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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 33 KB, 480x270, 1530852771330.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3535086 No.3535086 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread >>3500808

I really need one up and no one's volunteering to make one. Edition.

>2D Animation on Youtube

AMB Animation Academy

SBW Workshop

Aaron Blaise

DokiDoki Drawing

>Books, Basic Program Tutorials etc.

https://mega.nz/#F!M8s0XYjB!mo_9uNAKJUnVD3Ne9X9vgg (NEW)

>Reference Material


Anime .gif/.webm repository


Stoyboard & composition: http://www.floobynooby.com/comp1.html

Play Youtube videos frame-by-frame

or just pause the video and use the , and . keys (This doesn't always work but worth a try)

Kinovea video file frame-by-frame analysis

>> No.3535103

Anyone know how to properly do in-betweens with Clip Studio Paint? It's such an ass to do in-betweens because it won't let you extend 1 frame to 2 frames or even 4 frames.

>> No.3535292

Well fuck I would love to know that too.
It's so un intuitive I just went to Krita for animation.

>> No.3535573
File: 6 KB, 470x164, timeline bug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what you could do is:
-Animation > Specify Cel > Batch Specify Cels.
Then from there what I do is:
-Specify name of of existing animation cel > starting cell = first, end cell = last > set frame number to x=y+z where y is the default number of frames per cel, and z is how many extra frames per cel you wish to add.

However there are some things I don't understand. Like when you try to only add a frame to just one cel it will overwrite any cell ahead of it(see pic) and I haven't figured out how to fix that without dragging the timeline around.
The left is what happens when I extended the frames on cel 1 by 1, which overwrote cel 2's frame. Not entirely sure how to fix through the settings. And the right is the manual fix by specifying which cel I want on which frame on the timeline.

I'm not sure if there is a way as easy as pressing f5 on flash.

>> No.3535612
File: 679 KB, 900x900, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where to pirate this? Also are there any other thorough Clip Studio Paint animation tutorials out there you guys would recommend?

>> No.3535618

What exactly do you mean? You can have an animation cell to last how many frames you want by just leaving empty space between the cells

>> No.3535627

He means adding frames to an existing cel.

>> No.3535652

Thicc brows are best brows

>> No.3535734

>I really need one up and no one's volunteering to make one. Edition.

Whoever put this in the body of last thread instead of the subject >:(

>> No.3535739
File: 173 KB, 1920x1080, scoopy dee poop.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thing im working on

>> No.3535983
File: 1.37 MB, 240x320, lit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is something I did last year with paint, power point and a cellphone camera.

>> No.3536017

you threat it as if it was a toy arm and not an actual human arm.

>> No.3536021

its just the storyboard
i like fully animating/half animating it, so i would have an easier time actually animating it
but if you wanna elaborate or recommend a fix im all ears

>> No.3536038

i just dont really know what that movement he's doing after he closes his fist. i get it's a storyboard, but it feels way too rough for such a simple motion to be able to critique it. film reference before animating because >>3536017 is right on the money; the movement isn't fluid at all and feels almost like the shoulder has ridges that lock the arm in place.

>> No.3536043

it times with a song, the point of the movement is to lock in on 3 spots. not be totally fluid, if thats what youre getting at?

>> No.3536066

it may work then, but just be wary of how stiff it is atm. it feels unnatural but i guess its hard to say without hearing the music. i still have no idea what he does after that though

>> No.3536067

gonna animate him lighting on fire.
yea it really doesnt make sense obv, but i wanna try animating fire

>> No.3536361

I'm new to animation, can you elaborate? I only ever dabbled in animating in CSP, so I wanna know more about its shortcomings

>> No.3536620

Hey does anyone know where to get it for mac?

>> No.3536658
File: 15 KB, 816x185, cellgame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What he was talking about is how to extend the current cel's number of frames.

Refer to this image.
Each cel is on for [1] frame, and he's asking how to extend it so certain cels last for more frames. In this image the name of each cel follows the pattern of CEL 1, CEL 2, CEL 3, etc. The number above each cel indicates what frame it is occupying. As you see CEL 3 is on frame 3 and there is no cel on frame 4. That's an extended frame, meaning the cel occupying the frame before all extended frames is the cel that is shown during those frames. An empty frame would look like the gap after CEL 9. During that frame no cel is played and the image goes blank.

What he wants to do is extend frames, I assume with a command and not manually.

>> No.3536690
File: 128 KB, 250x200, tutorial_de_animacao_by_leri0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this panning effect called and are there any tutorials on moving the background to simulate parallax?

>> No.3536708

Huh that's weird weird, what version are you using? In my version, it's different. Say there's frame 1, 2 and 3. And there's Cell 1 occupying frame 1 and Cell 2 occupying frame 3. When it's played, what happens is that Cell 1 will be visible during both frame 1 and 2. Am I getting this wrong?

>> No.3536723

Its called Curvilinear Perspective or Fisheye lens in photography. There's a book called "Vanishing Point" that covers it

>> No.3536756
File: 298 KB, 1000x563, scoopy dee poop2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3536769 [DELETED] 
File: 205 KB, 1920x1080, walkingparappa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any good programs for panning shots? I want to make a huge scene and have the camera follow the a character.

>> No.3536772

theres not really a way to explain how to do this imo, but its not very hard, the background and characters need to work together, background not moving= character just spinning in circles, plus set the character on an offset axis, meaning dont make him the center of the shot but move him slightly to the side so when he the camera is turning around him his not really spinning more like rotating on a plate.

>> No.3536915
File: 878 KB, 560x315, Blomk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One way to do it:
Draw the background like that first, with a curve

Then draw the character turning in place

Then make the camera pan from left to right

And then take all the frames of the character turning around and space them out from left to right in order to follow the camera

>Another easier way to do it:
Draw the character turning in place

Then make the background move from left to right, either do it manually by copying and pasting it a bunch of times or have the software do it for you, in Adobe Flash/animate it's called tweening, in TVPaint you can keyframe it from one position to the other

>Pic related
I know it sucks dick but it should tell you how easy it is since I did it in literally less than 10 minutes

>> No.3537047

what free animation programs should I use as a beginner?

is animate cc good?

