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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 103 KB, 1267x887, 134134242543435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3563380 No.3563380 [Reply] [Original]

>"hi yeah I'm looking for friends and artbuddies online"

why do artists always say this? It's like on one side they push everyone away, but on the other side they want to have a few people to talk to so not to feel alone.

No matter the status of artistic success you have at this moment, is friendship important to you? both mentally and physically

>> No.3563384

They want to find people who share their interests and mindset
But at the same time they're fucking autists who get depressed all the time and think everyone hates them

>> No.3563391

>and think everyone hates them
i'm convinced even my therapist hates me desu

>> No.3563396

basically. personally i want friends who are interested in art, so i can talk about art without people's eyes glazing over, but i don't actually want any new friends because they take up time and energy.

>> No.3563400

I don't say it but maybe I should because I'm lonely as fuck and have no one but bitter people on /ic/ to talk art with. I think many e-artists feel that way.

>> No.3563420


People want a supportive environment around them that they can personally gain from without judgement or having to sacrifice time, energy, or emotions into to have.

Otherwise, those people would already have art friends. /ic/ itself would be a better place by default.

>> No.3563442

If you have anything resembling a work, social, or personal life, e-friends are obnoxious and draining. You don't realize how sad other people are until they get all butthurt that you have to do things that aren't in front of a computer like cook dinner, read books, or go to the gym.

>> No.3563454

Literally me

>> No.3563466
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I dont think this is the case at all. I am kind of desperately looking for artist friends, and I've met quite a few people that draw, but their style and narrative and objectives are so different than mine that I dont think they can add or relate to any of my elements, so I'm just not interested. Its not about supportive non harmful enviorment at all, stop thinking everyone is this much of a faggot.

>> No.3563514

You'd have a better time with other creatives. It's not like you ever talk directly about art anyway, that gets boring after a week.

Anon is right though, most people are looking for the kind of acquaintances you find in a club or group where you don't have to be friends with them or deal with their personal lives and personality disorders. Especially over the internet. E-friends suck.

>> No.3563536

i fucking hate every artist i ever met.the older i get the more narrow and narrow my tolerance is toward someone i could call friend.

>> No.3563540

This is why you find better artist friends. I also got rid of normie friends because I'd rather be in an environment that encourages drawing myself. Our idea of a great time is to get together and draw a theme or collab together in one sitting, then chill and work on projects until one of us has to go do errands or to the gym. Sometimes we even play a movie but still work on stuff and listen and sling jokes around while doing it.

>> No.3563548
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Except everyone actually hates you, anon.

>> No.3563552

wtf lmao

>> No.3563555

do e-artists even want to be friends with someone they cannot use or gain something from?

It's not easy to find genuine good minded art firends that are also decent at art

>> No.3563556
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N-No, that's not true!

>> No.3563557
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>genuine good minded art firends that are also decent at art
Hey that's me, let be frendos!

>> No.3563559

Sometimes when you go in such environments, they start making fun of your work because it's basically merc-wip tier bad. It feels like these 'art groups' only cater to certain people like separating normal from mouthbreathers. Virtually impossible to find quality groups that are not circlejerk/sekret-club tier or 'you art is good as it is' mentality, no grey area.

>> No.3563562


>> No.3563586

Yes. Those are everywhere. It's only in some normie art groups that have newbies that ask 500 questions when they "hang out." Most are actually really chill.

desu drink anddraws are actually fantastic for finding chill artists irl. If you're looking online ironically artist-centric chats are usually full of people that talk about drawing but do so less than actual hobbyists. I'd look in groups that are cenered towards drawthreads or general projects.

>> No.3563589

Doors open once you get out of /beg/ hell. Most groups are as you describe, but the ones that aren't only seem that way for one simple reason. Few people want to teach or give /beg/ tier critique. Once you're competent and consistent, other artists are more willing to engage in a thoughtful manner.

