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File: 50 KB, 600x393, kamvas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3591399 No.3591399 [Reply] [Original]

Wtf you guys said never buy a chinese tablet.
This is probably the best $300 I have ever spent on art.

This thing has like no paralax, awesome pressure and tilt functions, and all built into a thin device. This thing is a blast to draw on.

>> No.3591434

whoever said don't is a wacom shill

>> No.3591436

I love mine too, but I do get a little parallax, the offset is a few mm off depending on where I put my pen. Not sure why, could be the drivers. Does yours do this? This is my first display tablet so I dont know if this is normal.

>> No.3591449

It's my first owned pen display, I have only tried older Cintiqs.

I think I know what you mean though, some angles it can seem a little off. It's never feels likes out of sync with my pen though. So it may be your drivers? I uninstalled all my wacom shit before installing the huion ones and I have had zero issues.

>> No.3591452

>some angles it can seem a little off
thats what i mean. in the center of my screen its perfect, but when i start going towards the edges of the screen it offsets. i never installed any other tablet drivers before this.

>> No.3591465

Okay nvm yeah I don't have that issue. Might wanna try a clean install?

Mine seems pretty consistent. Ive only been using it for like ~3 hours though

>> No.3591520

>my chink shit just arrived and it's great! wtf u lied to me!
lmao just wait retards.

>> No.3591532
File: 37 KB, 249x313, 109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hows your shitty customer support and wacom drivers treating you?

>> No.3591646

Both wacom and chinkshit suck.

I'm scared to buy display tablets when i do ( tried both wacom/chink) i always have an issue and end up getting lucky with amazon refunds ir months later i get fucked and have to sell it off praying the guy who buys it doesnt notice it on the spot.

In this case though my cintiq pro 13 was alright but its too small and the money was better spent on my ipad pro.... but now im getting into 3d modeling and fuck me getting used to an intuos is hard.

>> No.3591841

Obviously you never tried a cintiq.
Your tablet will definitely get the job done tho, so enjoy it.

>> No.3591842

It happens with older cintiqs too, but not as much as with -any- of the cheap alternatives, like OPs huyon here.

>> No.3591853

Pretty much only have an issue with my GT 191 near the edges of the screen where I might have layer view toggles.

Also no tilt on it, so if I hold the pen at too far an angle, it'll feel offset. Otherwise really surprised with how accurate it is.

When into buying it with super low expectations from the stories, but as someone that had an Intuos 4 for years and somewhat recently acquired a Surface Pro, im very happy with Huion.

Sure, if I had a couple thousand bucks lying around I'd buy a newer Cintiq but most people don't have the expense for that.

>> No.3591855

what about the dtk2200

>> No.3591870

The problem is you're calibrating it with your non dominant eye.

>> No.3591887

I regret not getting it on the pre sale.
How long until they revise the 16" and 22" for tilt function?

>> No.3591920

Reminder that Wacom is the industry standard and that anything else is cheap Chinese knockoff

>> No.3591931

only Wacom shills say that.

I own a XP PEN pro and it's fucking wonderful

>> No.3591945

I have an XP-Pen Artist 16 Pro.

I'm happy with my purchase. It works excellently.

>> No.3591975

It looks like pen tilt patent expired recently.

Anybody knows when will the pen rotation patent expire?

>> No.3592454

possibly, how do i tell which is my main eye?

>> No.3592490

Look through a hole and then close each eye and see which eye saw the same thing as when you had both eyes open

>> No.3592497

thanks, looks like im left eye dominant

>> No.3592499

>no paralax
lol yikes

>> No.3592587

No parallax is a good thing brainlet

>> No.3592590

>not using the soon-to-be industry standard iPad Pro

>> No.3592597

Do you have the wavy lines issues Brad Colbow was talking about in his review?

>> No.3592599

i dont, unless its so subtle its insignificent.

>> No.3592683

is that cintiq 22hd still good? thinking about getting it but it's been out since 2012

>> No.3592689

So are chinkshit tablets the real deal? Because I mean, damn, this is WAY more affordable than the cheapest Cintiq.


>> No.3592707
File: 56 KB, 195x189, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are your lines anon? Steady? Wobbly? Got enough space to draw on?

>> No.3592715

Unless you're buying used, you might as well spend a few hundred more and get 24 pro

>> No.3592734

damn son, the parallax is gone now, thanks for the tip. had no idea the problem was actually my eyes playing tricks on me.

now, does anyone know how to configure the touch slider to zoom instead of change pencil size?