>> No.3537260

No that's exactly what I was implying, maybe I just worded it poorly. Cell 1 should definitely be visible during both of those frames, so you're fine.

>> No.3537262

Noice. Good post, solid explanation and example.

>> No.3537274

animate cc ain't free

>> No.3537323

... The key-frames and Key poses gotta be littered with the in-betweens of Koreans. Richard Williams AKA DICK is not my Animator. He is Canadian boomer and probably cal-arts as well. :DD Squash and Stretch not puppet and tween. praise milt.

>> No.3537332

Everything is free on the internet

>> No.3537359

Yeah I like everything on twos better even though I love DICK, squash and stretch only in certain situations yeah not always. But tweens and puppets need to be burned at the stake, I mean that unironically.

yeah but there's ACTUAL free software, anon said free so I assumed he meant ACTUALLY free, he could have left it out

>> No.3537373
File: 47 KB, 680x433, freedom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was trying to meme you

>> No.3537382

what's the best setting to export spritesheet for game character animation? I mean like I'm exporting a character like the cuphead game for a game. is there any tutorial to do it?

>> No.3537394


I have the chance to get animate cc through my graphic design program, i was just wondering how good it might be compared to other programs.

>> No.3537458

try tv paint?
if you want something thats free
or the animation mode in firealpaca

>> No.3537568

I wish krita did inbetweens

>> No.3538001

Ahhh I'm getting it now, sorry for my pea brain. Yeah it is extremely inconvenient you can't simply extend how many frames a cell last without manually dragging stuff in the timeline, especially if you have a ton of cells. I hope Clip Studio will add this feature in the next update

>> No.3538154

Yeah I know, meme'd ya back

I started with Adobe Flash, so Adobe Animate must be pretty easy to get into as well + there's more than enough tutorials on YT

But if you really want a software for traditionally styled frame by frame animation, toughen it out and go with TVPaint from the start. Animate can do frame by frame but not as good as TVPaint, or better said not as easily

>> No.3538204

anyone got a crack of TVpaint?

>> No.3538281

I want to learn storyboarding for animation, do you guys think Clip Studio Paint good enough for it? I really like their drawing tools better than any other software, but I realized their animation tools are still very limited.
One of the limitation, as said above, is that you can't easily extend a cell frames without having to manually select a bunch and dragging them across the time line manually.

>> No.3538286

Also what do you guys think of traditional strip-format storyboarding vs. doing it directly in an animated format? I see that pretty much all Japanese anime studios still do the former, but most modern courses and tutorials use the latter

>> No.3538600

tvpaint > free. What?

>> No.3538601

What program?

>> No.3538658

It should be fine.

>> No.3539641

is it not free anymore?

>> No.3539690

it's in the op

>> No.3539703

What's a op?

>> No.3539705
File: 4 KB, 328x104, black bars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know how to remove these black bars?
I can't seem to shift my cels back because of these black bars at the top between layer 17 and 4b.
i'm using clip studio paint ex

>> No.3539724
File: 32 KB, 663x442, wewlad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't seem to join them either.

>> No.3539789

Shift click the top bar of the cells, then you join them

>> No.3539792

Anyone know where to pirate Toon Boom Storyboard Pro?

>> No.3539807

holy fuck, thanks man! Would have never guessed that I have to click that tiny fucking sliver to do anything.

>> No.3539917
File: 309 KB, 868x1197, Birdboy dinky.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little something I am working on. Thoughts?

Reference used: https://media1.tenor.com/images/67dbb766345d2190fae19ab571d5d942/tenor.gif?itemid=3495280

>> No.3540978

Never has been, not that you can't get it for free though.

>> No.3541014

Good job I think Krista is da best free 2d animation program if ur serious. The rest of them fucking sucks

>> No.3541042

You should remove the first or the last frame.

>> No.3541068

Underrated post

>> No.3541832

Is it possible to add a camera movement in CSP?

>> No.3541902

I haven't had the motivation to animate, feeling really lazy. Anything to get me back ontrack?

>> No.3541904

Just have fun with it. Animate some explosions or punches or something. Maybe find some fun audio and animate that. Doing it is what makes you want to do it sometimes I think

>> No.3541908

I don't think you're grasping how garbage this is. Story boarding something this simple is easy. You shouldn't even be focusing on the fire yet. Also before you learn to animate, get a proper sense of anatomy and motion.

>> No.3542137
File: 12 KB, 550x400, testa-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Firsr animation ever

>> No.3542221

What's the best free program for doing animations ?

>> No.3542228

Krita or Pencil2D, I've only ever used krita

>> No.3542671
File: 102 KB, 1067x191, purge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>search "animation" on Youtube
>first page of results is dominated by reaction videos, story time animators and bad flash parodies
God I hope future generations don't come to think that this is what animation is all about

>> No.3542673

I thought pencil2d was dead after the fork

>> No.3542700
File: 2 KB, 54x37, P2D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, it's still fully functional


>> No.3542714
File: 124 KB, 1059x962, animation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Krita by a substantial margin. It has the most user-friendly interface and is perfect for a beginner, for whom most of its limitations are easily forgivable

>regards, haver of both ToonBoom Harmony and CSP

P2D has extremely limited drawing tools and can't even export .gifs if I recall correctly. I could be wrong but I remember trying it a long time ago and I'd done a 360 and walked away within minutes.

Consider watching some AMB. Keep it up!


>> No.3542820
File: 480 KB, 720x405, idontknowwhatimdoing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know how to copy and paste selections you made onto different frames?

>> No.3543170

Very smooth, Though I'm not sure what the punch guy is doing, he seems to set up for a sweep one way, then magics his momentum the other way.

