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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 266 KB, 1000x1500, Lilith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3556452 No.3556452 [Reply] [Original]

this is lilith, one of my waifus

the short faggot to her side is me

say something nice about lilith

>> No.3556476

delete your thread, we dont care about your shit fetishes

>> No.3556479

speak for yourself

>> No.3556495

Get a real wife fag.

>> No.3556503

This isnt the board for this. Go to /i/

>> No.3556515

fucking disgusting. consider your thread HIDDEN

>> No.3556588

Hot af, got me diamonds!
Do you have more anon, or a tumblr or DA?

>> No.3556600

Dubs! Also whats the name of this specific fetish?

>> No.3556648


>> No.3556658

Didnt get two dubs just for this, OP better deliver!
Also how is it gay when it's a woman? Bet you're one of the fags that thinks traps arent

>> No.3556677

aggressive gross women are a tumblr tier fetish and it isnt much different than being a cuck psychologically

>> No.3556682

i think youre just trying to rationalise your bias against someones fetish.

>> No.3556733

>tumblr tier
but this is actually well drawn with proportions taken into mind

>> No.3556777
File: 374 KB, 1400x2212, 1479789887392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think the fetish is unkempt/unkept

>> No.3556797

Searched it on sankaku complex nothing showed up, where did you find that one?
Nice art and digits tho.

>> No.3556817

Id let her throatfuck me

>> No.3556832

clearly doesnt have a dick anon

>> No.3557167

Holy fuck finally I see some hairy girl fetish work. And on a big thick lady to boot
10/10 will wait for full render so I can fap

>> No.3557442


>> No.3557463


I like your work NGMI.

>> No.3557488

any time you post a nude drawing of someone that isn't a thicc milf or a bimbo with fat tits, people will REE at you on this board. op's pic nauseates me but its retarded to complain about someone else drawing what they enjoy

>> No.3557507
File: 89 KB, 1280x905, picking_mushrooms_by_ngmi-dc7gemr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like his work. Even saved a couple of pieces.

>> No.3557512
File: 422 KB, 849x1200, 1524217770146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it was him that did this Symmetra too?

>> No.3557517

nvm I just spotted his sig in the corner.

>> No.3557540

ah, ofcourse it's the granny poster the one licking hairy women

>> No.3557551

I like it. I know you might not want to share your waifu, but I really do like the mix of fit and curvy you gave her.

I hope she doesn't eat newborns like the Lilith in the Bible though.

>> No.3557557

Yh, I think he must have a granny fetish, but honestly I admire his technique, and his subject matter is refreshingly different too.

>> No.3557569

I unironically dig this in a non fetish way. I like the color palette.

>> No.3557614

Same. I want daddy NGMI to teach me how to render.

>> No.3557623

I want Lillith to crush my head with her massive hairy thighs.

>> No.3557624

/ss/ and unkempt, but its usually prettier and less realistic than OP's drawing.

>> No.3557666

>OP's drawing
u fucking wot? if your gf has nipple hair, and arms hairier than a lumberjack, you're dating a man.

>> No.3557678
File: 48 KB, 990x990, b0e9b513dc255fc9f588517ebcde153c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a shit ton of girls have a little nipple hair you dingus.
lay off the porn and go look at an actual female.

>> No.3557687
File: 75 KB, 625x625, 1531853263209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a shit ton of girls have a little nipple hair
Speak for yourself, you neanderthal.

>> No.3557689

>speak for yourself
i am a dude

>> No.3557690

Bestiality is a sin desu.

>> No.3557755

Eh, this is true actually.
I'm female and around 22 I started to develop random, singular dark brown hairs around my nipples. I have like 4-5 on each tit, but I pluck them regularly so they've never really been noticeable. Shocked me the first time they grew, then I read up on it and it's incredibly common, as in most women have a couple. It's not that unusual considering we have hair all over our body, but what I don't understand is why they're always noticeable darker than other hair.

>> No.3557881

Do you take birth control?

>> No.3557920

>implying she couldnt do it without a dick

>> No.3558100

I've taken two different types before, yeah. Haven't been on it for years now since I realised I didn't fully know just what I was putting into my body and what it could be causing long-term, but now that you mention it, I guess the nipple hairs did appear round about the time I started taking birth control for the second time. Is this a known affect?