>> No.3592756

I was thinking of learning 3D sculpting. Are monitor tablets generally far better than non-monitor for that?

>> No.3592829
File: 697 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180905-130209_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen employees in kotobukiya use intuos for 3d sculpting and a type of machine that emulates as if you were scultping with your own hands it was an article. Monitor tablets speed up workflow for sure but you can be more than capable with an intuos, its really the artist not the tool.

>> No.3592843


I have used a regular Intous tablet for 18 years and a Cintiq for a couple of years for 2d art. I took up 3d sculpting a couple of months ago. In my experience so far I have not come across anything in 3d sculpting that requires remotely the same precision as say, digital inking. I prefer using my regular tablet for sculpting.

>> No.3593202 [DELETED] 

Guys is this a normal amount of lag for a display tablet? https://i.imgur.com/a61du0q.gifv

I never had one before so I dont know.

>> No.3595808
File: 44 KB, 500x333, dominant-triangle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting advice, anon.

Just realized that I have to use both hands to make the hole, or else I'll be left eye dominant if I use my right hand to make the hole, or right eye dominant if I use my left hand to make the hole. Wtf. Found out if I use both hands, I'm right eye dominant.


>> No.3596370

Why does every single chink tablet have parallax?

Even the Cintiq 13 has it.

>> No.3596430

I was legitimately thinking of getting this until I saw the line wobble issues. So close to being perfect but so far. Hopefully it gets fixed with driver updates.

>> No.3596431

even pro line has some hints of parallax... technically the ipad pro meme is the closest feeling to drawing on paper irl.

you just learn to deal with it aslong as it's not a huge amount of parallax.

i honestly just use my intuos more aslong as u get a medium size ur more than capable of doing professional work with it.

only bought the ipad for procreate/csp; which was nice but i still end up going on my desktop and draw on my intuos because it's fucking great for long periods and time and also zbrush lmao

>> No.3596439
File: 274 KB, 1600x1200, 1322394867153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can only close my right eye naturally
>my left eye is the dominant one
this is a cool af tip thanks anon

>> No.3596470
File: 289 KB, 2500x2500, microsoft_fjx_00001_surface_pro_intel_core_1339788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying wacom when surface pro exists
The pen is just as good and you have way more utility. Why would you cuck yourself with Wacom and their intentionally weak nibs?

>> No.3596479
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I'm buying this in few weeks. Got any tips?

>> No.3596509

the pen acts weird. it's like it avoids going exactly where I want it to go and draws a little bit left or right to the place where I put the pen

>> No.3596512

still doesn't draw as good as the ipad even tho i hate apple baka.... the surface pro is really if u don't have a home workstation and just need an all in one.

>> No.3596877

I currently use a Huion New 1060 Plus for drawing and 3D sculpting, which gets the job done, but I'd like to try a display tablet as I get the feeling I'd be more efficient with it. The problem is, no stores in my area sell chinkshit, and don't even have Cintiqs on display, so I have no way of trying before buying.

Based on a bit of browsing, watching youtube reviews and what's available to me (australia), I think I've narrowed it do the Huion Kamvas GT156 and the Gaomon PD1560, both on AliExpress with the former being a bit more expensive. If anyone else has suggestions, I'd be glad to hear them. I want a 15.6" form factor.

>> No.3596987
File: 648 KB, 1752x1642, shortcuts on the left.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this app useful for my surface
>tablet pro
basically custom express keys onscreen so you don't need a keyboard for shortcuts. use it for drawing/browsing/watching, but I still prefer a keyboard to type anything.

it does cover a fraction of the drawing space, though it never bothered me.

>> No.3597085
File: 3.39 MB, 490x444, 68CF9276-CE1A-4DD0-8FE6-1569EC4ADF46.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m trying to figure out what tablet I want. I’ve never been into digital drawing so I’m not sure what to choose. Money isn’t exactly a constraint but I don’t want to shell out a shit ton of money in case digital drawing doesn’t work out as a hobby. Also don’t want to be such a cheap prick that I get something of little utility in case this actually does become a hobby. Is a Wacom Intuos M a nice middle ground.

>> No.3597089

you could also get an ipad pro since it has other uses

>> No.3597096

i bet its not even 144hz what a waste

>> No.3597202

>The pen is just as good
Except it isnt, LMAO. Like, not even close.