>> No.3543192

>P2D has extremely limited drawing tools
It can export gifs now, the only reason I don't use Krita is because of its complexity.

>> No.3543197
File: 358 KB, 1358x811, Screenshot_20180729-090209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like making these surreal little animations if anyone is interested. SickAnimation & PilotRedSun are big inspirations for me.


>> No.3543325

saw this in the /co thread, kino

>> No.3543336

Haha, thanks anon

>> No.3543520

I tried downloading TV paint through OP, but it doesn't allow me to save and it still says TV Paint Animation 10 Demo at the top. Did I screw up installing it? I followed the instructions, but it didn't have the .sll

>> No.3543527
File: 3.88 MB, 158x223, where you goin'.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just use Krita, man

>> No.3543538

I thought Krita was just a photo editer. I don't see any animation tools

>> No.3543543
File: 970 KB, 632x637, Bot Run WIP.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to




and the interface will look much like it does here: >>3542714

Right click to "create blank frame" before drawing anything in any new layers. Frames are "exposed" by default unless interrupted with a new frame.

Have fun!

>> No.3543545

huh, i'll try it out. Thanks!

>> No.3543586
File: 303 KB, 600x600, doremi pres.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Animated this for Doremi's birthday today! Happy birthday, Doremi!

>> No.3543597

very cute!

i think if you had either more of an up or more of a down or both it would feel like it's got more weight.

you could definitely pad it out with some more frames

>> No.3543782

Jesus this is the worst thread yet.

I come here once every few months because it's the most halfway interesting thread on 4chan and this shit is just awful.

Fucking give up all of you.

>> No.3543797


>> No.3543820

see ya tomorrow

>> No.3543962

i dont think youre grasping how much of a cunt you are. i will do as a please, if i want to attempt animating fire, an attempt will be made. but thanks for the constructive criticism i guess even tho most of your comment was destructive rhetoric probably as a result of your own short comings as an artist or person

>> No.3544003

I thought my thing was pretty good

>> No.3544009

Don't worry m8, some people just love to be edgelords

>> No.3544013

sure he's an asshole, but he's a correct asshole. you're anatomy isn't good and animating basic shapes and fundamentals before full body movements and fire will improve your skills much faster. do what you want to do, but people's opinions will be what they'll be as well. it's literally a world of criticism, constructive and destructive, so you aren't doing yourself any favors for lashing out like an idiot. just take the criticism and do what you want with it.

>> No.3544026

Oh my good gosh is that precious

Thanks yeah you're absolutely right, I omitted the "down" entirely because I was lazy and thought it'd make a good scramble-type run by happenstance but instead it just looks weightless. I'm looking forward to coming back to this and doing more as I improve my fundamentals.

>> No.3544032

yea true i spazzed like an autist
however i feel that destructive criticism like "this is trash" is only bad and that gets no one nowhere. people can say what they want and say what they will but i think everyone would improve a lot faster if this place didnt have so much toxic destructive criticism, but ah well, thats a pipe dream.

>> No.3544446
File: 2.35 MB, 1920x1080, kritatest2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying out krita for the first time! it's kinda buggy (i don't think it gets along very well with my tablet driver) but fun nonetheless

>> No.3544457

What are the biggest mistakes a beginner animator can make?

>> No.3544588

That you'll think it won't take long to get good at animation. It takes a ton of practice to get decent, and a lot of beginners will get frustrated at how much work goes into it.

also timing and maintaining proportions are pretty hard to grasp at first

>> No.3544606

anyone have a crack of tvpaint?

>> No.3544667

I've been using krita for some crude animations, and I noticed they had something called Python Scripting. What is that used for? I want to try writing something for it

>> No.3544916

>it's kinda buggy (i don't think it gets along very well with my tablet driver)
How so?

>> No.3545050

It's in one of the MEGA Links at the top of the thread

>> No.3545159

it loses my cursor a lot, random straight lines appear from random places on the canvas to wherever i'm holding my pen, and sometimes it won't register that i'm putting pen to tablet surface and won't make any marks at all (I have to physically hold my pen away from my tablet to fix this).
i'm using a cintiq that's practically a decade old, though, so i always just assume that anything goes wrong is the tablet's fault and not the program's, though. and anyway, it's still a free program with a ton of great features, so I'm willing to overlook pretty much all that stuff

>> No.3545587

That's weird, my five year old tablet can work with a newly downloaded version of krita

>> No.3546258

The back legs are wonky as fuck. The "ankle" joint is doing all the motion, while the "knee" joint isnt flexing and the leg is mostly static. The front leg/shoulder area's anatomy is off as well.

>> No.3546320
File: 2.95 MB, 810x900, 0722cameralr.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit that was tough, better to learn anatomy before animation.

>> No.3546581
File: 1022 KB, 1152x648, E70B75FD-66AC-44A1-A2E8-974EC6F68139.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently work on a short right now, first cleaned scene so far

>> No.3546943

I was offered the position of a clean up artist for a 2d frame by frame animation film, but the payment seems a bit low to me. I am new to the business.
they'd pay $30 per second, that includes inbetweens, clean-up and coloring.
or maybe I am wrong here?

>> No.3546958
File: 1.98 MB, 250x187, le colombian decaffeinated coffee crystals face.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's an absolutely ludicrous salary; you're being solicited by either an underage child or a completely ignorant adult. That is the equivalent of doing a full color drawing for $2.50, minimum. Feel free to block them at this point, nothing good can possibly come from further discourse.


>> No.3547038 [DELETED] 

thats atrocious pay. what company is it?

>> No.3547154

If the default is 24 frames per second you'll be doing 24 illustrations of a character. I'd say that's decent given you're doing only 1 character, you're not doing the shadows on a character and you're living outside of the US

The thing is, you're just cleaning it up, if it's not a sketch that's all over the place you should have everything basically laid out for you. I'd say I could do like 15-20 frames per hour of a character like Ben 10

I'm actually beginning to think the anon below me is right, they're asking way too much for 30$

>> No.3547216

That's really low, but a lot of it depends on things like your experience, how long the film is, how intense the animation is, and if by coloring that includes shading. But by what it sounds, that is really really low, and they either don't know how much work clean-up is, or they're trying to swindle ya.

