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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 138 KB, 606x489, Victor_von_Doom_(Earth-616)_from_Infinity_Gauntlet_Vol_1_2_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3585423 No.3585423 [Reply] [Original]

I don't see one. Gonna make one while I have a question myself.

How the FUCK do you draw Doom? It's driving me crazy. I try using guidelines and nothin helps. Anyone wanna play teacher and make a little sketch of your own to show me?

>> No.3585600

Does anyone have any tips on how to push character designs more? I want to improve my own characters but I'm not sure how to go about it.

>> No.3585620


Could you be more specific? What's giving you problems? Is it his anatomy, cape, materials, posing/gesture, colors etc. Also show your failures and I'll tell you how you can improve...

>> No.3585626

Any tips on loosening up poses, and making art feel more dynamic? Not Trigger level, but I feel that the more I learn about construction the more stiff my art has become.

>> No.3585629


To continue this:

His metal plates seem to be placed on some of the big muscles in a persons body so you might want to learn them; Where the biceps are, how the shoulder muscles work etc. He has a ton of fabric on him so you might want to learn how fabric folds. His mask is basically a simplified version of a skull so you might want to learn that. If you want to learn how fully reflective surfaces work you could also do that... Shit I'll try to look for tutorials for all of these things:

Basic anatomy: https://www.youtube.com/user/ProkoTV/videos




Also, just write skull tutorial on youtube or just draw a bunch of skulls... I'm not a huge Sinix fan but he's really good for beginners...

I think sinix also did a re-he-heally basic tutorial for reflective surfaces back in the day:


Mind you, this is just the tip of the iceberg. I don't know how people do ink drawings but I bet there are tons of tutorials for that as well. Ehh...

>> No.3585632
File: 3.85 MB, 1000x1339, VONTOOTIT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gee thanks OP you fucking asshole now i want to draw Doom and i already have another painting going.

anyway here, rectangle eyes, triangle nose and use blocked in shadows and a light blotch of color to simulate metal. it really couldnt be simpler

>> No.3585645


I feel your pain. I gave myself exactly 15 minutes to paint this. Anyways. Yeah. Just like I said in >>3585629 Learn a bunch of shit and incorporate that. Don't try to look for tutorials on "how to draw X". Just draw all kinds of shit...

>> No.3585646
File: 226 KB, 784x1000, Dickpenis1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Forgot my file. Back to business...

>> No.3585729


Made this thread haphazardly before work, I'm having trouble with his stupid fucking face,

>> No.3585730

its two rectangles and a triangle my dude, post some attempts so we can help

>> No.3585731
File: 29 KB, 435x446, int.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well show us what you've got and we'll go from there. Like I said before, It's basically a metal scull with a nose. Study skulls and anatomy etc. blah blah.

>> No.3585797
File: 3.03 MB, 4032x3024, 20180830_225306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


On the road now, but the very bottom one I was able to do before I had to go. I think the simplified skull advice really put me in the right direction. The top three I drew when I made this thread to piss and moan.

>> No.3585805


I like the ones where you've had to think about perspective. You should think about shading a little bit more. If his nose is shaded from the left side you'd think his face was shaded from that side as well. Maybe I'll do an example. Keep on practicing!

>> No.3585807
File: 3.56 MB, 4032x3024, 15356887908837045082246535404494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am able to sit down again. Heres another

>> No.3585837
File: 936 KB, 1125x1500, skulls and penis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ. I forgot what I was doing. I think I'm going to have to do a proper Dr. Doom fan art now since he's such a fucking bad ass! Anyways. I wanted to further illustrate my "drawing with skulls"- idea. Hope this helps. Also, learn to rotate your images.

Also, flip your images.

>> No.3585845
File: 20 KB, 450x456, Shitterstock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh and this tutorial is also really good if you want to learn to draw faces/skulls/what ever:


Hope I helped :)

>> No.3585856


Now thats a Doom. Thanks anon. Gonna watch that vid tomorrow.

>> No.3587358

im kinda new but i can draw really well from ref, but rather poorly from imagination. do i just need to build up mileage and build visual library in order to be able to draw well from imagination?

also, how do i learn to stylize references? i feel like it would help me draw better from imagination but idk

>> No.3589286

How do you draw hair flowing over a the contour of the body well? Whenever I have to draw hair laying on something other than the head it looks wrong unless its a completely flat surface. When I have to depict it traveling over a bump I either make it look too flat or too thick.

>> No.3590067

What's the "correct" way to figure draw? I want to start but I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be doing.

>> No.3591059

I like the look and feel of traditional art, is it still worth learning?

>> No.3591064


>> No.3592011
File: 25 KB, 734x410, 3ae7b75877e3696e3cbfdb7b8fae19a0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain the weird eye thing from lilo and stick and its corelation to Jab comix style?


Is the only difference compared to other drawings/ disney characters only the eye distance apart and the size?

>> No.3592026

There are many ways (check the sticky or /beg/) but almost all of them start with the gesture.

>> No.3592041

where do i get started on painting
im already pretty good at lines but when it comes to colors i shit the bed hard

>> No.3592145

I am 28 now, am I too old to take up drawing from nothing? All these talks about how my brain is crap now makes me depressed a bit.

>> No.3592299

it's chris sander's personal artstyle, i doubt very much it has anything to do with that wonky picture

start with greyscale and learn values first

you'll die in the same amount of time, do whatever you want

>> No.3592303

Is there any trick to draw the edges of an object with both eyes open without drawing its volume in perspective?

>> No.3592320

I’m looking for a website that’s just fundamental art tips with lots of examples. I remember one specific one that showed how shadow wraps around a cylinder. Just forgot the url

>> No.3592329
File: 46 KB, 518x800, Book6-011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's chris sander's personal artstyle,

He designed Lilo and Stick?

Plz respond!

Can you also confirm Jab COmix is basically a copy of Sanders style?

This is all new ot me i'm trying to find a style to study and Jab is the current ideal, if he's based on someone else then....

>> No.3592339
File: 423 KB, 1965x1776, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes. youll learn along the way. dont worry about it, just keep alternating between using a ref and using your imagination and youll fill in the gaps after each piece

use action lines. imagine the hair as noodles, see pic related


>> No.3592346

It’s not thae one; the ine i’m looking for is pretty old and is one continuous page I think.

>> No.3592390

Anyone got techniques for keeping your sketching fluid when working on a screen tablet? I find a lot of the time I lose rhythm and momentum to zooming/rotating and trying to sculpt with the eraser. Should I just try to stop using those features??

>> No.3592810

redpill me on the huion h610 pro
is it a good first tablet?

>> No.3593039
File: 889 KB, 756x715, 1446346323365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see the usual /QTDDTOT/ so I will ask here I guess

Is cgpeers com the same as cgpeers to?
Today .to is down but .com is up however it seems that I can't use my .to account to log in in .com, they say that my pass or username is incorrect
Am I just putting in the wrong password?

>> No.3593046
File: 355 KB, 500x500, 1531241102750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nevermind I was actually putting the wrong password hehehe

>> No.3593048

yes, in fact lilo and stitch was his picture book before it was turned into the film

i don't know anything about jab comix honestly, they just look similar to my eye. try looking up the artist who did the picture and see if they have interviews about their process.

>> No.3593146
File: 503 KB, 1910x2045, A9qZ9tfCAAA1dfq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How old is attall139? This is him 6 years ago.

>> No.3593413

Is there a free figure drawing reference set that isn't filled with fat human trash garbage?

