still is putting in the effort into doing just a bit of study around 3D itself, but it does at least put off a bit of pressure. I'm more interested in studying other aspects of drawing instead of 3D, so it does help a lot to hear that.

>I always recommend keys to drawing first and foremost, just to make sure you can actually study properly in the future.
I'll keep that in mind. I'm usually now pretty fine with doing whatever I can to learn, even if it means doing stuff outside of the box. I usually do a lot of visual learning, but one thing I realized recently is that a lot of studying on art involves just as much reading as visual learning.

>> No.3606327

i really like your style
i've done the bottom right one as well and mine looks way more shitty

>> No.3606340
File: 147 KB, 807x572, MB9RZfD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

playing sad music while studying loomis because i feel like i never improve no matter how much i try

>> No.3606341

i feel like there is a trick only a few know and they wont tell you

>> No.3606342
File: 126 KB, 228x287, 1477301339131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>listening to anime pop songs while drawing circles

>> No.3606343

You have to use your brains, not just draw mindlessly. Why does it not look right? What can I change to fix it? What if I try this? What if I look at how others did it? You'll never improve if you just do the same thing over and over and don't look for where you're falling short.

>> No.3606347

hand eye co-ordination improves even during mindless tasks. you're right though. Unless you are aware of what you are studying for then you are wasting, maybe, 75% of the total potential you could be gaining

>> No.3606361

i think if you're getting sad about your progress thetn that says a lot about your mindset.

there is the virgin amateur that just throws little else other than his time and strength at the craft, but his eyes are fixated far off into the distance at something else. so, he learns nothing. he is not present.

there is the chad craftsman who extracts pure joy from the motions. he is fully 'here.'

also remember drawing is actually very basic and primitive. but with the right touch it can be elevated. to know how hard this is is an invaluable lesson

>> No.3606380

>It sounds like the best way you can learn 3D is subconsciously.
It's NOT subconscious; you have to actively be thinking about it, or it nothing'll change. Don't listen to those people who say that "you just gotta do it to get better :^)" you gotta do it well.

>> No.3606392
File: 817 KB, 1450x1000, drawingbitches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a sketchbook last week and have been forcing gesture drawings upon me every single day, now I like the results but I'm wondering about the steps it would take to learn to actually draw from imagination realistically, any tips? I am trying to actually see the forms and shapes and I do draw them first, but I'm not sure if I could do it without reference. Is there any book recommendation?
Also, I absolutely cannot draw faces and I am still too afraid to practice them, but I will definitely do it one day!

>> No.3606393

would any good artists like to show some quick gesture warm ups they did

>> No.3606394

break the body down to basic forms of boxes and cylinders then you can draw it from any angle in any position

>> No.3606401
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>> No.3606413 [DELETED] 
File: 1.11 MB, 1024x720, Screenshot_20180917-160750~3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this might be better, is this what you meant?

>> No.3606417
File: 114 KB, 636x1000, 1526918962836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inoue's art is so good, I wish he would release all of his idles sketchbook doodles, everything he's ever drawn, just so I could absorb it

>> No.3606464
File: 52 KB, 500x533, 1506449114153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally me

>> No.3606475

pro tip: you're setting yourself up for a grand disappointment. While your skill will improve overtime, so will your eye and you will never be satisfied with yourself therefore will always be reluctant to show your work.

>> No.3606483
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Adjust levels
Apply a blue layer over the top

>> No.3606485

Good work anon, don't listen to this faggot >>3606047
Practice makes perfect, and the main goal of drawing boxes is less to get perfect lines and more to develop form consciousness, the ability to comprehend the form more in 3d. It's about construction and drawing through the form more than line quality.

>> No.3606487

Hands look a little broken. Maybe have people redline it too

>> No.3606495

I'd rather be that guy than another one of those mediocre tumblr artists who get complacent and stagnate because their hugbox loves everything they make

>> No.3606548
File: 121 KB, 756x1008, rsz_lrm_export_86604075989092_20180917_213750455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you finally feel the fucking form
Guys I'm the one who linked that blog post on from, I was reading it at work when I linked it, these are my studies for tonight, never been able to draw like this before. I feel like a wizard. It's finally coming together.