>> No.3597213

While drawing on an iPad is absolutely great, aren’t the apps lacking?

>> No.3597365


you have csp u can have a trial for 6 months; and its monthly after that ( reg version seems pretty cheap for a year; EX if ur doing comics; if ur acutally doing comics you'll know it's value)

then you have procreate, and artstudio both which are very good and i use on the regular

i don't feel gimped at all

>> No.3597673

Maybe for drawing. iPad is not an option for digital sculpting, as some people ITT have said they do.

>> No.3597741

Ofcourse we are talking about drawing, sculpting is a desktop with an intuos or cintiq equivalent

>> No.3597891

Are there lists out there that rates a ton of tablets? I only know the Brad Colbow list. Is there a good reliable rating lists for tablets?

pls help

>> No.3597946

you are me but reversed
>right eye dominant
>only left eye able to close without looking like I got a birth defect

>> No.3597969

wanna make babies with the super power to shut both their eyes at once?

>> No.3597995

If you have a mac, try the astropad studio trial and if you like it, grab the regular astropad version (no subscription)

I find it perfectly usable as a cintiq replacement

>> No.3598238

How's the picture quality and drawing speed(lag) on the regular Astropad though? Heard it can better from various artists, but if it's decent enough I'll just grab Astropad. Btw, it connects via USB right?

>> No.3598250

What it does is a pretty smart hack where you get a pink line even if the brush lags a bit so you always know where you're drawing. Usually, it's very low latency for me at least and i use it with bluetooth but yea, i think it does connect via USB too

Should be less latency as well

>> No.3598252

Dang, forgot picture quality

Generally, it's good though if there is a bit of lag, it will pixelate the image in order to reduce it. It will restore it again as soon as the lag is gone

I was recently travelling and i forgot to bring my apple pencil with me so i had to use my surface pro 2 instead (i had brought it to watch movies while drawing). Astropad is a better experience in my opinion

>> No.3599285

are pen displays that much better than regular pen tablets?

>> No.3599338

So what's the best non-display large chink tablet to get?

>> No.3599375

I remember someone here heavily recommending the Huion Giano.

>> No.3599406

Thanks, btw, am wondering if buying an iMac (27 inch 5k) would be recommended to use with Astropad- the only Mac I have is a '14 Mac mini. I've used Procreate but I'm more used to Photoshop's workflow (clipping mask and easy gradients please).

>> No.3599532

If your mini can run photoshop, i don't think it's worth it to upgrade just for that

Alternatively, you have CSP natively on the ipad and i hear a full photoshop is coming to ios next year

>> No.3599534

Also, check out Affinity Photo and Affinity Designer

Photo is aiming to compete with Photoshop, though it's not as featured. Still, it does a lot and with a nice ui for a tablet

Designer is primarily for vector but it has all the same painting tools as Photo on top of that. It's also got a better brush engine but i think they will put that in Photo too

>> No.3599553

The wireless one? Feels like a gimmick but it's pretty cheap, might just get one.

>> No.3599671

>you have CSP natively on the ipad

It's got a pretty criminal subscription fee though.

>> No.3599674

For the EX version, yea, but i think the pro version is acceptable if you're using it a lot

>> No.3599675
File: 427 KB, 1983x705, artisul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is artisul a good tablet brand to get? the animator Guzzu uses one so I'm thinking about getting myself one, should I do it?

>> No.3599678

Idk, I just remember some tripfag here recommending it or the Intuos.

Personally I use a Huion New 1060 Plus. Gets the job done just fine.

>> No.3599681

Brad Colbow has a hard on for Artisul. You could check out his reviews.


>> No.3599695

thanks anon his review of the d13 sounds good i think that's what i'm going to get, he has really helped me feel more confident in getting one

>> No.3599851

yeah thinking about buying that pro version; EX isn't that different unless ur a comic artist right?

i'll probably just stick with pro and use EX on my pc as in the pirated version.

>> No.3599857

Intuos is way to pricey for what I want to use a tablet for, which is also why I'm not looking for a display tablet.

It's kind of annoying how hard it is to find actual non-paid reviews of the basic chink tablets, but I guess everyone wants a screen now.