>> No.3593494

learn to draw fat people, coward

>> No.3593526

are there simple forms or guides that you can learn to help create robots/mechs/machines etc? like how there are simple forms for figure drawing? i want to learn to draw mechs and robots but i'm so used to drawing organic things like humans and animals i don't know where to begin.

>> No.3593649
File: 15 KB, 479x479, 1531920152738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do artists use mascots for exactly?

>> No.3593657

I don't want to waste my time drawing such numbers of handicapped people.

>> No.3593903

whats artists opinion on if I do edits of their artwork to look like my OC

>> No.3593918

I'm no artist, but wouldn't it just be drawing a bunch of squares

>> No.3594005

Thanks anon! I haven't checked /beg/ but I am going through the Vilppu book and it's helped.

>> No.3594170

Not sure if right thread, but I'm going to buy a new desk.

I do both digital and traditional drawing and painting, any tips on what sort of desk to get, or characteristics to look out for?

>> No.3594179

why the FUCK are drawing tablets with a screen the price of a used car? they're like 4 times the price of my laptop. they should be like 200 dollars at most

>> No.3594212
File: 95 KB, 1268x422, halp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody know what settings I need to mess with to prevent colors not in the selection to bleed into the selection area?

>> No.3594232

a representation of their medium, style, subject matter, personality etc.

if you see a digital art painting of a semi realistic anime girl sitting on a realistic future bike you know exactly what youre getting

>> No.3594547

Copyright law/patents. Its bullshit.

>> No.3594618

Can an artist have multiple styles?

>> No.3594701

Come to think of it, I can't think of any artists who use mascots.
Who are some artists who have mascots?

>> No.3594797

obviously, yeah. if you try to pigeonhole yourself into one "style" that cripples your art. if you really want to git gud you should be able to draw realism, cartoons, anime if you want to, but mostly have fun with it.

>> No.3594799

Good to hear. I want to draw from life first. Learn the basics before doing comics.

>> No.3595281

is Draw With Jazza a spook? some of his vids, like where he rated all the free programs and reviews, feel like they're lowkey sponsored bullshit

>> No.3595460

is loli allowed on Twitter?

>> No.3595567
File: 230 KB, 573x482, 2018-09-08 09_39_21-Window.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is this supposed to be?

>> No.3595882

at least for shota, it's against the rules but arbitrarily enforced. some have private twitter accounts just for that and then a public censored/non lewd account

>> No.3596045

Man wearing a chicken mask fucking an uncooked chicken

>> No.3596249

Spent 8 hours putting together a video for a makeup company. Need a good wage/hour for the invoice (I'm new to this okay). This is a smaller company so I'm assuming they've gotten away with paying dA-tier wages to people but I need money for rent so I want to ensure I'm at least asking for the industry standard.

>> No.3596378

Jazza is shit

>> No.3596494

hi i'm a total rookie to drawing. i'm planning to go in this order:

drawabox website>loomis>proko> bridgeman>vilppu>barnsetone>ctrlpaint

is this ok? my goal is character design

>> No.3596513

I would put Vilppu after drawabox.

>> No.3597305

is superhero a stale genre? or can you have..say, a noir with superheroes in? i want to make a comic but i feel the market's probably saturated.

>> No.3597328

Make what you want to, you will have a better chance of standing out as original with a "sincere" effort rather than trying to chase an idea no one has thought of before.

>> No.3597535

I hope you've found help by now, but check out Character Design Forge on YouTube. Don't take everything he says as an end all be all though but he has some pretty good overall advice. Video titles aren't misleading, at least not often, either so it should be relatively quick to find a specific reference.

>> No.3597876
File: 71 KB, 640x617, 69 hiv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will I get into trouble for putting band names on my character's clothes?

>> No.3597897

If I start using Pixiv will I need to censor my works, or are they lenient? I see many people still do but I also see many who don't and don't see any repercussions

>> No.3597902
File: 124 KB, 547x294, dippens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking to pick up a decent dip pen for ink drawings. What are some nib holders you're satisfied with?
Also, could anyone identify the nib types used in pic related?

>> No.3597906

pretty sure you'll only get in trouble if you try to make money off the characters

>> No.3598352

Well shit. I guess I'm just gonna have to purposefully misspell it.

>> No.3598400

you could make it a parody of the logo

>> No.3598549
File: 433 KB, 740x1047, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I achieve a brush like pic related in CSP? I know it's a single brush in the pic, if I had to guess without size control but with density control. Only, I tinkered around and I can't manipulate the curve enough to achieve something like this.
Essentially I want to be able to create those softer lines when i press lightly but also get the nice black lines as well, preferably without having to push too hard.

>> No.3598553

It's never too late, others have picked up drawing in their 30's and even later. You can achieve good results like anyone else, as long as you are dedicated and passionate about it.
if you work hard, it doesn't even take an eternity to get good (depending on what you think is good). I know of people who were absolute beginners and got good fundies in the span of 3 or so years drawing every day for some good amount of hours.

>> No.3598554

Just play with the settings on color pencil/rough pencil

>> No.3598562

I did know of the rough pencil texture, but i'd like some pointers for the line density which is my issue.
I tried fiddling with it but i can't even move the little squares in the curve graph outside their axis, only up and down, which means that for example i can't have 100% of the density with 50% of the pressure, at least not that way

>> No.3598590

Not at my computer, I could be wrong but I think that's the chalk brush under default settings in the 'pastels' tab

>> No.3598621

Is it possible to obfuscate your art to stay anonymous? How would you do it?

>> No.3598652

How do I use my real name for my art without potentially doxxing myself?

>> No.3598687

im not sure understand what youre asking is impossible

>> No.3598711

I can't get good. The goal is always so far from me.

Was there a moment for you guys where something clicked and BOOM got good?

>> No.3598768

>Was there a moment for you guys where something clicked and BOOM got good?
That's not a thing that happens.

>> No.3599140
File: 194 KB, 1416x773, alienguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Note the similar "fuzz" texture between the pic you posted and this old pic of mine.
>fire up CSP for the first time in a while
>big spammy splash screen
>seems a little clunkier than it used to

pls no


>> No.3599235


which one do I get for sharpening?

>> No.3599254

I don't like the box cutter knifes, had too many pieces snap off on me when they were still sharp
I recommend something along the lines of

>> No.3599259

>60 spare blades
damn, good deal. thanks, I'll get this

>> No.3599265

oh I wasn't meaning this exact one - infact I just typed craft knife into amazon and clicked the first one. I didn't even check the price. Just that general model.
But if it's good then cool! lol

>> No.3599269

so I got a xp pen tablet, and theres a function in medibang that makes me confused pretty often.
its that my settings change when I switch from my pen to my mouse. Like if I used eraser last with my mouse, then if I pull my pen away from the tablet then it goes back to eraser. hope that makes sense. is there a way to fix it so that it just stays on my current setting whether I'm using my pen or mouse

>> No.3599286

what is your mouse mode set to in driver settings?

>> No.3599307

I actually figured it out
I guess I was pushing the button on my pen somehow

>> No.3599364

I'm starting to really enjoy traditional painting, but the price of canvas paper makes me cry. Is there any method of painting where you can use regular paper?

>> No.3599423

what's a good website to put a webcomic on? tapas any good?

>> No.3600010
File: 35 KB, 460x556, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bulge is the infraspinatus, right?