>> No.3547251
File: 70 KB, 704x480, Untitled.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting at square one. Exercise 1 out of the 51 in the OP.

>> No.3547294
File: 94 KB, 704x480, Untitled2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3547329

Thoughts on OpenToonz?

>> No.3547334

Get TVPaint, it's not as buggy,

>> No.3547348
File: 769 KB, 960x540, CHAMPIONS!!!!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a random study I did last year in the summer

>> No.3547562

Are porn animations actually allowed here?

>> No.3547737
File: 1.97 MB, 400x300, srSCQHd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it's on 2s, so that means max 12 drawings per second.
the animations i get include keyframes and breakdowns, but they're very rough.
the models are semi complex, but they're above simple tv cartoon standards.
yes I also have to shade the characters, so that is clean-up the keyframes & breakdowns, do all the inbetweens, color the drawings, shade them and then export them.
I am Junior Level, so I didn't expect a high salary, but I am also a freelancer and need to pay back a lot of taxes.
I am European, so the living standards are equal to or higher than in the US.

>> No.3547754

Woah wait, when you say "do all the inbetweens," do you mean you have to tween the keys or just clean up the tweens? Because if you have to tween as well as clean-up, this is a total scam. Unless you absolutely need the money and there is no other options for any kind of work, I would highly recommend either asking for more or backing off. These people are either idiots or con-artists, and idk which is worse to work under.

>> No.3547762

yeah I have to do the inbetweens myself, as I am only provided with the keyframes and breakdowns.
yes, I think so myself, they're asking for way too much for such a small salary. it's even so far off from a decent proposal, that I don't see any real chances to successfully ask for more.

>> No.3547768

It's your right as a freelancer to tell them to fuck off with their bullshit, so I'd say to just tell them that their salary is too low and give them what your rate is. If they refuse to compromise, just wish them the best and walk away.

>> No.3547771

right, thanks for the advice

>> No.3547829

Watch your arcs, the bounces are very linear

>> No.3547868

That's that then, the ''very rough'' thing is gonna give you a headache + the shading, I'd pass

>> No.3548042

/ic/ is a red board, retard

>> No.3548047

No need to call people names.

>> No.3548057

Thats actually pretty good. Did you add the camera shake?

>> No.3548072
File: 58 KB, 704x480, Untitled3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I'll keep that in mind. Thanks!


>> No.3548075

I get that it's sliding off a slant surface, but I feel like it jerks into certain positions too quickly, especially towards the end. I would consider how it's bouncing and which direction it would lead itself towards, and if you're properly conveying just how heavy it really is. Would a brick be bouncing that high? Would it be in the air for that long? You might want to pay closer attention.

>> No.3548184
File: 65 KB, 337x279, 1488587833354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thin-skinned bitches are the worst

>> No.3548196

Can I get a recommendation for a free frame by frame animation program that gets straight to the point?
I've looked at OpenToonz, but it seems too complex for the kind of bare bones stuff i'm trying to do.

>> No.3548198
File: 19 KB, 800x450, box.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going with what this anon >>3548075 says;
It seems like the box/brick or whatever seems to have enough mass to bounce that high, but just enough to immediately stick and land on the floor within a single frame. take some footage of a box [either empty, filled slightly, or completely full] and study how the objects inside affect how the box interacts with the ground during it's bounces.
With every action, is an equal and opposite reaction. A light empty box will bounce and slide around.
A box half full will bounce and have the weight of the objects inside throw it off a little, giving it some weird characteristics, like when you try roll a half full water bottle across a table. The water inside has it's own mass that affects the whole thing itself.
A box that is full is just heavy, depending on whatever's in it. It'll have a reaction/bounce similar to a brick's.
The right hand of animation is drawing. The left hand is making it move. The brain is the physics.

here's my old animation of a box half-full with shit

>> No.3548202
File: 960 KB, 1200x900, run cycle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayo first time posting an animation. This one I made a few years back using combination GIMP and Photoshop. I'm planning on getting back into animation, so my first question is how do I keep my shapes consistent? Also any additional crit is welcome!

>> No.3548262

Ahh I see, I understand now. I was having a hard time really grasping what that anon meant without a visual example. But your gif really helped thanks.

Chances are I'm gonna redo these a lot, this is just my first pass through these exercises. I'm reading through Animator's Survival Kit as well, and as I learn new things, I get the desire to re-apply them. It's a matter of internalizing things. Right now, I'm trying to get all the fundamentals down, but I likely will give it another go down the line as I've improved.

Thanks so much for your posts. They really helped.

>> No.3548297
File: 99 KB, 704x480, totallynotkrillen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I didn't see much of a point in doing a head turn without anticipation to give it more life.

>> No.3548311
File: 568 KB, 1920x1080, 7i2tc-91rzo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Keep and eye on your volumes. The same volume of mass needs to feel like its being displaced when squashed and stretched.

Your archs. They need to flow into each other otherwise they will result in a jittery animation. If you're having trouble, pick a anchor point and plot it throughout your animation. Bring any stray points back in alignment.

Your timing. Having too many at the top of your bounce is causing and unnatural hang. Be sure you understand what it means to ease in and ease out, you can try using some timing charts.

Made some slight changes to positioning, volumes, archs as well as split frame 13 and gave it a slight more squish to improve anticipation. Hopefully everything together makes it feels better.

Keep it up Anon, you look like you really enjoy this.
Don't give up.

>> No.3548428

Speaking of red...