>> No.3558103

nope its very common, its about power dynamics and feeling weak and effiminate

gross sjw fetish

>> No.3558111
File: 103 KB, 955x1024, 1531700513200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even based hairy grannies dude left a turdwatch skidmark on his portfolio.
This timeline is shit.

>> No.3558133

>say something nice about lillith
If her creator could draw her better I'm certain she'd be a pretty lady

>> No.3558785

that's my fav one of his work i would love to marry a witch like her

>> No.3558798

I dont like nipple hair but if you don't like burly girls with strong hairy arms you're a total fag dude
smaller cute guy X big strong amazon is the thinking man's preference

>> No.3558802

hey bb show me your drawings
I'm honestly kinda suprised how many girls are actually on /ic/ but art is a more "universal" hobby unlike say vidya which is dominated by males, so it's not that weird I suppose

>> No.3558804

>gross sjw fetish
hair fetish existed before tumblr you memester
OP clearly has a fetish for that kind of woman he has never shown to be muh SJW

>> No.3558818


>> No.3559097

Honestly I'm as equally surprised at the disparity in men and women here. When I was younger and in school it was always the women that were the artists since they seemed to be the more creative types. I think that this is just because it's 4chan and more men browse her generally.

>> No.3559115

if she's 193cm then you're like 100....shit is retarded

>> No.3559238

The pain of having those fetishestastes..
Over 6 foot girl are rare.
Dominant girls are rare.
Unapologetic hairy and unkept girl are rare.

A combination of those 3 is nearly impossible to find...

>> No.3559242

>Is this a known affect?
When male weightlifters inject testosterone, they have to take anti-estrogen medication. Otherwise, the human body will take the excess testosterone and turn it into estrogen. And as a guy, you'll develop bitch tits (gynecomastia).

I have zero background in medicine, but I assume the same happens to women on birth control. You dose your body with massive quantities of estrogen, and your body converts some of that into testosterone. Which is why women on birth control are manic, impulsive freaks, even more so than women typically are.

>> No.3559277 [DELETED] 
File: 58 KB, 756x483, manic contraceptives.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are estrogen-only contraceptives but these lower-progestine products are supposed to make women more manic and promiscuous.

>> No.3559280
File: 397 KB, 900x823, hormonal-birthcontrol-cancer-risk-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3559282

>Which is why women on birth control are manic, impulsive freaks
Oh okay, that makes sense.
>even more so than women typically are
Wow r00d :(

>> No.3559283 [DELETED] 


>> No.3559289

Women are extremely emotional (manic) and impulsive by nature but that's not a personal attack towards women, and it's not necessarily a bad thing. The same mental systems that make women mildly neurotic are the same mental systems that make them effective caregivers of young children. Just stay out of the workplace and stay off birth control like a good girl.

>> No.3559293
File: 89 KB, 427x623, le Bon on womens brains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a workplace without women sounds heavenly.

>> No.3559298

That's why you study a math-heavy STEM field or learn a trade. You don't do it for the money, you do it to have a career where you can get away from women.

>> No.3559299

These are all very well drawn but its just not appealing, its good but its not porn

>> No.3559305

On one hand they're always DTF a coworker, but you don't want to be saddled with those cunts. If they're too old to fuck they'll ask you to do favors.

>> No.3559487

>Just stay out of the workplace
I earn more than my bf.
>and stay off birth control like a good girl
I've been sterilised because I despise children :)

>> No.3559514

>he thinks that brain size correlates with intelligence
If this were true we'd be being ruled by blue whales.

>> No.3559567

also no wonder about brain size, women have much smaller statures than men

>> No.3559636

>I've been sterilised because I despise children :)
That is why I love you.

>> No.3559684

so le edgy xD

>> No.3559733
File: 25 KB, 356x557, graymatter tunnelvision.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>he thinks that brain size correlates with intelligence
Le Bon's not saying that. And blue whales have a much higher rate of glial cells to neurons than we do, and neurons count for more. In humans we're essentially comparing gray matter.

>> No.3559739

women with autism might have a natural advantage however, since they're less able to switch tasks.

>> No.3559754

You're lying or you're like 35 years old. Surgeons will not perform sterilization on young women in the vast majority of cases.

