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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 13 KB, 220x229, a2c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3578634 No.3578634[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>born with the artistic gift
>not draw in years because of video games
>19 now, haven't inproved much since 14
>tfw I could have better artist than 98% of /ic/
It's not fair

>> No.3578636

Quality post. If you want to draw well go fucking study instead of complaining. Thinking you are "gifted" will just make you put less work and give you an excuse for being lazy.

>> No.3578645
File: 1.15 MB, 400x232, 04117483ab888eafd97739e5f28df79f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least (YOU) had fun playing Video-Games.

If you want to make art, you need to learn TV/computes fasting.

>> No.3578656

so you saying it's not too late yet?

>> No.3578690


You're only 19 you dope. Fucks sake, at that age you still have the chance to double down on art and seriously commit to learning it as a career.

>> No.3578712
File: 249 KB, 297x411, whitemale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>born with the artistic gift

What is that?

>> No.3578718

the ability not to pay bills and free time.

>> No.3578770

You're 19, nobody does shit when they're 14-18. It's not like you're fucking 50, just get started and shut the fuck up. If you keep setting barriers for yourself you won't get anywhere.

>> No.3578773
File: 80 KB, 321x238, 1494814430892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3578796

Anyone could be a better artist than 98% of /ic/ if they actually drew.

>> No.3578797

asians do

>> No.3578815

>born with the artistic gift
stopped reading here

>> No.3578833

Some People are just gifted, whilst some People are low iq subhumans that can't draw a stickman form birth

>> No.3578841
File: 318 KB, 500x350, Hideaki_anno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know OPie, I've been drawing all my life, and at age 18 I had managed to make some decent looking illustrations that would fit snuggly in the bottom tier of /alt/.
But I also had basically never heard of fundamentals or even looked towards an art book until this time last year when I was 19. That's when I consider I first started "studying"and doing art seriously. Year later, I draw every day, I've read every beginner's art book and then some, and I've managed to become a much faster and cleaner artist. I'm better than I was last month, let alone last year. It's never too late to start studying buddy.

>> No.3578844

More like born with the autistic gift haha gotem

>> No.3578853

I started at 19 and at the time I thought it was late but looking back now it was the perfect time to start

>> No.3578887

thx guys, I'll practice my skill from this day

>> No.3578915

anyone who claims it's too late to start drawing before you're like 70 is wrong. It might be easier to learn when you're a kid but discipline makes up for that as you get older. Just draw

>> No.3578916

youre 19....in 5 years you could be a master and still young in the industry

>> No.3579077


hmmm got a point there.

>> No.3579078


Hello mr.nazi scum. how are ya?

>> No.3579122

>I'm the same age as OP
How many other people were born in '99 and are Zoomers going through a mid-life crisis of a lack of accomplishments aside from High School and College?

>> No.3579153
File: 68 KB, 421x248, 1535034410293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you me op? I used to draw so fucking great when I was younger. Even took art class. Drawing died on me and I stopped. 10 years later and im pure ass now. anime as corrupted my artistic abilities.

>> No.3579209

Asians are already expected to be soulless and technique savvy its harder for them to break the mold than whitey

>> No.3579225

same thing, except between 18 and 21. I dropped it and tried my hardest in college, before giving up and realizing I like art a whole lot more than anything a degree would give me.

>> No.3579309

this is a meme right? skilled realism will only lead you to mediocrity. you have to be born gifted to have any style and ideas, it just comes naturally. if you apply hard work to it, you will be the 1% that succeeds massively in this generation.

>> No.3579538

Post your work/progress. I'm legitimately curious to see what it looks like.

>> No.3579614
File: 71 KB, 705x739, IMG_3812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dated someone like you. Who thought they were 'talented but lazy'. Got heavy into video games while I grinded anatomy and perspective. Then he'd whine and cry about how I'm 'cheating' because I got better faster than him, when he'd been to art school and such.
Sad. No such thing as 'talent', dumbass. Just practice. It's a skill.