>> No.3600041

yeah. use the teres major as a landmark for muscles in the back/scapula

>> No.3600053

Are porn ads here to stay?

>> No.3600665
File: 165 KB, 578x679, study.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Download DAZ for the first time
>Also attempt to download models of CGPeers for it
>Can't get the models to work

Are any of you degenerate enough to cheat by using 3d models and steal them from cgpeers?

>> No.3601443

My goal is to draw characters from imagination, mainly character design. Not super keen on realism, but I don't want to overly stylize either. Is it worth doing académies as opposed to studying figures from a construction angle? I'm currently in the mindset of doing 80% construction studies and 20% observational studies.

>> No.3601455

it ain't cheating but yeah

>> No.3601709
File: 68 KB, 824x580, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone please help me with this? I don't know why when I register the preset shape on the left it just shows up jaggy and rounded in the settings of the tool on the right, should I reinstall?

>> No.3601713

forgot to mention this is in Clip Studio Paint

>> No.3601738

think it's cause anti-aliasing is off my brother
try going to the tab labled "Anti-aliasing" and changing the setting to "Middle"

>> No.3601760

damn how'd I miss that, thanks for pointing it out

>> No.3602067
File: 246 KB, 1280x905, tumblr_o271bssLGT1tdbqw1o5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what would this lineart brush be in SAI? im looking at tons of different sai brushes but for some reason none look quite like this one, which is odd since it looks so simple. yet i havent been able to replicate it myself

>> No.3602088

nigga that's just a round brush with size and opacity pressure, learn to draw

>> No.3602099
File: 1.51 MB, 474x255, 1529411965509.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my fucking nigga

>> No.3602101

gosh i hope not!

>> No.3602138

ive been drawing for about 5 or 6 years lol i only just started digital but thanks. dont know why people gotta be rude and project so much

>> No.3602148

I've been drawing for about a year and recently feel like I've plateaued. I keep making a bunch of figures that are essentially just outlines in different poses. Any recommendations on how to "fill them in" so to speak. For example, any good books that just focuses on detailing and the like.

>> No.3602507

Anybody have issues with CSP loading after the latest Windows update?

>> No.3602688

source of the artist?

>> No.3602730

@bongchoonsik on twitter

>> No.3603697
File: 17 KB, 257x229, brushes section.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on clip studio

how do i create a new brushes section? I want to fill it with all my own brushes.

>> No.3603706

the way I do it is by dragging and dropping the brush directly into the icon in the far left bar, as it creates it own group like the one's you've circled. then just rename and drag and drop the rest I want in there directly into it.
I actually don't know if you can create a sub tool group, the button where it should be doesn't seem to allow you, but since I usually already have the folder with the brushes open ready to drag and drop I find it easy to just do it by dragging and dropping into main tool box.

>> No.3603709

Thanks man. This makes me nervous, moving all these brushes like this.

>> No.3603714

it's a bit of a pain, yeah. I got the daub pack to try shit out and it was a mess until I figured it out. also paper textures shit on my performance lel

>> No.3603762

drag a brush into that section, that's it. you can assign a shortcut to access it as well so you'll i'll tack it on to a key that only has one or two brush sets on it already.

>> No.3604030
File: 931 KB, 1081x588, this shit doesnt exist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck am I supposed to see all this shit on the human figure ?

it's literally just not even there , everything I drew are the parts you can actually see, the rest is just made up rubbish

>> No.3604046
File: 296 KB, 650x909, 2306353_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it faux pas to leave English comments on Japanese Pixiv artists' pages? I'm not sure if machine translation would be worse.

>> No.3604149

are you trolling or just retarded? layers of fat and skin will easily cover under developed muscles especially ones like the the serratus anterior

>> No.3604161
File: 901 KB, 962x772, Screenshot_20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a little stylized, but it's correct for the most-part

ask questions about things you don't understand- don't state your opinions as fact.

>> No.3604179

Does anyone have any book recommendations on inking technique?

>> No.3604254

>How the fuck am I supposed to see all this shit on the human figure ?
I even gave it a question mark u prick

How am I supposed to know if it's right if I can't see it? Better yet, why bother learning it in the first place?

>> No.3604258

also I was talking more about the legs, the only shit you just drew was the part I already did on my image you absolute tardo

>> No.3604259

Sauce on that image on the left? What book is it from?

>> No.3604263

I'm not giving anyone source on shit until i get a fucking answer to my question sorry not sorry

>> No.3604324

>Better yet, why bother learning it in the first place?

Impossible to answer without knowing your goals. Why are you learning said subject to begin with?

>> No.3604328
File: 593 KB, 490x398, 1528151147516.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is drawing from life really that much better than drawing from a photo?

I'm currently in a life drawing class, but it's not like anything I would ever want to draw is something I can find in class. Also I'm too autistic and self conscious to just go sit at a park or something and draw in public.

>> No.3604343

>How the fuck am I supposed to see all this shit on the human figure ?
Look for the shadows where the shit is supposed to be. Also study where fat is stored on the body.

>it's literally just not even there
The woman in your picture looks very unatheletic and does not have much muscle definition. Since she's a woman, it gets covered in fat. Just construct and draw in values and think of a 3D object.
Also the lighting in that picture is simply just shit, so you're really gonna have to study anatomy/fat deposits so you can internalize the forms and draw it effectively, even from a photo with shit lighting.

Now give me a source on that fucking book please.

>> No.3604344

The life drawing meme started back when cameras were black and white and blurry as fuck. There is still probably SOME esoteric utility to life drawing but at this point I don't know what it'd be.

>> No.3604354
File: 133 KB, 480x745, 1517859335908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tips on smooth lineart? I don't want to use vectors, shit sucks. Do I need a bigger resolution/canvas or is it all looking at each pixel? (Using SAI by the by)

>> No.3604368

>Tips on smooth lineart?
Literally impossible on digital with skill alone. This is one of those instances where traditional is actually easier than digital.

>> No.3604374

How do the japs do it then?

>> No.3604379

big canvas hard brush (the brush your using has a flow jitter, likely a marker or water color brush in sai when you should be use pencil tool with crisp settings)

>> No.3604394

youre the biggest retard ive ever seen

>> No.3604410

big resolution, textured brush
don't zoom in to fix the rough looking bits unless its noticeable zoomed out

and thats it

>> No.3604415

oh i get it. youre being retarded on purpose

>> No.3604417 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 534x871, DnFQrVRUYAAOvrT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

helps you decide what you wanna stylize, what details you want to place, how far you can push certain parts of the anatomy- all while still looking "correct"

thats why

>> No.3604423
File: 55 KB, 534x871, DnFQrVRUYAAOvrT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why bother
you mean- why bother learning construction?
knowing the underlying anatomy helps you decide what you wanna stylize, what details you want to place or leave out, how far you wanna push certain parts of the anatomy.

a reference shows you what something looks like
construction shows how why it looks that way

>> No.3604425
File: 571 KB, 848x1200, DbJH-8aUQAEk9p9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not from a book- it's from an artist's random exercises that they posted on twitter. the screaming child >>3604263 doesn't have shit

i can't remember what their handle is, but ill post what i have saved

>> No.3604426
File: 164 KB, 543x546, Screenshot_5 (7).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3604430
File: 106 KB, 848x1200, Dhn9RgXUEAEMzWM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3604434
File: 184 KB, 424x546, Screenshot_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3604441

This guy draws navels too low. Good shit though.

