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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 6 KB, 246x246, 246x0w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3528293 No.3528293 [Reply] [Original]

Where's my digital art fags? What's your preferred program and hardware? Also digital art thread.

>> No.3528303
File: 2.92 MB, 2714x1440, 20180719_221003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Procreate is currently mine, if only because I can't afford a cintiq for Photoshop and I suck balls at using my regular tablet with it so I just stuck to traditional media.

I switched almost entirely to digital after getting an iPad pro a few weeks ago and I've been loving it, pic related is something I recently painted with it

>> No.3528305

intuos 3, csp

>> No.3528306

Procreate on my cintiq surface pro note 3 pro

>> No.3528309

Just ordered my first tablet today, very excited!

>> No.3528310
File: 190 KB, 960x960, FB_IMG_1530803764176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's amazing. I'm going to pick up my iPad 9.7 tomorrow with apple pencil and go to digital. My end game is to make pins and sell them at music festivals. My friend inspired the shit out of me. That's his full time job. He just draws and travels the country full time.

Pic related his artwork.

>> No.3528312

Any pics of your art? I'm getting mine tomorrow very excited!

>> No.3528313

really liked csp brushes but I’m transitioning to PS to condense workflow and because it’s the industry standard. Use a cintiq 24hd touch

>> No.3528314

I went for the budget version. It's not bad for $300 less.

>> No.3528317

I jumped on a good deal on a barely used one, $550 for a 2nd gen 64gb 12.9 iPad pro + Apple pencil and smart case, otherwise I wouldn't have dropped however much a new one costs

>> No.3528323

>12.9 iPad pro
Pro choice bro - some much space for refs and multitasking everything else feels like a phablet

>> No.3528328

FUCKKK i finally updated iOS and updated procreate and there is fucking warp and liquify tool now - fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkk so excited

>> No.3528333

I got the 32 gig budget version because I can save high res in png and just cloud everything.

>> No.3528334

Does anyone have a YouTube channel for their procreations?

>> No.3528343

It's a great size, and yeah being able to split screen and have my reference on the side is great

>> No.3528346

I think the 9.7 can do that. I hope anyways. I cheaped out because it's my first drawing pad and I never was into drawing on paper really so I have no developed fundamentals other than. Spray paint. I figured a decent pallet of Molotow markers would run me around $200 that will just dry out or need to be refilled I decided to just go digital.

>> No.3528350

I upload the videos to tumblr, I usually speed them up so it’s not just 8 minutes of me erasing and undoing

>> No.3528353


>> No.3528372

I recently made one and I'll be uploading timelapses occasionally now that I can do that (probably gonna put up some.
in the next few days). You can find it at https://youtube.com/channel/UCFfeeUYS4_AtxpWJnqTvBRg

Also I just found out today that you can stream Procreate to Twitch, so if you want to see some live painting I'll prob be streaming at http://twitch.tv/sktchup sometime next week

>> No.3528382

I use Photoshop, because it's what I know, and it works well with my 24HD Cintiq. The other apps people use here are perfectly fine, I just don't use them. I've tried to get into Painter, but i just hate the interface. And, for small, quick stuff, I'll use Sketchbook Pro. '

>> No.3528384

Followed and friended your YouTube video is amazing.

>> No.3528390

I haven’t posted in a while http://tableguyic.tumblr.com/tagged/procreate

>> No.3528419


Thank you! Appreciate that :)

>> No.3528589

That Franxx/Gurren Lagann crossover was hilarious.

>> No.3528665

Intuos 4, I switch equally between SAI 2, Photoshop and CSP based on needs (or mood).

>> No.3528720
File: 842 KB, 1804x1804, PicsArt_07-20-08.11.23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I currently use medibang on my Lenovo yoga book, it's far from optimal but if I ever start making money with art I'll prob invest in something better, pic related, last night's drawing.

>> No.3528780

I was so used to the efficiency of Clip Studio on the computer, that for months after I got the iPad Pro I searched for suitable substitute. In the end they released it for the iPad and I had to have it.

Lately I've been discovering how pleasant is Procreate to use. Not as fast as CSP, but drawing is just joyful. For Procreate tutorials, I really enjoy the variety of work he produces: https://www.youtube.com/zatransis

>> No.3528864

Photoshop CC and an old bamboo pen tablet
ProCreate was my goto mobile choice, but I don't have a tablet anymore

>> No.3528870

whenever i see digital art written here i think of all the clever things people are doing with computers in the art world, then i remember you just mean painting in photoshop :(

>> No.3528879

Unironically use Photoshop CS6 to this day.