>> No.3559892

ty I love me too.

Im 27, but I had the procedure 2 years ago at 25. I'm in the UK and I found the doctor via a CF forum I use. They made me wait 7 months for the op and I had to thoroughly convince them of my extreme tokophobia and distaste for children, but in the end I got it. You're right that it's a monumentous thing for a woman my age to attain, but not impossible. It requires a hell of a lot of shopping around and insistence. I've just never had that maternal drive. Honestly rather have a patch of land where I can house rescue animals like goats, chickens and sheep than birth a child. I see no attraction personally, but each to their own.

>> No.3559917

This is why women should be property. The poor things immediately ruin their own lives the moment they're given any agency.

>> No.3559976

I know you're a troll, but using that logic you men seem so intent on professing you're the only ones to possess (though I guess you're just a special boy :( ), on a world where we know that resources are finite, where overpopulation is resulting in a slow global destabilisation that will inevitably result in irreconcilable damage to our planet and the creatures that inhabit out, why do you believe that reproduction is the be all and end all to life? You don't feel there's anything more to squirting your seed into whatever poor woman falls onto your manhood one day and waiting 9 months to see what pops out? You don't think art, science, culture and philosophy have any meaning? I thought men were supposed to be the less neurotic sex lmao

>> No.3559983

>I have zero background in medicine
yeah that's a shock
i wonder why women are prescribed birth control for mood disorders caused by hormonal changes if birth control will turn them into an impulsive maniac

>> No.3560130

There's nothing in this world more beautiful and more moving than a mother cradling her infant, reading to her toddler, putting her children to bed. There's absolutely nothing that even comes close to how sacred these acts are or how important they are. Loving, caring, patient mothers are the reason we have a civilization. They allow for the creation of strong men, and gentle women. Without kind and loving mothers, you will over night have a generation of criminals and prostitutes.

What you've done to yourself is tragic beyond words. Worse yet, you've been failed but a multitude of people who allowed you to do this to yourself.

>> No.3560133

>there's nothing in this world more beautiful and more moving than a mother cradling her infant, reading to her toddler, putting her children to bed

Clearly you've never gazed upon my moist, sopping cunt.

>> No.3560139

sounds like you just hate kids. who the fuck do you think inherits culture you fucking idiot lmao

>> No.3560146
File: 434 KB, 319x240, goddamnSON.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's nothing in this world more beautiful and more moving than a mother cradling her infant, reading to her toddler, putting her children to bed.
What in the... f-f-f-fuck? o.O

>> No.3560171

Motherhood is beautiful. Families are beautiful.

This is incontrovertible. How can you act like openly declaring fondness for what are obviously the most pure and selfless and loving things, to be questionable? To be wrong? You're demented.

>> No.3560432

Well, when you put it THAT way, it's less creepy.

But, I think you're still wrong about
>What you've done to yourself is tragic beyond words.

What if she DIDN'T get sterilised, and as a result, had gotten pregnant?

The kid would have an unloving, uninvolved mother.
The kid, the mother, and society all LOSE in this situation.

Or am I just a faggot who is overthinking it?

>> No.3560470

This anon is right. I feel at my most divine and pure when I am being an attentive mother to my children, but people are different, parenthood isn't for everyone. The world needs good aunts and uncles, and creepy hermits too. Women should be trusted to decide they don't want kids the same time we trust them to live independently and choose their careers and decide who/whether to marry.
People who DONT want kids almost always put a lot more thought into it than people who eventually have them.

>> No.3560499
File: 47 KB, 439x480, 90402a6416b92ff3b29ba788518ba9a0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, this thread turned into LARPing faggots quick
with the cringy emoticons and everything

>> No.3560502
File: 636 KB, 2378x1230, MyStyleYourStyle Get Away From Me You Faggot Gosh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you :D <3

>> No.3560539

i like how both pieces have sloppy jagged linework while the one on the right shows much more structure and knowledge
its not about good lineart after all

>> No.3562884

Motherhood is not for me, but I can certainly respect the women who perform the role of mother not only willingly but well.

