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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 813 KB, 1611x2046, F9293A3D-86AC-4802-BC82-CCE74EC2B1BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3556383 No.3556383 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3556387

Those are some fat birds.

>> No.3556397

I try

>> No.3556490

I think you should fuck off

>> No.3556493

You’ll never paint at my caliber

>> No.3556500

You’re right, I’m much better. Thank god.

>> No.3556518

Is that Madonna

>> No.3556525

Illustrat is my favourite meme

>> No.3556578

Doubt it

>> No.3556678

its absolutely insane how much you think youre better than you actually are, legitimate delusion.

i can only imagine its from getting constant bs compliments from your girlfriend and easily impressed urban idiots

>> No.3556689

Fuck, I never bought one of these threads would actually be enjoyable.

>> No.3556796

My girlfriend is one of the top artists in my state and my city is the fastest growing city in the country. It’s good that my girl and urbanites feel my shit. Y’all are nobodies.

>> No.3556801

>ya'll are nobodies
>p-please tell me what you think of my art...
lynch yourself nigger

>> No.3556807

Lol...whose mad

>> No.3556841

i know you like those earthy tones but can you try switching up the color palette?

>> No.3556848

Plot twist: Illustrat knows he's shit and just keeps posting these threads to watch the mayhem.

>> No.3556852

>My girlfriend is one of the top artists in the state

Post her work.

>> No.3556856

he's definitely getting better though

>> No.3556861

Yeah, I guess you're right. Regular shit is still better than green, bloody, puss filled, diseased shit.

And I guess he is better than the guy that does those awful acrylic meme paintings.

>> No.3556869
File: 1.92 MB, 4032x3024, 4CFEAAFF-5FBB-493D-8F2A-201A5B319867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here’s one she is working on

>> No.3556872

she's ok i guess. definitely better than you and I hope she isn't the one teaching you, because if she is, she isn't doing a very good job.

>> No.3556874


>> No.3556878 [DELETED] 

I actually kind of like your stuff, Illustrat. (no meme)
I don't like your choice in color most of the time and your faces could use a bit more construction but it's got a lot of soul and I like that.

>> No.3556879


Why are people partial to hyperrealism as a superior discipline. Honestly, I am better than her. It takes her 150 hrs to paint a single painting. It takes me 2. I sell one painting for half of what she sells hers. Shows what u know about art markets. This is why she has quit painting and I paint full time

>> No.3556881

I actually kind of like your stuff, Illastrat. (no meme)
I don't like your choice in color most of the time, you could probably stand to learn a bit of humility (I like your art but you're no master) and your faces could use a bit more construction, but it's got a lot of soul and I like that.
Keep doing you.

>> No.3556882


>> No.3556975
File: 1011 KB, 360x204, tumblr_inline_mrg42y2zzt1qz4rgp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one of the top artists
>quit painting

>> No.3556978

She is a tattoo artist dum dum

>> No.3556981

yeah, he's great

>> No.3557084
File: 925 KB, 3892x2917, ear cuck under drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3557090
File: 125 KB, 1047x1120, 8b96e8ea-408d-41b7-82bd-dd0db143d9c7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i am better than her
hahahaha holy shit youre an actual headcase.
i remember when you would talke about her and act like she was hot shit and post her art and you havent improved at all so lmfao now youre shit talking your own girl becausee you cant control your inflated ego jesus christ youre so bad

>> No.3557102
File: 565 KB, 1752x2340, 5CDF2C7F-55AB-435C-B0AA-1FA63CCB1060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And your arts soulless and generic. Now gtfo of here

>> No.3557104

you remember that image retard dont pretend like you dont

lmao shitty brush economy doesn not = soul
what are you now, 34? 35?

>> No.3557109

26 shit stain

>> No.3557147

lmao and you still draw like that

>> No.3557203

>asking for honest opinion

well, since you didn't respond to my legitimate criticisms last time, maybe this one will fly over your head too.

Just like your other paintings, the brushwork is sloppy and everything in the painting is created with similar brushstrokes. Because of this, everything has a similar texture and feel. The woman's hair feels the same as her skin and coat, which feels similar to the dog's fur. The only exception to this is the lighter fur on the dog and it's chin, barely a difference, but enough to point out. This probably has to be my biggest pet peeve, since original paintings have the best opportunity to create interesting textures by playing off of the medium or canvas. Its part of what makes seeing an original painting a worthwhile experience and near impossible to replicate.

The colors are also exceptionally bad. The sun looks like straight from the tube yellow and everything else looks like it was created from tints, making the overall palette look dull. The blond hair has a bit of pink from the skin tone thrown in which could have worked if the brushwork and placement weren't so hastily done.

Also, knowing that you usually paint from reference photos, the dog's body is just one giant sad excuse for giving up halfway and trying to finish as quickly as possible.

The background is a noble attempt, but you literally could have just watched a Bob Ross video showing you how to paint mountains. Its not hard and the final painting looks like you stuggled to even figure out what to do. As if referencing from a photo wasn't possible or something.

TLDR it seems less like you're rushing to hit deadlines and more like you lose steam and call it done. The more artwork you post, the more it seems obvious.

>> No.3557207

Dude plx, don't talk to illastrat, just draw cuz this dude is just a troll and talking to him is wasting your time
I beg of you

>> No.3557222


I think giving genuine criticism rather than throwing around racist slurs really would bring someone like him down a peg because he knows these problems in his work exists. No amount of insults could be more painful than reality.

>> No.3557230

Or he's just a troll that does not care at all what anyone here says

>> No.3557238


He has received tons of proper critiques in the past, more than any other poster on here, yet he will only argue against them. So fuck wasting time on someone who does not want to get better.

>> No.3557245


And your art displays a severe lack of aesthetic sensibilities. You make some of the trashiest looking shit I've ever seen and parade it around as if its "soulful". Don't make me fucking laugh, dude. Your paintings are about as attractive as a drug addled hooker on a street corner in the bad part of town.

You seem to have a low IQ but you make up for it by having a massive ego. I hope you'll gain some sense of self awareness someday but I get the feeling it just isn't in your cards. You'll continue making making hideous self-important bullshit and /ic/ will suffer for it because you insist you're some kind of undiscovered genius. Take it from somebody that paints vastly better than you: Your paintings are bad Mr. Illustrat.

Drop the ego and maybe you'll get somewhere and stop triggering all the artists here that are better than you and more than willing to help you improve had you not been an obnoxious knuckle dragging twat.


Nobodies? I have 15k followers on twitter. How many do you have? I realize I'm stooping to your level but holy shit you're a rage-inducing person.

>> No.3557253
File: 41 KB, 310x422, king_of_the_hood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Walking commercial on melanin calling others shit stains, kek, golden.

>> No.3557418

Ah yes the unforgettable image of "woman with lopsided eyes looking at the viewer with no discernible expression", much soul and uniqueness keep up the good fight brother

>> No.3557618

Thanks for your OPINION. Art is subjective and no one piece is perfect. I will pick and choose your criticism.

>> No.3557621

15k followers on twitter. Lol. What a joke

>> No.3557848

I like this one. It’s very nice. Maybe I give you too little credit. Just try to post like the rest of us. Present your work and ask us about our thoughts. You don’t provide enough lore for me to construct a story. You make too many assertions about your skill. Give more justification. What do you want out of yourself?

>> No.3557998

Why is there like 5 of these threads? Who's shilling?

>> No.3558911

>Honestly, I am better than her
girls BTFO