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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 59 KB, 585x692, 1200px-Herbert_Draper_-_The_Lament_for_Icarus_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3587391 No.3587391 [Reply] [Original]

How do I stop being an art sperg?

All I think about is painting and I feel like its stopping me from enjoying life.

I started college 2 days ago, studying CS. Met lots of cool people but I can’t help wanting to just go back to just painting in silence.

Back to highschool, never got a gf cuz I was an autist fat video game addict who didn’t do anything but want to code all day. Fixed all that, quit video games and fixed my diet, but I still gotta fix being that sperg hell bent on being productive.

>> No.3587409

Make a schedule for going out/meeting up with friends.
Call them up and tell them you're going to meet up in the weekend (and stick to your word obviously).
Use whatever that compels you to draw as drive to progess your social life as well.

>> No.3587419


If painting is what you enjoy, and nothing else brings you to life, then paint

the majority of the old masters just used prostitutes for life drawing and fucked them. if you're craving sex that should probably hold you over, just use condom blah blah blah. But whatever you do, don't sacrifice being productive for a social life. I did, and, while it's nice to chat to people and to bounce Ideas off of them, normies aren't really worth it. A lot of them have no clue what they're even doing with their life. They are time sinks, just like video games.

My habits, social life, wagecuck job, and poor self-discipline are the largest factors on why I haven't made it after 3y of studying and why I have to backpedal constantly to grasp even the most simple rules. If you have less of an obligation to be social, you have more time to invest in self-growth. Once you make it, you'll have the spare time to invest in romance/ friends or whatever, just don't squander your opportunity now

>> No.3587440
File: 597 KB, 1920x1080, Breaking.Bad.s03e04.Green.Light.mkv_20171021_191932.638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All I think about is painting and I feel like its stopping me from enjoying life
>implying there's anything more enjoyable than making art

>> No.3587441

ty anon, I'll do try that out. I'll set some time after when I normally do my studies so I can rest and use network

That resonance so hard but man I read about so many old masters who also killed themselves cuz they go mad once they hit like 30 or something. I'd be happy to just paint all day if I didn't feel so lonely.

The dream is to one day meet someone where we 'd feel close enough and not have to really talk but get to enjoy being together, close enough that I can just paint while she writes or whatever her hobby is and it'd be cozy.

I'll take your advice to heart, the only solution is to grind now so I can free up more of my time. I'll study as fucking hard as I can. Ty anon

>> No.3587444

You're on point, nothing comes near being as enjoyable as making art but having company while doing it so nice like I said in. If I don't build my social circle, I'll never reach the dream of finding a qt wife to make art with >>3587441

>> No.3587461

some people just don't like other people that much, you should just try to accept it.

for example me, i was always getting in relationships, but they'd only last like a few weeks, but i'd keep doing it because i felt like a normal person wants a girlfriend. but in the end i just don't, i value my friends way more. and once i accepted that's how i am it's made life way less stressful, and allowed me to make some good female friends instead and i barely bother with sex.

>> No.3587480
File: 143 KB, 807x1013, 1457406227059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

art at its highest form is considerably better than anything 'life' has to offer. push towards that and you'll be better off.

if you're just drawing stupid cartoons or can't even get beyond symbol drawing, yeah, buy some fine drugs and get out of your own head for a while.

>> No.3587524
File: 38 KB, 472x472, checked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked em.
>finding a qt wife to make art with
So you just want to get laid? As a non-virgin a can assure you that painting is better.

>> No.3587525
File: 1.39 MB, 2698x2710, 84. Too much Tayne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All I think about is painting and I feel like its stopping me from enjoying life.
what even is life tho