>> No.3606549

Am I a complete piece of shit for starting out by just copying comic pages random screenshots of people from youtube?

>> No.3606595

Define "copy"

>> No.3606613

my father still thought I'm a worthless piece of shit playing game all day

>> No.3606622

Just got my first sketchbook about a month ago. it's filled with doodles taken from comics where I use the artist's style, and I jsut try to recreate what I see, not tracing, and not claiming it's my own.

>> No.3606626
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you don't need perfect lines m8

>> No.3606627
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>> No.3606667
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how am i doing with body?

am studying Bridgeman

>> No.3606668
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>> No.3606669
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sketchbook drawing

>> No.3606670
File: 158 KB, 900x1200, DnVMZvOVYAASOeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i drew one of my professors as well. any criticisms are welcome. ive been keeping sketchbooks for the past couple of weeks and instead of just showing people i would love some criticism or suggestions.

>> No.3606671

meant for

>> No.3606755

its ok anon! what you find as a weakness can actually churn out some really sweet gesture drawings!

>> No.3606764
File: 215 KB, 1035x776, S__77496344444 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's been a while since i've regularly drawn (and i was always /beg/-tier to begin with) so i'm trying to get back into the swing of it with simple stuff. faces have always been my favorite thing to draw so i've been brushing up on loomis, hands have always given me the most trouble so i'm trying to stop the habit of hiding them. my lines are really bad but once i ink this i'm gonna try and fix it. does anyone have advice for transfering a drawing on paper to digital effectively for beginners? i have a tablet but i'm so awkward with it compared to pencil and it takes so much longer, but i much prefer the idea of my drawings being digital.

>> No.3606793

So your trying to recreate the panels? That's not shit. Although I'd recommend doing a bit of study between it. Find a tool to make the head, practice using the tool, use it to copy a head you see on a comic panel you like, that kind of thing.

>> No.3606822

Not the person you're replying to, but thank you for posting these. I've always really fought with myself to create smooth lines and while I'm going to continue to try and clean my lines, it's reassuring to know that people do enjoy the messier look (if that's what I decide to do later).

>> No.3606830

My heads do need a lot of practice. I'm working through various anatomy walk throughs I find here. I'm not great at them, but hey, I'm here to improve.

>> No.3606831

Is your pen drying out? If you can get a new one, do so. A good beginner brush are the Faber-Castell soft brush and the Sakura Pigma Brush--they're cheap and the ink is still pretty decent, so you won't have to worry about accidentally damaging an expensive brush pen.

I like seeing all the little experiments with strokes. Try doing some simple parallel lines with the brush and big curves. Experiment with how to make thick and thin lines. (Use a pointed brush, not a chiseled brush.) Sam Salgood has some nice, well-paced and thorough tutorials on his YouTube on brush techniques and strokes if you don't know where to start or need some ideas.

I like the style youre going for, but are you intentionally trying to draw the faces looking flat? If not, start drawing some 3D shapes and applying them to faces. The sticky >1579290 suggests some books to start with if you're interested, and the artbook thread >3599895 has links to download them (and more).

As a side note, I wouldn't recommend always drawing with brushes, but I get the feeling based on your posts that you could have a natural aptitude for it.

>> No.3606834


Didn't link to the threads correctly my bad
>>1579290 sticky
>>3599895 artbook thread

>> No.3606866
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as >>3605169 the posture doesnt help much with the idea you might have for the right arm, but its common to struggle when drawing dynamic poses, it just takes some references and practice.

also check where you are pointing the eyes to, compared to where you want the ball to point to.

Hope this helps fixing it Anon.

>> No.3606886

Hide the pain Palpatine?

>> No.3606891

Know any 'tips' to foreshortening, I tried the coil technique but feel it isn't an accurate way of doing it.

>> No.3606899
File: 843 KB, 1280x1810, tumblr_mkeilbTEXM1qkkg9mo2_r1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but I have this. I'm not sure how much it'll help since I'm not at the level to apply it.

>> No.3606901

encorperate the tremor into your art style!

>> No.3606930
File: 25 KB, 657x527, apu apupu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>study loomis
>post my stuff
>be told that I draw like I've never studied loomis

I think I'm not learning

>> No.3606932
File: 643 KB, 2400x1800, light source.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's my shading?