>> No.3563590

>go to art class
>find the joys of drawing with other people
>class ends
>will never draw with other people ever again
>the taste of joy only served to show me what I'll be missing for the rest of my life

>> No.3563594

It's mostly because they think nitpicking is "Proper critique." They get it all the time they just don't know it. I always tell beginners to draw more and draw what they like and give them some books to read to supplement that. You can tell them how to study, but the rest has to be on them for the first crucial steps.

>> No.3563617

I can see that. I always get beginners looking for headpats and dickrubs for everything they do instead of the hard truth that drawing is like 90% sitting alone, studying and copying for 2 years straight until everything you do looks as if someone competent did it.

>> No.3563622

I mean it was cool of an idea but artists are insufferable pricks with egos the size of a gnat. They get so offended and always have self esteem problems. If I ever make artist friends again, they better be top tier shit with their lives sorted out. Almost all artists I know have a crab bucket mentality with no humor. Embarrassing.

>> No.3563658

this but unironically

>> No.3563660

people need

1. To find out what their competition amd friends competition is doing
2. To get stories on mistakes.

>> No.3563661

excuse you i don't think people hate me
i KNOW they hate me

>> No.3563728

Not only that but they ask for spoonfeeding every step of the way.
>"Did I draw this box okay?"
>"What's perspective for again? Nahh I'll learn that later."
>"But /ic/ said to [insert stupid study exercise here] Clearly you are wrong."
>"Just draw? haha funny meme xD"

>> No.3563739

i want alt righter draw buddy

>> No.3563758

You ever been in an art group IRL? Imagine all that, with high school art teacher/workshop buttworship instead of memes, and add in butting in on the adults talking.
>so, fellow artist, did you see that place trying to get a mural done and not even paying for the paint again?
>Why yes, yes I did. Goddamn bullshit if you ask me. The guy who runs it is a fucking scumbag piece of shit cocksucker. Never paid the photographer for the opening. How's the whole 'boys in their underwear" thing going?
>Pretty good, I finally got the tec-

>> No.3563763

i mean i want more friends, but friends that share my tastes, goals and dedication to art, not some kid that can barely draw or people whose art i don't like

>> No.3563788

Feng Zhu is that u?

>> No.3563932

>go to art class
>art teacher becomes your friend
>tricks you into nude modeling and special late night studies

every fuckin time

>> No.3563940
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>tfw no one will be my online art fren

>> No.3563943
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It's super fucking hard to make friends as an adult and unless you go outside and get an art education/a job, all contact you'll have with other artists is going to be online.

Niggas get lonely, man. Imagine not having anyone to share Vilppu and Loomis memes with.

>> No.3563947

Dumb frogposter.

>> No.3563949

you two should hook up friendos

>> No.3563955
File: 97 KB, 304x249, 1487651604320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey Anon what are you doing?
>hey Anon could you help me with something?
>hey Anon what do you think of this?
>hey Anon have you finished that piece yet?
>hey Anon what are your brush settings?
>hey Anon what do you think of this person?
>hey Anon have you seen the new release yet?
>hey Anon how do you draw this?
>hey Anon come join my discord
>hey Anon did you see who liked your piece?
>hey Anon do you have a reference I could use for this?
>hey Anon what do you think of my newest drawing?
>hey Anon

>> No.3563963
File: 324 KB, 1908x1428, 1533166133181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey Anon stop shitposting and draw you lazy fuck

>> No.3563966

You and I both know we come here to stop viewing what we're currently drawing for a moment to come back to it with fresh eyes and discover mistakes.

>> No.3563983
File: 161 KB, 300x308, 1430399092533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3564078

can we just have an /artbuddy/ discord?
like the only point of the discord is just to find other artists to be friends with. like whatever you do with your buddy is ireelevant the only reason for the discord is just to find buddies.

>> No.3564080
File: 51 KB, 720x577, 1526364838314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like an art friend who could teach me how to draw anime-style people better. I can help them with calculus/pre-cal or physics in exchange.

