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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 182 KB, 1152x1280, IMG_20180911_031846_456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3598790 No.3598790 [Reply] [Original]


Why this thing isn't bully'd to death?
You can't consider yourself sain and say "this is normal, this is art", and if you do, well you should end yourself too.

>> No.3598804

why wouldn't it be allowed

>> No.3598807

Why isn't this op bullied to death? He can't even spell sane right. If you think grammar this retarded is fine, you should end yourself too

>> No.3598812


i hope you're not wondering why you're so lonely

>> No.3598821

I'm a firm believer that people should be allowed to draw anything they want. no matter how hideous it is to look at

>> No.3598834

yeah i dont agree with it or like it and i can see their agenda . However, i wont go out of my way to witch hunt this person.

>> No.3598889

you should be drawing right now, op

>> No.3598971

Let's salvage this thread, can we take a moment to discuss intent when it comes to art?
Would you find this more fascinating if it was deliberate to make moeblobs as disgusting as possible? Does it even matter once it leaves the artist's hands?

>> No.3598980
File: 100 KB, 998x810, 1451179358158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ugly, I don't like it, but I'm not a total asshole. I'd much rather spend my time and energy drawing than investing time in some literally who tumblr artist. Simple as that.

>> No.3599000
File: 109 KB, 823x744, 1532470530624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>See thumbnail
>mistake nostrils for squinting eyes from a smiling gerbil furry
>open image

>> No.3599014

They're just appealing to the "PC" crowd and feminists, that's it. Those kind of people also want straight men to find unattractive women and other men to be sexually appealing even though it goes against our biological urges.

>intent of art...
Probably to market towards feminism. Their rule of thumb is that if straight men find something sexually attractive, it MUST be flagged as discrimination or pedophilia. Moe is supposed to be appealing (cute and sometimes sexy) but because some straight men like it, feminist want to ruin it. Just don't give them any attention or financial support and it'll go the way of the American comic book industry. Dead because it was ruined by feminism. It's why I stopped supporting Crunchyroll.

>> No.3599017

i absolutely fucking hate it but their being supportive of people so thats cool
kill yourself cishet

>> No.3599296

>You can't consider yourself SAINT
But I can

>> No.3599299

So you're only allowed to draw "normal things" that you, OP enjoy?

Thats what censorship is called OP, fucking get out with your retarded ideas.

>> No.3599306

the best action to do is to leave them alone and go do your own shit. These kind of people is guaranteed to stagnate in a few months/years so there's that

>> No.3599467
File: 190 KB, 326x326, 1534277014195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP gets bullied for being a fucking sperg NEET who draws less than an hour a day

my type of thread lmao

It was made to market towards a demographic of people that want to see cute characters drawn and colored in a way that reaches a wider variety of ethnicity than usual. the real issue when this happens isn't the fact that the character is a different skin color, its fine. In fact, the drawing could still pass if her(?) skin was just about any color. What kills it is the freckles. There are way too many and of too dark and saturated a value. It may be closer to how a person with that skin type is irl, but that goes against the idea of the fucking picture because it's moeshit, there isn't anything realistic about it

the lines are cute enough, the pose is alright, but a bit stiff. the real issue is the swarm of freckles. I feel like just taking an eraser to half of them and lowering the opacity of the rest would solve so many issues

>> No.3599472

I mean it got a pretty strong reaction out of you, instead of looking at a pic of a cute girl for a second then scrolling away.

>> No.3599479

Some people just like to draw things differently, maybe they enjoy themself while drawing like this.

>> No.3599498
File: 20 KB, 400x400, 178a954dbabe0c730055877186dea2fdfe1d3d95a0123b059b859964fe9c2348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon trying to rationalize and defend this

>> No.3599503

>OP gets bullied
No I'm not

>> No.3599504

>cute girl
easy now buddy, it scarcely looks human

>> No.3599508

i meant it makes op have a stronger reaction than a moeblob pic

>> No.3599593
File: 14 KB, 285x325, hans luger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people out there who believe that this is what aesthetic is

>> No.3599603
File: 199 KB, 1166x1259, 3b939b133ad4c5a92849e7d591816393[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, right

>> No.3599604


I disapprove of what the artist has drawn, but I will defend to the death their right to post it.

>> No.3599605

Will you defend my right to call you a nigger?

>> No.3599606


I've been called worse, sweetheart.

>> No.3599611
File: 115 KB, 264x240, 13b9be18cfdff626034810f35ef20889554aa06dfa44002b64a8e372e5ae73e3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3599616


I still can't believe you called me a nigger. On the Internet! I'm going to go ask mommy to change my diaper now.

>> No.3599619

I could be banned for this, you know. It's a very brave move to say such thing on the internets these days. You better respect my bravery

>> No.3599647
File: 1.02 MB, 1152x1280, less freckles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i agree the freckles are bad, she looks like an overripe banana. but the rest of the face isn't saved by their absence.

so many artists, lots on this board, think character design boils down to anatomy + choosing what type of outfits their characters should wear. when it is a lot more than that.

>> No.3599664

it immediately looks stronger, nj senpai. You are right, though. it's more apparent now that the nose is probably way too big, and that its keeping the eyes from being placed further down, which would solve some more issues. there also seems to be way too many extra small lines that interfere with the style of the rest of the character, like the bags under the eyes but there are little to no wrinkles or folds in any of the cloth?

also, for your second point, it's really true. shape design and color scheme flowing into an underlying narrative can all be achieved by taking some time to really think about, not just what a character is wearing, but why

good shit anon

>> No.3599738

On one hand, I believe artists should be able to make whatever the fuck they want

on the other hand, this trend of fanartists going out of their way to take attractive women and make them as ugly as possible, presumably to comfort their own ugly selves, comes off to me as delusional and disturbing

>> No.3599850

>make them as ugly as possible...

I know they're trying to show diversity but why do they go out of their way to do this? Why exagerate certain features and blow it way out of proportion?