>> No.3606952

is the white dot your source of light?

>> No.3606958

Lets see it anon.

>> No.3606965
File: 371 KB, 794x900, LOLnevergonnafinishthisshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's animu, but is it any good?

>> No.3606970

Just have it so it becomes a cycle. learn methods for construction/perspective/whatever, use them to recreate a piece you like (these are the "master studies" the /ic/ kids are talking about), and with confidence and practice, you can use it to make something you want, which will show what your missing in technique, and start back to study.

>> No.3606997

Picking up Dynamic Sketching to git gud, how long should I focus on each lesson?

>> No.3606998

>It's animu
It's not, you dumbo.

>> No.3607003

Do as the book tells you to.

>> No.3607021
File: 14 KB, 221x185, 1311854186267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you give me some simple exercises to learn to draw in 3D?

>> No.3607024


>> No.3607033

>While your skill will improve overtime, so will your eye and you will never be satisfied ...
I think this is a bit falacious. I know where you're coming from, and yes, it's one of those things you'll never be 100% happy with (such is the life of any artist / engineer who has ever lived), but I definitely think there's a line you cross where you go from shit creations to things you can show people to impress them.

You can only render so well, and you can only distribute form in space so well, so I definitely think you can GitGut skill-wise.

>> No.3607093 [DELETED] 
File: 413 KB, 492x405, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3607102 [DELETED] 

maybe I should add some text for context
this is an exercise from the book in the OP
I'm wondering if I should move on after a whole hearted attempt, or doing it once or twice more until I get a "good" result?

>> No.3607103
File: 1.66 MB, 2765x910, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how are you supposed to approach rendering I feel like I'm just guesstimating random shit and making everything look muddy, feel like I overuse soft brush as well?

>> No.3607104

Do it again, because you clearly did not understand the exercise.

Or just stop, since you ain't gonna make it anyway.

>> No.3607106

you could do a greyscale rendering to make sure your values are right, I would definitely push those values, don't be afraid to go darker.

turn the original image to greyscale and you should see how facial forms/lighting effect the colour in turn. I would work from there, idk i fucking suck desu lol

>> No.3607107 [DELETED] 


>> No.3607109

wtf i didnt type desu

>> No.3607110

Welcome, newfriend.

You don't want to use soft brush. The first thing you do is mark the seams in between different colors; this'll always be somewhat arbitrary, of course, but you want a solid basis from which to work from. Read keys to drawing.

>> No.3607125
File: 51 KB, 543x214, bridge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this make sense perspective wise? are long canvases okay?

>> No.3607152

How do I know which lines I can only imply and not actually draw?

>> No.3607172

Generally if you're able to draw lines in one smooth motion instead of the usual IC line-through-a-thousand-lines, you will notice lines fade often way before they hit their mark but it doesn't matter cuz the eye can track their direction and infer their end.

>> No.3607180
File: 124 KB, 959x1280, G4F014qYgXU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just starting out, reading Dodson and tried a portrait.

>> No.3607183

So it comes with confidence basically?

>> No.3607189

Does anybody have that infographic/pseudo-tutorial that talks about angles and alignments? I think some Asian chick in a bikini is used as reference, and it talks about checking for alignments and how to estimate angles and all that.

>> No.3607194


>> No.3607196

tfw glow in the dark CIA crabs

>> No.3607210

Thanks anon

>> No.3607212

Don't be nervous, Anon.

I was nervous when I took my first art class, too, but I got over it, quickly.

>> No.3607226
File: 67 KB, 850x874, sample_e2e43d76516594d07c8d1eda04aced5d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand how heads look in different angles, I understand how to construct the body, what I don't understand is how the fuck you construct the body when it's at weird angles where half the body is obstructed. Is it just guesswork? Is it even possible to sketch a body like pic related purely from your imagination? How do I keep everything in proportion when the 8 head rule is thrown out the window?

>> No.3607228

You need to learn perspective and foreshortening.

>> No.3607230

also why aren't you studying references if you don't know how to draw that angle from imagination?

>> No.3607231

Yeah, I know. But that doesn't help with drawing a body where the torso is hidden behind the ass.

