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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3585586 No.3585586 [Reply] [Original]

Them simply grabbing your art and slapping your name somewhere. They get many likes and follows, and a active comment section. While you still struggle on " making it "

>> No.3585590

How do they make money by taking art from others and posting?

>> No.3585592

I don't care but would probs still ask to be credited, i was thinking that it must be a lot of effort to do those pixel sceneries like your image, it's just reasonable to be offended and demand credit when your art is stolen

>> No.3585596

If they are a big account you could pay them to massively promote your stuff.

>> No.3585597

Want to know the cold hard truth? Nobody gives a shit about who the artist is or who was the person behind a piece of work. You either fap to it and forget about it or save it along with the other thousands of nameless pieces. It is very rare to have somebody go out their way and research who's the author behind the content and even more so to patronize them. People are only concerned about one thing and that is the content you provide, not you.

>> No.3585644

it'd be pretty silly to expect images not to go wherever they can on the internet (google is on the case though), but i'm sure it does suck to not even get recognition for your work.

>> No.3585650

You're retarded. If I like a piece then I want to see more pieces like it, and the most logical way of going about that is looking up the artist

>> No.3585688

Explain Shadmans drawings of disgusting lolis and Increadibles shit then.

>> No.3585691


>> No.3585692


>> No.3585712


Anyone who wants to enjoy my art or post it around is fine by me. That's why I make art... If they include my name, that's a step above.

>> No.3585780

Why should anyone care? You do have a real job besides making art right? You can't be retarded enough to expect to make a living purely out of doodles.

>> No.3585800

Don't know. All those type of accounts I follow post sources. Hell other artists follow them too.

>> No.3585821


>> No.3585902

Only happened to me once and got me the biggest boost in followers I ever had. I've never seen any of the big accounts on IG or twitter that repost art not give credit to the artist either. Then again, maybe it's different for photographers like in your image. There usually isn't much of an incentive to check out a photographer if you like their work, but many people who enjoy a painting or drawing will want to check out the artist for similar work. Especially if you have a unique style.

>> No.3585919


He has a point, there are exceptions but most of the people who follow those A E S T H E T I C accounts actually don't care who the artist is, they just want a steady flow of different aesthetic stuff in their feed

>> No.3585921

you sound like the physical embodiment of bike cuck

>> No.3585929

>how would you feel
gratitude at not having to worry about micromanaging the cesspool of social media. god its great having a real job. other famous artists dont have to worry about this shit, they let the bottom feeders do as they will, and not only that, if someone steals a pic from Kim jung gi or something, they get MORE likes. But see op's pic, the artist goes after them, and the meme account owner doesnt care enough to take standing into account and talks back freely. maximum kek. keep spending energy for nothing.

>> No.3585931

If this is an issue for you just add a watermark at the bottom when you upload stuff.

>> No.3585951

Not that guy, but aren't you guys constantly paranoid and complaining about artists "shilling" their work here on /ic/? Why would you be so mad if someone actually does shill your work for free on social media? It makes no sense to me. They are literally helping you promote your work. For free.

>> No.3585963

thats a shit point, but it made me recall how meme accounts steal work, and its found by fans, and a whole fiasco gets kicked up, and the twitter threads result in the work getting more exposure than it had.

Honestly, not that bad. Regardless, worrying about other users 'stealing' your jpegs is autismo tier.

>> No.3585979

that's actually newfag thinking. On the contrary, people are actually more interested in the person behind the art than the art itself.

that "fap and forget" thing only applies to western porn beg drawings, and that's hardly considered art

>> No.3586032

If YOU like, some people don't see things like you & would definitely act the same as what he wrote (unfortunately it's the majorité unless you're very good & original)....

>> No.3586114
File: 11 KB, 267x181, 1519342985163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather have my art being reposted to some aesthaeteacs dumpster without mentioning me than getting no attention at all.

>> No.3586149

you could try sending your art to some youtube music channels, a lot of ilya, wlop and others' pic are in them

>> No.3586288

>adding signatures to your shitty work
Only /beg/ tier artists put signatures/website links in their art. No professional does this because it looks cringe.

>> No.3586304
File: 130 KB, 1024x778, 1514080885852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people care who the artist is so they can follow them instead.

>> No.3586308


>> No.3586317

If someone wants to find me they can usually reverse image search the thing, it's getting pretty consistent. I think the few people who like a piece enough to try and find the artist are willing to reverse image search, I am anyway. The only time reverse image searching art seems to not work is when it's shit on pinterest, which seems to blow up like 3 pages of google with various pinterest pages of the same art with no source.

It's not a huge deal to me, not enough to get pissy. If I really feel like I'm missing out on exposure I might DM them and ask for credit but there's really no point in getting butthurt and it won't get you any closer to having the problem solved anyway. This is the internet, people will share your shit and most people really don't care enough to credit you, it's going to happen.

>> No.3586322


>> No.3586336

Tbh I've found my art reposted without any credit so I just slap a big fat watermark on everything I make

>> No.3586337
File: 865 KB, 1150x1266, 1506301981073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>digitals get cucked by their own industry
>literally nothing they can do about it
>blame the audience

>> No.3587056

I was drawing some soulless anime I'd have tons of followers already.

>> No.3588682

I get why you would want credit, but it’s not exactly stolen in the modern world of “anyone can copy the image and share it with whomever they want and it’s completly legal.” It would be one thing if you have it pay walled and they’re purposely distributing it for free, but if it’s just them taking a public work and sharing it unfortunately that’s what happens with art when it’s shared with the world.

It’s sort of like if you were a street artist and some rich dude bought a $10 painting of yours that he liked and hung it up in his house. Sure, it would be nice if when he had people over and cocktail mixers and people le asked about it he gave them some detailed info about, but if he’s just like: “Oh that, yeah it’s something I found while browsing around. Isn’t cool? Be impressed by what good taste in art I have.” You can’t send him a letter being like “Listen fuckface, you better give my full name, email, tumblr, instagram, and art station links to every single person that so much as glanced in that paintings direction.”

Granted, It would be different if they were trying to act like it was their art, or if they just switched some colors around and shared it as their own because of “all my kewl edits.” That would be stealing.

That being said, it would be nice to credit or link to the original artist, but if they can’t or won’t for some reason your best bet is to just message them and ask if they’d mind adding a link (which you can conveniently provide) to the original post or make another post giving you a shout out. That guy in the pic even seemed to be willing to do the later for a bit in his bio.

Assuming positive intent and approaching people respectively will get you better results than being hostile.

>> No.3588686

>implying traditional work doesnt get stolen
yeah nice try m8

>> No.3588690

rule34 already steals my shit but its nonprofi and their reverse psychology "if you complain your art is shit anyway blah blah" kinda worked so I don't feel like complaining so whatever