Honestly it's really giving creepy when people find out I'm childfree and they start ranting at me about how I'll change my mind, or how accidents happen, or how the role of a mother is the purest act one can hope to attain. Like, okay, you want me to have a kid that will grow up miserable? Fully aware that they are unwanted, undesired and unloved? Because that's exactly how any child of mine would live. I would resent it forever, and I don't want to put an innocent child through that, so I'm not having kids. Some people just aren't meant to be parents. Really makes me question the sanity of people like >>3560130 who apparently want children to be born into miserable, loveless households for the sake of "muh biological perogative".

>> No.3562941
File: 935 KB, 500x300, 564464646486.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women should be trusted to decide they don't want kids the same time we trust them to live independently and choose their careers and decide who/whether to marry.

>> No.3563033
File: 68 KB, 500x704, IMG_20180729_033643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>:D <3

>> No.3563061
File: 894 KB, 2026x1507, New Canvas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3563068

muh absolute dick

>> No.3563292


>> No.3563371

Pls post more in the future.

>> No.3563376

are you asian, i get the impression that the giant woman little boy type stuff is mainly an asian fettish

>> No.3563721

I think the concept of appreciating a small thing having the upper hand on something way bigger is pretty universal.

>> No.3563901

Is this you OP or a take from a different anon? it almost looks like a different kind of linework
Either way you BETTER post the finished version nigga my cock is waiting

>> No.3564544

Please don't let this thread die

>> No.3564554
File: 1.05 MB, 2026x1507, ic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please don't samefag at least.

>> No.3564556
File: 929 KB, 2716x1903, ic2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You may go now.

>> No.3564574

do you have a gf or wife Mr NGMI
Do you have her grow all her body hair? I imagine hair fetishists would do that
>tfw no hairy amazon caveman gf

>> No.3564971
File: 220 KB, 361x373, Ayame happens to be an expert on this topic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Removed points for too little hair on the girl
Added points for huge shota cock
Overall I rate it 8.3/10

>> No.3565173

I'm female, I'm not on birth control, yet I have nippes harier than some men's. I have nip hair harier than my bf's and he's the type who's as hairy as a 1980s porn star. Also women can get very hairy armpits if they don't shave.

>> No.3565231

What is your ethnicity?

>> No.3565235

Thanks a lot, great work. Feel free to post more Lilith in the future, she's welcome here.

>> No.3565245

She's a big girl

>> No.3565257

White. Scandinavian and baltic mix, 0% slav.

>> No.3565259

Your words say you are female but your dick begs to differ.

>> No.3565279

I'm biologically female. I think the reason I am so hairy is due to me having hormonal issues when I was younger due to being underweight and stressed my whole teenagehood. I began eating more appropriately after I left my family though and my estrogen levels are now normal, my docs said. I don't know why I'm still hairy around my nip area, but everywhere else the hair has calmed down and doesn't grow as fast or long anymore. I might need to laser my nips though if the hair persists despite my change of eating habits. If it wasn't my weight turning my nips hairy, then I'm very curious what else made them that way. Anyway... Point being, there's defiantly females with nip hair, it is just less common.

>> No.3565291

>some women have hairier pits and nipples than men, and that's a good thing :)


>> No.3565297
File: 3 KB, 106x125, le smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3565299

as another somewhat hairy nip having female that had eating disorder issues as a teen, i had absolutely no idea those things could be related. huh. didn't expect to learn that from /ic/

>> No.3565301

I never fucking said it's a good thing, you illiterate dumbass. Yes, don't shame if you get a gf and she is unfortunate enough to have hair on the nips. I'm not sure how natural or unatural it is, it could be a sign of low estrogen due to poor sleep, poor eating habits, poor weight, etc. You should suggest to her "maybe you don't sleep enough or your weight is too low, maybe that's why you're hairy, maybe try changing that and see. Go get your hormones checked also to see if they're OK" because nip hair could be a sign on a female not having high enough estrogen. Don't shame but promote her checking up with her health. And if it's genetics, then oh well, what can you do. Save up for laser to kill off the hair permanentally.

>> No.3565305

A lot of things could cause it. Underweight, overweight, eating junk food, lacking vitmain D, not exercising, lack of proper sleep pattern, stress, eating s0i (I used to take pills then fucked my hormones, I checked the ingredients and found out they contained s0i, quitting them also helped with my hormones). Literally anything that could mess up hormones can lead to more hair. Even being intersexed or having certain illnesses like endometriosis can add to it.