>> No.3604485
File: 112 KB, 846x960, 1508175200662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What software should I buy as an upgrade from Sai? I want to animate as well as draw digitally, and free shit doesn't cut it there.
Adobe wants $170 from me (a student) for one year of their programs, is that worth it? My other option I know of is Clip Studio Paint, which I think is about $200 without the need to renew. What else is out there?

>> No.3604484
File: 215 KB, 1200x773, Dmt6XP4UYAArk_S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found em- their twitter handle is @bongchoonsik
i was wrong before, they DO have a book out. but they post a lot of tutorials and tips on their twitter for free

pic related of the book cover: "The 쉽게 배우는 인체 드로잉"
it only just came out on on the 11th of this month, so it's probably not been scanned by anyone yet (if he's only selling physical copies)

this tweet links all the marketplaces the book is currently selling on

>> No.3604493

>it only just came out on on the 11th of this month
nevermind, it's coming out on the 20th or 21st according to the marketplaces. sorry for the mixup, i don't know any korean so these sites are a pain to navigate

>> No.3604504

robo-ky, but buff

>> No.3604523

Never mind, figured something out.

>> No.3604546
File: 184 KB, 600x436, 1530384620477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get some software recommendations?

I'm currently using Manga Studio Ex 4. I don't know if I'm retarded and don't know how to use it, but I don't like it very much. I can't use SAI because the computer I use for drawing is a Mac.

>> No.3604579

I always feel like life drawing takes more thought process; it's not as easy to use relative measurements when the subject isn't a flat image. Whether that extra difficulty translates to improved learning, however...

>> No.3604637

I made a tumblr a while ago and submitted a few art on it, I can get some blog request on ic with my work so I thought it's good enough to get me going. However, the results are very disappointing so far because the followers count are at single digit even after a few fanart submission over the last 2 week or so, I even tag my stuff properly like what people have said... Is it a must to spend time interacting with the tumblr community nowadays instead of just dumping art on it?

>> No.3604701

Clip studios on sale every other month, and its only $50 full price unless you want the bells and whistles for animation an comics making

>> No.3604911

Bro you've had it for two weeks, give it time

>> No.3605041
File: 26 KB, 283x314, 1467045883577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be incredibly harsh on myself with my art for maximum improvement, but enjoy art less
>be less harsh on myself and enjoy it more, but probably get less improvement

>> No.3606054
File: 443 KB, 1580x2431, TgvOgNY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what would be the best software/tool for recreating this style of art

>> No.3606056
File: 1.88 MB, 988x1500, RCO006_1463648940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its silver surfer: requiem btw if anyone wants more examples

>> No.3606082

Is it cheating to zoom when painting a photo digitally? I just want to improve

>> No.3606085

pretty sure everyone does this
but you should probably learn how to draw traditionally with pencil and paper before going digital, or at least learn both at once. you're kind of spoiling yourself with the extra features of digital

>> No.3606113

looks like gouache.

>> No.3606385
File: 25 KB, 225x300, s-l300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the name of this type of movie cover? You see them everywhere were all the characters and maybe a few plot devices are collaged together in a hierarchy.

>> No.3606798
File: 994 KB, 200x300, 1523414342957.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you go about studying an artist? Like say I want to learn to draw like someone I take inspiration from, how do I go about it?

Do I just try to replicate pictures made by them? Do I try to break it down some way? If so, how?

>> No.3606827

Do I just try to replicate pictures made by them?
Do I try to break it down some way? If so, how?
by copy

The point is that you must know in advance the fundamentals of the area you want to learn.

Let say. I want to copy the rendering style of an artist X, what do I do? I copy it, then, when I copy it, I will have to come up with ways to solve the process, and to think how X would have done it, knowing the basics, I can consider certain options, since in essence they are all the same, and the only differences are that see with time, technique or resources that are used and those that do not, eventually reach an option, that depends on two instances: the first is that you actually get to produce the same result of X, and the second is how long It took you, since in general it is difficult to know how long an artist takes to do such a thing, unless he say it, you can only assume a standard time comparing other works of which you do have an idea of what they took, for obvious reasons you should delay more in the absence of the practice that the artist already has because of his experience, and the other thing that you must assume that you can't expect do it quickly, since many artists with elaborate works take hours to make them, and if you find one that makes it really fast (as sakimichan with its rendering) it means that if you want to reach that level you must kill yourself in training (putting the example of sakimichan, she has been drawing for more than 12 years, so you can assume that if you want to achieve a similar style, you should try to deduce in an incredibly efficient way her process, or practice a sufficient number to match the experience of all those years)

Generally, what happens anyway is that you end up taking a small aspect of the process of the artist you are trying to learn, because if it is way above your level, it is virtually impossible for you to do a work 100% equal to his.

>> No.3606918

anyone have tips for hand/forearm pain after long sessions with the wacom? I don't get pain when practicing with pencil and paper

>> No.3606926

floating heads, literally. the worst type of movie cover

>> No.3607204

why do people refer to any artist they know as 'an amazing artist,' i get introduced to people as 'an amazing artist' all the time, and i just don't have to goods to back it up, it's pressurizing

>> No.3607256

This is a very noob question but I'm transiting from paper to digital and just got a new tablet. Is photoshop cs6 the way to go as far as photoshop? I didn't really see anything in the guide about it. And is this legit?


>> No.3607322
File: 32 KB, 421x596, TASKETTE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to quickly draw a face so I can practice hair
>spend the next 2 hours doing tiny little edits because no matter what I do it doesn't look right
How am I supposed to improve as an artist if I can literally never NEVER EVER get past this stage

>> No.3607330

why are you working on a part of the drawing you don't even care about
why does it even have eyes? just construct the head and then do your hair shit
why try make something that is for practice perfect?

>> No.3607338
File: 29 KB, 432x565, TASKETTE1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if im shit at something i should practice it shouldn't i?

anyway update cuz i keep messing with it still

>> No.3607350

yeah but if you have a purpose at what shit thing to fix why are you bothering with the rest?
as you've experienced trying to fix everything at once means you're not even getting to what you went in to do in the first place. one thing at a time.

>> No.3607379
File: 106 KB, 800x523, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it looks weird because your facial features are all wonky, dude. actually take some time to draw guidelines to make sure everything fits on the head you drew

>> No.3607606

How do I draw muscular legs?

>> No.3607611

Wow. If you can't even redline an anime head properly, you should probably refrain. The original image was actually in perspective unlike yours. Your god damn contour lines don't even follow the face. Come the fuck on anon.

>> No.3607738

you try it then if you're so good

>> No.3607753

honestly just drop the ear and it'll look miles better, the ear is way too high for the angle youre shooting for

>> No.3607755

You accept it doesn't look right, analyse why, take notes, and then move on to the next drawing. Don't get so hung up on a single drawing, especially one that's just practise.

>> No.3607761

Probably because normies can't draw, so anyone even slightly better than mediocre is considered "amazing."

>> No.3607762

NTA you're replying to, but don't be defensive, learn from their critique and re-do the redline with it in mind.

>> No.3608126

are there any good podcasts for the sort of art that is popular here?

>> No.3608142
File: 85 KB, 432x565, Edit3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time posting in this reply chain, but hopefully this helps.

>> No.3608146

How good do I need to be before I start a webcomic?

>> No.3608147

the gooder the better

>> No.3608163

One punch man was badly drawn but it was still good enough to become a big deal.

