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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3551032 No.3551032 [Reply] [Original]

>artist demands that you unfollow them because you follow another artist that they hate

>> No.3551034

I’ll take things that never happened for $500 Bob!

>> No.3551037

Dumb frogposter

>> No.3551043
File: 1.14 MB, 1173x990, Don't you just hate being WRONG all the time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better luck next time, Janet

>> No.3551071
File: 7 KB, 210x240, sayaka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unrelatable post of the year!

>> No.3551073

This is a horrible lie. Artists are attention whores. Why would someone ever want a person to unfollow? Stats are everything.

>> No.3551075

I had something similar happen. Except someone blocked me because I commented on a picture of an artist they didn't like.

>> No.3551080

Were you not alive or on twitter during the 2016 elections?

Artists were blocking and unfollowing everyone who wasn't #withher

>> No.3551081

There it is!

The obligatory anime girl poster! There they are!
Oh my god, what a site!
Twitter artists are incredibly infantile, and mentally unstable.

>> No.3551082

ko is based and redpilled.

>> No.3551083

>danganronpa profile picture that has Komaeda in it
well that explains it

that hellhole is barely any better then Tumblr at this point now that people who used to used Tumblr moved to Twitter

>> No.3551086

We're talking about their own followers, not people they follow. I don't care what people do or say. If they're giving me attention and maybe even money, they can call me a cuck nigger faggot for all I care.

>> No.3551090

They were doing literally the same thing.

Some chick I used to follow demanded everyone who supported trump unfollow her immediately after he won.

>> No.3551091


Oh. You're a pedophile.

Yeah. Life must be different for you.

>> No.3551092

I see nothing wrong with this. Shadman is an amateur whose shitty art receives praise from his teenage sycophants who only like him because of how edgy and "cool" he is when in reality he is a pussy that backs down almost immediately whenever he gets actual criticism and ridicule. If he didn't go out if his way to be edgy and stuck to drawing crappy bimbo Goth fetish porn, he'd just be another deviantAutist that people either meme or don't care about. He's annoying as hell and his fanbase is even more obnoxious. They'll blatantly call actual good people shit to make him look better when they themselves know nothing about art and post him everywhere for "le funny >shadman meme XD".

>> No.3551095

>calls something a lie
>literal example of it is posted in the thread

>> No.3551096

That's pretentious as hell

>> No.3551097

>point out asanine behavior
>"whoa, you must X"
You're a dumbass.

>> No.3551098
File: 20 KB, 403x389, d6f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I see nothing wrong with trying to police who and what other people like

>> No.3551100

>gets btfo
>better call him a pedophile, that'll show him

>> No.3551101

It was actually someone on DevantArt. They apparently have like a whole list with traits about who can and can't watch them. It's a little odd, but whatever floats their boat I guess.

>> No.3551102

I assure you, these kinds of people do in fact exist, and they have thousands of followers. They are usually really bratty and entitled, so they feel as if they can control the actions of others

>> No.3551105

>not wanting to associate with a certain person you disagree or class with is bad
If I only like apples and had a strong hatred for oranges and orange lovers, I'd tell all of my potential orange loving followers to fuck off as I don't want their orange culture to infect my apple loved followers or my social media.

>> No.3551108

Terrible analogy and your logic is fucktarded.
Do everyone here a favor and stab yourself as hard as you can and scream at the top of your lungs while jumping head first into a pool of used condoms.

>> No.3551117

Do me a favor and follow me. Don't forget to like and retweet.

>> No.3551125

the problem isnt not wanting to socialize with people who like things you dont like.
its demonizing and "calling out" people who like things you dont like

this is what twitter autists do and its getting old

>> No.3551126

>artists demand that you unfollow them if you dont like some of their stuff

>> No.3551132

People seriously do this?


>> No.3551158

>artists demand that you follow, subscribe, like, retweet, comment, donate on parteon, share the wealth, tell your friends and buy their friends' art model poses if you like some of their stuff
Artists are entitled

>> No.3551292

We were talking about real artists.

>> No.3551305

>pretending these "artists" aren't just your "friends" wanting to pull you into their drama

Find some better friends, anon.

>> No.3551316

eh that's retarded
I personally think Shadman only breaks into edgy shit for the shock factor and when he gets penilized for it he falls back into the I waz only being ironic, lolzies
some of his stuff is funny but a fair bit of it is just muh edge for the sake of muh edge
it's the type of mindset you'd see on a underage /b/tard in like 2011
the idea of telling your fans to unfollow just cause they find another artist good or humorous is stupid af

>> No.3551617

>retarded sjw twitter artist
why am I not surprised

>> No.3551620

I soft-block minors all the time despite my blog being a nsfw one. I don't want extra followers if all of them are obnoxious kids

>> No.3551624

stop following morons, moron. oh wait.

>> No.3551637

>Why would someone ever want a person to unfollow?

ugh you said it yourself, for attention maybe? literal what the thread is about

>> No.3551641

isnt it the ame everywhere? recently started a blog and whats popular and whats not seems entirely based on the person itself to me.
people upload disfigured low quality 2 tone poses of popular characters and its hailed as a masterpiece and a random noname uploads something with work put in and nobody cares

at some point people have so much of a following they could literally upload a toddlers doodles and get thousands of likes

>> No.3551663

I have a friend that does that because she hates Sakimichan with a passion and hates the fact that NSFW artists do so much money and make up the majority of comission art.

She was celebrating the other day that some japanese artist that sells illustration books was actually the #1 person that makes the most money with art that is SFW (magical landscapes and shit ala Ghibli), but I think it's a silly comparison to talk about that and say "Take that Sakimichan!" when one is selling books to mostly children but if he tried doing comissions I'm sure most people would still go ask for anime titties to Sakimichan than they would to that japanese artist. Someone here probably knows it, it's supposed to be the richest about that.

But yeah if my friend notices you like Sakimichan she'll start sperging out and most likely tell you to stop following her. I get the feeling my friend is the kind of retard that lurks /ic/ hating on Shadman because they're jealous someone does so much money with something so dirty but that's life.

>> No.3551667

Your friend needs to grow up and has to come to terms with the fact that some people like things that she doesn't.

>> No.3551711

I will never understand artists who act like pornography/nudity is an affront to mankind and worse than rape/murder.

It's just people having sex. Were these people sexually abused? I don't get it. You don't see clean comedians trashing foul-mouthed comedians. It's just stupid. Artists are stupid.

>> No.3551884
File: 84 KB, 256x256, sweating5_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty much people complaining about anything and everything, so... Yea Tumblr. I deactivated my account the other day, I recommend you lads do the same, you'll have more time and fun drawing than browsing that shit hole

>> No.3551911

>>artist demands that you unfollow them because you follow another artist that they hate
>inplying shad is an artist