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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3531280 No.3531280 [Reply] [Original]

>That artist that somehow only managed to regress

>> No.3531294

Who has time to improve when there's real and important work to be done like making internet posts about le orange cheeto hitler and harvesting all the upvotes? Don't you know, if you hold certain opinions it makes it that much more likely that you'll receive handjobs from an army of extremely young corpulent indigo-haired young maidens.

>> No.3531319

white virgin trump worshipper spotted

>> No.3531330
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>> No.3531331
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>> No.3531569


>> No.3531596


why did i check

>> No.3531605

I'm a browno buy I'm baffled as to why he made him brown

>> No.3531625

maybe a passive political statement, its a vague enough shade that its still mostly ambiguous though. Maybe the marketing people thought the overly pale characters wouldnt apeal idk. It's tacky to retroactively change it at this point but its not my problem with the art style.

>> No.3531726

top looks way better are you stupid?

>> No.3531896

vasquez is a white passing latino and said many times since he created the comics that the protagonist is a latino boy.

>> No.3531908


I swear, /ic/ people are the worst when it comes to talking about artwork.

>> No.3531923

I really hate what the new artists have done to dib, why is his skin darker? and the whole style of the clothes and face is fucked. invader zim was my childhood if only the show hadn't died.

plus too all these fags these aren't the same artists 2000 was the original and 2018 is some tumblr fags trying to replicate the style (not very well)

>> No.3532608

okay and thats cools, but i think what that anon is saying is if thats the case why not just start that way to begin with?

>> No.3532662

His sickly yellow color wasn't a clear enough giveaway that he's a spic. People need clear stereotypes to feel good about.

>> No.3532693

Why does it matter? He's supposed to be latino, stop being racist

>> No.3532730

I believe anon's post was satire.

>> No.3533900

>He's supposed to be latino
>literally no one would ever know unless the author mentioned this
Did he even say a single spanish word in the show?

>> No.3533938

>Did he even say a single spanish word in the show?
is shouting random spanish words while talking broken english the correct way to portray a latino now? What are you, 5?

>> No.3533984

Challenge Corner: choose a part of the new design for Dib OTHER THAN HIS SKIN COLOR and explain why you don’t like it. Compare it to the equivalent part in his old design, explaining why you prefer that one.

>> No.3533987

ITT people who didn't keep up with the comics and are surprised he changed the designs

>> No.3533991

The new one is too cute and makes my peepee feel funny. I liked the way old dib made my peepee feel, it was more conflicted.

>> No.3534000

What is Roosh V doing on there? Dude's a right wing retard who hates women.

>> No.3534062

speaking of cute new zim is fucking adorable
unsuited gir is weird to me though

>> No.3534065

That weird hair spike looks completely believable in the old one because the rest of the design is ridiculous as is. The new one goes for a more detailed and grounded approach, yet instead of compensating they made the fucking spike even more ridiculous. Looks like garbo.

>> No.3534131

because dib is a mexican? the creator of the series and characters is mexican? maybe he wanted to better represent that?

>> No.3534135

jhonen has said dib/johnny/gaz/membrane and his other characters are mexican multiple times, it's never mentioned in the show because their race doesn't define who they are

>> No.3534320

>the overbite in the original is funnier
>the overall headshape is more stylized and dynamic with contrast between the bulge of the forehead and flat back of the head
>the spike fits the hairstyle, where in the new one it looks tacked on
>the face is strangely broad looking in the new one, the proportions are just better in the original
>the coat is actually affected by gravity in the original, not in the new
Overall the old one makes him look more the part of an obsessive weirdo who stays inside watching Mysterious Mysteries and doesn't go out in the sun. The new one just looks like some hispanic kid.

>> No.3534330

>if you don't DONDE ESTA LA BIBLIOTECA COMO ESTAS LOS TACOS you aren't a latino character
racist as fuck

>> No.3534391


Funny. It seemed to have a reaction from you. Otherwise you'd not care he's not white anymore. Guess it's not a small change after all.

>> No.3534707


the hair spike thing looks way too thicc on the new one, also i think the coat looks more dynamic and better drawn in the old one

His design works better with a paler skin tone too, makes sense because he looks like a white nerdy kid that stays indoors all day and watches gun videos on youtube all night long

>> No.3534727

something i just noticed is those shoes look like ass

>> No.3534889

Another way they made the design worse is making the body broader, lessening the contrast with the big bulbous head and pencil thin body. Overall a lot of the contrasts in the original design have been flattened out.