>> No.3608167

thats because it had a good enough premise. There are only two roads to success in art, make something totally novel and appealing, or be really good at something

>> No.3608316
File: 82 KB, 1090x542, Screen Shot 2018-09-19 at 08.51.30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would one go about finding the depth in these examples?

I am studying parallel projection. In this example all the depth lines are true 45 degree lines. How can I find the correct depth for the side planes that will be equal to the front plane? (a cube)

In linear perspective the 45 MP solves this. What about in freehand perspective? Is there a way to objectively know this or you have to pick an arbitrary point as part of the "creative license"

>> No.3608466

What's a good price for moleskines? Sacramento CA

>> No.3608480

You already have a thread for this. If you want accuracy you have to math otherwise it’ll just have to br what looks right.

>> No.3608730

selling flax 200gp ea

>> No.3608961

has there been some sort of drama with conceptart.org/massive black?

>> No.3609777

Hey /ic/!

I've been debating if I should start an affordable housing program for artists. Right now I'm in the super early stages and I'm mostly just trying to see if I can drum up interest.

The goal would be to buy a house and rent out the rooms. Right now I need to find a place where I can poll as many different artists across as many disciplines as possible -- musicians, artists, etc.

Is this something you'd be interested in? Why or why not? And where do you think I should start polling?

>> No.3609795

that sounds horrible

>> No.3609812

That sounds super gay. Waste of some good digits.

>> No.3609866

I would like to take up drawing. I have a Wacom Intous tablet for digital things and I have some printing paper and HB pencils for the traditional side of the equation.

I have two questions:
* How afraid I should be of the neuro-plasticity meme? I am 28 now.
* I really have little-to-no capital, so would those things be enough to grind the basics? (Or do I need the fancy pens and what-not?)

>> No.3609944
File: 66 KB, 720x960, wizard advice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here draw for small amounts of time like 1-2-3 hours? How do you deal with it?
I mean I know of pro tier artists that got where they are in a bunch of years, let's say 10 years as a generic timespan
But they did it at 5, 6, in many cases even more than that every day, for all those years. I doubt there's anyone who did less than that, or is there?
What fucking hope do I have to reach my goal before i'm an old fuck, when the most important thing is mileage (together with critical thinking obviously)? I feel like I'll never catch up to any of the artists I admire and inspire me

>> No.3609949

>How afraid I should be of the neuro-plasticity meme? I am 28 now.
lmao That's just a meme bro you're fine. I've seen a guy start low tier beginner level at 30 and end up at pro level after 4 years of hard work every day. You're fine it's just practice and dedication to drawing every day.

>I really have little-to-no capital, so would those things be enough to grind the basics? (Or do I need the fancy pens and what-not?)
Printing paper and a HB pencil is good enough for stuff like gesture but if you want to really study, you should get a set of pencils, a sharpener, a kneaded eraser, and better paper that can actually hold a lot of graphite.

So no not fancy necessarily but if you want serious study then just a step up from printer paper.

>> No.3609959

Could anyone recommend comprehensive guide anywhere for how to prepare a piece for print? I want to see if I can start making prints/books/merchandise but wouldn't mind a tutorial on the basics like ideal resolution, file format, colouring, common mistakes, etc.

>> No.3609961

You could also do synonyms or otherwise play on the names
Black Sabbath = Dark Sunday
Pantera = Jaguara

Could actually be pretty fun to come with up these names

>> No.3609963


Pretty niche customer base and you'd probably hate your roommates.

>> No.3610000

Such an old image I'll never find source for ;_;

>> No.3610024

Thank you!

>> No.3610067

>But they did it at 5, 6, in many cases even more than that every day, for all those years. I doubt there's anyone who did less than that, or is there?

Honestly I doubt all, or even many, pros did 10 years at 6 hours a day. Remember that a lot of pros, especially freelancers, a lot of their 'work day' isn't solely drawing. It's negotiating with clients, marketing, preparing prints, sending emails, shipping things, etc. Many pros aren't in-house somewhere pulling 8 hour days of illustration work 5 days a week, and and even those that are I expect they're as productive as virtually anyone else doing 8 hour work days, which if you've ever worked an 8 hour day you can probably attest isn't 'going 100% all 8 hours'. The first hour and the sixth hour are not equal in terms of gains, hour-counting alone isn't sufficient to measure acquiring a skill.

>What fucking hope do I have to reach my goal before i'm an old fuck

What's your goal? 'Be a professional'? 'Be as good as Kim Jung Gi'? Playing catch-up isn't necessarily a good goal.

>> No.3610804
File: 53 KB, 512x468, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the blue thing called so I can buy one on amazon

Its not for animation, but more for seeing your drawing upwards.

>> No.3610871

You could just lean your tablet on a book or something.

>> No.3610879

What, a desk easel? Laptop fan? Tablet stand? Some kind of wedge? There's a lot of things that could be

>> No.3610899
File: 186 KB, 1343x1007, 1507362879489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to avoid this when using white ink to correct color being spilled?

>> No.3610902

Shit got sent before I could expand on this.

I'm using alcohol markers and white ink gets mixed with them even when using a couple of layers of ink. Should I use a liquid corrector or some other kind of pen like the posca white?

>> No.3611243

Alcohol is gonna react like that with pretty much everything, it's alcohol after all. It reacts with both polar and nonpolar molecules.

>> No.3611261

Oh is that the cause? nice to know actually

>> No.3611485

Yeah its basically breaking it back down into a liquid and that mixes it with the ink resulting in a lighter shade of the ink rather than just drawing on top of it.

>> No.3611493

how does a new artist make it in the art world? Is it possible to move to a big city and make a living from art these days? Or is it closed off to empower a privlaged few artist who network with gallery owners personally?

>> No.3611503

I think there’s a sweet spot in terms of timing for each artwork, and half the battle is knowing when to call it done. The quicker you are, the more work you’ll get done and the wider your “fishing net” for viewers and clients will grow. But if you’re on commission or trying to prove something to yourself and push your skill forward, time is irrelevant to the constant flood of detail and color you’re putting in to it. We are all capable of spending hours on something that can be seen as impressive. But the question is would you rather stumble onto a great concept by making lots of work? Or would you rather obsess over one subject/piece until you get it right?

>> No.3611505

Moving to a big expensive city while having the confidence level to even ask this question is a 100% guarantee to get drowned out by the masses of others doing the same thing. You have to work your way up, build a following, get good. There is no reason to go to a city when the internet exists, and random artist rags to riches stories are frankly non-existent. Many of the most highly regarded artists of the past were poor afterthoughts when they were alive.

>> No.3611763

How do I get myself to draw? It just always seems like there's a ton of more important stuff to do at the moment.

>> No.3611815

Is there an actual reason that I can't draw fanart?
I don't dislike doing it, and I used to draw a lot years ago, but now I am incapable of drawing it.
I can only do original work.
Whenever I start to sketch a character design over the construction, something in my brain stops me from drawing how a character actually looks, and I get tired of this far more quickly than I do when doing my own characters.
I have a suspicion that it's because for the past year, 95% of the time I've been drawing from imagination, but I'm really not sure.

>> No.3611866

Like what

>> No.3612028

Where can I find some references for realistic age progression. Like age charts and stuff. I'm really having trouble imagining kids at different heights, ages and what not, everyone is similar. It would be good to have a character from 1 to 24 yo for example. Obviously no illegal stuff. Anime anatomy is fucking bullshit so I don't want it.