>> No.3607232

Because what's the point if I don't know how to construct obstructed bodies?

You do the ball method for the head, you do your stickman with a torso/waist shape for the body, my question is how do you adapt that to bodies in weird poses where the proportions aren't equal anymore?

>> No.3607236

yes. I forgot to erase it

>> No.3607237
File: 259 KB, 2048x1282, moje1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont know how to go on, that's supposed to be a grave yet I can't cuite portray the shape of it, also dont know if I should go with stronger values I think I'll have to because it looks kinda bland

>> No.3607260
File: 111 KB, 736x1060, mgs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I want to achieve Yoji Shinkawa's style, a brush pen would be good right? How do I render like this with brush pens? Water and a paintbrush/my finger on already inked paper?

>> No.3607293
File: 72 KB, 585x857, ababa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't anyone going to make a new anime study thread

>> No.3607304

how do I tackle Keys to Drawing and Fun with a pencil?

>> No.3607373

what sort of a question is that? you people will ask about anything as long as it means you don't have to read, or draw, or do anything. read the book, the book wasn't made with 4chan anons in mind, Bert Dodson didn't expect you to ask anyone how to tackle it, he tells you himself how to tackle it.

>> No.3607401

Thanks man, big help. I’ll try and fix it now

>> No.3607579
File: 67 KB, 806x451, sphere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How bad is it?
and how do I place the top light , where the value is the highest , I cant really wrap figure out the shape of it and the size of that light point

>> No.3607595

Make it yourself anon. Dont be a pussy.

>> No.3607601

If the light is coming from directly above then the shadows need to be symmetrical from the middle, same with bounce light. You also need to push your values more. Get Scott Robertson's How to Render DVDs they are on cgp.

>> No.3607681
File: 600 KB, 794x900, weeb shiz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Study hands more. Draw a shit ton of hands, fail fast, and learn how you failed.
Right hand looks a flipper and is smaller than the other. Left hand pinky is too thick and clearly doesn't wrap around the rope.

>> No.3607727

Misaka is the fucking cutest.

>> No.3607748

Learn form

>> No.3607787
File: 68 KB, 1231x1097, column.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3607793
File: 858 KB, 1139x592, thislooksliketrashignoreit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i recently got my first tablet, and i have lost A L L of my fundamentals does anyone have any good creators artists or specific videos i should check out? i've wanted to get into digital art for along time so i just took the plung and i just gotta relearn a lot it seems.

if you're interested in tradition art all i used was graphite and my style was very faggoty anime-esque or sometimes "semi-realistic" you could call it but i just call it shade my artwork into the dirt so you can see my mistakes

>> No.3607794

pic related was just me messing around in a program with like symmetry and random brushes and shit btw pls god dont judge my art skill off that or you might think im terrible when in reality im terrible but better at covering it up than this

>> No.3607862

Post work

>> No.3607911
File: 141 KB, 936x744, SCAN0099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this turning out looking 3D

>> No.3607912
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>> No.3607973

I'm 21 years old, have aphantasia, and I've never tried drawing anything in my life. Is it too late for me?

>> No.3607977
File: 111 KB, 579x414, cokcshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I incorporate negative space into my construction of facial anatomy? I cannot find suitable exercises to teach my brain to look at the gaps of the face when constructing.

I'm really having a problem in realistic facial construction in general, as you can see. I don't understand how exactly to place features properly.

>> No.3607979

Yes, there's never been a single artist in all of history that started in their 20's and got good.

>> No.3607982

I figured. Thanks for letting me know for sure.

>> No.3607994

No it's not, just draw.

>> No.3607995

>just draw
You don't think the aphantasia is a problem?

>> No.3607996

Have you tried working with 3D shapes instead of 2D ideas?

>> No.3607999

No, it's not. You have a hand and fingers you can draw with, correct? If you want to learn, you will learn.

Start with Dodson's "Keys to Drawing" or Edward's "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain." If that still doesn't work, use references and copy what you see. Just see, don't think.

>> No.3608002



>> No.3608004


What are you going for, here?