>> No.3528880

>implying anything else is considered art

>> No.3528913

That's not true. I use digital not to paint, but to draw

>> No.3528930
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I'm using Cintiq 13HD, i want to upgrade to a Pro 16HD in the future, someday.
As for program, I used to work with CSP Pro and then switch to SAI because CSP can't replicate my idol's brushes 100%
SAI is definitely a step down in term of functions compare to CSP imo.

>> No.3528947

I prefer CSP, though I use Photoshop CC2017 some times. I kinda have just never learned PS properly, which is partially why.

I have a Intuos 4 medium, but it's recently broken after a few years of reliable service. One thing I never really liked about it, as I really enjoy just drawing pencil/paper, is the hand to eye co-ord when using a screenless tablet - it always felt unnatural. Next week when I get paid I'm gonna pick me up an xp-pen 15.6, hope it works well.

>> No.3528960
File: 406 KB, 1024x614, 62F46747-122F-4B0B-B0BF-574DF29EDD7C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use Paint Tool Sai and an XP Pen 15.6. The XP Pen is alright, not as intuitive as my Companion, but it gets the job done.

>> No.3528965

SAI, but starting to think about switching to CSP or maybe even back to photoshop because of the limitations.
SAI 2 has most of what I want, but not quite polished enough for me yet.

I own actually own CSP but not a big fan of the interface, might have to spend some time to customize and get used to it if SAI 2 keeps getting developed at a snails pace.

Hardware is a used Intuos 4 Medium I got off ebay for like 80$, was in really good condition too.
Replaced my Intuos 4 small which was starting to get a little too cramped to draw on for long periods of time.

Currently saving up for a Cintiq or something like it, just bought a new desk to eventually accommodate it.

>> No.3528967

>>3528947 here. I've been autistically researching screen tablets for the last like 2 months and came to the conclusion to get the 15.6 cause, as a poorfag, it seems the best bang for my buck.
Do you mind perhaps elaborating on the tablet? pros and cons? I'd really appreciate it. Read plenty of reviews but an honest opinion is what I'd really prefer.

>> No.3529004

>needing a Cintiq for photoshop


>> No.3529006

People render entire drawings from blank pages it's more than just coloring.

>> No.3529017
File: 191 KB, 706x361, idklol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hardware: wacom intuos PT M (older model)

software: painttool SAI beta

i have no complaints with the hardware or software. they both work very well. the wacom's default settings needed some tinkering, though.

>> No.3529155
File: 859 KB, 2400x3000, The Other - Character 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Photoshop CC on a Wacom Cintiq 13HD.
happy with what I got, don' know what else to say.

>> No.3529160

I'd upload the ones it generates automatically but they're like ten seconds long so I feel it's not worth it

>> No.3529163

If you are gonna make it - You need an $10k iMac pro + cintiq to run PS

>> No.3529165

How can you stream procreate? I've been wanting to do streams for a while

>> No.3529319
File: 11 KB, 259x194, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Intuos Pro Large (2017, don't know the exact model off hand) - Krita

After the Kickstarter they had, Krita has matured A LOT since I first used it in 2010. When we got brush masking in 4.0, I basically packed my shit, canceled my CC membership, and moved to Krita completely.

My only gripe is that the bugs with the brush tagging system I've bitched about for years still exist. I've been meaning to try and tackle the issues myself, but the code they use to build the XML files for their tags are impenetrable for my skill level. I'll just stick to drawing and complaining.

Also their furfag mascot a cute. CUTE!

>> No.3529329

couldnt have waited a few months for the new pro's and pencil 2.0?

>> No.3529331

Wacom Intuos P S, Firealpaca. I started out drawing in general like a year ago, and jumped right into digital art. Used Krita first but god it was so complex. Thinking of switching programs but I need simplicity

>> No.3529446

Air Stream! It's a program that lets you mirror your iPad screen to your PC/Mac wirelessly (it works great), then you can just use OBS or whatever other software to select the window showing your iPad screen and stream that

>> No.3529527

How often should you replace your tablet and how can you tell?
I've been using my Wacom for like 10 years now and it doesn't seem to have any problems, but I'm worried there might be some subtle issues I'm just not noticing because I'm used to them.

>> No.3529529

>digital art fags
you mean EVERYONE?

or do you mean vector fags, as op pic seems to imply? in such case >>>/gd/

>> No.3529530

You’re the fag

>> No.3529547

There's no reason to if you're fine with it
But you could try going to a store where you can try them out

>> No.3529559

after 10 years, i would assume tablets nowadays have more sensors, better coded drivers, which gives more accurate strokes and better pressure detection, etc.

although with most tech and peripherals, the most cost efficient purchase is to buy a flagship model from 1-3 years ago

you're probably gimping yourself but if you've been a digital artist for 10 years, im in no place to tell you what to do

>> No.3529565

>How often should you replace your tablet and how can you tell?
Every time apple makes a new ipad you should buy it. You know when apple makes a big fuss of an announcement.

