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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 146 KB, 856x933, pixel_art_commissions_info__closed__by_d_dyee-daw3rmw.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3603093 No.3603093 [Reply] [Original]

so can we have the art commission discussion again how do you guys do it and examples of yours? how do you deal with a client, method of payment, how much, all advice is welcome
>pic related to subject

>> No.3603102

I strongly recommend not doing point commissions. Deviantart funbux won't get you anywhere practical and you don't wanna build a reputation as someone that takes them.

>> No.3603110

People have been asking if I do commissions and my art has been relatively growing in popularity as I progress. I have some questions before I start taking up paid requests:

>What do you guys use to get paid for commissions? PayPal?
>How much do you ask for in advance?
>How much input do you allow from the commissioner and at later stages?
>Do you require contracts on ownership of any intellectual properties you may inadverdently create or infringe upon?

>> No.3603124
File: 409 KB, 446x560, tumblr_pefy9569kf1vmaoxfo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does your art look like?

>What do you guys use to get paid for commissions? PayPal?
Yes, Paypal. I use a personal account and send invoices to customers with an extra 4% charge to take care paypal's fee.

>How much do you ask for in advance?
I do the most basic of sketches, just a figure really to show the pose and make sure it doesn't resemble any character. Just in case someone tries to steal it. Then if they're satisfied, I send them an invoice for the full payment.

>How much input do you allow from the commissioner and at later stages?
Costs extra after the sketch stage is complete. If it's a one time thing like "Add a ring on the hand" then I let it slide. If it surpasses 2 times, I charge extra.

>Do you require contracts on ownership of any intellectual properties you may inadverdently create or infringe upon?
I haven't signed or given contracts until recently when I started work with a game dev.

Pic related is one of my most recent pieces. Though I haven't done an animation commissions yet.

>> No.3603136
File: 70 KB, 507x834, 08AB0674-C9D4-4F36-A729-527EB3395BF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not that good, this is probably the point I get to until diminishing returns set in

>> No.3603147

what's point commissions anon?

>> No.3603157

Commissions for website points instead of cash

>> No.3603189
File: 305 KB, 2131x939, 20180907_163831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to sell small sculpture commissions. I don't think my work is quite ready for this avenue of business but I'm trying out some things to see if there's a way to make it more marketable. By that I mean I'm seeing if I can make mlp shit out of wire that still reads decently well despite the medium.

>> No.3604535

what do you guys think of this situation,
>a guy follows me on instagram
>asks for ilustration
>tell him i will be able to sketch something at monday due to other work
>guy agrees to this and advancement payment after sketch
>assure him i may take a while but he will have his order
>guy sees message
>eventually doesnt follow me anymore or even liked any of my work
do you guys think this guy tried his luck on me?

>> No.3605009

What are typical resolution, dpi, and files delivered for commissions? Do they get the psd?

>> No.3605043

"Commissions" does not necessarily equate to these fast food style commission charts, or other low quality, low pay personal / private commissions. In fact, these types of jobs are bottom of the barrel, and should be avoided at all costs.

Your time spent trying to build these low quality personal commissions would be better spent developing a portfolio and reaching out to businesses to work for them. You will make exponentially more money for the same amount of work. It's seriously not that hard. Reach higher than these lowly commissions.

>> No.3605046

mikeposter again

you always say it's easy, then say that redbubble is your main income and it took you 5 years to build up your account.

>> No.3605081

my online portfólio its always finished stuff i dont post sketches anymore, i dont regulary post because i beleive i take to much time to finish something, i dont even say that i am opened to comissions however this time happened and i would like to understand how its made,
this is what happened to me>>3604535

>> No.3605099

But where does one find mid range companies when you're not yet good enough for Wizards of the Coast yet you think you've outgrown drawing horsies having sex for 20 dollars a piece?

>> No.3605107

4000px at widest or tallest length
300 dpi
I don't allow edits to my artwork, so unless it's for a game dev, they will never get the layered file.

>> No.3605127

Regarding the Redbubble stuff - I try not to compare freelancing to passive sales on PoD. They're not really comparable, and you're right - it does take a long time to build up (also RB is not my main income). I think you could start making decent money freelancing much faster than you could build up a passive income on sites like Redbubble. I didn't mean to suggest that freelancing is easy by any means, but rather that its not as painstakingly difficult and 'out of reach' as it might seem.

>not yet good enough for Wizards of the Coast
Wizards of the Coast has a use for illustrators who draw in a digital painting style, usually around fantasy or sci-fi subjects. Who else has a use for illustrators who can do this? WotC is definitely one of the 'top dogs' in the fantasy/sci-fi illustration industry, but they're not the only publisher who needs that type of imagery.