>> No.3599862

I have gone through 4 brands of chink tablets. Gaomon pd1560 was the best. good color and lowest parallax

>> No.3599869

MY BAD THAT WAS PROBABLY ME. Actually, my issue was with a model made by xp pen and Amazon actually removed a dialogue I had started with the manufacturer over getting a refund.

glad you like it


>> No.3599882
File: 121 KB, 1023x584, e7f848fe40b0b74f3d42f3b09172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after looking around a bit I think I'm going to go with this:
>8192 pressure levels
>passive pen
>tilt functionality
>super large work area
>slightly faster report rate than some alternatives
>can get it from a local reseller for a good price with a 2 year warranty
Slightly pricier than the others but still dirt cheap compared to Wacom, I can afford it no worries even if I end up using it once a month.

The only thing I'm kind of worried about, because the design isn't all that symmetrical, is if I can turn it upside down and work like that(I'm left handed). Anyone knows if Huion software supports that? Feels like it should be a basic function but you never know.

>> No.3600311

Yup, you only really need EX if you're making full comics

>> No.3600346

Redpill me on Ugee 1910b

>> No.3600381

Ugees don't have FHD Resolution.

>> No.3600389

just get an intuos 3, cheap as hell

The new drivers Wacom had to make for the new hardware of the intuos 4 and pro sucks dick

>> No.3600648

are monitors that much better than regular pen tablets

>> No.3600651

get rekt lefty

>> No.3600678

As someone who owns one for 13 years and is still kicking I can vouch for them. While they're flawless on Windows 7 there's a problem where I lose pen pressure on Windows 10, but nothing a quick settings reset can't fix.

>> No.3600994

Are the drivers working fine on the Windows 10? I actually have a cheap graphire from about the same period and I couldn't get the drivers to work correctly when I tried using it the other day, stuck in mouse mode no matter what I did.

>> No.3601020

you could try the newest drivers

>> No.3601216
File: 61 KB, 640x640, s-l640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking of getting the Huion GT-156HD. Looks about as professional and well-built as you can get from chinkshit.

>> No.3601289
File: 126 KB, 816x979, fix_tablet_pressure_without_restart__read_below__by_nautcious-d71elus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe try disabling flicks/that built in tablet feature, or any previous tablet drivers if you have them. For me when I lose pen pressure after unplugging my device I do pic related and it fixes it 99% of the time.

>> No.3601331

I just got my kamvas 13 pro yesterday. Initially I think there is too much pressure sensitivity, like I want it to react more like an HB pencil or ballpoint pen.

Though that pressure sensitivity could come in handy for painting and blending.

>> No.3601332

>well built
pick one

>> No.3601652

Wacom's newer range deliberately makes nibs more fragile forcing you to spend more money on them.

>> No.3601967

So I bought this and it just arrived. I set it up, played around for a bit and I'm happy with my purchase so far.
>build quality is good(tablet buttons could be better)
>pen feels very good(pen buttons are great)
>size is great, getting as close to 1:1 working area/display as I can
>because it's so large being wireless is actually useful
>installation was painless
>no lag/jitter/any line quality issues so far
>works fine with software I tried so far
And yes, there are rotation options in the software, so left handed use is not a problem - but it's more of a button accessibility thing anyway since the buttons don't actually get in the way.

Now, my only previous tablet was an entry level Wacom Graphire from more than a decade ago, so everything was going to be an improvement - but I see nothing to complain about so far. Well, maybe the large, ugly status LEDs.

I'll use it for a while and post an update beyond first impressions, with anything negative I'll find.

>> No.3603718

Huion Giano (Currently on second version)
I got the Giano v2 almost 3 weeks ago and I feel it is miles ahead of my Intuos 5S Touch.
It is fucking huge.

The drawing surface may require a glove as it has a glass-like friction with your hand but aside from that I feel the space increase is a huge upgrade to smaller tablets and you still pay less than half of an Intuos Pro L. The pen also uses electromagnetic resonance since V2 so no more battery which means it is lighter, even lighter than Intuos pen, I enjoy that but it depends on you. Also has tilt now which I really don't use but works well. The 8192 pressure sensitivity is usually called a meme but it is somewhat noticeable.

Don't expect touch and decent shortcut setup, however.