Gotta stay on yesterday’s products of tomorrow

>> No.3529571

im also using a 10 year old tablet. I want to upgrade but I always hear people having problems with every tablet that has come out in the past 4 years. Just not worth the risk.

>> No.3529616

Is that a specific app or do you mean the mac only built in feature? I use pc and I’d hope for something on the free side too.

>> No.3529663

No it's an actual program you can get for both Mac and PC, I believe it's a one time $20 purchase. It basically turns your computer into an airplay capable device so your iPad can stream to it

>> No.3529666

Oh and you can get a 2 week free trial so you can test it out

>> No.3529667


i'm literally gagging as i imagine the input lag

>> No.3529677

>but if you've been a digital artist for 10 years, im in no place to tell you what to do
Man, you'd be amazed how little you can learn in ten years when you're too proud to go look at other people's process. It took me five years to discover the soft brush.

Anyway, I tested out tracing cups and rulers and the pressure sensitivity on it and it seems to work fine, so I guess I'll just have to go to a store and see if I notice a difference.

>> No.3529703

i don't understand how graphics tablets work for sure, but in 10 years, the quality of materials and design simply HAS to have improved. i am almost 100% sure a 2017 tablet is going to be more responsive on a modern OS, due to more sensors, more/better transistors, or at the very least, its drivers will be designed for modern OS's.

>> No.3529712

Sounds like it needs bluetooth then. I don’t have bluetooth capabilities since my pc is an old self built budget gaming pc. Fug, thanks anyway. I’ll look into an adapter/card again but last I checked they were expensive.

>> No.3529715

Sounds like he’s talking sbout using it only for mirroring the screen for streaming, not to draw using the monitor. So any lag is a moot point.

>> No.3529862

You're still drawing on the tablet itself, it just happens to.alsp be streaming the screen to your computer. That and there is basically no noticeable lag

>> No.3529867

HP Spectre with screen pen. SAI2 and PS

>> No.3529904

Wasn't sure where to ask, but does anyone know where I can find a torrent of Photoshop CC 2018?

>> No.3529919

Intuos 2 + CSP/PS
I kind of want a bigger tablet but Im fine with it for the most part.
I look forward to Krita getting more development, I think it has the potential to eclipse the other programs in the general art software area.

>> No.3530113

Looking at buying an ipad pro 10.5, I have a weird day job where I basically get to sit in my car for long periods of time so I think it'll suit me. Should I bite the bullet or wait for the next round of Ipads?

>> No.3530114


>> No.3530126

>torrents PS
what a poor fag, YNGMI faggot.

>> No.3530191
File: 109 KB, 630x453, ThinkPad+Helix+Ultrabook+Pro_630_wide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use a Deco 03 and a Lenovo Thinkpad yoga that comes with a pen. Costs as much as an iPad Pro 12.9 would but you get an actual 14" fully capable windoes laptop with Thinkpad quality.

Only complaint is 360 mode fucks the calibration so I cant use it well in that.

I use CSP for stuff I work on and MSPaint for fun.

>> No.3530202

I use Krita and a Huion 680s. It only costed me about 30 something buckaroons. I’m not sure why anyone would prefer to buy an intous considering it’s about the same size at double the price. Is the texture different or something?

>> No.3530272

Touch controls and tilt detection. I can deal without tilt desu but touch is really useful.

>> No.3530275


I'm a firm believer in "you get what you pay for". But I'm not saying my intuous is better than your huion. Thats just my philosophy as a consumer.

I have big hands and needed a medium tablet and I thought i'd get a wacom since it was only like $40 more than other medium tablets from other brands

>> No.3530547

I generally agree witg your methodology but when a good Intuos costs 200$+ and its direct counterpart costs 60$, something's fucked up.

Macs are worse than PCs. Costly figurines are sometimes worse in quality than knock offs relative to price. A costly Samsung screen is not really alot better than its competitors. A costly Nikey jacket isnt really made of better fabric than no-name brands. Same with earphones. This rule is a good rule of thumb but just that, it doesnt factor into it the calculation of branding power. In 2018 Wacom is no longer the only correct answer, the question should instead be " how much are you willing to fork over and what it is that you actually need?"

>> No.3530561

wacom bamboo pen and touch (pen)
intuos pro medium
ipad pro 10.5 + apple pencil
Sai v2

>> No.3530670
File: 61 KB, 720x960, 37631575_2294216607260223_3305189720404787200_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8 min sketch on procreate. idk. Procreate's pretty cool

>> No.3530835

quick, intuos small or huion new 1060 plus for 20 dollars cheaper?

>> No.3530906

save up for a medium intuos is my $0.02

>> No.3531000

Are Wacom tablets really that much better to spend 3x more for the same size than an equivalent Huion? What makes them so good in comparison?