Off the top of my head, there are 2 great outlets for digital painting fantasy/sci-fi illustration that could be a good source of opportunities without needing to be a super experienced & skilled professional:

1.) Board game publishers: I have some friends who are really into board games, and I was over there last night to play another with them. Sweet jesus - the artwork on a lot of new board games is not very good at all. I often see many artists on /ic/ who produce better work than the game I played last night. Board games are continuing to be growing, and they're a great source of jobs requiring a lower threshold of skill than something like WotC. Look up contemporary board game publishers and reach out to them.
2.) Apps & Mobile Games: There are so, so many publishers of apps/mobile games that utilize fantasy/sci-fi illustration. I would go through the app store and make a list of the publishers that you might be a good fit for and reach out to them to share your portfolio and let them know you'd like to work with them in the future.

>> No.3605136

Sounds like you dodged a bullet of working with a client who would have been a hassle to work with. Doesn't really sound like he was trying to stiff you, but rather wasn't really serious about hiring you and just walked away when they he heard it "may take a while".

>i beleive i take to much time to finish something
How long does it take you to finish something? For example, a scene with 2 figures and a background?

>> No.3605177

>What do you guys use to get paid for commissions? PayPal?
yeah, pay through paypal invoice, always. it's the least risky way to take comms, especially if you're doing nsfw stuff through paypal

>How much do you ask for in advance?
at least half up front, and I keep that half as a cancellation fee if they back out. though honestly I've found that most people are perfectly willing to pay the whole price upfront.

>How much input do you allow from the commissioner and at later stages?
During the sketch phase I'm open to as many revisions as needed as long as they aren't having me completely redraw it over and over. After that though I don't really allow revisions, unless I majorly fuck up the colors or something.

>Do you require contracts on ownership of any intellectual properties you may inadverdently create or infringe upon?
I have a basic contract that states they can't sell prints/etc of my work, and I can post the commission wherever I want as long as I'm not making more $ off of it

>> No.3606591

thanks for the input

wi mostly do only characters, coincidentally i've been doing something like that and the background is not gonna be something not as rendered as the characters, without counting the design exploration for character/apparel i can take 1 month, and i know that my stuff could be a lot better for a 1 month illustration.
i just cant go as fast as mostly pros go that can make some high end illustration in a week

>> No.3608618

Anyone have experience doing NSFW commissions on HentaiFoundry? Are clients there generally easier to deal with/pays higher than Tumblr or DA etc?

>> No.3608753
File: 25 KB, 128x128, 1514429743199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many of you evade taxes? Also is it a better option to use a business paypal or should I stick with personal?

>> No.3608776

Is copyright an issue when doing commissions? Can you get in trouble if you earn money by drawing a character which is owned by some company ?

>> No.3609560
File: 235 KB, 1024x768, life_aquatic_by_moonpigsart-d8sg1tn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been doing oil paintings for about 10 years on the side to make a lil extra cash. I am not a very good business man I just enjoy painting so my prices are usually on the cheap side. A majority of my clients request portraits of loved ones or couples. learning to draw a face is a good investment you have very big clientele. I have no clue how big your client base is for what you are selling op but best of luck to ya. Gaining trust is important its a risk that these people are investing in especially if you're new. Provide examples of the work and then do a very light sketch for free to give them a idea of where ill be placing things and the client can add stuff. Clients sometimes like to know a deadline so have general idea of how fast you work. Stream the clients commission they love to watch i am actually doing one now on twitch and its a great way gain more clients. I've got a Etsy store that I sell originals from. Pricing I base off a few things like the subject and the size of the canvas once i know these 2 things i can estimate a time and give a estimated price or you could set a default price like some tattoo artist do works for them. do not ever get into contracts i understand why someone would want one but personally it tells me the client does not trust me and the last thing you want is some legal bullshit. if you post stuff online put a nice clear watermark on your stuff

>> No.3609563

>turning down a huge industry job because using contracts means they don’t trust you

>> No.3609590

Should I build up an actual fanbase or could i just make a price sheet and post it on tumblr with some corresponding tags? Most people that i feel "like" my stuff are mostly just people passing by.

>> No.3609838

>>Do you require contracts on ownership of any intellectual properties you may inadverdently create or infringe upon?

I'll break it down for you the way it was broken down for me on this board a long time ago.