>> No.3565334
File: 41 KB, 362x380, EsauRedStuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you're a hairy man
just finished eating rice with salsa too

>> No.3565348

>Male artists use the left hippocampus, which is not activated in female artists during spatial tasks
Does anyone have additional information on this? The hippocampus is considered a meeting point between the conscious and unconscious mind. Because male artists use the left hippocampus when drawing, they see, tp be unconsciously incorporating more verbal memories.... anyway, I'd love to have more information on that.

>> No.3565362
File: 468 KB, 500x400, Seinfeld wink.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a meeting point between you and me, baby? ;3

>> No.3565374

I would never want to shame a person for what their body naturally does so long as they made an attempt to manage it. It might sound white knight-y, but it annoys me when guys tease women about being on their periods. Because it does affect womens moods and causes discomfort. Just like I wouldn't want to tease another guy for balding, or being short (things out of his control). Unless I was best bros with the dude then thats different.

So long as a women is demure and motherly around small children and grooms herself/watches what she eats, nothing else really matters. I wouldnt care if she had nip hair or hairy pits naturally, as long as that was taken care of regularly. And yeah I'd pay for electrolysis if she was a worthy investment aka has the previously stated qualities.

>> No.3565845

It's not a charity. I'll scratch your asshole, you'll scratch mine. Get to drawing, nasty boye and afterwards maybe I could draw more.

>> No.3565906
File: 23 KB, 646x720, 1496283882237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3565917

your heads are out of proportion my dude

>> No.3565958

What kind of strap-on would she use to destroy my boi hole

>> No.3566071

Go back to tumblr.

>> No.3566095

Men actually shame women for their menstrual cycle? It's not a feminist meme?? What. I mean I can imagine a teenager or kid doing it, I highly doubt grown men do that?

Also what do you mean demure, do you mean modesty? That I can agree on, I hate how most women today dress like whores because feminism told them to do so, and a lot of men go white-knight mode and assume I'm a male incel for thinking whore clothes are disgusting, even though I'm not even male, I just hate dumb women ruining the reputation and dignity for all other women.

But if you're insisting she has to act cute, fragile, weak, then that's kind of a narrow view as women have extreme variation in persoanlity, just as men have variation in persoanlity. Even female animals with primitive brains like female rats are capable of possessing varying types of personalities. I don't get why society wants females to have less personallity.

>> No.3566101

youre underestimating he retardation of alot of men. youre on 4chan you should already know how it be like it do

>> No.3566108

islam, christianity, judaism, taoism and hinduism all label menstruation as an unclean thing that naturally evokes disgust. the ideal pure women of islam's heaven do not menstruate among being free of other earthly womanly sins. the general archived wisdom of humanity unanimously agrees on this topic, it is by nature a disgusting thing. to disagree with something like this is to disagree with humanity itself.

>> No.3566109

gross i'll have to hide this thread
>looks at op
why wasn't it hidden already!

>> No.3566117

stop this, go back to /h/

>> No.3566128

stahp it stahp it STAHP IT!

>> No.3566146

You want us to draw your waifu?

>> No.3566476

4chan isn't 1 male. /r9k/ isn't 90% of men either. I suppose it perhaps depends where you live, in some countries men are more retarded, in others they're ok though.

No shit that those disgusting religions are retarded as shit. Also it's not Christianity, it's Catholics who are retarded enough to think some natural thing such as menstruation is "bad". Most non-Catholic christians don't think periods are bad, at least not protestants for example.

>> No.3566481

By demure I meant both chaste and , yes, shy/meek. A woman can be whatever she wants but if she’s not gentle, soft spoken, kind, doting, and defers to my judgement , I see zero reason to marry her. If I wanted to be with a strong willed go getter I’d marry a bloke.

>> No.3566492

Pretty much a recent phenomenon that's trying to compete with the oversaturated cute neoteny girls.

>but there were ugly women drawn in the past, it's not a recent thing
It was in context to show evil, never for admiration and fap material like the prettier girls.

Surprise they don't provide a counter to increase testosterone ...oh wait, that will further increase insanity and permanent infertility.