>> No.3612041

table easel is what Google Translate gives me entering the name in my language

>> No.3612099
File: 323 KB, 821x1152, shoomlah such_a_clever_grown_up_miss_by_shoomlah-d4fkyty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can draw off model and reinterpreted fanart if you want. people will still like it.

>> No.3612114

>long blond hair full of flowers
>purple dress
>sun icon from movie
>flower from movie
>lantern from movie
>pascal from movie
>generic Disney-esque face

this is readable as disney Rapunzel because of the signifiers that tell the viewer its Disney Rapunzel. plus if her face was vastly off model people would still recognize it from the signifiers, but it would result in a few comments about how the face is off model.

>> No.3612505

Learning for uni and household chores.

>> No.3612605
File: 79 KB, 500x314, hp art 2 tribute exhibition 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course it's readable as her. i'm just pointing out that OP doesn't have to be overly concerned about 'drawing how a character actually looks' because most of the time, the right colour scheme/motif will make them recognisable anyways. in fact playing with a design can be a fun exercise.

do at least 15 minutes at first, regularly. if you have time to post on 4chan you have time for that

>> No.3612620
File: 155 KB, 540x764, tumblr_pdzvdh6Ntj1sl6pc8o2_r1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I was just clarifying. you have to have those signifiers or youll end up with an unreadable character, like pic related is supposed to be samus, but there is literally nothing that indicates that except for the kinda blonde hair

>> No.3612633

are you saying that pic is easy to tell it's samus or hard?

>> No.3612731

impossible without the title saying "this is a samus fanart"

>> No.3612734

>completely ignores her missing arm
>her shoulder pad in the background
>her gun
>ponytail with blue hairband

>> No.3612739

samus doesn't have a missing arm that is not a samus signifier at all
"shoulder pad" is completely unreadable because its not accompanied by other signifiers
really? blue hairband? LMFAO fuck off firez

>> No.3612740
File: 158 KB, 231x426, Discord_2018-09-22_20-19-33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3612744

I see your discord friend browses r/gaming

>> No.3612748

>but there is literally nothing that indicates that except for the kinda blonde hair
Do you mean besides her signature arm cannon propped up right next to her and the thick ass piece of orange armor behind her that's just as distinguishable as her shoulder protection?

>> No.3612750

keep samefagging lad

>> No.3612753

Not him but are you pretending to be retarded, that picture is clearly Samus.

>> No.3612755

First post in the thread, actually. Just because you couldn't recognize her doesn't mean others can't or won't. However, if you couldn't immediately recognize her, then that's still something valid to bring up with to the artist if it's not too apparent. After all, that's what they're trying to illustrate.

>> No.3612849

__All music is nothing but random sounds that make no sense until put together by your brain. Colors don't really exist, just an abstraction by the brain to make life easier to navigate. Is the world in grayscale then? No, everything is just moldy atoms lit up by light.

>_The fundamental forces in nature arise from properties of our universe called gauge invariance and symmetries. The forces are transmitted by particles known as gauge bosons.

>_In the Standard Model, the Higgs particle is a boson with spin zero, no electric charge and no colour charge. It is also very unstable, decaying into other particles almost immediately.

What color is the Higgs boson?

>> No.3612852

got a pic of one?

>> No.3612901
File: 7 KB, 299x168, images(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not question, but. I NEED HELP

im really bad at practicing on my own, am horrible at art and have been stagnate for 4 years. And i used to go to the /beg/ thread when i was 16 (20 now)
^ the proofs in the pudding

im tired of looking like an autistic manchild. im tired of spending hours of art that just makes me stagnates my progress. i dont want to be 21, and have no porn comic under my belt.

i want to just make at least, one porn comic one day, that 40 people fap to. thats all i want.

but, no matter how much i try on my own. i just keep fucking up.... people tell me
>just copy loomis front back
>just stop drawing western faces
>draw from life
but within my 4 years. ive just. i tried everything. im sick of wasting time.

so, i make this post. hoping that some decent or pro manga anon takes pity on me and helps me cure myself of my shitness. i need private coach or anything. Anyone help me achieve my dream of making porn comic. PLEASE, ive just been sitting in bed depressed all day now...

heres my discord

I beg of you from the bottom of muh shitposting heart. I dont know what i could provide. But. i do have lods of money....
And i can dedicate 5-8 hours a day drawing. I have been drawing 5-8 hours a day and im still so bad ;_;

I am weak. i am retarded. i am sissy.
and i need help!!!

>> No.3612983

Is Inking just about making a line and undoing it a billion times until you get one that looks serviceable then making tiny adjustments zoomed in super far or is there a way to actually improve at finalized linework

>> No.3612999

They should of have rotated the helmet so the signature green visor was visible.

>> No.3613002
File: 266 KB, 632x486, 1533250270518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I HAVE HISTORY'S MOST IMPORTANT ART-RELATED QUESTION: does flipping the final pic matter? Does anything change if your whole image is looking to the left or to the right? Would the Monalisa be any better or any worse if the painting was mirrored? How do you even fucking know which way is better?
I was thinking it could have something to do with how the viewer reads (left to right in most western countries), but what do you do with that information? Do you flip the painting/drawing so that you guide the viewer from point A to point B from left to right? If so, should they start their tour from the focal point or the other way around?
Flipping your artwork horizontally is something we can now do before showing it to the world, thanks to technology. I was wondering if such a change even mattered, aesthetically.
Pic unrelated.

>> No.3613010

You (and pretty much anyone) should have a geeze at the vid i put there. Spefically pay attention to the CONSCIOUS learning part, so many artists on this board get used to doing the motions without STOPPING and LITErally analysing what you are doing. I am only barely have a year of drawing experience under the belt and I have picked up it is something i do and it causes stagnation. Like doing the same trick on a skateboard again and again and drawing guides over and over you wILL DECLINE, you must be PRESENT. THIS AINT A MINDLESS GRIND, just cause you show up to work everyday doesn't mean you're developing or getting better at it yeah? It's that extra. That "conscious" will to de-piece your own actions and improve

>> No.3613015

yeah, it's for correction really like because sometimes you won't be able to tell if a drawing of yours is bad cause you're right side dominant, but someone else left dominant might go 'WoaH' that looks weird, and you will see that when you flip it like i have started doing many times recently and jeeze louise i can see how crap some of the stuff is, try it.

>> No.3613016

Most masterpiece paintings will be fine flipped because the artist is a 'master' and won't have issues with proportion and perspective etc. I don't think left or right reading makes any difference otherwise foreign art would seem garbage, which it doesn't, so that makes little sense.

>> No.3613571
File: 2.16 MB, 3600x2544, The_Seine_-_Henry_Ossawa_Tanner smaller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is kind of a weird question, but does anyone else get kind of turned on when looking at great works of art? (not porn)

>> No.3613662


>> No.3613747

don't we have an ink thread? it's going to be inktober soon, there should be one in catalog

>> No.3613806

Get all giddy and start laughing at how good the artwork and/or the artist is?
Yes. Boner without the artwork depicting anything sexual? No, never.

...well, except for that one time when I was a kid and I got an erection looking at the Mona Lisa's hands. Gave me the most bizarre fetish ever. At one point I went on a coldblooded killing spree in my little town for the sole purpose of keeping severed female hands, not my proudest summer desu.

>> No.3614385

is thu being streamed this year? i couldn't find any information on the site

>> No.3614809
File: 316 KB, 1200x710, 1200px-Viejos_comiendo_sopa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi everyone. I have a question. Is there a link between ones skill to sketch/draw and skill to paint (oil/watercolour). I'm really eager to pick up probably oil (more forgiveable), but as for now I really suck at drawing and I'm not even motivated to progress in it.