>> No.3564149

Maybe /ic/ also made me a cynical bastard that I am today

>> No.3564152

Pretty common in girls artists in fandoms. We just want to share good art without being competitive with each other

>> No.3564155
File: 7 KB, 196x250, b135s887611ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw japanese and korean artists message me out of nowhere and wants to be art buddies with me
maximum comfy

>> No.3564189

Post work or blog.

>> No.3564190

no way I'm gonna reveal myself

>> No.3564191

This is why I never take these claims to heart. You people really can't post some throw away sketch?

>> No.3564197

Sharing the same fetish doesn't make you good.

>> No.3564200

Shut the fuck up nico

>> No.3564201

Well i am at work and on mobile right now so I literally can't share anything

>> No.3564211

ok we can wait

>> No.3564214
File: 11 KB, 305x222, 1513039798751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm accepting the fact that i can't form meaningful relationships with normal functional people because my bitterness and other baggage turns them away
basically >>3563384 except subjecting people to deal with me makes me feel dirty

>> No.3564220

I'll probably forget about this thread later ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.3564221

no u wont

>> No.3564242

How do you guys balance art friends with work, personal time, and having a significant other? I find that when I spend more time being productive, I have pretty much zero time to spend online.

>> No.3564244
File: 1.09 MB, 200x270, 1534076880606.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having a significant other
>Implying i waste my time on bitches instead of doing art gains

>> No.3564248

Prioritize which one is most important to you and sacrifice the least priority.

>> No.3564254
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implying you have a choice

>> No.3564256
File: 165 KB, 439x550, 1530512436716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you got me.

>> No.3564264

Sorry friend I'm already good with math

>> No.3564329

I know it's a long shot and I don't expect to find anyone interested

>> No.3564341

Damn, you people are sad and pathetic as fuck

>> No.3564467

what a feelzy image

>> No.3564510

>I want

that' your problem, you want a "friend" so you can gain something from him/her, while masquerading it with general courtesy. Any semi successful artist sees through that.

>> No.3564515

nice one kid

then you should stop talking about yourself all the time. There is a reason why they drown in your baggage

>> No.3564527

yeah I need a life
and I need to draw

>> No.3564542

maybe you have some sort of underlying mental disorder

>> No.3564699

Art IS my personal time. I don't vidya or watch TV anymore.

>> No.3564967

The foundation of kinship is reciprocity. I am a beginner artist. So I can’t help anyone or be useful in this regard. I have other skill sets , however, which I declared. And I am willing to reciprocate if anyone needs help in this relevant area. Not sure what you’re butthurt about

>> No.3565003

I want purpose and friendly competition.
someone whose kind of into the same thing as me, a reason to do things like competitions or helping someone out, and the drive to do better.

because left to myself im lazy and lonely.

>> No.3565006

You got it all wrong, just trying to explain to you that your motives are rather questionable in regards to friendships.. if you even want a genuine friendship that is.

You sound like you're a merchant, trying to "befriend" another merchant

>> No.3565009

so If I make a discord, will weirdos join in?

>> No.3565016

The only people who get upset about that are neets who have no hobbies.

>> No.3565063

that's not how friendship goes famalam

>> No.3565067

Yes. Then cliques will form, and then people will get passive aggressive about said cliques because they have "anxiety" and feel like they are not given the attention they feel due to them/need their hand held to socialize. Many will stop posting but will remain in the server, except the one who shitposts in the general and one who wordlessly posts in the inspiration tab.

>> No.3565073


I made one for VN development, keep moderation to a minimum and encourage everyone to shit talk whatever and whoever they want with no consequences.

Turns out being able to be unpleasant and a complete cunt to one another frees people from being passive aggressive and makes them overall nicer. People just need to feel like there's nothing stopping them from going off every once in a while, being allowed to be less than perfect makes a place full of weirdos bearable.

>> No.3565118

"My ideal and concept of friendship is the one true definition of friendship. I am the arbiter of what makes two people friends"

Okay, if that's what you believe then obviously any conversation or discussion from here on is pointless. There can be none. Because you've already decided you alone define the terms of this discussion.

