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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3564646 No.3564646 [Reply] [Original]

>find niche
>just draw
>it needs time
>interact with your audience
>draw furry/porn

Any non-meme advice for becoming popular.. ?

>> No.3564647

Enjoy life.

>> No.3564650

pay for likes, follows etc. have fake patreon contributors so people don't feel weird giving you money. cultivate relationships with peers, be prepared to bet on yourself, time, money, doing favours etc.

if you're not prepared to be fucked if you don't make it then you know you don't actually have 'it' so you shouldn't bother.

>> No.3564665

Finding a niche isn't a meme. Knowing who to market your art to is the best thing you can do.

I recommend you participate in art challenges. For example you will be surprised how many followers you get when you participate in Inktober. Its great too, because art challenges will help you improve as well.

>> No.3564681
File: 876 KB, 1920x818, 1464139690247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn to draw
Start uploading art at some website to get followers
Only post your best work
Don't fill your art accounts filled with random bullshit nobody cares about
Post art daily but don't spam, people will unfollow you
Interact with your followers
Draw things you're a fan of, if you're a fan of something then there's always other fans out there
Drawing the most popular thing out there isn't necessarily the best way to succeed. There's a million artists out there that post whatever is popular but there's a ton of pop culture that most artists doesn't care about

>> No.3564684

>only post your best work
>post art daily
choose one

>> No.3564689
File: 155 KB, 449x401, 1533250508088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It still makes sense. If you do 10 drawings in one day, post your best drawing. You do draw daily, right?

>> No.3564704

What series are popular at the moment to draw fanart of?

>> No.3564706


>> No.3564729

If any of that advice seems like a meme to you, you probably forgot another crucial step:
>don't be shit at drawing

If you want to be popular, on top of having good social media skills you still have to actually be a good artist with something that some people want to see. Inb4 you give me examples of people you personally think are trash but are still popular, they're obviously doing better than you at either marketing themselves or their art or wouldn't you be in their place?

>> No.3564740
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Say that to an illustrator who spends atleast 15 hours per piece

>> No.3564754

That's fine but you can still make a good looking doodle for the day. Seriously, posting daily is the biggest factor with getting popular. Posting art daily doesn't have to be art that took you hours to make

>> No.3564761

>pay for likes, follows etc. have fake patreon contributors
I love how this is the newest delusion of the hopeless NGMI people
>It's not that my art isn't good enough or that I have nothing whatsoever to offer to people, it's that all successful artists just bought their followers!

>> No.3564796

I like you anon.

>> No.3564798

Cells at work
Wreck it ralph

>> No.3564800

that's a weird way of looking at it. childish even. likes, follows and comments give you an advantage in the algorithms and it's well known people are more likely to get into something if other people are already into it.

not everything is about weird little creeps (like you possibly idk) trying to make up for their inadequacies.

>> No.3564930

Don't be too mean with that anon, he just doesn't know how the humain brain works

>> No.3564940

you should never listen /ic/ advices except one that advise you to not listen /ic/
also drawing things you don't like = same as working at shit job
and your art will suffer too

>> No.3564943

but if you weren't a shit artist you wouldn't need to kickstart yourself in the first place

>> No.3564973


>> No.3564983

>have fake patreon contributors

what did he mean by this?

>> No.3564985
File: 12 KB, 480x290, FB_IMG_1531292366838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo op we should conttact some how, ot afraid of digging througb spam if someone besides you sends me a message somewhere, just give an art name cuz i also do stuff like that, im eventually gonna draw some hentai doujin manga stuff for hentai gallery dot net and upload it, but down the roaf when my skills become professional enough im gonna be drawing serious non hentai related full mangas as a career one in few years i would love to share art and talk n stuff so i hope your still checking this thread. Lets figure something out :D how you wanna make first contact?

>> No.3564986

inktober.. uh really? I tried last year but only on tumblr really.. What platform would you recommend?

>> No.3564990

enjoy yourself, dont study unless you want to.

>> No.3564994

chink krenz tier here. nope the marketing bs you're trying to feed doesn't work that way. Also posting shitty animu drawings and furry porn on your blog hardly has anything to do with marketing skills anon..

>be girl, bait your woke art, let lonely high-follower orbiters come to you, befriend, after you get their followers discard them, rinse&repeat

there hasn't been a "new" successful male artist in 5 years, gee I wonder why

>> No.3564998


Yep this has been my biggest flaw. I've been going in a thousand different directions and my portfolio used to be a disjointed mess were each piece looked like it was made by a different artist. Had to do a lot of soul searching before I could trim off the fat and get to the core of what type of art I wanted to do. I stopped posting to social media for two years and just worked on my art without showing it to anyone else. I have just released my new streamlined portfolio and it has been very well received. Day and night difference.

What I have come to realize is that while it is ok to have different types of art in your portfolio you should try to limit it to a few different subcategories that each have their own unique identity so you basically have a mini portfolio for each "style".

>> No.3565001

You cannot make 10 FINISHED drawings a day. Maybe 3 at most if you work fast, but I think a lot of people would be lucky if they could finish something every other day.

Now, 10 sketches a day? Easily done within 2 hours. However, do people want to see your sketches? Uhhh, unless they're as clean as KJG sketches, I think not.

>> No.3565019

Are you telling me orbiters are a new thing?

>> No.3565094

>there hasn't been a "new" successful male artist in 5 years
Time to prove you wrong...

>> No.3565263

>look at this dude.. he's fucking shining

imagine being so popular people call you god and want to suck your dk anytime anywhere..

>> No.3565981

realize what you want out of your art
if you want to be popular, well you're in the wrong hobby

>> No.3566088


>> No.3567295


>> No.3567297

minions are popular afaik