I would really like to git gut at art, but dealing with lines seems not to be my thing. Hence painting - it enables one not to use lines/contour (pic related is sth I'm about).

So - should I give painting a try? Or is drawing skill necessary for any brush-work?

Forgive me my syntax, I'm not a native speaker

>> No.3614819

Yes!! You definitely need to be able to draw before you paint. You need good perspective, proportion, value control, technical skill with a pencil, basically all the fundamentals in check before you start painting. Believe me, it will make your life easier starting with drawing rather than just jumping into painting and wasting supplies, making a mess, and frustrating yourself.

So deal with lines first because that is the backbone of your paintings. You need clean draftsmanship if you wanna be a good painter!

>> No.3614823

Okay, thanks. Will give my pencils another try then!

>> No.3614843

Download (or buy idk) Drawing Realistic Textures in Pencil by JD Hillberry. It's a great book for learning the techniques you're gonna need for painting later (the fine pencil work, drawing "with the forms", and the delicate touch and pressure control translates well to painting with a brush). I don't really recommend using a chamois, you can get away with using a kneaded eraser and a hard eraser together for everything. Definitely NEVER smudge or smear with your hands. Don't let your hands touch the paper EVER. Put your paper on a piece of soft wood you could push a thumb tack into. Keep a border around it of white as if you were going to frame it later so you have room to put tacks around (not through) the paper to hold it in. And put vellum or tracing paper over the places your hand rests, pinning it straight to the board outside the paper. This way you don't ruin your work as you toil away.

Make sure you get good pencils or even better a lead holder with a set of H-HB-B leads. Most importantly though is paper that has enough tooth to it to hold the graphite and don't push it and tear the tooth of the paper. No printer paper, it's only good for stuff like gestures, taking notes as you go, or a quick value study to get the feel of it before you start on the real deal. Be gentle and learn to layer and blend your pencils starting from soft/darkest to hard/lightest, filling in the holes as you go. It's rough but it's VERY rewarding if you can get through this.

This might be a little confusing the way I'm explaining it, but I really hope this stuff helps you get on your way to some awesome work with paint!

>> No.3614869


>> No.3614873

Is H-HB-B enough?

>> No.3614889
File: 94 KB, 600x900, pencils example.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Entire sets are pretty cheap.

HB is a must, that's your middle ground. Your sketch pencil. There's a brand that sells some called "ebony" hb pencils, those are sweet for sketching. You can never have enough HBs.

I never really needed to go to an 8B unless I was doing patches of absolute black in a drawing. Nice to have around but rare that you'll use it. I think generally you could do HB to 5B and be alright. On the hard/light side, HB through about 4H-5H most likely is pretty good for general use, it covers the extremes pretty well.

Oh, a tip... You can layer them in order from 8B to 6H (soft to hard). You can NOT layer them the opposite way 6H down to 8B (hard to soft) or it won't stick and it will look like wax, shitty wax. Be careful with that.

If I were you I'd go get a cheap but decent quality set of pencils that have the whole range and start out with those on your first drawings. You'll get a feel for which ones you use the most and which ones you rarely touch. That way when you go for something like a lead holder you don't go buying a whole set of leads you don't even need. You can just use the pencils again in the rare chance you'll need them as long as they aren't shit.

>> No.3614893

Lmao realized I typed "H' instead of "F"

Yo, also, another thing (sorry if this is info overload), you need to keep your pencils sharp all the time if you wanna do the stuff in the book right. Like the second the pencil starts losing that point and flattens out, sharpen that shit up. So invest in a good manual pencil sharpener. This is why I suggest lead holders cause you don't have to deal with the fucking wood making you rage but then again that's why I suggest getting a decent set. Not shit, not pricey, just decent. Look at peoples reviews, if they say its all waxy and shit and the pencils break, move on to another brand. Look for discounts at local art stores or even ask the employees there what decent-but-cheap options they have or if they have any of the real good shit on sale.

>> No.3616473
File: 45 KB, 480x480, 29739143_1659066247519780_6725641210389594112_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember seeing a GIMP tutorial on editing images of drawings taken with a smart phone to make them look as if they were scanned.

Anyone know what im talking about?

Pic unrelated.

>> No.3616485

Just get a scanning app for your phone

>> No.3616488

Ive tried those and they aren't really that great.
GIMP may be a better option since it has more features for image editing than majority of apps for a phone do, but maybe im doing something wrong.

>> No.3616541

how come when I draw a square one paper the lines are near perfect through years of practise then i draw them in photoshop and the square looks like its drawn by someone with polio and parkinsons combined

>> No.3616548

hold shift

>> No.3616580

haven't used gimp in years but think it's called retinex.

>> No.3616825

Hey newfags your questions go in here not in their own thread thx ;D

>> No.3616828

I really like when they go here and then in new threads xd

>> No.3616876

Do I need to be able to draw without reference to get accepted into a top tier art school for animation?

>> No.3617277
File: 46 KB, 600x600, 0907560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the difference between a medium and thinner? I bought some of this (pic) - is it the only thing I need to thin the oil paint (for the lean first layers) or do I need to make another trip and buy something else to get started.

>> No.3617278
File: 343 KB, 1920x1080, 1495759840154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished a watercolor painting. I am experiencing some warping/bending throughout the paper. Is there anything I can or should do to flatten it, or otherwise minimize the warping it does/will have while it dries?

>> No.3617279

No you need to master your fundamentals.

Speaking from experience by the way.

>> No.3617306

What paper are you using? Brand, weight, type?

>> No.3617342

Mixed media paper from Artist's Loft (heavyweight?). This isn't the exact same booklet as mine, but it's the same brand and described the same: http://www.michaels.com/mixed-media-pad-by-artists-loft/M10477613.html

I presume mine is just the economically packaged version, since it has less sheets and a less detailed front cover. As for my painting, the issue is mostly with the bottom right corner, where I used a lot of paint and water, as well as the sides. Also some light curling on the sides.

>> No.3617349

color consists of three elements: pigment (color), oil (body) and binder ("glue"). the medium you have is the binder.
most of them contain turps, but what you need is just plane old turps for the underlayer, as you say you want to work lean.
just the other day, i did the exact same thing, but i realized it would be less of a hassle and cheaper to just use acrylics for the first layer. dries fast, doesn't use up any turps (fumes aren't exactly healthy) and is leaner than an oil wash.

>> No.3617370

I didn't want to use turps just because of the toxicity, but when I asked the art store woman she said this is the one I wanted but man. I might have to take it back.

>> No.3617398

Get heavyweight cold pressed watercolor paper it holds up better to water colors.

Though if you cant get any right now you can potentially try taping your paper down to something with masking tape to keep it flat and taut. Also don't overload it with water you're probably going to have to work more slowly and let it dry more often.

>> No.3617415

Thank you for the information. I'll keep that type of paper in mind whenever I might need more paper. That said, I don't think the tape method will work well for me, as I didn't establish an unpainted border-space. If I tape it now, I imagine it will damage the painting, unless something like standard blue painter's tape won't affect it. If that will work, how long should I leave the tape on? Any suggestions otherwise?

>> No.3617442

Oof. Okay if you're trying to flatten out warped paper you have 2 options here but you have to be really careful and they're a bitch. You can wet it and flatten it or you can basically iron it.