>> No.3548442

I like it! Watch your sizes though, your character shrinks a bit towards the end there

>> No.3548574

just a matter of constantly watching and double checking your construction shapes. eventually you kinda just naturally do it

>> No.3548680
File: 990 KB, 550x400, funtime.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't really animate that often so I figured I'd just dive in and try to animate something super rough/sketchy to ease myself in. Had fun with it.

>> No.3548698

tips on doing arcs

>> No.3548736

How do I get more solid drawings and better anatomy?

>> No.3548740


>> No.3548742

Yes, i didn't figured out how to move camera so i had to save every frame as a picture and animate it again so it will look like a camera movement.

>> No.3548790
File: 40 KB, 1080x608, 3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I decided to start doing some of the exercises listed in the OP. Here's what I did for the 3rd exercise.

>> No.3548883

what's the point of making storyboards for animation

>> No.3548917

Kiyotaka Oshiyama's studio opened a service for aspiring animators who want to get their illustration/layout/drawing pose corrected by Oshiyama. Pretty nice because his advice is very insightful. If you don't know who Oshiyama is, he works on Space Dandy season 2 episode 5, FMA Brotherhood movie as Layout supervisor and animator, and his recent works are Flip Flappers director and mecha designer for FLCL progressive.

>> No.3548974

To determine the best shot design, relative actions, character placement, etc before going all out and animating something you don’t have blocked out. Otherwise you’ll be making these decisions all at once, and you’ll easily find youself making tons of mistakes that you could’ve prevented by boarding the scene.

>> No.3549004

this is amazing

this >>3548974

I'd also add, the timing. a storyboard helps you see the beats of the story. an animatic (animated storyboard) gives you a pretty good idea, if the action works or not.

>> No.3549026
File: 18 KB, 400x400, bouncing ball 5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just started trying this out, want to eventually try to imitate marc davis but don't know how to start. I've been reading illusion of life, animator survival kit, practicing lineart and some beginner exercises

>> No.3549044

What are some good animated shows to try retro-boarding?

>> No.3549064
File: 261 KB, 894x894, 24D13B9F-42C6-46B5-AA7B-2AA8955D6CF8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never heard of retro-boarding before, but if you’ve never storyboarded before, literally anything will teach you something. Samurai Jack is a good example of dynamic shots and solid action, whereas I guess Ren and Stimpy shows you strong poses and a sense of comedic timing. I personally don’t see much of a point in retro-boarding something, just because you can find a ton of the original boards online and can get a sense of what was most needed to communicate the scene. But that’s just me, lotta people need that physicality and actually redo it.

>> No.3549066


>> No.3549073

retro-boarding is in the op, but thanks! I'll try out some scenes in samurai jack http://www.floobynooby.com/comp1.html

>> No.3549161

If I was to get into animating, should I go with Krita or clip paint studio? I have both but have not touched the animation part at all.

>> No.3549333


H-Hey, that's my thicc brow girl...

That's pretty cool, thanks for heading the thread with it!

For anyone in the last thread, I figured out the problem I was having with thick lines. The piece needed more frames, there just weren't enough to create a fluid motion. You really need that extra movement with thicker lines. Just in case anyone was wondering.

Wish I had something else to post for contribution, but tablet's busted :/

>> No.3549346

Learn to draw.

You shouldn't be learning to animate until your life drawing and creative drawing are already SUPER solid. I mean like, 2-3 years of experience, and you're good enough to get paid for it.

>> No.3549449

how do I do a master study of animated works?

>> No.3549511
File: 404 KB, 800x800, ripas pres.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still working on this. I'll try to finish it in ten days.

>> No.3549515

work on wave action for the tail

>> No.3549537

you should make beary's movement not be so in sync with the tilting of the tube, a little more sudden and with a delay as if being pushed by it; hope you get what I mean

>> No.3549540

also do you hab blog

>> No.3549546

like have her head position drag behind a bit?
I have this https://twitter.com/Thegutsybird
also have a tumblr but there's no real reason to upload there anymore. Feels dead.

>> No.3549551

draw in different layers, like the characters right arm should be in front of the tuba and hand should be gripping the tuba

>> No.3549553
File: 151 KB, 564x879, whynopantyshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why no pant shot? she is to cute not to know the colour of her pants anon

>> No.3549563

I have been. There's two separate tubes for the euphonium (not tuba) and she's gripping one of them while her left hand grips the other.
it looks kind of iffy though, that right arm of her's, doesn't it?

I might be misunderstanding something here.
white. probably.

>> No.3549569
File: 86 KB, 564x879, 1533318012841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is what I mean, but that's probably just a wip and not finished?
try working on anatomy also, the arms look wrong and the legs look off

>> No.3549571

oh, oops. I think I missed a couple of spots

>> No.3549572
File: 85 KB, 564x879, 1533318012841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay, like this.

>> No.3549574

Oh. Yeah, sorry. I really need to clean stuff up. I'll probably work on the arms and legs while I'm doing that too. the legs especially.

>> No.3549581
File: 255 KB, 790x904, 1531160065080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gib tumblr

>> No.3549583

just do you and do not listen to this egocuck, keep at it and maybe you'll improve - anatomy isn't anything if you have a style that looks past it.

>> No.3549585

yes ma'am. http://gutsybird.tumblr.com/

>> No.3549608

this is trash

>> No.3549611
File: 35 KB, 574x372, 1532968931929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3549643
File: 80 KB, 704x480, blink.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey thanks!

Yeah, I'm starting to get the hang of it the more and more I do these. I'm learning when to animate in 2s and when to animate in 1s. Like that ones was a mish-mash. It's interesting, this is honestly my first ever time at animating anything. It is a lot of fun, a lot more fun that I thought it would be desu, I always pictured animation as being incredibly difficult due to the amount of work it takes, but it's actually not that bad.

Also, 6/51

>> No.3549646
File: 154 KB, 704x480, thinking.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3549653


>> No.3549687

nice but it feels unnatural to go from a fist to an open hand and then to a gun shape.