>> No.3531016

yes, their tablets are full of pixie dust, shit ain't cheap

>> No.3531021

I've had the 1060 for 5 years now.

>> No.3531024

No. I already mentioned, they have touch and tilt detection. Both features are useful, but not necessary. Its like asking whether you need photoshop or not in 2018. Its useful, but not necessary.

>> No.3531056
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I need to learn something else.

>> No.3531061

Krita and an 8 years old Wacom Bamboo.

>> No.3531062

better quality resistors and transistors and other electrical components make a difference

>> No.3531117

I use Clip Studio Paint and a dinky old Intuos pen & touch

>> No.3531119

my nigg

>> No.3531161

anyone know how to use brushes in photoshop where the brush changes shape how you move your stylus? every time I use photoshop cc17 it just ends up as a static shape for the brush

>> No.3531168

Currently, that would be medibang. and a mouse because I'm a poor bitch. Will buy some cheap tablet soon though.
This probably has something to do with your brush pressure sensitivity. I never tried a tablet though.

>> No.3531169

I heard a lot about this, is it good?

>> No.3531177

I run a 24HD Cintiq off a $1000 Asus laptop (i7), or a 2012 Macbook Pro Retina. All I have to do is move the Displayport plug and the USB plug. You don't need a 10k iMac to run a Cintiq, or Photoshop.

>> No.3531190

But that’s the worst why would you want that

>> No.3531197

cintiq pro and latest photoshop. i've tried using clip but always run into annoying issues on my tablet

>> No.3531200

What canvas size do you use? I'm scared of painting at too low a res, and then in 10 years my art will be too low res and pixelated. But if I turn it up too high my program lags out and its hard to work with.

>> No.3531213

you should obviously paint with the size your computer can handle.

>> No.3531220

As in the highest res it can handle with minimal lag?

What I want to avoid: imagine 20 years ago you made a video in SD. That was great at the time, but now it's 2018 and everyone wants 4k stuff, and you can't change your videos resolution, and next to the 4k stuff its going to look blurry and pixelated.

Same thing for art.

>> No.3531222

I paint at around 3000x4000 in photoshop

>> No.3531238


its what I'm used to using mostly, whenever I try to draw with photoshop it always feels so wrong compared to when I use krita

>> No.3531275

the fuck are you even saying? if it was that important to you you would go buy something that can handle large sizes.

>> No.3531333

will you ever print your current art ever?
the only time I saw this problem is with the long running comic printing
in 10 years your old art mostly gonna be dated anyway

>> No.3531370

>drawing every single fucking leaf

jesus christ

>> No.3531371

also every single leaf has exactly the same shape even though they are in different species of plant
not to mention they are absolutely gigantic, compared them to the guy's head

>> No.3531473

it ain't really that many anyway

>> No.3531676

Forest painting OP here, I'm @sktchup on Instagram and Tumblr (the link in my IG has the rest of my social media links)

>> No.3531682


To clarify:

1 - I made a custom brush for the leaves, that's why there's so many and why they all look the same

2 - they were the last thing I added and by then it was 4am and I just wanted to finish it up, so I went for the easy way out

3 - This was literally my first digital environment that wasn't just a quick color study or a line sketch, I had so many things I was trying to focus and work on throughout the painting that smaller details just went unnoticed.

That said I 100% hate the leaves and the trees in the center too, in an ideal world I would've suggested them with just a few brush strokes, but I still struggle to do that effectively

>> No.3531704

Ipad people, how likely is the screen to scratch? I’ve been using a plastic screen protector on mine and have the Logitech create keyboard cover for it.

I’ve seen posts about both the pencil and case scratching the screen so I’m a bit worried to take it off despite it apparently being better without it.

>> No.3532360

I like it but I wouldn’t recommend it.
The reasons I like it are because of the 10/10 anti-aliasing on the lines and because I can use Nvidia shadowplay to easily record while I work. It has some really neat tools that are probably in photoshop but are easier to pick up on in this program. Particularly the ability to make an entire layer of say, lineart one single color.
The reasons I dislike it are that it crashes way too often, it only has its own file format that isn’t compatible with anything else, PNG and JPEG, and you’re limited to 8 layers per piece so you’re forced to merge a lot. There’s also no reason for a PNG of anything to be almost 100MB but a lot of my final rendered pieces turn out that way. I use Autodesk to rerender it to a reasonable size.
The only reason that I use it is that I’m attached to the few things it does well. I recommend people use and get attached to a different program. But a demo of Black Ink is available.

>> No.3533277

Question, does anyone know if you can use the animation feature on the iPad version of Clip Studio Paint?
Also are there any respectable animation apps for the iPad at this time? I’m on the fence about buying a cintiq or an iPad. Right now I’m an illustrator but I wanna in on animation, already bought a subscription to Toonboom Harmony.