>> No.3608005

As long as it doesn’t effect your visual library which it might. I don’t know the details of that problem. I say this because I personally don’t always mentally visualize a piece of art before creating it, I’ll just start thumbnailing or noodling based on some concepts I have in mind (not image based ideas necessarily). So if aphantasia makes it so you cannot retain any information about how things look-anatomy for example-and I mean allowing your pen to guide you, not visualizing it in your brain, then you’re still not fucked. You will just have to heavily rely on reference. Just study and experiment and see how your mind works. That visual library information might be stored in part of your brain not effected by aphantasia, don’t know, the brain is a weird thing.

>> No.3608006

I have complete aphantasia which prevents me from visualizing anything at all. No mental images. I'm stuck with completely word-based thoughts. I'd have to learn how to draw from words and non-visual patterns I could memorize. Is that something that can be done?

>> No.3608008

What do you mean? I've done a lot of 3d study in terms of drawing with perspective and breaking down features into 3d shapes, but are you referring to actual 3d software?

>> No.3608012

Like I said there are plenty of times where I draw without visualizing things but that might be effected by the subconscious visual library my brain has. I think it’s possible that you can do art but you won’t know until you try it. Instead of noting things visually during your studies you can make lists and see if you can draw that thing later based on your list

>> No.3608014

No, I meant it how you interpreted it. I'm just wondering if you constructed spheres, cubes, etc instead of thinking about mostly 2D ways of seeing (lines, negative space, contour) if it would help you place stuff.

Like, "ah the eye goes between these circles, and the nose goes on this rectangle" sort of thing.

But, thinking on it...3D software could be helpful for you.

>> No.3608015

Have you tried thinking about art in terms of sounds rather than images, and used what you draw to interpret sound?

>> No.3608017

Oh, I understand what you're saying now. I have not done that enough, I think that might be what helps me. Thanks

>> No.3608018

inb4 >Loomis but his stuff actually helped me understand faces and skulls better because I saw where stuff fit on shapes rather than how it was measured.

>> No.3608019

I can't imagine sounds either. I can't memorize what a song sounds like or what someone's voice sounds like.

>> No.3608022

Well, you don't have to draw from imagination if it doesn't work for you. You can draw from references.

>> No.3608023

Grats on your first tablet and first digital painting. I know it's nerve-wracking to post your work, but it's cool. You can relax.

Looks like you are missing fundamentals. You may want to brush up on Loomis, then Keys to Drawing, although you may be able to skim through that very quickly. It's worth looking through that just to make sure you have it down. Then move on to Proko on youtube.

Figure out what it is that you want to learn first. If you want character design, definitely work your way through Proko and figure drawing, and that can lead towards creating characters from imagination. If you're looking to have a more anime style, you can incorporate that by copying your favorite anime artists alongside learning the basics of figure drawing.

Your progression should look something like: basic drawing and shading (loomis/keys) -> light/value/form -> perspective -> gesture/construction -> basic figure drawing/anatomy

By no means do you need to master one before moving to the next. As long as you have a basic grasp of each area, you can try the next thing. You'll be revisiting each of those things anyway as you progress.

Looking at your painting, there's not much sense of lighting and form (anatomy also, but that's for later on). First you gotta learn to build shapes with value. That should take your portraits a long way. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dqGkHWC5IU

>> No.3608029

You'll need to move away from lines if you want to have more realistic drawings. >>3607996 is making a point that you're still symbol drawing. And that's because you've not yet practiced creating 3d form with value. Lines are just quick-hand ways of simplifying 3d form. If you don't know what the lines represent in 3d, you won't be able to do them well in your construction.

So start doing form studies of basic shades and then the head. Learn to draw portraits with value instead of lines. Then you'll notice your line drawings will make more sense and will be easier to do.

>> No.3608034
File: 2.01 MB, 1852x1166, Screen Shot 2018-09-18 at 10.48.58 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my first time using a digital tablet. i know that I need to push my values more and work on my brushstrokes. Any critique + tips for improving this?

>> No.3608037

my colour selection is abysmal aswell, so any advice is appreciated.

>> No.3608054
File: 102 KB, 600x800, IMG_20180918_221702-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 minutes with Loomis.png

>> No.3608056

Only got to do this 1051200 more times and you will become a master!