>> No.3603726

wacom nibs are now similar in design to huion ones as to fuck over anyone using the plastic string trick to avoid getting jewed, however because they keep insisting on using that godawful texture that melts nibs to nothingness in a couple of weeks you now have to keep buying overpriced nibs from them lmao

>> No.3603734

I see so many people upset about nibs here and it honestly confuses me. I draw daily and haven’t had to change my nib in months. Maybe it’s just my older model cintiq or something

>> No.3603749

older cintiq/intuos models dont have the problem. that shit started to happen around intuos 4-5 but you had to be a literal caveman to fuck up all the nibs in a year or less and yet you still had the nylon cable trick to get thousands of nibs for cheap

it is the intuos pro pro pen and most notably the pro pen 2 the ones that evaporate nibs and wallet

>> No.3603857
File: 224 KB, 960x960, 1528930950819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which tablet should i fucking buy? This is what i've been hearing:

>Ipad Pro
+Superb pen and drawing feel

>Surface Pro 2017
+Full Windows
-Weaker pen and drawing experience compared to others

Wacom Mobilestudio
+Full windows
-Weak battery life

>> No.3603897

If you want to spend a ton of money, try vr sculpting

>> No.3603910

Damn, I want to upgrade my giano now

>> No.3603943

Anything better to get with 1500 Canadian or less than surface pro 4 with i7 and 16gigs ram? Looking to digital anywhere.

>> No.3604062

i had a pth660 and traded it for a pth860 and it doesn't feel like an upgrade
it's fuckhuge and makes strokes feel exhausting

>> No.3604327

I know it's a stretch but does anyone know what type of backlight inverter the cintiq 22hd has?

>> No.3604334

Not to shill but I love my iPad Pro and have heard the pen is much better than what the surface offers.

>> No.3604348

I have an XP Pen Artist 15.6, and it worked very nice, but since today the cursor is fucking crazy, it clicks everywhere and i don't know what to do. I'm guessing the problem is the drivers, but then why did it work fine for days and then today nothing at all ? Do anyone know what to do pls help me

>> No.3604389

None of those, get the Thinkpad Yoga

+ Real PC specs and full windows
+ Thinkpad quality brand
+ Wacom tech in pen that recharges in 20 seconds flat.
+ good battery life and generally good ultrabook
- keyboard non detachable
- pen control gets buggy in full 360°

>> No.3604731

Depends on how you draw. In my case, smaller tablet feel like hell as I was already used to drawing on paper before getting into digital and the 5S was also giving me some awful tendonitis.

>> No.3605017
File: 228 KB, 1271x774, Huion Kamvas GT-156HD V2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just picked this up on special lightning offer from bamazon for £370 - Huion Kamvas GT-156HD V2
>did i do good?

>> No.3605021

also have 15.6, mine is fine so I dunno about it being drivers
tried changing nibs?

>> No.3605750

Hey anon, could you inform me how the ipad pro is becoming industry standard?

>> No.3605790

What's a good tablet if you want to go pro? (That's around $500 or less and has a good screen.) I want to go into the industry eventually, but for now I want the best I can get to become the best I can be. Which tablets have really good pens when it comes to the least amount of parallax, because linework is really what i do most, but colors are also important too.
Anywho recommendations are very helpful. thx. OTL

>> No.3605847

what were your other chink tablets anon?

>> No.3605857

>Can't draw on the screen
I'll pass

>> No.3605868

how long did each last? chink products are practically disposable where I'm from

>> No.3606621

artist15.6 huion gt191 and a monoprice one that I can't remember the name of. I sold the huion and xppen because the parallax was unbearable
the monoprice died

>> No.3607233
File: 104 KB, 270x400, ------------------------------------.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm buying my first drawing tablet. Just something I can practice drawing on. For other reasons I need it to double as a second monitor I can use from time to time. Just to keep programs on and stuff while I have the other monitor in full screen. I have it narrowed down to these 3 in my price range based off of recommendations in this thread.

XP-Pen Artist13.3 IPS 13.3-Inch

Huion KAMVAS Pro 13 GT-133

GAOMON PD1560 15.6 inch

What should I get?

>> No.3607282

Go pro with a Wacom (tm) Cintiq (tm) 22HD (tm) with tech from 2010 or go home

>> No.3607309

Not in my price range. And i don't have a home.

>> No.3607568

>8 years old
>still light-years ahead of chinkshit

>> No.3608242

If you're considering a gaymon you should also consider Veikk
$349.99 USD

>> No.3608257

Looks nice but I already bought the huion. Not here yet but If i don''t like it I may return it and try that one.

>> No.3608545

Cant vouch for the GT-133 but the GT191v2 is pretty great imo, I have it on a swing arm and watch shows and stuff or just leave discord on it all the time

>> No.3608906

So I see people talking about stuff like iPads being used as drawing tablets. Is it possible to use Android tablets as well for that, and how would I go about doing so?