>> No.3533319

Don't know how to get used to Photoshop on such a tiny screen

>> No.3533376
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Who is bored enough to remake this in a higher quality so that it can be at least used as a wallpaper

>> No.3534246


>> No.3534264
File: 161 KB, 692x910, IMG_20180723_083419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

R8 this shit, faggots

>> No.3534402

Downloaded Krita recently and I like it so far, does anyone have any recommendations/tips regarding it?
Also what's the best setting for the stabilizer? I can never seem to make it have the same feel as the stabilizer in SAI

>> No.3535013
File: 1.92 MB, 3812x10000, 1532345697247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nvm got it

>> No.3535602

anyone knows a nice brush setup on SAI?

>> No.3535691
File: 607 KB, 2177x1975, F18FAE5F-C4CE-45E0-BA37-91A1D1222625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mainly illustrator
What do you think about this?

>> No.3535843

Are you professional? Do you move alot?

A used Cintiq is a better investment, or one of its competitors. Hell you can still get a new Cintiq that is both bigger and better than the iPad 12" for cheaper. IPad needs pricey peripherals (the pen is like 100$).

In that same amount you can also buy a MobileStudio Pro.

Moho is also good for animation and does alot of what ToonBoom does at a 1 time payment and always goes on sale. Also made by the same guys who publish Clip ( and Clip is made by the RETAS guys). Krita can also animate and is free.

>> No.3536527

I updated to the latest Krita version but now there's a weird bug with my Cintiq 13HD where it seems to place the cursor where the pen tip is, but it actually draws the line a couple inches higher. Not sure how to fix it :(

>> No.3536574

Procreate anons, are there any free brush sets that you like?

>> No.3536591

I use GIMP

>> No.3536672

stop using textured brushes to fill in areas with color

>> No.3536674
File: 90 KB, 1024x576, 1530076789014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any richfag here got the Cintiq Pro 16HD?
I been using the Cintiq 13HD for more than 2 years now and don't know if i should switch for the Pro.

>> No.3536817
File: 238 KB, 2000x1328, squircles-drawes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

motion computing le 1700 tablet. it was the cheapest option at the time.

>> No.3536829
File: 47 KB, 720x940, 36572353_1399340303533178_1529227808729989120_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On my Cintiq 27qhd I use Photoshop

On my Surface book I prefer Clip Studio Paint as it works better with N-trig pens

On my Galaxy note 10.1 I used Infinity Painter and/or sketchbook by Adobe

Samsung note broke though, so might get into the iPad meme too as I want a light tablet occasionally

>> No.3536893

I was experimenting with paint tool sai 2's default brushes. Im very new to digital art and art in general

>> No.3537163

I use csp for sketching and photoshop to finish pieces oddly enough

>> No.3537224
File: 2.59 MB, 2000x1125, Mountain Finished1080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been learning Krita, its pretty okay I think

>> No.3537246

that looks great man

>> No.3537267

source of img?

>> No.3537314

thanks anon

>> No.3537351


Not him but if you hold out for a new one you basically always have the same question when the new product ships, 'Can I wait longer for a newer new version?'

>> No.3537391
File: 245 KB, 1184x720, Screenshot_25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got an intuos pro medium right now, I want to shift into a display tablet soon.

I'm really on the fence about pulling the trigger on this pre-order since it's like $100 cheaper than it will be on launch, or getting an iPad 9.7 with the pencil. The fact that they're offering such a steep discount on the Kamvas has me a little worried it might actually be badly reviewed and they're trying to squeeze some cash out of preorders though. Still, $300 is an excellent price compared to Wacom. Cintiq is a bit outside my budget, sadly.

Are there any other good options?

>> No.3537505

pull the trigger, i think its worth the gamble. can always sell it if it doesnt work out, given that you will buy it 100 dollars cheaper than retail.

>> No.3537510

Never ever pre-order anything, ever.

>> No.3537543

xppen 13.3V2 and 16 pro are some other options to consider
I think 13.3V2 is roughly same price.

>> No.3537831
File: 30 KB, 362x500, s-l500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are all Clip Studio Ex versions the same? Or do they differ depending on the year?
Is it Geoblocked or can I active a US version without issue in Australia?

>> No.3537958

Bitch, I still use CS5.

>> No.3538265

I think they're all the same, except for the JP/Asia one.

>> No.3538268

>using Photoshop on a tablet
why would you do that??!
get something lite that's optimized for a tablet

>> No.3538520

I used a legit version of SAI that I bought way back in the day (like, 2008 or 09?) up until very recently, finally transferred to CSP. I liked SAI because it was so lightweight and easy to sketch in, but ultimately I was having issues with it in terms of quality (would save at poor quality, dunno if it was some bug I could've fixed or what). Just kind of graduated from it in general anyway. Tried using SAI 2 for a while but wasn't feeling it.