I'm not going to lie about myself or my skills. I can't say "I'm willing to help criticize your art to help you improve if you want to criticize mine" when I know I'm extremely lacking in artistic skills compared to many others on this board. I want to get better at drawing anime-style people, and I made As in calc 1-3. I am willing to exchange art study/tutoring for math/calculus study/tutoring. Because that is a developed skillset I have.

I am asking for something, and offering something. If that doesnt qualify as friendship in your mind, so be it. Thats sort of irrelevant

>> No.3565254
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ugh.. it's not about your lack of artistic skill, I think most ppl would kinda distance themselves from you since you're just so... robotic and calculated. Like some high-up-their-butt cliche class rep geek.

loosen up, chill a bit. People might assist you when they have some time, without needing anything from you.

>> No.3565288
File: 59 KB, 958x960, 32325614_1523055707800024_6403123886975614976_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was in group chat that we constructed here on /ic a year or two ago. It was great talking to people who share similar interests and who had the same grind goals as you. But the some were hardcore weebs and talked about anime and talked in moonrunes and that was mildy annoying. Then yes we also had one of those who constantly asked for every waking step of their piece. There were days where we would share alot of good knowledge amongst each other, but most of the days were spent just shitposting and basicly talking. I've decided to quit the group becouse I cannot draw and be social at the same time. There is time and place for that. It is nice to have art friends but you have to take time to git gut too.

>> No.3565294

>People might assist you when they have some time, without needing anything from you.
I'd rather not get help at all in that case

>> No.3565320

I do actually, diagnosed
but my actions still have consequences regardless of any mental illness I may have

>> No.3565333

>ugh like ugh youre so like robotic like ugh cringe much? it’s so cold to say you want to help someone in exchange for their help lmao like just ask for help and don’t offer anything instead . wow I don’t have an argument but you sound creepy

The absolute state of normie teenage girls

>> No.3565418

You too huh? What's yours?

>> No.3565432

It gets pretty lonely at the top

>> No.3565441

I can't sleep at night thinking about it

>> No.3565494

t. friendless losers

>> No.3565507

/ic/ is just r9k with pencils dbh

>> No.3565536

Same here. I just can't form meaningful relationships with other people

>> No.3565606

I forgot "friends threads" on 4chan are plagued with bitter, manic depressive NEETs

Anyway if someone is taking a math heavy class next semester and wants to trade anime drawing tips for pre-calc, calc 1-3, phys1-2 help, give me a (you).

>> No.3565631

someday anon
someday with teraphy

>> No.3565713

dude im super chil at being art friends from years of msn messenger as a teen

and just i can be friends with anybody

like this instead of that? neato

the key is this: a real friends accomadates his time to the other to the best he can, and when he cant be around the other friend is always supportive if not downright encouraging the other yeah man you really need to take a break fugg.

i just do text not audio/video

like take for example you want to be my friend. get to know me, what do yout think of this: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LLBhqRQfbEk

i think madoka is awesome. but you hate anime ? oh neat why lol

my friends always were my friends not because they liked anime or drawing but because they hung out with me even though we didnt like the same stuff we always were honest: no we are not watching anime that shits gay.

and when they wanted to watch football and crap i gave my 2 cents

but see i was there with them still. i was giving up my time to shit on the packers and how dumb the game is bleh

it doesn''t matter what you do or who you do it with, all that matters is having a "good time" good as in always stay positive no matter what, and devote the time to wasting time with your friend.

>> No.3565716

You sound like an insufferable yes-man of low intelligence and an incredible bore with nothing to offer.

>> No.3565720


>> No.3565879

Chances are they definitely do

>> No.3565901

Nigga what a you majoring?

>> No.3566049

>the state of incel autists

a few people pointed it out to you, so either take the critique and work on yourself, or just fuck off being a tilted class rep nobody wants to interact with.

>> No.3566635

Aerospace eng

>> No.3566641

>taking advice on how to build and maintain friendships from 4chan
yeah, nah i'm good tbqh senpai

>> No.3568686

phew looks that way

>> No.3568689
File: 181 KB, 1280x1268, tumblr_p0asciRGvl1s4ynjgo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any art friend discords for chill but dedicated ppls?