>> No.3549699

Have you animated before? If not, these exercises have been really fuckn good for a beginner. Obviously there are some things that can be tweaked here and there, but overall you have a really good sense of timing already and that's one of the hardest things to nail down for a lot of beginners. Glad it looks like you're having fun with it, keep it up!

>> No.3549703


>> No.3549817

You can keep shapes consistent by drawing the key frames of an action and animating the inbetweens.

>> No.3549822
File: 265 KB, 800x600, o0o.pclx.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This exercise's purpose was to try to understand basic walking motions, any critique?

>> No.3549825

it looks feminine to me for some reason

>> No.3549830

Yeah, I suppose it looks like a dominant strut than normal walking because of how fast the legs are being put down.

>> No.3549834

Don’t have a blog atm, been meaning to set one up but I’m not good enough yet. Thanks for the interest though.
Yeah you’re right. I didn’t really plan any of it out, just jumped from one action to the next and it shows.

>> No.3549839

don't know if it's intentional, but work on solid line art

>> No.3549861

Nope, never animated before. I have done sequential art before in the form of comics and manga, but I've never actually done anything that applied the 12 principles of animation. It's still blowing my mind that I can make pictures move, lol.

I decided to give this a go because I've always had an interest in learning animation, and I figured working on animation, as I start tackling more complex stuff, would help improve my manga skills, like cinematography and stuff.

>> No.3549864

Richard Williams had a lesson on the walk cycles. basically a feminine walk has little head bob and an almost tightrope walk, with a masculine walk has more head bob and an almost kicking to the left and right kind of maneuver.

>> No.3549866

post manga

>> No.3549882

This one's probably the best one I've ever made thus far, though I'm not very happy with it if I'm perfectly honest:


>> No.3550005

try a girls run cycle with a ponytail

>> No.3550080

Is this all frame by frame or was some puppet animation used?

>> No.3550126

The tutorials i'm using for Krita all say to right click the orange square on the timeline and click new frame, but none of the options just say new frame.

>> No.3550129

create blank frame or insert right keyframe, upload screenshot to see if you're using the right tools

>> No.3550176

what are the hardest things to animate?

>> No.3550214

What about OpenToonz?

>> No.3550246

not that guy but personally I found Opentoonz to be rather confusing. Sometimes it completely messed up my stuff once I reopened it. I switched to Krita

>> No.3550300

I see, thanks.
Is OpenToonz Morevna Edition any better?

>> No.3550348

complex mecha

>> No.3550408
File: 194 KB, 564x879, 1533319634371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>here's your waifu bro

>> No.3550562

Frame by frame, 12 frames in total.

>> No.3550670

this feels surreal.

>> No.3550702 [DELETED] 
File: 1.64 MB, 1280x720, when did naruto learn wing chun.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get his good?

>> No.3550705
File: 1.64 MB, 1280x720, when did naruto learn wing chun.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get this good?

>> No.3550710

is that from baruto

>> No.3550715

Boruto ep 65, if I can recall correctly.

>> No.3550731

by hireing actors.

>> No.3550784

Would anyone care to tell me the brushes they use for animation in krita?

>> No.3550788

Do what the animators you've posted did.

>> No.3550792
File: 88 KB, 500x375, Flight of the bumblebee.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not unachievably good, it certainly is good but it's mostly flashy - rapid, predominantly evenly spaced out movements and poses with a shaky camera + a relatively low frame count

Making fighting scenes isn't the hardest thing to pull off, animating a character doing regular everyday stuff without making it seem uncanny is I would say

>> No.3550801

this entirely >>3550792
I would've loved to see the animation without the camera movement. I'm sure it's great regardless, but I bet the animation looks much more feasible without the shaky camera.

>> No.3550805

Study sakuga.
See how most anime do their fights. Figure out their timings.
Create your own battles, use that math to make yours look good.

>> No.3550855

>animating a character doing regular everyday stuff without making it seem uncanny is I would say
why is that harder than fighting

>> No.3550888

Because fighting is more free-form and you can really let yourself loose while animating it and you can tackle it in numerous ways

And then animating a character doing something ordinary while nailing his personality through it, I'd say animating a character's movement while he's talking is the hardest ordinary thing to animate, most animated shows today cop out when it comes to that and you see characters just standing still while they talk with little to no movement at all, Disney nailed it in it's older movies, even today they're basically unparalleled, yeah they're sometimes overly expressive but it never seems uncanny

Try it yourself or just think about trying it, to animate a deep character having a conversation and making it look decent and then try animating a fight scene and making that look decent, I bet you'd find it harder to do the first one or at least if not you then most people

>> No.3550918

what are some good examples of characters doing ordinary examples while looking uncanny

>> No.3550921

is that why in animators survival kit, they said animating the prince and princess is really hard and usually had milt kahl draw them

>> No.3550928

Just look at amateur-ish animations on YouTube

>> No.3550937

Every Disney animation of a character talking looks overly expressive and therefore uncanny to me.

>> No.3550942

To Me it didn't, I never felt like they went over the line, they came close but never actually crossed it, the animation feels so tight-knitted with the voice acting and the characters themselves that they actually don't feel uncanny at all

>> No.3550944

not that anon, but it's really a thing you just notice but can't put a pin on. Like the way a character moves their hand in an odd way or something. >>3550928 What this anon said, just look up student animated films with low views on youtube. However, some good examples of subtlety include Creature Comforts and a lot of the later half of Chuck Jones' career. Comforts use exaggerated forms, sure, but there's so much personality behind the motions and you get such a sense of humanity in the way they emote physically. And Chuck Jones drew these faces and had little moments in his animation that are dynamic but feel very natural and human, rather than his earlier work that was very bombastic and tried to be loud.