Mainly I sketch in CSP because I like the feeling of sketching in it compared to Photoshop (CS5, old shit). But I prefer using Kyle brushes and other painting brushes in Photoshop, so that's what I do for color and often lining as well.

For tablets I used a Wacom Cintiq 13HD for a long time, but the display was constantly shutting off in its last year of life and I finally needed a new one. Didn't want to drop 1000 dollars on another tablet though because I didn't have the money, so instead I gambled with a Huion kamvas gt-156hd for about $500. NEVER EVER GOING BACK TO WACOM. This huion is bigger and just as good if not better than the wacom. Back when I bought the wacom there were no real alternatives for quality tablets, but now there's a ton, so yeah, fuck them.

Also, Lazy Nezumi is a godsend.

>> No.3538533

I'd use krita more if I could make an inking brush I like and wasn't so ingrained into Clip Studio Paints echo system.

And the mascot is cute, fight me.

>> No.3538542

It's a branding thing. Wacom's the big brand, so folks trust it more, while XP-pen looks like a "third rate" knock-off" brand, even tho they function about the same, save for one or two features (touch and tilt sensitivity) and Wacom charges more (Again, some folks think "Costs more" must meat its a better product-)

Also I use a Monoprice Screen Input Tablet (Can't arsed to look up the model number, and I believe it is a rebranded Pablo Coast unite) my main drawing program is Clip Studio Paint.

>> No.3538608


>> No.3538927

I think you could convert the PS brushes you like to CSP, there's software that does that.

>> No.3538939

god almighty DAMN those are cool

>> No.3539252

Another fellow non monthly paying Photoshop user. Thinking of upgrading to CC. Not sure if the amtlib technique is effective due to the monthly fee scheme.

>> No.3539270

amt requires you to run some shaddy dll. better use the ol'reliable x-force keygen on ANOTHER, disposable machine

>> No.3539760

Tip for people who can't afford surface books, ipads, cinteechs, whatever: try out a refurbished Thinkpad, nominately the x series. I recommend x220T or x230T (they must have the "T" suffix, which stands for tablet).
They tend to be cheap (compared to others), durable, often equipped with good processors, ssd and RAM, and the screen has pressure sensitivity ofc. It's a laptop in itself.
Make sure the one you buy has multitouch function, some versions only allow pen input, no finger input (although pen only input isn't so bad I guess).

I have one that's done me really well and I love sketching on it. It's heavy, worn and all but it's worth the price it is.

sorry for shilling, I just think it's really good for the price it tends to be.

>> No.3540203

x220t is a meme. thinkpads are memes. and i own like 4 of them. the only non meme thinkpad i would ever buy is a w520.

tablets are memes in general. desktop + non display tablet is GOAT. i love my 144hz monitor with my tablet. shit's so silky smooth

>> No.3540218

i'm saying for when you're not home though, for more precise work and all I prefer desktop setup too. I move around and traditional sketchbook isn't my forte, so I like carrying my x220t for sketches and etc, and then when I get home I finish them.

>> No.3540289
File: 149 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_20180724_025228_656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op here. One of my first designs.

>> No.3540318

Are iPad art apps (like Procreate) compatible with a bluetooth keyboard for shortcuts?

>> No.3540651

I don't think it is yet.
I use a Logitech keyboard with mine

>> No.3540728

are you RebelTaxi?

>> No.3542170

I was about to ask the same thing.

>> No.3543949
File: 78 KB, 1151x1119, other symbol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do have a tablet, I just prefer using a mouse with mspaint.

Would look great without the borders

>> No.3544028
File: 20 KB, 850x850, love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

experimenting with the program

>> No.3544112
File: 61 KB, 740x740, 4729A558-5368-48AA-A7F6-68D5325A8A48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use painter 2018 and ugee 1910b. It’s hard to go back to photoshop after how fluid painter’s shortcuts are but I use it for color correction when working on more ambitious pieces.

>> No.3544115

How does an IPS screen compare to a TN screen for digital art reasons?
I've got a nice TN screen but the idea of better colours has been in the back of my mind.

>> No.3544119

I cant tell if this is meant to be retarded or not....

>> No.3544123

motion fucking sucks
i got one and it just gathers dust now, sometimes my dad uses it for movies and thats fucking it, also the screen started bleeding some kind of sticky goop, I DO NOT RECOMMEND.

>> No.3544288

Jet set radio?

>> No.3544683

Any Intuous pro users here?
Are there any stands for the Intuous pro so it's not flat against the desk?