>> No.3608913

I should probably rephrase this question. What I mean to ask is if there's something that would allow me to link up my Android tablet's display with my computer so that what I draw on that would show up on my computer. Even having my tablet act as its own display but able to move windows to and from it would also be what I'm looking for.

>> No.3609009

Yes, but I don't know much about it. I used a program that worked wirelessly, but my old laptop couldn't handle it so I can't tell you if it was good or not.

>> No.3610357
File: 348 KB, 700x394, 1525585674059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't decide between the XP Pen 22e Pro for $450 or the Huion 191 for $500. Any insight?
Also up for any 18~22 inch display that might otherwise be worth considering for $600 or under.

>> No.3610609


>> No.3610641

Look into what Monoprice has to offer. I don't have a display tablet, but my normal drawing tablet from them has been pretty sweet.

>> No.3611086
File: 170 KB, 1920x1080, 10b1a30c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is there still no essential portable tablet for drawing? I've been reading some reviews for few weeks and everytime i think i finally found the perfect one, there is some fatal design flaw with the product.

Surface has shitty pen and cursor issues.
IPad's file management kills the whole thing.
Mobile Studio Pro is expensive and has shit battery life

>> No.3611197

My intuos broke recently so I had to replace it, was gonna go for a Huion but the 16" has 6bit color so I went with an Artisul after looking around. Holy shit this thing has one of the most vibrant displays I have ever seen, on par with the monitors digi techs use at photo studios. I cant imagine a cintiq being much better for $1000 more.

>> No.3611199

>IPad's file management kills the whole thing.
I have not had this problem or heard from anyone else who has. The OS is not ideal, but it works just fine, especially in tandem with cloud storage.

>> No.3611202

I use a mouse and I legitimately think it is faster unless you are sculpting.

>> No.3611221

with what fucking software. The actual pen tracking an all that is fantastic, but there's no good software for it. Idk if the hardware can even handle something like PS, definitely nothing 3D.

>> No.3611627

Do you use cloud to move the files to your desktop? What kind of extra steps do you need to take?
I heard it's very restricted, like you can't save the files where you want, although supposedly IOS 11 is more streamlined.

>> No.3611645


this guy has a bunch of kamvas pro 13's for his school and finds them just fine and does compare it to the old cintiq 13.

seems solid; will probably pick this up during a lightning sale even though i already have an ipad/intuos,

>> No.3611647

better than an ipad pro with the pencil?

>> No.3611710

Well if it's good enough for budokai tenkaichi then it should be good enough for everyone

>> No.3611806

>Surface has shitty pen and cursor issues

That was fixed on an update, or so i heard

>> No.3611870

Kamvas 13 looked perfect in every way to me except for this one problem with the lines which really scared me off. https://youtu.be/Ie2l3Xd66XI?t=236

I ended up falling for his Artisul shilling and Im happy with is so far.

>> No.3611873

Okay Huion PR guy

>> No.3612024

is the 22HD really still better than newer chinese tablets?

>> No.3612214

i've seen multiple people say contacting huion for updated drivers fixes it

>> No.3612331

Huh, oh well, I think 13" woulda been too small for me anyway.

>> No.3612698

The pen is garbage, it only good for note taking or to have your child color in some coloring book program.

>> No.3612858
File: 1.22 MB, 1700x2267, 1532972027250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying anything other than wacom
Anon, there's a reason why wacom's the industry standard. Sooner or later you're gonna regret that purchase.

>> No.3612879

>this man killed 34 Japanese soldiers on Okinawa

>> No.3613068

>wacom shilling

>> No.3613091

Now that my friends, is a woman.

>> No.3613104

Actually i just got this.My first tablet. I like it so far. The pen I'm not crazy about. I know nothing about pen displays, can I swap out the pen with ones from other brands?Huion doesn't offer any alternatives. It's a batteryless pen if that matters.

>> No.3613117

I do like my Cintiq 13HD but i wish it was portable. MSP has many issues what worries me and Wacom customer service is dog shit

>> No.3613374

do you get any wavy lines when drawing diagnally?

>> No.3613407
File: 255 KB, 1701x951, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The lines starting on the top left are me drawing slowly then ramping up speed as I go right. There's a bit of wobble when I go slow, BUT my hands are kind of shaky so take this test with a grain of salt. I just don't really like the feel or the weight of the pen. It's very light because it's batteryless. Oh and I have DPI cranked up on my monitor.