>> No.3550951

then what do you think are some good example of characters doing ordinary things while not looking uncanny

>> No.3550964

Ghibli movies, Disney movies and French animations mostly

>> No.3550993

would someone just post an example of "animating a character doing regular everyday stuff" already

>> No.3550999
File: 2.66 MB, 350x248, 2015-10-28 22.10.36.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3551004
File: 2.84 MB, 435x326, 1530673146561.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3551007
File: 2.99 MB, 2048x857, 1530950858333.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3551008

These are insanely good, where are they from?

>> No.3551011

milt kahl? 101 dalmations

>> No.3551012

we literally gave you examples, just look them up
101 dalmatians, christ dude

>> No.3551018

boring. id rather watch a sakuga fight

>> No.3551027
File: 3.96 MB, 532x400, kojo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it would be great if anything outside fights was as dynamic as that

>> No.3551103

You're not very smart, are you?

>> No.3551109


>> No.3551110

this has a lot of issues
the body movement is totally out of sync with the the heads and faces. there's not enough follow through for so much movement, it looks like linear interpolation

>> No.3551157

How do I mirror all my animation frames at once in krita?

>> No.3551163

>try using Adobe Flash CS5
>get "please install and reinstall" errors literally every time I try to use it

>> No.3551168

Fuckin' shit.
Disney old stuff never fails to amaze me.

>> No.3551171

idk, you could write a script in python to do it
>for every image
>mirror horizontally

>> No.3551172
File: 103 KB, 1200x650, AD94A53D-6576-4263-9AC6-6BD04ACE1E8B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3551185

i dont get it, is the other guy right?

>> No.3551211


>> No.3551285

Gave me a Dorohedoro vibe.

>> No.3551531

no its from borutus

>> No.3551535

looks pretty nice actually, try cleaning it up more and getting the proportions on point

>> No.3551537

keep in mind this movie came out 15 years ago

>> No.3551560


Thanks guys! I'll definitely keep these things in mind!

>> No.3551625


The point wasn't if they're boring or not, I said they're harder to pull off decently

I also bet you'd get pretty bored of sakuga fights if you got to see only them

>> No.3551758
File: 281 KB, 1300x2048, IMG_20180805_201557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Limited free correction service from Oshiyama.

>> No.3551759

I used to love this movie as a kid.

Sure, once I get there though. I wanna tackle the exercises in order, as I pick up something new and get a better feel for things with each one I do. I'll be working on the Flour Sack ones next.

>> No.3551761


Master of realism.

>> No.3552130
File: 849 KB, 720x405, Istilldontknowwhatimdoing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was busy this week so it took me a while.

>> No.3552162

In TVPaint it's literally Ctrl+C Ctrl+V.

>> No.3552308

oh shit i remember this from a while back

i need to see you shit animated

>> No.3552537

do professionals have to be specialized in one area of animation (like drawing dainty women, animals, special effects) or do they have to have a little of everything?

>> No.3552551

i think if you want a studio job they want you to know everything, although effects is sometimes its own separate job. if you freelance you could make yourself known as "the guy who's good at dainty women" or what ever you specialize in and people would seek you out for that. but its better if you know how to animate everything

>> No.3552557

i was reading the nine old disney men, and they all said they specialized in something

>> No.3552580

the current day animation industry is nothing like it was back with the 9 old men

>> No.3552852

I'd be interested, how much would you ask for a second?
that is, cleaning up, doing all the inbetweens, coloring and then shading.

>> No.3553021
File: 47 KB, 306x469, My_life.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No u

>> No.3553501

How do you guys keep your frame by frame animation consistent?

>> No.3553531

By following the 12 principles of animation - making sure our keys and extremes are consistent first and then moving onto the inbetweens

>> No.3553602

doing things in order -- carefully drawn keyframes, then breakdowns, then inbetweens, using onion skinning to compare the surrounding frames in each step
do a lot of gesture drawing and eventually you get a feel for proportion which helps greatly if you want to animate straight ahead

>> No.3553721
File: 1.30 MB, 320x213, 1502427315960.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anybody gone from 2D to 3D?
in 2D i've always animated using varied frame rates, usually on threes or twos.
when i do the same in 3D (toony NPR rendering) it looks ok with stepped interpolation, but when i switch to spline interpolation it looks like mush.
what do?

>> No.3554505


There are a few glitches with the Tvpaint crack in my mega that are known about. Main one is you cant open saved files unless the program is already running

Also while i'm here anything anyone recommends adding to the mega?

>> No.3554822

Any 3D animation books would be nice, maybe something about animating cloth or special effects? (It might already be in, don't remember)

>> No.3554996
File: 378 KB, 1280x720, Owl animation.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drew an owl gif.

>> No.3555017

there is something seriously wrong with that knife

>> No.3555056
File: 250 KB, 3840x2160, knife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it looks like its reversed, the hilt should be on the same level as the straighter side.

>> No.3555251 [DELETED] 


>> No.3555252
File: 70 KB, 540x304, tumblr_inline_p8preziWeT1s1tmtq_540.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shows all the steps in TVPaint

>> No.3555253

Try using a ref

>> No.3555289
File: 56 KB, 662x967, noosesadness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm about to go insane. Lately I've been trying to et back into animation with a bouncing ball. I finished putting the extremes and I was about to do the first inbetween before suddenly having trouble drawing a circle between two other HOW DO YOU HAVE TROUBLE DOING THAT?????????????? im really about to explode ive been reading art books that were suggested on this chat and was actively drawing this month. I'm really about to explode and I don't know what to do.


>> No.3555322
File: 292 KB, 1024x768, Happy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not the same anon but thanks for sharing this

>> No.3555452

ay bruh! I fuck with the vision, let's link

>> No.3555540
File: 142 KB, 442x427, turnnnn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rough head turnaround, hair is just scribbled in for now bc it's laaaate.. anything else i should fix before inbetween/ cleanup?