>> No.3544892

lot of happy artists using it. what model did u have?
I have a screen protector on and have not experienced any goop. im sure if this was a thing there would be some posts about it online.

my only gripe is the battery life.

>> No.3545033

huion 680 and krita. basically, as cheap as it gets with descent quslity

>> No.3546532 [DELETED] 

Photoshop CS2 because I wouldn't fall for monthly subscription memes
SAI when I need to do sharp lineart or really quick sketches because Photoshop's brush tool and user interface just aren't as good for those

>> No.3546536

Photoshop CS2 because I wouldn't fall for monthly subscription memes yet
SAI when I need to do sharp lineart or really quick sketches because Photoshop's brush tool and user interface just aren't as good for those
8 year old intuos4

>> No.3546765

>The Matured Krita
Bitez za dusto

>> No.3546884
File: 38 KB, 576x960, FB_IMG_1533144200866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just did this one in procreate on iPad pro.

>> No.3546895
File: 430 KB, 900x1200, Skirmish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use Jump Paint. Did this yesterday.

>> No.3547171

Any tips on making Krita run better or faster? I can't have a large resolution image (Not even huge, like 450 ppi) with 3 layers without making my surface tablet fucking wheeze. Or should I consider a different program?

>> No.3547196

Sometimes, when using the buttons on my Wacom CTH-670 tablet, my computer switches windows. Like the tablet was sending an alt-tab for some reason.
Using Krita and Windows 7. I assume it's an issue with the tablet driver, because oh boy has that tablet driver been a right bastard.
I haven't been able to get it to happen consistently. Sometimes it works fine for hours and sometimes it happens several times in the space of a minute. It's just barely tolerable, but really distracting.
Has anyone else had problems like this? Or even if you haven't, got any ideas for workarounds I could try?

>> No.3547198

In my experience, GIMP runs reasonably well even on bad hardware. Of course, the UI isn't really designed for drawing. Or anything else. It takes some getting used to.

>> No.3547208

at horizon level it's usually lighter, unless its a dark cloud overhead but even then there's a gap between the clouds and landscape that's lighter

>> No.3547217

any thoughts on Affinity Photo?

-Photoshop CC user

>> No.3548884

wait when the fuck did clip studio get an english version
i tried it a while ago but it's all in moon

>> No.3548888

10 years ago when it was called manga studio

>> No.3548918

I used to fuss about softwares and have tried almost all of them until I realized they pretty much all do the same thing with only very minor quality of life differences. I just stick to Photoshop nowadays.

>> No.3549433

like 4/10?

>> No.3549885
File: 179 KB, 469x750, tumblr_pco3auee0h1t3g9x7o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a galaxy tab s3 i use medibang paint,
im Sai user and its the closest thing to it on android.

>> No.3550072
File: 946 KB, 2100x1200, mesa1 copy-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3552807

Terrible/10 I could do better with my fingers or a mouse.

>> No.3552810
File: 61 KB, 500x500, 1532162423410_Untitled_Artwork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op here. Here's my first piece I did more but I'm not gonna post them until I have them printed. This took about 30 minutes.

>> No.3552811
File: 890 KB, 2048x2048, 1532418127658_Untitled_Artwork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lied. Here's another.

>> No.3552812

Sai nigga

>> No.3552814
File: 484 KB, 2048x2048, 1532240743831_Untitled_Artwork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And another. Not finished obviously.

>> No.3552816

Any alternatives to Krita? I tried using a free version of Paint Tool Sai, but I couldn't get it to save in a location I wanted.

>> No.3552818
File: 81 KB, 818x426, 1532364317554_Untitled_Artwork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got drunk and forgot to layer this one so it came out terribly.

>> No.3552846

I use a cracked CSP and it's pretty good
only downside is it's mixed english/moon runes cause you gotta apply a patch and it doesn't entirely work

>> No.3552862
File: 419 KB, 2732x2048, 759143B4-FAC4-499A-8134-A10333B26581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a starting from nowhere beginner I personally find the screen on an ipad a lot easier to draw on than a non-display tablet like the Intuous pro. Maybe it’s because I bought the large pro and it seems too big for me.

Though it seems harder to measure and find the right sizes for things on the ipad. Like proportion is a lot harder.

It’s probably because I suck, but maybe it’s due to the different aspect ratio on the screen compared to a montior.

>> No.3553408

IPS is legitimate better but is a catch 22. I started experimenting with more diluted colors and got feedback that it was hard to see. I was confused until I remembered that TN panels would dilute it even more so I had to go back and adjust saturation and contrast.
Basically moral of the story is that you have to remember that people with shitty screens will be viewing your art as well.