>> No.3568726

go check out /las

>> No.3568729


hard working ppl welcome, newbs or not.

>> No.3568738

>2 members

>> No.3568742

with a shitty website like that? no thanks

>> No.3568753
File: 89 KB, 533x458, smack2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, fucking christ

>> No.3568755

Rome wasn't built in a day :/

>> No.3568757

https://discord.gg/9fWbvdJ :)

>> No.3568758

>caring about the website layout at all

>> No.3568970

Fuck off namefag

>> No.3568984

isn't that one a bit oversaturated with memes and non artists?

>> No.3569232

Nobody cares. Go draw with your imaginary friends

>> No.3569432

Best way to have chill communitiness is to have a weekly livestream watching something.

Doesn't matter if it's movies or animu. Having a thing to watch makes people come, and then it's a matter of either using it as background noise or chatting.

>> No.3569440

I always find that the best artbuddies aren't people whose art I admire or even like, but the people I just get along best with. Honestly my best artbuddies don't have the best work, but they're fun to talk to and they help encourage me to draw because I want to draw things of their ocs for them.

>> No.3569452

I wanna have sex with my drawbuddy

>> No.3569456
File: 43 KB, 1280x720, 2D421099-647D-48C2-B33C-6DB85B9425B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking random people online are your “friends”

>> No.3569554

stop being so butthurt /las, you guys should draw more

>> No.3569595

>I'm so unique, edgy and depressed guise xDD
Just take your meds, I bet you guys nonironically still play vidya, watch anime and have internet ''''''''''''''''friends'''''''''''''''''''' but you somehow think you are special.

You are not, you are just a huge faggot

>> No.3569598

ironically playing video games is showing a real commitment to irony i must say.

what did you do today?
>played stupid shooty shooty bang bang, ah i'm dead, story driven multiplayer experiences for 14 hours straight lol, what bs
did you remember to do those job applications?

>> No.3569601
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It's probably because you have a shit personality, m8.

>> No.3569613

Fuck that, I know a guy who keeps sending me news articles and can't stop complaining about women and minorities. It was was whatever at first but now it's just annoying.

>> No.3569616

Gimme your discord handle. I think we can set something up.

>> No.3569617

nobody in here deserve any friends or a decent discord.thats what you get for all the people you misguided,trolled and make fun of.reality is you are a bunch of living garbage,shitposting is the only thing you can provide in a discussion and critiques are useless unless done by someone that knows his shit.all you do with this behaviour is attract even more crabs/shitposters because they become bitter as you.going to discord doesnt solve this issue either when you assemble a lot of people with this mindset the result is 4chin lite which is also garbage.believe it or not hateboxes/hurtboxes are shit for creative hobbies after a while it gets to you and you end up hating yourself and your art.hugboxes are helpful for keeping you drawing even without critique. i know.. i know after a while all the "nice,keep going" taste like a huge lie and you think people are just pretending to like your stuff but hearing is shit over and over again is even worse.

>inb4 projecting
no i am not you know you are in this shithole because you have nowhere else to go or do

tldr; you dont deserve shit get a better personality,drop the hatemachine mindset and start be useful for the community or leave 4chin forever and get a reddit-lite/or semi-pro/pro artist community and be humble


>> No.3569621
File: 52 KB, 1280x720, 1436694063484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want what you had

>> No.3569637

see you tomorrow ^^

>> No.3569648

You gain nothing from talking down to others on 4chan btw. And you dont fool anyone.

t. Month global banned pass user posting from mobile.

>> No.3569782

i like that.

>> No.3570323
File: 40 KB, 640x1136, Snapchat-1619714511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want a fucking rival man. Some naruto and sasuke shit. I want someone who is better than me but not too much, so I can try and overcome them and have them motivate me and be like "hey fag guess who is fucking hot models and drawing them" so I can actually stop playing dota and get good at art.
I dont want some fag to tell me everything is ok and you dont get good at drawing overnight and that other onion shit.