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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 938 KB, 1536x2048, 7FAF47FE-D71B-4E57-A69E-B13AC9DA58AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3565580 No.3565580 [Reply] [Original]

It’s harder than thought

>> No.3565583 [DELETED] 

Everything's harder than a nigger thinking.

>> No.3565584 [DELETED] 

Like this dick in ur mouth?

>> No.3565586 [DELETED] 

Call me when you can afford viagra.

>> No.3565595 [DELETED] 

I don’t need it faggot

>> No.3565679

your composition, use of colors and brushwork is improving

keep it up

>> No.3565733

what fucking composition, use of colors and brushwork are you even talking about, you brain dead nigger?
if this shit is what your life has become, you pathetic, spamming, samefagging excuse for a human being, then i'd highly recommend that you just fucking end it already.

>> No.3565760

I like it. Tiger approves

>> No.3565768

i unironically enjoy this piece, and this might be the first positive comment I ever sent over to you

>> No.3565803

It’s a really good piece. Acrylic is hard. Thanks Chun et. al.

>> No.3565842

I thought you always used acrylics?

>> No.3565843
File: 146 KB, 800x1000, 14AE488A-8A2A-4D3A-9E60-C2EC28733172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use oil

>> No.3565927


>> No.3565946

improving doesn't mean made it. Chill the fuck out.
saw some of your other work, the impasto techniques are helpful but I highly recommend reading some color theory.
its not the wort but Christ those blacks/grays/ whites really flatten this.

>> No.3565947

How so?

>> No.3565953

post work

>> No.3565956

this. the improvement is steady keep going desu

>> No.3565963


>> No.3565964
File: 171 KB, 543x813, indicative.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its most evident here, see how the coolness and the value of that gray conflicts with the warmth of the hair? and how the black in the ear reads more like an outline more than a value shift?
using out of tube blacks/whites its the easiest way to make work look amature. especially in traditional painting. VERY FEW colours are actually bone/ivory/mars black or titanium/flake white. They get close but our eyes perceive the nuances of the colours and the relative colours that are present. specificity is key.

>> No.3565966


>> No.3566030


>> No.3566052

that's the most interesting part of the picture dude

>> No.3566126
File: 47 KB, 194x184, laughreact3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3566137
File: 54 KB, 188x190, srsly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omygod is this picture gonna be a thing now

>> No.3566141
File: 66 KB, 188x245, laughreact.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fucking hope so

>> No.3566153

The problem with acrylic is that it dries too fast. Use a retarder - it slows the drying time. If a retarder is too expensive you can use a sexual lubricant. It works the same way as a retarder.

>> No.3566197
File: 246 KB, 970x799, Maggot fingers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another claw fisted attempt. Added to my collection.

>> No.3566202
File: 92 KB, 503x617, Portrait_of_Carolus-Duran (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the love of humanity, please look at how a proper painter can capture the form of a hand, and learn some humility.

>> No.3566208

are you ever gonna finish a painting
or are you just gonna show us these quick color sketches?

>> No.3566219

The hand is actually kind of dope.

>> No.3566233

remove yourself from the planet.

>> No.3566362

Some of y’all wouldnt know a great painting if your life depended on it.

>> No.3566364

God for fucks sake. This is shit makes me cry almost. I'm so sick of seeing your stuff. SO sick. It's unbelievable. And this is one of your tamer ones even.
What is up with the candy colours?! Why?! The edges are so hard. Not to mention the drawing errors. It's unbelievable that most of this is a choice. Please, stop this. This gave me acid reflux.

>> No.3566369

Just really, just go back to the basics man. Just work on drawing, the values and edges. Just please.

>> No.3566372

Please my man. Stop this. Please. I beg you.

>> No.3566376

You sound like a faggot...especially since you can’t do better

>> No.3566379


>> No.3566384

Fuck it, fuck this site. Fuck it all.

>> No.3566427

I almost barfed looking at this crap

>> No.3566432


OP, please continue. Please keep at it. Please. I believe in you.