Here's something from a paper company on how to fix it with pictured and everything. Good luck anon


>> No.3617447
File: 2.37 MB, 1920x1080, Django Unchained.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you again, Anon. I appreciate your continued assistance. I've gone ahead and bookmarked that link, and will return to it tomorrow after I wake. I pray neither of us will have any great troubles with our works present and upcoming.

>> No.3617449

No problem bro. Always happy to help. Wishing you luck on flattening that shit.

>> No.3617460

Lol inking is about putting down nice clean lines that have line weight, show form, shadows, separation of objects, how close or far away something is, texture... so many things.

Personally when I do line work I don't zoom in too far, there's initial lines where I can still see most of what I'm doing but still put them down accurately, and then afterwards is zoom in to clean up and do detail work.

If you have to ctrl+z a million times you probably need to do some lines and circles practice do you can understand where your limits are. Everyone has a favorite angle and worst angle to draw lines at. You need to figure it out so you know when you need to rotate a canvas around.

Other than that it's all practice so hop to it

>> No.3617749

how do i get a gf

>> No.3617864

like you'd get good answers on this board anyway lol

it's not like they'd know. you're just submitting a portfolio. when your work moves across the screen everything you don't know becomes immediaely apparent.

>> No.3618266
File: 401 KB, 310x579, asdasdasdasdasdsadqwe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need help figuring the red roof out. wtf is going on? Help

>> No.3618517

What sort of podcasts do you guys listen to? I would like to find some good podcasts relating to art but they are mostly uninformative. The ones with people well known in the art industry and circles are most just about how they got to were they were which was just how they met someone and then they got x or whatever. Are there any good podcasts that actually talk about art and not artists?

>> No.3618531

It's curved slope. You know how to perspective, right??

>> No.3618532

Maybe art history or something?

>> No.3618545
File: 376 KB, 295x576, asdasdasdasdasdsadqwe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I mean actually

>> No.3618592

Do I have to be active on social media? I prefer not to use it because it just makes me feel stressed out? I kinda just want to post my stuff and call it a day.

>> No.3618630

No one will ever know who you are if you don't throw your fanart of popular franchises around as hard as you can as much as you can

>> No.3618639

I can do that.

>> No.3618738

So what kind of paper do you guys use? I use printer paper but I feel like it's too smooth cause I like drawing with b or hb lead and it always bends when erasing.

>> No.3618884

How do I get more than 10 likes on every post on instagram, I'm getting better just not growing in a numerical sense. It's pretty disheartening when that's my only gauge other than what I think really

>> No.3618983
File: 14 KB, 394x181, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I avoid this when using a flat brush? I use CSP
I mean, i can reduce Hardness to minimum but that basically makes it a soft brush because of all the blur around the edge. I'd rather keep the hard edge without the shitty pixelated edges.
And yes I have AA on, it's maxed out

>> No.3619058
File: 844 KB, 681x751, roof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgive the messiness of these lines but this is basically what's going on. Pink is foreground red is middleground and orange is background.

You're getting confused by the visual tangent between what's in pink and what's in orange. It's flattening it out and making it look weird. However if you figure out where the horizon and vanishing points are you could actually use perspective to help you figure this out.

>> No.3619392

What 3d programs do you recommend for referencing figures/anatomy?

>> No.3619407
File: 77 KB, 370x483, 5C93F149-6E5D-42C7-BAA5-969A6712C131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I have a friend who vends at cons and is known for her Pokemon merch. She’s always furious because people only buy her Pokémon art. She thinks her art is cute and fine, and keeps posting aggressively demanding to know what’s wrong with her character art...
We don’t know how to give the info to her likely.

Any light hearted critiques on this?
I can’t tell her that the eyes are creepy and the heads are disproportionate

>> No.3619411
File: 81 KB, 367x471, 58F2BB0E-564F-4DF5-B0D9-27F31C28C9A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*give the info to her lightly.
And forgot to mention that she keeps threatening to stop selling her art altogether because no one seems to buy it.
She’s in a wheelchair and spends a lot of energy on this, so I understand it’s hard. But she keeps guilting us into telling her that her art is good.
Here’s another example. Any advice on what she could work on?

Sorry if I’m not doing this in the right place

>> No.3619413

Depends on what style you're trying to draw in. For anime, design doll is alright since you can change the proportions up and make the boobs bigger/smaller, make them muscle girls or fatties, etc. But it is hard to make your doll look like a normal person.

If you're going for realistic maybe something like Poser/Daz 3d but that program is harder to use and you're limited to some pretty shitty user created stuff as far as clothes/hair/poses go, mind you these are 3d modelers that don't know about gesture making stiff poses. But maybe if you get good with it you could make some dope poses yourself. It normally costs money but you could find it on sale or torrent/crack it i guess?

I wouldn't use a single one of these for anatomy though. If you want 3D anatomy I really like this site
You can go through and hide/unhide layers of things like skin and muscle, click on things to see the name and what they do, etc.
The best thing for anatomy though would be Anatomy for Sculptors. I know it's not a program but it's so good.

>> No.3619438
File: 165 KB, 370x483, 1538084354958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needs more anime. Bigger braincase, de-emphasize nose and mouth, higher cheekbones, smaller jaw, more anime eyes etc. Also don't do thousand yard stare

>> No.3619442

Thanks a ton, Anon. Weird stuff.

>> No.3619443


Thinner doesn't really mean much and is rather broad. The Draw Mix Paint videos are pretty good for making your own medium. Mediums and thinners also affect the drying time and being able to rework the paint.

>> No.3619458

Oh wow that’s an amazing improvement, I’ll try to let her know. Thank you anon!

>> No.3619487
File: 184 KB, 367x471, 1538084546454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem. Did this one too for fun.

>> No.3619510

Damn, great info. I did give design doll a go a while back, but like you say, it's not so great for realistic referencing. I'll give Poser and Daz a try. Thanks!

>> No.3619514


>> No.3619548

Eyes are terrible, spine is broken

>> No.3619549

Wtf lol

>> No.3619606
File: 267 KB, 1269x1280, orig_771555 (1)~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a pretty stupid question but I don't know where else to ask. I recently found out about Zdzislaw Beksinski's art, and I'd like to buy an art book from him. Thing is, there's a bunch and I don't know which one to buy, plus the majority are expensive af. Could you niggers who know more about art and possibly the person in question recommend me a book that $80 bellow?

Sorry for spoonfeed question :/

>> No.3619721
File: 200 KB, 1000x1333, 8pca0by5clo11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I into this artstyle?

>> No.3620027

Anybody got resources for references? Looking for Humans, Animals, Buildings, etc.

>> No.3620043

So basically he was always good

>> No.3620045

If you have to ask, you'll never make it
"Google: Images"

>> No.3620047

Use the website 'line of action' if you need life drawing and animal reference to draw from, it's a lot better than searching for equally high res images, and especially if you use the timer on it

>> No.3620054

I tried Google but often I can't get the type of photos I'd want, which is why I'm looking for sites that provide a collection of references specifically for studying/painting. Thanks though
Thanks! Will use this site. Still looking for more general sites if any Anon knows of them.

>> No.3620662

Holy shit, I never noticed the cannon or the shoulder piece. Also why did you jew her out of an arm Firez? I know you're still lurking, so you better fess up.

>> No.3620799

Does Ruan Jia have next to no videos online, or are they collected on some Chinese web page? Youtube content is poor.