>> No.3566519

Th literally prescribe anti androgens like spiro to women with acne you retard

>> No.3566640

I get wanting her to be kind and all, but as for the other strict traits you've mentioned, it would be narrowing down a ton of various personalities and traits. It's not non feminine to be a strong willed go getter, in fact, it's a very good trait to have as it means she will be hard working, look after the kids and house. Keep in mind you can have someone who is hard working and emotionally strong, who can be a strong leader type amongst others, however she can be gentle and very sympathyzing towards you, act sexy and soft, etc.

>> No.3566870

Of course I want a woman who is able to work hard: wrangle toddlers, watch them adequately, patiently teach them, reprimand them when they act out, and handle a possible emergency on her own. I don't want an invalid who can't operate on her own when I'm not present. I want a mama bear type mother who can protect the cubs, of course. But that, I believe, is present in every woman with a strong maternal instinct.

However, women have been conditioned by the media to believe a "strong woman" isn't a soft, quiet, gentle woman who can handle all aspects of child minding and home making (which does take strength and fortitude and strong work ethic). Women have been taught a strong woman is argumentative, loud, shrill, bitchy. Women have been falsely taught that if they defer and submit to their bf/husband, they are weak.

I don't want to have to teach a woman this distinction. I want a woman with a predisposition already in-line with the natural order, with what naturally produces the strongest families. De-programming these false notions in a woman is a chore and I already have a nearly full plate with fulfilling hobbies and a career that can support a family.

>> No.3566920

i don't share the hairy lady fetish, but man it's funny watching people sperg out about it. what's more gross, the natural state of being for some women sans unnecessary grooming (not saying grooming is bad, but hair removal is not necessary for health and survival, it's just a preference) or the furry shit and pedo loli shit that clogs up this board. it's just funny to me that you'll lose your minds over a little body hair on women, but the real degenerate shit is acceptable.

>> No.3567319

I agree loli is questionable but idk why people treat furry like it's a cardinal sin when it's literally just some kind of xenophilia and being autistic or a fetishists or bestialityfag doesn't even play into it most of the time
t. "casual" furfag

>> No.3567559

you "casual furfags" are even worse than ""moderate"" muslims

>> No.3567572
File: 18 KB, 224x225, 1533351485435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>propaganda attempting to normalize wanting to fuck animals
Fucking stop. Thanks to degenerates like you they're not trying to normalize pedophilia. And stop with the bullshit claim of "oh no, furry porn has nothing to do with zoophilia", yes it does. Just because it is an animal who can speak doesn't make it any less zoophilic when you want to suck a dog's feral penis that resembles an actual real dog's dick. Loli porn is also harmful for the mind, and furfag porn isn't any better. Off yourself.

>> No.3567867
File: 317 KB, 1920x1080, mommy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mommy drinks quite a lot and has a tendency for violence. She always tries to make up for it by crawling into my bed the following morning and cuddles with me weirdly...
She's quite an artist when it comes to intimidating me with her long nails while intoxinating me with her pheromones.

OP here, it is from a different anon, I like them tho

>> No.3568093

Not necessarily related. I have them and have never been on bc.

>> No.3568125

What's the appeal of this? Genuinely curious

>> No.3568134

No matter how well you draw, that's just an old lady, you gonna need a lot of this dumb fanfic to even start to make this stuff look sexy;

>> No.3568169

desire to return to the womb something something freudian psychology blah blah blah effects of perceived matriarchy on the fragile mind

fuck if i know

>> No.3568436


lmao no it doesn't, are you challenged? It's a literal person with animal features

>> No.3568439

>what are fetishes

>> No.3568540

These nails actually look unsafe.

>> No.3568574

Furries jack off to cartoon animals with genitals literally based off of real animal genitals you compete retard zoophile in denial. Just because you made an animal stand on two legs doesn't make it any less zoophilic, you disgusting degenerate. Go hang yourself. This isn't natural. Jekring off to animals is a mental illness, any psychologist would agree.

>> No.3568576

Yes, I agree. Mental illnesses are real.

>> No.3568645
File: 16 KB, 141x176, deus ex that so.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>hurr durr i can't into words
>but interspecies sex is wrong though even though i don't understand what makes zoophilia bad at all

>> No.3568655
File: 57 KB, 490x746, image-45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*self inserting in porn art*
I physically cringed