I draw a picture of Iron Man.
I sell picture of Iron Man in exchange for money even though I have no permission from Disney/Marvel.
Disney can absolutely take me to court over that shit.

I tell people I do commissions in exchange for money.
I get a buyer.
He tells me he wants a picture of Iron Man illustrated on my blank sheet of paper so he can buy it.
He pays, I draw him an Iron Man.
Disney can't do shit because you were paid for a service and not an already drawn "pre-meditated" piece of copyright infringement.

This is how I've rolled for 2 years or so now and so far so good.

>> No.3609840


>> No.3609931


>> No.3609950

>What do you guys use to get paid for commissions? PayPal?
Paypal invoices only.

>How much do you ask for in advance?
100% upfront.

>How much input do you allow from the commissioner and at later stages?
People have been asking only for minor tweaks so far. I'm providing them with WIPs at every key stage when it's perfect moment to fix something before moving on.

>Do you require contracts on ownership of any intellectual properties you may inadverdently create or infringe upon?
Haven been relevant for me yet.

>> No.3609956
File: 42 KB, 399x322, 1520166085940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I really like your style, I'll probably commission something from you in the future!
How many of them would actually commission something?

>> No.3610189

>Yes, Paypal. I use a personal account and send invoices to customers with an extra 4% charge to take care paypal's fee.
I used to do this too. but is against paypay ToS to do it.
So in order to keep things in the same range I set higher prices including the fee in them.
and they say. "no extra fees" for that case.

>> No.3610327

my advice is more directed at the little independent guy trying to make a few bucks on the side. A verbal agreement and a handshake is good enough for me. I was assuming op might be in a similar position like me. He is selling his stuff for 9-13 bucks do you really want to get into written legal binding contracts over 9-13 dollar pixel art. Your post is about career opportunity at a professional level of course you fucking take the contract

>> No.3610476

count them as a loss and move on. Don't dwell on it. It's just their nice way of saying no.

>> No.3610920

I'm prone to doing this. Chances are that's a first impression and I look at more of your work closely to find a flaw or limitation in your ability that serves as a dealbreaker or I find another artist who does something a little more favorable for my vision.

Other cases I do like the artist's work but don't feel my commission idea(s) would be a good fit in the artist's given ability.

>> No.3610947

Can people actually make a living out of this? Like >$1000 a month? This character must take 2 hrs to make, this is below minimal wage o_o

Here's what works for me
>put up a portfolio of work relevant to the agency you're applying to
>e-mail: "Hello I am illustrator. My portfolio in the attachment. Have a nice day"
>agency asks about daily rate
>reply with daily rate
>wait more
>get a comission
>repeat when dry

>> No.3610985

You need to research your own shit on tax evation, especially if ur making a few grand or more.

>> No.3612807

I'm a shitty artist. And I want to start doing cheap ($15) commissions.

Should I set up a blog and post my awful drawings as soon as possible (despite the fact that I'm still learning and experimenting with style) or should I wait until I git gud?

>> No.3612968


>> No.3613071

How long does it take you to make a pic?

>> No.3613131
File: 142 KB, 297x800, qwertyuiop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1h for a sketch, 2,5h for lineart, 4h for cell shaded.

>> No.3613135

You do realize that $15 for a cell-shaded one would be you working for $3.75, right?

I don't care if you're a furfag. At least respect yourself enough to work for minimum wage.

>> No.3613144

>work for minimum wage.
I'm a slav.
Because of currency exchange rates earning $3.75 per hour would be more than what I already earn at my normal, shitty job. Minimum wage here is around $2.85.
So if I'll manage to do commissions without paying taxes, then I'll be good.

And lets be honest: I'm not good enough to ask for more than that.

>> No.3613196
File: 207 KB, 808x989, 1430186260876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not getting the amerifags to pay the expected $7.25/hr
>not taking advantage of difference in currencies to make bank and still not rip anyone off
>not taking yourself seriously enough so nobody will take yourself seriously and keep asking for discounts


>> No.3613203

>expecting /beg/ tier artists to ask $30 for their commissions
You're delusional.

>> No.3613214

How so?

You're paying for someone's experience, time, and materials. If you aren't good enough for people to justify paying $30 for your commissions, then you shouldn't be doing them in the first place.

Selling yourself short not only hurts yourself but other artists trying to make a living.

>> No.3613219

>How so?
/beg/ artists, like >>3613131, will never find anyone willing to pay $30 for their work. So even asking for this much is pointless.