>> No.3566438

I think youre pretty annoying illastrat but please keep going and git gud I would love to see the threads about

>> No.3566441

Wow that's really ugly

>> No.3566443
File: 54 KB, 1280x720, sans gaming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Replies: 42
>Posters: 21

>> No.3566444

Stop this meaning stop being so arrogant and ignoring fundamentals. Not stop making art.

>> No.3566446

He's never going to git gud because of his arrogance. Look at the edges and colour choices. He's inane. Probably has never looked at anything but his art. No studies, nothing. How can you improve? Have you seen his shit from 6 years ago. Like shit, that's 6 years? Fuck me. He'll never even get close to some faggot grinding away at an atelier for 2 years lol.

>> No.3566451

If so ever looked at one good painting and noticed the large amount of difference in skill, would he have this ego? Obviously not. That's why he'll never git gud. For so long as he keeps that attitude up.

>> No.3566454

its pretty late in the meme game to talk about illastrat and improvement.

he's just doing his own thing, worry about yourself.

>> No.3566482
File: 762 KB, 1242x877, 2A7BC786-4D6F-42D3-AF38-937450141A28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reddit says otherwise.

In 8 hours

>> No.3566484
File: 408 KB, 2048x2048, 054A131F-12F5-496B-8E6D-E21E8C23EE33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notice posters and post. It’s the same nigga posting hate. May my name be like acid in your mouth

>> No.3566490

this nigger needs to get doxxed. who's with me

>> No.3566493

he's BEEN doxxed you stupid newfag.

>> No.3566496

I been character assinated by former friends on Facebook, doxxed, and hacked. Shit doesn’t work.

>> No.3566499

proof or it didn't happen, dumb fuck

>> No.3566509

ever heard of 'lurk moar'?

i don't need to catch you up with old inane /ic/ drama. go fuck yourself.

>> No.3566514

so, you can't prove it. which means this nigger needs to get doxxed

>> No.3566534

ok dox him. you'll have to ask your mom and dad and their work friends to dox him with you because this shits old. ok little guy?

>> No.3566545

Fuck right off

>> No.3566557

Here is his work from 2009.
He's actually getting worse over 9 years.
9 fucking years.

>> No.3566587
File: 97 KB, 600x450, 6DB0DCB4-CEF0-4ABF-969A-348318EEE830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga comparing an ink and gouache drawing I did when 15 to a oil painting at 22. So stupid

>> No.3566589

are you from the /beg/ thread? that is in no way better. not even a little. worse in many ways.

>> No.3566762


>> No.3566775

You're doing god's work, anon.

>> No.3566792
File: 131 KB, 643x634, Sausage fingers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>File: 2A7BC786-4D6F-42D3-AF38-9(...).jpg (762 KB, 1242x877)
Thanks. It's an easy bait, but I've got the time on my hands.

>> No.3566795

reddit is a bunch of guilty white people playing a preemptive race card so nobody calls them racist.

>"what do you think of this art"
>oh its shit
>"but it was done by a nigger"
>oh god please dont call me racist, i meant that its a master piece,.

>> No.3566840

I am long in as a white person

>> No.3566880

kys nigger

>> No.3566936

if you tried just a bit the weird-ass grotesque nigger style might justify the god awful everything else but right now you're only getting worse with every painting
>>3566587 is approaching decent, looks like you had fun with it too, but somehow you keep fucking it up worse and only straying away from that bit of improvement you need to paint well

>> No.3567193

Take it easy it's just a drawing

>> No.3567255


You keep reposting this steaming pile of shit and everytime I can't help but wonder wtf I'm looking at.

>> No.3567499

What's the difference between oil and acrylic in practice?

>> No.3567504

not him, but the main difference is that acrylics dry very fast so you can't blend much, and they dry really flat so impasto isn't as important. they also have a different texture, so they make different marks and feel a bit different (obviously), they also don't smell as much. they're also generally more versatile, drying quicker has benefits in that area, but there's also a greater selection of mediums, ways to slow down drying, ways to make them into basically inks, etc.

i think basically for me i'd sum it up as, they're easier to use, but they don't lend themselves to making pretty pictures like oils do.