>> No.3579829

He impressed his art teacher in middle school

>> No.3579853 [DELETED] 

I feel similarly man. Just turned 20 and am disgusted in myself that all I drew in secondary school was shitty anime. Lately I've been trying desperately to improve, get motivated, and get better at figure drawing so draw what I actually want to draw.

>> No.3579854 [DELETED] 

I feel similarly man, though I'm probably not that talented.

Just turned 20 and am disgusted in myself that all I drew in secondary school was shitty anime. I just got so depressed after starting my shitty degree that I don't give a shit about. Lately I've been trying desperately to improve, get motivated, and get better at figure drawing so draw what I actually want to draw.

>> No.3579859

>could have

>> No.3579860 [DELETED] 

I feel similarly man, though I'm probably not that talented thb.

Just turned 20 and am disgusted in myself that all I drew in secondary school was shitty anime without learning any fundies except for head construction. Then I just started my shitty degree that I don't give a shit about, giving up mostly and drawing in small blasts of energy.

Lately though, I've been trying desperately to improve, get motivated and get better at figure drawing so I draw what I actually want to draw.

>> No.3579864

I feel similarly man, not the being better than people part, but the being angry at myself part.

Just turned 20 and am disgusted in myself that all I drew in secondary school was shitty anime without learning any fundies except for head construction. Then I just started my shitty degree that I don't give a shit about, giving up mostly and drawing in small blasts of energy.

Lately though, I've been trying desperately to improve, get motivated and get better at figure drawing so I draw what I actually want to draw.

>> No.3579865

I feel similarly man, not the being better than people part, but the being angry at myself part.

Just turned 20 and I am disgusted in myself that all I drew in secondary school was shitty anime without learning any fundies except for head construction. Then I just started my shitty degree that I don't give a shit about, giving up mostly and drawing in small blasts of energy, still not really focusing on improving.

Lately though, I've been trying desperately to improve, hit the books, get motivated and get better at figure drawing so I can draw what I actually want to draw.

>> No.3579868

>yeah man haha I was like REALLY SMART in elementary school but then I just DIDN’T TRY, I COULD’VE been great f I wanted I was really talented in elementary school
You never had the “gift” you fucking loser, this post reeks of the manchild mentality so many fuckups on this board share

>> No.3579933

you just mad cus u don't have the gift

>> No.3579944

People who obsess about what age they are, or "making it" by some arbitrary young age never make it. Especially if you're the sort who comes onto 4chan to whine about it.

Your entire life priorities are fucked, you're obsessed with being young and successful rather than just putting your head down and doing the work it takes to actually become just successful, whatever age it happens. The reality being most people have to work long careers building their skills and networking before they become "successful". Don't find 10 people on DA who did it young and extrapolate that out to mean everyone does it that way or not at all. Also, go outside.

This young pro meme is a hold over from the CA days of Miles and Sam being "pro" at 16/18. Neither of which are a blip on the radar today.

>tfw I could have better artist than 98% of /ic/
NGMI mentality. Being better than IC isn't hard, anyone who can draw a stick figure is better at art than 98% of IC. Being better than IC won't get you jobs, IC isn't your competition for jobs.

>> No.3579960

I always feel like i am too late to the party.

21yrs old rn and couldn't really start improving my artskills since my illness and mental problems mostly stopped me to.

I just hate the fact that i lost so much time and improved so little up until now.

How are you guys dealing with problems like this?

>> No.3579963

Just think about it, in your 30's it wont even matter how good you are if you're 35 and some other guy/girl is 39. And do you really give a shit about the 19 year old prodigy at that point?

It's just that 20 year olds and teens are obsessed with comparing themselves to each other.

>> No.3579964

as long as you have based taste in vidya you should use it for inspiration.

>> No.3579966

Guess you are right, maybe it'll get better once i get rid of most of the problems i have rn.