>> No.3608058

What do you mean? That picture proves I'm already a master.

>> No.3608060

>implying it's possible to master Loomis

>> No.3608081

not with loomis alone

>> No.3608109
File: 87 KB, 939x511, Dude and Nosferatu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draw a guy, get cartoon guy
>draw a girl, get nosferatu
couldn't stop laughing once I got to the mouth of the girl, fucking open smiles

>> No.3608113

keep going anon. you'll get there. maybe take some of this advice >>3608029, also use references, not necessarily real people but of other sketches to see how others do it. Try to copy them.

>> No.3608118
File: 225 KB, 383x375, 4544eca981876aee34d87e2b206cac36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, I made the guy from nothing, and tried to copy the girl from a reference
guess I should learn values first then

>> No.3608120
File: 63 KB, 605x454, IMG_20180919_003024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3608132

Values are good but better yet is to take note of other artists sketch style and copy it. See how this artist indicates features with lines? Very minimal, just enough to show them. There's a good grasp of anatomy there though, that lets them add the features accurately.

Might also help to draw bigger, and keep your pencil sharp, so you can make those lines more accurate.

>> No.3608133
File: 216 KB, 734x1000, wesleyburt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoops, here's the pic

>> No.3608246

Aphantasia or not, if you wanted to draw you'd be doing it already.

>> No.3608315
File: 320 KB, 700x1008, art-complete-guide_img_19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know what book this is from, or any books that describe similar exercises?

>> No.3608374
File: 44 KB, 720x960, 41866279_473511893139529_5926313840592551936_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently made a conscious decision to draw for at least 1-2 hours a day, since it's a skill i've always wanted to develop.

I'm starting with loomis, which is something i glossed over some time ago but never sat down and drew all of it from page 1 to the last.

I feel like i ruined the drawings a bit when inking them, i only have a shitty rolling ball pen, but it was a nice exercise to try and figure out exactly where the finishing lines were meant to be.

Any tips/criticism at all is welcome. Am i doing good ? should i do something different ? should i stop overthinking and just draw more ? Thank you.

>> No.3608377
File: 66 KB, 960x720, 42058614_1063950643782216_8280296011490918400_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also, when i'm drawing i'm usually worried i'm just copying something and not taking the time to fully understand the forms and their locations in a 3D space, since this is what i used to do and i feel what made me stagnate for a long time.

>> No.3608386

Make some of your own.

>> No.3608414
File: 109 KB, 689x708, anonsmom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You gotta be more careful with your lines. When you're drawing from life, you've got to understand that some lines only really work in the context of the shadow / light patterns near them, so while you may see an edge between two colors, it may not be a good idea to mark it, since it might not make sense without the full context of the other values that surround it.

An example of times where you'd not want to make a mark, is when your resolution simply doesn't allow the amount of precision needed to make such a subtle line - we must not forget that the lines we make have an actual area, and we must play around and be aware of that. A good example of these things is on the wrinkles on the right side of her face (left from our POV), which I'd never mark unless I had a full range of value at my disposal, instead of just black and white. Marking these small creases often gives the impression of a bigger, much deeper crease - as you may be able to see in your own drawing - and will often make the person seem much older as a result.

Another case where you have to be aware of lines, is where the change in color isn't that abrupt - the teeth, for instance. The most I'd do if I were to draw the teeth properly with only outlines, would be to outline the teeth as a whole, but never each individual tooth, because the color between them doesn't allow me to do that, without clashing with the rest of the values on the picture. Another example of this is the eyes - particularly the inside part - which are much more flesh coloured than we may assume, and as a result, many people simply remove that inner outline; and the lips get this treatment often as well.

I hope this was somewhat helpful. I made a shitty version of the picture to exemplify.

Mr. Crab

P.S. if you don't want to draw nosferatu, maybe don't use your mom as reference.

>> No.3608584

not the same guy but this is really good advice

thank you for posting it

>> No.3609183

>u instead of you
>wacky lowercase
>passive aggressive insult
>commas instead of dots
i know your kind and how you all type. fucking hivemind, the bunch of you

>> No.3609185

and as if it doesnt get any more obvious
>link is from tumblr
kill yourself attention whoring roastie