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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3578116 No.3578116 [Reply] [Original]

>only artists can judge art

>> No.3578122
File: 45 KB, 903x960, WEW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you literally need to be a movie director to say a Micheal Bay film is bad

>> No.3578126

it certainly helps to know how to make art to critique art, but not necessary to judge. Imagine someone knowing nothing about form or composition, and then telling others that it's shit for that reason. It helps with more constructive criticism, saying "if he used gesture to help create the person it would be a better photo" then "it looks like shit faggot". It's why old critics had a mastery of knowledge about their art form.

>> No.3578132

>you need to be a baker to judge if bread you ate is good

>> No.3578274
File: 435 KB, 2175x1068, 835701d825506f707bfb43bd1f1abe7c3f6a381fe70c833633ab36d320f8b29f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe he's the strawman but, kim jung gi's art isn't that impressive or cool until you realize what it takes to do it. I thought his stuff wasn't that great at first, acquaintances that don't draw and don't know about fundamentals didn't care much for his stuff either. Through experience you realize most pros, given infinite time couldn't do 1 horseman as well as pic related, which was probably done on the fly without any construction.

Normies can't see or account for the hardwork that goes into art like other artists can, normies see art objectively, good or bad.

>> No.3578298


Anyone can judge the quality of art, but only an artist is qualified to give specific advice on how to improve it.

You can tell a chef that dinner tastes like burnt asphalt, but unless you know how to cook, you won't be able to help him improve it.

>> No.3578299

Kek, I literally had your image loaded up when my brother who has no interest in art at all came by and said "wow, that's cool." I burst out laughing.

>> No.3578301

Da Vinci said everyone can admire nature, so everyone can admire a poor imitation of nature

>> No.3578303

what are you talking about? normies love kjg

>> No.3578306

>videos on youtube with 1m+ views
>clearly not impressive to normies

literally laughing at your life

>> No.3578315


image rel was a bad example and it didn't really help my argument.

Normies might like his work but the point I'm saying is I was a normie once that didn't care for his work at all until after I started trying to improve in art.

>> No.3578433
File: 48 KB, 600x600, 1526746294888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brainlet's can judge whatever they want. but what value is there in the opinion of a retard?

>> No.3578438

>You need to be a mechanic to know if your car is broken

>> No.3578445
File: 515 KB, 744x655, 1437258188477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all art is equal therefore every level of work is to be evaluated by the lowest common denominator of opinion.

>> No.3578484

everyone judges art as soon as they are confronted to it. Everyone can critique art but you need knowledge to make a valuable critique. As a layman, it doesn't really matter, if you're actually an aspiring artist, you should refrain yourself from throwing unsolicited critique you have proven yourself competent enough in that field.

>> No.3579373

Michael Bay films aren't bad though.
That's just a /tv/ meme.

>> No.3581390

>I'm saying is I was a normie once that didn't care for his work at all
I think you have to accept the fact that you weren't just a normie that didn't know about art, you were also a retard.
Stop trying to group normies with you, as other anons have already pointed our, most normies love Kim Jung Gi.

>> No.3583297

No, you need a decent mechanic to fix your broke car just like you need a decent artist to fix your broke art.

>> No.3584041

Sakimichan fanboy detected.

>> No.3584049
File: 61 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post more food analogy
also old masters sucks and cant draw

>> No.3584052

same thing goes for people like craig mullins, ruan jia jaime jones etc etc

>> No.3584075

what kind of retards do you hang out with that don't immediately think some chink drawing out a complicated scene from imagination is cool? make some new friends

>> No.3584083

>opinions from someone that doesn't know anything about the craft