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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.19 MB, 675x886, lysa_by_sycra-dcij70u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3545876 No.3545876 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3545886


>> No.3545892

Her torso?

>> No.3545893

fine if he learns to use color cus Christ that's ugly

>> No.3545909

Humm I've been watching this guy's videos once in a while
If that's his skill level I might aswell save myself some time and go watch others

>> No.3545913

Better than 99.9% of /ic/.

>> No.3545915

Jesus it's even worse lmao

>> No.3545916

The only thing I despise about his style is this long-ass neck, absolutely disgusting

>> No.3545920

there's no point in watching videos other than real pros doing their quotidian work as stream

>> No.3545921

Did he finally give up on that concave triangle thing?

>> No.3545943

did he just regressed?

>> No.3545944
File: 177 KB, 779x1026, wraith_by_sycra-dceko3u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ignoring all the super cool stuff he's doing

>> No.3545945

it honestly feels good surpassing this moron artistically. I never thought i would but if this is what he's producing now i'm patting myself on the back.

>> No.3545981

Pretty :)

>> No.3546000

did he have a stroke or aneurysm or something? his art makes me worried for his physical health.

>> No.3546002

Pyw bait

>> No.3546069

this is what a ngmi believes

>> No.3546075

Serious time, no memeing. This. is. trash. No pyw is gonna change this. This is garbage.

>> No.3546082
File: 91 KB, 476x356, b6d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that neck

>> No.3546086

Post your work

>> No.3546090

I actually kind of dig it....

>> No.3546098

As long as he's having fun:)

>> No.3546103


>> No.3546249
File: 192 KB, 1000x707, hmOSMnc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3546278
File: 89 KB, 508x508, 1532140915147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3546288

Better I guess. Those pointy chins were just ridiculous

>> No.3546302

i think he's just experimenting. Sometimes it clicks sometimes it doesnt. cmon you guys never do this before?

>> No.3546329

fuck me, the OP image is actually one of the better ones out of this set.

>> No.3546368


basically he literally used to call them crickets

>> No.3546494

Anatomically it's fucked up, that's my problem with it

>> No.3546497

I like this better than his spiky triangle style.

>> No.3546505

>knowing what Sycra faps to
>his unconfident voice calling out dirty talk as he faps in front of his computer screen after he creates this /beg/ tier shit
Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.3546507


I think sycra is fucking trash and you need to stop spamming this forum with his shitty aggressively mediocre garbage.

>> No.3546513

So, the same shit but with rounded corners?

>> No.3546529

thats a little hot

>> No.3546530

If this was drawn with perfect anatomy knowledge it would still suck ass. Design and taste is what matters the most and that's also by far his biggest weakness.

>> No.3546620
File: 946 KB, 1024x667, madra_by_sycra-dchlj12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely no concept of color. pretty sad honestly, he clearly knows how to draw but has existential style crises like every other day.

here's another one i found on his deviantart. i'm actually curious as to what the fuck happened to him. not saying his old art was good, but it was miles ahead of this shit.

>> No.3546625

he was fully embracing what he was liking at the time, strong themes

>> No.3546626

my ESL is showing, I mean strength themes

>> No.3546632
File: 98 KB, 730x1095, realistic_kei_by_sycra-dadzkl7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he used to draw like this and now he draws like a fucking yugioh card artist from 2000

>> No.3546728

He really needs to keep using references. Looks like he's falling into the "everything must come from imagination" meme.

>> No.3546739

Where did he gone wrong? Is it "muh style"?
Jesus christ it's scary how long have he been drawing and still manage to make my eyes bleed.

>> No.3547596

Being completely unironic he would probably see an immediate boost from just taking his pal Sinix's most basic advice: start a painting with a big, opaque brush (preferably square) and only use small size brushes or soft brushes towards the end with caution.

I'm not saying he's super amazing either but he has a better grasp on what looks appealing in rendering. It's similar to what Nathan Fowkes advises his students.

>> No.3547612

The problem is he can draw from reference exceedingly well.
When he wants to do things extremely fundamental and simple he has the skills to do it and he's shown it in the past.

His problem is the same as artists have been experiencing forever, he's realizing drawing realism fucking sucks and is trying to find a style or something new to fill that void. But instead of just sticking to anime or something he's out trying to discover something new and it looks like shit.

>> No.3547616

This. Regardless of what /ic/ says, Sycra’s got skill. It’s just that his stylistic choices completely spit in the face of all the artistic knowledge he has built up over the years. If he wanted to paint realistic studies then he easily could.

>> No.3547642

Maybe it's time for him to start making little "master studies" from artists that he considers to have "appealing" work? There's a ton of artists on youtube I love that although doesn't have as strong fundamentals compared to Syrca, makes art that is 10x more appealing.

Even his >>3546632 "realistic" painting looks boring compared to some artists I've seen who isn't really pro level yet.

>> No.3547647

That's not a realistic painting. That was a heavily stylized painting.

Sycra is shit because hes trying to be new not because of his capabilities. He doesnt want to copy something he finds appealing he wants to make something new and groundbreaking.

>> No.3547659

Sycra was never good. You NGMIs just think any pseudo-anime bullshit looks good until it stops looking like anime.

>> No.3547670

T. Not as good as sycra’s older work

>> No.3547715

being able to copy references well isn't the same as using references though. Reference is just as important in heavily stylized work because it grounds your work in reality. Like look at his cloth designs for example, they hardly have any basis in real life whatsoever. They are just a mixup of shitty anime and video game symbols he has accumulated over the course of his life. There is no believable detail about them, nothing.

>> No.3547731

The thing is you're telling (well hypothetically telling them) to do something they're well aware of but are making the concious choice not to do it.

You're not telling anything new to sycra, hes aware how to draw, hes making the concious decision to be a retard.

>> No.3547848

His wife has surpassed him or is very close to it to be honest