>> No.3535141

dont you love outrage culture

>> No.3535987

>negative opinions are outrage
ITT people compare two image sets given by OP and post their opinion on which is better

>> No.3536008

This. He was pretty upfront from the start that Dib's latino.
Besides, people don't passively inherit mastery in a language their ancestors speak. I didn't pop out the womb speaking German. Expecting a latino born (technically built) and raised in the US with a father that's hardly ever around to know Spanish is like expecting a black person in the same situation to know fluent Yoruba

>> No.3536016

Outrage culture is the worst even when some good things come out it. More negative things were still as a result.

>> No.3536130
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Looks better and I grew up on that overrated cartoon.

>> No.3536171

>Everything about that post
Be careful, you're letting your power level show.

>> No.3536215

They are too far into production to alter this mess. Oh boy, how fun.

>> No.3536239

IMO they removed alot of shit that made him funny like his dorky overbite and over the top large glasses and made his hair thing fat for whatever reason. They also made everything rounder, which I hate personally because it kind of ruins the sharp stylization.
As a person I never really trusted the creator though because he's good friends with and personally gives shmorky work despite shmorky being too woke even for Rebecca Sugar. (I can post links but shmorky is a huge can of worms in itself)
Has he honestly done any major project since invader Zim? He's seems to have latched onto that and never done anything else

>> No.3536256
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>> No.3536314

the shoes on 2018 are trash too, that splash of color completely destroys the knock-off keanu reeves look Dib had in 2000.

>> No.3536330

Yeah the trenchcoat mafioso look was perfect for the character.

>> No.3536342

im just glad their bring back invader zim

>> No.3536367

I just don't appreciate his shirt changing, the ghost is too obvious I really appreciated the :/ smiley on Dib's shirt. Totally captured that left over 90's apathy that would later turn into the early 2000's emo kid. That shit was cutting edge.

>> No.3536369

RIP Gen-X slacker ethos

>> No.3536392

>invader zim
What is invader zim? multiple people have told me I draw like invader zim guy, but I’ve never seen the show before. Seems like generic cartoon drawings.

Is the show worth watching? Or is it too late because I didn’t grow up on it?

I always think the green thing is chuck from PSG, but I think chuck is the rip off.

>> No.3536394
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It's very of it's time, but it's pretty good.

On a side note I just remembered I have some old Invader Zim storyboards on my computer. Guess I'll post them here.

>> No.3536396
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>> No.3536399
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>> No.3536400
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>> No.3536407
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>> No.3536617

Apparently the computers at the time couldn't produce the right off brown skin color because I don't know...computers and stuff

>> No.3536635

Love the look of wips and storyboards

>> No.3536654

explains why the color design in early 2000s anime right when most studio transitioned from cel animation to doing everything on computers looks so disgusting

>> No.3536657

i thought this was a joke

>> No.3536665

>multiple people have told me I draw like invader zim guy,
Are you that guy who drew that big purple penis monster?

>> No.3536667

>he became brown

typical libshit

>> No.3536678

>they made dib spanish
Interesting. I wonder how this will play out. I know the first scene of the movie will be him saying something in spanish so the audience knows this.

>> No.3537016


>> No.3537051

I like the look of the new one and this is coming from someone whose entire childhood identity came from how obsessed with this show I was.

Y'all are retarded.

>> No.3537059

These are really neat, anon. Thanks for sharing.

>> No.3537257

How exactly was the audience supposed to know this?

>> No.3537464

They used a limited color scale. As memory increased we started using large memory segments to story color, but in the early days we didnt have the storage and memory capabilities to use the wider range of colors we have today.
Still seems weird they didnt use any shade of brown though but makes sense.

>> No.3537577

Its fine they finally made his skin color represent his ethnicity, but I don't like how they completely lost the style of the original.
It looks like complete shit.

>> No.3537596
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not him but i'm fucking spanish and never knew this information myself nor did anybody watching it. Nigga wasn't spanish to me but a white guy. its not racist to point this out

>> No.3538956

>make white character
>years later think 'i should of made him latino, shoot"
>"wait i know... i'll just say he was always meant to be latino, he just wasn't for reasons"

>> No.3538966 [DELETED] 

I mean, I have cousins that don't speak a lick of Spanish, nor do they consider themselves Mexican, but they look 100% Mexican.

It's hilarious that "muh forced diversity" is a threat to you people.

>> No.3538968

By not giving a shit either way.

>> No.3539107
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lol there were light brown characters in the show the exact shade of what dib is now. its really annoying that he is making such half-assed excuses, like dude just admit you wanted to change the character. Its honestly less obnoxious that way then trying to lie that he was really supposed to be brown the whole time. like just go "well i wanted him to be a white looking latino but i changed my mind"

>> No.3539250

>purple penis monster?
Yes - do they have a lot of those on the show? Seems like a kids show so I doubt it...

>> No.3541092

No, but you have a weird dynamic angle, sharp lines, and exaggerated features style that matches the show. Almost no cartoons look like that besides IZ.