>> No.3580070

...is it bad that I kind of relate? I've always impressed my teachers at a young age, I remember one time our teacher in first grade made us draw and create clocks, I made one similarly to Mickey Mouse, and she was so impressed she actually got up and took me to her other teachers friends in the middle of class just to show off.

>> No.3580104

>wasted 13 years due to mental illness and not even caring about the simplest of things like hygiene
>still giving it my all after finally deciding to seek help a yearish ago

Just do you, what does age matter? All I did til I was about 14/15 was draw and all I ever wanted to be was an artist so why the fuck not, even if I am starting fundamentals late?

>> No.3580120

You rock, dude!
Wish i had the same attitude right now. I dont know why i am that stuck up. Seeing people surpassing me at even younger ages while i cant do shit just makes me angry/sad as fuck.

Keep it up

>> No.3580126

Being 'gifted' at something when you're 14 means basically nothing. I've noticed most people who were 'naturals' in high school got complacent and eventually got outpaced by more studious artists, and many of those just quit art when they're not special anymore. There is the odd talented person who is also studious, but you obviously weren't one of them, so just get on the wagon with the rest of us normies, because you're nothing special.

>> No.3580134

Honestly, I did the same - beating myself up constantly for all the wasted time.
But after getting help, speaking to psychologists and all that kinda shit I realized why waste time regretting the past when I could just start doing now. I still have to work on things like discipline and I still have bad weeks but hell, at least it's forward progress and not stagnant, y'know?
I still occassionally beat myself up when I have bad weeks, but then I just spend all day drawing cause why bother whinging to myself, lol.
Good luck my dude.

>> No.3580161

Kill yourself. End your suffering immediately.

>> No.3580680
File: 6 KB, 145x145, sad anime girl .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tf use the shit out of flipnote on the dsi xl
>have to trade in the dsi xl for the first model 3ds
>spend years not animating due to not having the right equipment to animate
>get back into it and everything feels so slow and wonky

granted I bet when I was in middle school whatever I animated probably wasn't the best, but I still knew what to do and if I had stuck to it I could've improved.

in any case, I'm back here and I'm trying to learn it again.

rip flipnote, I miss that shit everyday.

>> No.3580681

thank you for the laughs

>> No.3580683

I read that as autistic gift

>> No.3581961

post your work

anons this is a lesson in the dangers of stagnation

>> No.3583555
File: 605 KB, 1800x2800, raven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was 18 when I started drawing for reals, I used to think I was a god at art just because I was better than my non-drawing friends. Then I met this girl who was better than me and envy got me good and helped me to get better.

pic related an old drawing

>> No.3583559

dude, you're just a baby and have your whole life ahead of you, just fucking draw you idiot

>> No.3583566
File: 16 KB, 300x300, 1531983693332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a shame that even you who have some natural talent are falling into the problem of acting like natural talent is better than hard work.
As someone who was always told they had 'natural talent' for both art and science let me just say it's bullshit. Natural talent is surface level at best and anyone who puts in just 50 -100 hours of (correct) hard work will surpass it. It just seems special to a lot of people because they have no interest in scraping through the intro shit of a field they don't care enough to learn, if they did they'd soon realize how flawed the gifted people are. I worked my ass off to get ahead in STEM and my drawing because I knew how shallow my understanding was and that it wouldn't improve without work.

Stop acting like you missed your chance, there are 60-80 year olds who pick up art or music after retiring and work hard enough to become brilliant in a few years. If you need to rely on natural talent you're going to stay at the same skill level and just stagnate while everyone passes you by.

>pic unrelated

>> No.3583570

>skilled realism will only lead you to mediocrity.
>knowing fundamentals before going off the beaten path is bad
God you must be such a special little snowflake to be this dismissive. Let me guess, you draw the same stuff over and over again and never show improvement but some tumblr followers love it every time you post something. I wouldn't be surprised if it's all anime same-face as well.