>> No.3567551

To me they r not easier

>> No.3567728

Neither is spelling, I see.

>> No.3567733

You're doing good. Switch to oils before it's too late. Try glazing the lips.

>> No.3567736

raw talent

>> No.3567755

I noticed. Very natural

>> No.3567934


Self portrait, obviously

>> No.3567939
File: 88 KB, 310x327, blyat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cmon cease this obvious samefagging

>> No.3567996

Thx. I am trying to take over the world

>> No.3568024

Just here to let you know I like your stuff, OP. Don't know why people are giving you shit.

>> No.3568066

Because I’m black....quite frankly

>> No.3568087

Nigga say what? How'd you manage to make oil look like elementary school grade acrylic?

>> No.3568094

They are very cheap oils...student grade. They don’t have the luminosity of Winsor. First criticism of that kind though. You must be a racist

>> No.3568096

Are you realy this delusional?

>> No.3568105

I am not being delusional. Y’all repeatedly call me a nigger, your criticisms have no validity. Too many people like what I do.

>> No.3568108

Your shortcomings as an artist have nothing to do with you being black.

>> No.3568113

Well stop being race up by calling me a nigger. I could say it was racial if you didn’t call me one. Drop that word and your criticisms loose all credibility. Notice, y’all say it in nearly all my negative critiques itt.

>> No.3568117

People call you a nigger because you keep using being black as a defense and generaly acting like a buffoon, come on, it's not just /ic/ you got banned from Deviantart for acting like that.

>> No.3568119

So this guy has the African lip disk, some sort of rifle and radio, what is the gray stuff around his head? A powdered wig? Bullets? Bells?

>> No.3568123

I got banned 6 years ago.

>> No.3568126

African head dress

>> No.3568129

People that use the word are racist and I would never take their criticism seriously. Find better ways to put me in check

>> No.3568131

Thats reasonable.

>> No.3568138

And since they seem to be the only ones that has something negative to say, I assume I am hated because I am black which is obviously the smartest assumption. Peep this thread. Drawfag and his cronies are the only ones calling me a nigger. Everyone else praises my art. I am not samefagging.

>> No.3568142

nah, there are plenty of people here who wants to see you grow as an artist, but think you hold yourself back by refusing to aknowledge that you have a lot to learn

>> No.3568149
File: 1.43 MB, 2783x2162, C8C72FF0-0FAD-40B1-864D-3B849C9A6E9C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When have I refused that I have a lot to learn? Never. I learn new shit everyday. Y’all planted that seed based on my attitude from years ago and won’t let it die. But honestly, y’all need to chill on that. Give your critiques. I listen.

>> No.3568150
File: 1.55 MB, 3024x4032, es no buena face 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isn't it the fucking worst

>> No.3568151
File: 316 KB, 1321x988, 2D215B79-96A3-4DE9-9FBC-6791EC901747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art from when I started. I’ve grown

>> No.3568160
File: 1.43 MB, 3024x4032, they live face 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that being black would definitely make your life harder here, but it doesn't necessarily have to be a race thing for the cucks here to talk shit anonymously. They primarily just attack people because they're insecure and it's easier to "critique" than create and shit.

Like yeah I'm sure it's a factor for a bunch of the faggots here but they'd still be talking shit regardless. Just attack you for some other shit.

>> No.3568173

That painting is dope

>> No.3568314
File: 2.18 MB, 3024x4032, 41. Dennis Implications.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks bud. thinking I may gogh up pic related while I'm at it

>> No.3568345

Good stuff. I hope u make it

>> No.3568932

Illastrat, your art is cool. Keep it up.

>> No.3568944

when you used to make threads a couple of weeks go sayin "IM THE BEST IN THE WORLD"

but its good that youve toned down on that.

>> No.3568945

Clash of legends right here

>> No.3569580

You have been caught samefagging multiple times, so don't deny it. Also, don't take "nigger" personally in this place, it's a word ingrained into the site's culture itself, whether you like it or not. I think you should stick to reddit, it's a lot less racist and people like you there. It would be for the best of us all.