>If you aren't good enough for people to justify paying $30 for your commissions, then you shouldn't be doing them in the first place.
I disagree.
If you're not good enough to get $30 for a commission, then you have 2 options:
a) keep drawing and studying for free, for yourself (which is what you apparently are advising)
b) lowering your price and earning only $15. (which is what I am suggesting).
It's better to have $15 than to have no money at all.
If you're going to draw anyway, then why not charge for it?

>Selling yourself short not (...) hurts yourself
Not really. Drawing for free "hurts" more than drawing for a low price.
>hurts (...) other artists trying to make a living.
How so?
I'm not asking others to lower their prices; I'm asking begtards to ask for money instead of drawing for free.

>> No.3613234

to elaborate, you can buy things from the store with deviantart points. but you can't turn them back into money.

>> No.3613258

what agencies are there? we've had board games, mobile games listed itt, but what others exist?

>> No.3613295

Well yes. For example I work in advertising. Below are my dream agencies
It's my life goal to work with any of these

>> No.3613296 [DELETED] 
File: 1.65 MB, 2006x1500, Argodeon's commission sheet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is my stuff
>$50.00+ (USD) as the base price. It increases the more complex a piece becomes.
>Whatever they want. Fortunately 97% of them just leave everything up to me due to my creativity.
>Not really. Though they can't resell em in any way.
Are you an idiot or just really poor?
Yes. I live in a shithole so I can make up to $300 and I can last for a month from there, but I'm trying to save myself just in case of emergencies so $1400 is my monthly goal.

>> No.3613297

In what kind of shithole you can get by earning $300 a month? Do you pay rent or insurance?

>> No.3613301 [DELETED] 

Shit I forgot to add +$147 USD. So that's a $447. I was mainly thinking about my basic needs and food.
Also Philippines. I hate it here.

>> No.3613302


>> No.3613304

Anon, you could be earning so much more with that level of skill. Haven't you been thinking about applying somewhere as a background or concept artist? I really like your work, but you are selling your stuff too low and probably marketing it to the wrong people.

>> No.3613313

asian countries bro. insurance isn't mandatory

>> No.3613321

I'm still thinking about it. I'm just not a huge fan on stressful shit.
If it was marketed to the 'wrong people', its understandable that I absolutely have no idea who they are and so I'm p sure I won't get in trouble.
Thank you for the kind words and glad you like my stuff btw! Will keep your input in mind.

>> No.3613602

>You're paying for someone's experience, time, and materials.
Literally no customer cares about how much time do you spend on your commissions, how much materials you use or what's the minimum wage where you live. If your art is shitty, then you'll get paid less. It's as simple as that. It's the basic law of supply and demand.

Expecting more simply because you "deserve" more or because you "respect yourself" is ridiculous.
Stop being so entitled you faggots.

>> No.3613672

Should I sign my artwork?

>> No.3613873

If a customer is willing to pay at all, they should at least be willing to pay minimum wage. Anon's work isn't terrible. There's plenty of people who make more for less. He should be making it worthwhile, at the very least.

It doesn't matter either way, but at least people will be able to find you if someone reposts it if you do.

>> No.3614073

Be sure to make your signature look like a a scribbled out stick figure so that no one can read it. I love it when I can't find an artist.

>> No.3615304

Do you upload your sketches and studies? Or do you keep only your finished work on your art blogs?

>> No.3615313

Most of the pros I follow on Instagram mostly upload WIPs, personal studies, sketches and reserve finished work for their clients, commissions, and portfolio.

>> No.3616615

Should I post on DA?
It looks like it's populated mostly by children so I doubt they have any money to spend on me and my commissions.

>> No.3618221
File: 489 KB, 428x742, 15052275026531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dumping prices and ruining mutt's art commissions market
Based underpaid Ivan.

>> No.3620080

Are there any good discord servers where I can advertise my furry porn commissions?

>> No.3620084

Literally any discord servers are.

>> No.3620093


>> No.3620180

i dont think marketing this kind of work towards bronies/furries will work. imo a better idea would be to market towards normies, open a stand in like a weekly farmers market or at festivals. that way you can keep making cool shit like youre doing, though you might want to consider making some smaller stuff that could maybe sit on a desk or a shelf.

>> No.3622716

How do I get popular on tumblr?
Whatever I post gets completely ignored.

>> No.3622978

I think that, even with amazing art on a commission sheet, the average buyer isn't going to take a risk on an unknown artist. And really, if you had amazing art that people would drop what their doing to pay you, you wouldn't need to ask or would already be working freelance.

I think the best thing you can od for now is just post art consistently, show the potential buyer that you have a defined style and can deliver work in a timely manner.