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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3594674 No.3594674 [Reply] [Original]

...thing means no fucking one draws, paints etc. I see many demoralizing/demoralized threads lately so have to respond
Go to a random electronics store, tons and tons of games / entertainment , 1 million city and no retail store has a fucking wacom. The aforementioned content gets duller and duller every year, its artistic lights (artistic i said, not polygon count) dimming, old gamers longing for some great game's atmosphere, immersion, story, wanting really bad to get to a convincing imaginary place and they cannot. Asset reuse brings depression to games conoisseurs. Extiction of manual writing will end the chance of random people to hold a pencil. They will be scared to write a letter, moreso to draw anything.

And still you think you NGMI. False.

Mark my words: In a few short years, /beg posters will be the Leonardo's of their district, everyone else will battle with ui of programs to auto-size an old asset, scared to shit that the boss asks them for something original.

Art is not a commodity, until our surroundings radiate beauty the more artists the better. Every succesful civilization was judged by its art at the end.

>> No.3594678

Move to discord.

I would give more of a shit about this place if the mods were not so oblivious to shitposting/pure trolling

>> No.3594679

Take your meds, nosebro.

>> No.3594686

Meds cause lifeless drawing, Loomitard

>> No.3594690

To what server?

>> No.3594706
File: 308 KB, 570x540, 1531258650829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're all gonna make it bros

>> No.3594707
File: 66 KB, 500x533, 1523210730044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people are busy working on their drawings etc. to post on /ic/

>> No.3594711

Yeah, as everyone knows every thread and most of the posts on /ic are accompanied by own work.

>> No.3595062

I'm doing gesture practice, sorry for not contributing enough.

>> No.3595073

The (You) Market on /ic/ is in severe decline. I contribute all the time but barely get any (You)s, maybe 1 or 2 if I’m lucky.

>> No.3595101

/ic/ reinforces a negative spiral that actively prevents the mind set that provides the momentum requiered to improve.

You don’t draw enough, You have no idea how to make dreams goals. You feel bad when you draw, you come here then you feel bad again then guilty for fuckig around on IC instead of drawing. You’ve completely missed the magic fix everything solution for actually getting good and people parrot advice without ever realizing the actual value of it.
Blind leading the blind, Harassing them, Mocking each other.

Put your room in order bucko.

>> No.3595120
File: 564 KB, 800x430, 1532907211129.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tldr if you're actually on /ic/ then you're not drawing, and the only way to get better is too draw

>> No.3595141

god, I love this image every time I see it. I love it so much. mmm, grayons. look at him go, my god

>> No.3595150

I've been drawing every day. I just never post it on /ic/ because its all weird kink stuff.

>> No.3595204

LOL fuck off RPing gaylords

>> No.3595209

Better hide the updated book links, torrents etc on Discord rather than newfags browse the archives to get the crumbs.