>> No.3555545

how do you collect references for animation

>> No.3555549

Youtube (or if a human action, just film yourself doing it if possible)

>> No.3555561
File: 46 KB, 468x482, 4trg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like other anon said youtube is great, make a playlist and add videos that you think might be useful. My fav feature is that you can use the < and > keys to go forward and backwards a frame, great for analysing movement in life and animation

>> No.3555686

Here's my playlist, I don't think all of them are groundbreaking animations but I do think all of them have at least one thing I'd like to incorporate in my own work


>> No.3555954

There is a really good book on 2d animation of effects which would be useful for understand the way in which certain processes work.

Did you mean more visual effects like live action integration and compositing?

I'll do some research into some good 3d books :)

>> No.3556003

>Did you mean more visual effects like live action integration and compositing?
I just meant any visual effects in-general, just anything. Oh, and maybe some reference sheets from ATLA would be nice


>> No.3556040

mind posting it?

>> No.3556044

i cant draw a good circle, chill out. animation is more about the timing and the idea than how perfectly you can draw a circle

>> No.3556061

w- what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.3556091

how do you come up with ideas for rough animations

>> No.3556176 [DELETED] 

how do you handle clean up if you can't even draw a circle? theres a lot of handling proportion and ratios in animation, a circle would be an ideal thing to make sure you don't have a problem with.

+ not being able to draw a circle = for sure not being able to draw an elipse, and there goes most semblance of 3d form in your animation

>> No.3556180
File: 728 KB, 500x287, tumblr_p0ap5d79mF1rb1rgoo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


how do you handle clean up if you can't even draw a circle? theres a lot of handling proportion and ratios in animation, a circle would be an ideal thing to make sure you don't have a problem with.

+ not being able to draw a circle = for sure not being able to draw an elipse, and there goes most semblance of 3d form in your animation

>> No.3556186
File: 225 KB, 1920x1080, fightanimatesAnimation.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried AMB Bouncing ball in Clip Studio but I think I fucked up the timing/frames. Probably redo it in flash, Any good though?

>> No.3556246
File: 282 KB, 851x624, drawing-circles.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't even draw circles
you probably either draw with your wrist, or your fucking foot. lock your wrist and use your whole arm to get larger circles and more stability with your lines. don't draw too slowly either. when you draw slowly, there's more room for error and you're making it harder for yourself in the long run. doing quick strokes is more effective and it gets the job done.

ps flash has a tool that straightens out your messy circles into perfect vector circles.

>> No.3556257

is the head supposed to nod when it's up in the air? what are we even looking at ? is there supposed to be a body attached?

>> No.3556272
File: 401 KB, 500x500, blow-job-animation.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the first animation I've done,using reference of course
never got to finish it

>> No.3556274

it's this tutorial but I obviously fucked it up, thanks!

>> No.3556303

oh i see. going off that video i'd recommend you find some other source to learn animation

>> No.3556319
File: 204 KB, 600x600, nikki in smash.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cleaning this up

>> No.3556409
File: 598 KB, 600x680, 1533739489408.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when i noticed nikki in the smash direct i instantly thought of your nikki dance animation you did a while back.

>> No.3556413


>> No.3556414

Thank you very much for thinking of me.

>> No.3556422

I would recommend you put off animation until you learn how to draw at a basic level. You don’t have to be super skilled but just learn some of the basics first, like a mid tier /beg/. Richard Williams says this too albeit a bit more extreme saying that you should be an extremely skilled draftsman and fall in love with drawing before approaching animation. Just take some time off from animation, don’t put so much pressure on yourself and practice the basics like drawabox, then when you feel a bit more comfy, come back and give animation another go. I had the same frustrations when I started and that was because I didn’t know how to draw at all.

>> No.3556506

What program is that?

>> No.3556517
File: 24 KB, 1446x1078, no problem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no problem your animations are cute and inspiring keep it up!

>> No.3556551

Flash/Adobe Animate

>> No.3556597
File: 950 KB, 360x270, 20180808_153751.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first animation
No bully pls

>> No.3556606

I've been using macromedia flash 8 for the last 10 years and I'm finally ready to make the change,
what modern program would be the closest to it?

>> No.3556636

tears form in the tear duct so id recommend starting the tears there then have them follow the rim of the eyelid and then fall down.

>> No.3556644

Dont listen to him it looks sick dude

>> No.3556659

Adobe Animate. Thankfully the brush tool is still a piece of fucking shit over a decade later so you should feel right at home.

>> No.3556665

Thanks it will fit right in with my signature style

>> No.3556666

this. whatever you do, don't listen to constructive criticism , play it off like the dude insulted you

>> No.3556698

Thanks for the assist im kinda shit at tears
I apreciate the compliment but im fine

>> No.3556736

>don't listen to constructive criticism , play it off like the dude insulted you
I met a guy who legit did this back in middle school

>> No.3556772

what animation is this from?

>> No.3556775

what sort of insecurities do you have when i give one minor note to someone else you yourself take it so personally?
the tears themselves aren't bad, i like the liquid-feel they got goin on. i just think they oughta be moved over a bit

>> No.3556851
File: 2.64 MB, 881x838, test32.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is a good program to finish this with?
I've had friends say kitra and others say Fire alpaca and one said clip studio paint
but i have no money for that and im poor. what do you anons think? i need to work on inbetweens to make this smooth, i might draw this all over so it looks good right now its just storyboards

>> No.3556947
File: 155 KB, 1366x768, P2DSS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically Pencil, or Krita, if your a poorfag, Pencil2D is free and its like the MS Paint of animation, not as complex as Krita, but your still able to get good mileage out of it.

>> No.3557326

It's nice to see an animation channel that's alive and uploading reguarly on youtube (and getting views, and being OC and not parodies!):


>> No.3557389

Yeah that's great

>> No.3557399


>> No.3557409

Sad his patreon is only 96$

>> No.3558474
File: 80 KB, 900x506, Untitled-18.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought its about time i start studying how to animate horses, im sure there are things still wrong

>> No.3558517
File: 199 KB, 600x600, nikki in smash.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is done by the way

>> No.3559121

new bread