>> No.3553450
File: 256 KB, 395x828, The_young_olympian_by_Troy_schooneman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get by with a used Wacom Cintiq 21UX. They're pretty cheap since they're not in the main lineup anymore but I had to buy it for the intuitive pen to surface feel and because my laptop's black levels are off, making my value studies difficult. I dart back and forth from Manga Studio for linework, Photoshop for painting and specific tools, and Sai for anything else they don't have.

>> No.3553741

I'm a beginner who wants to become proficient digitally. I've tried Sai, PS and Krita. I really don't want to pay monthly for Photoshop or infect my only computer with keygen aids but it just seems like the better tool. I have a very decent PC (16GB ram and 8th gen i5 overclocked) but I just cannot get Krita to run smoothly on it. It stutters periodically and there is a perceivable delay when I draw that just isnt there on ps or sai. Wtf do? It seems that photoshop is the way to go since I can get plugins and brushes and everyone seems to use it. I could buy sai, but it does not have nearly the features of PS....

>> No.3553745

could always try CSP

>> No.3553750

How does it compare to PS? Decent brushes and coloring tools?

>> No.3553770

personally, the brushes are my favourite part (especially the fuck off massive daub pack). I don't know how the colouring compares, if it's like SAI where you linework in SAI and then colour in PS as I just do all my colouring in CSP anyways. I dunno though dude, I've literally only tried sai, csp and PS and only use the last two any more. CSP is on sale fairly often so if you want to torrent & then buy on sale, or something, just to try it out - it's essentially a more indept sai, really.

>> No.3553918

I have trouble deciding on a canvas size.... Like do I make it fuckhuge 6000x6000 at 500dpi and just make the brushes bigger? Pencils on a canvas that size are like a nanometer wide when the canvas is zoomed out so the whole canvas is in view. Do you just zoom in for each section you want to do? seems like it would be annoying to have to keep zooming and unzooming to draw things

>> No.3553935

I like 3000x3000 or like 4kx3k or some variation. Find it's a good balance between brush sizing (can still make a 5 pixel, 15 starts to get a bit thick with, say, the millipen) and canvas size.
I think DPI only matters when you print? Though I am actually ignorant on that matter so I might be talkin out my ass

>> No.3553938

make out*

>> No.3553980


>> No.3554019

Clip Studio Paint

>> No.3554305

If you really want PS and you dont care for the latest version, download CS6 from Adobe and download the Universal Adobe Patcher 2.0 from reddit (google it. first link most likely).

>> No.3555172

Can you post your work? I just want to see what can be made in this program.

>> No.3558353

So my tablet came with, along with a year liscense of CSP pro, Corel Essentials. Is it good? Newest version of Corel is like 500 burgers, and I know essentials is going to be a stripped down version but exactly how stripped down is it? Is it usable? I am interested in the incredible brushes corel supposedly has.

>> No.3558490

Just get Clip Studio or use more developed free software like Krita or Medibang.

>> No.3559424

I like the color scheme, I would get rid of every round corner and tone down the darkest darks on mid and background.

>> No.3559469

Krita can be kind of a pain. It likes to lag a lot whenever I draw thick lines. Also, whatever you do, do not use the Move Tool to move images. Use the Transform Tool (Ctrl + T).

>> No.3560988

what's the appeal of SAI

>> No.3560992


>> No.3561005

if you have a decent computer and access to clip studio paint, nothing.

>> No.3561071


>> No.3561084
File: 7 KB, 245x206, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Intuos and Sai

>> No.3561087

CSP on my iPad until full Photoshop comes out for it next year, assuming it performs well

I love drawing on tablets now. They're so lightweight and devoid of cords.

>> No.3561336

Well it got popular before csp was well known and you were either using a pirated Photoshop or the freeware Gimp. Or Corel painter if you were the oddball more into painting.
So when it came out it was the perfect storm. It was immediately simpler and easier to understand with a good GUI that's not too minimalistic so it stole users who were intimidated by Photoshop. It had tools to get better line art with our shitty tablets or mice, was cheap enough for moralfags to purchase and steal Gimp users, or feel less bad/paranoid about pirating if you were a kid. Also yes it being Japanese did help draw in some weebs attention. It's also exceedingly easy to pirate with a small file size, no torrenting or installation. Just zip your cracked copy and share freely in deviant art or directly to friends.

That said, I still find myself preferring Sai over possibly better competitors like CSP because of the familiarity and GUI but I've been trying to experiment more.

>> No.3561342

A couple years ago I bought a ugee hk1560 for a similar price, no regrets so far. I suggest you look for bigger screens, 13 inches aren't that much when you're using desktop software.

>> No.3561644
File: 46 KB, 273x273, IMG_3266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are Affinity Designer and Photo as Adobe alternatives?

>> No.3561645

I'm using an intuos with 3d printed nibs and manga studio/photoshop

>> No.3561652
File: 48 KB, 487x358, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm using CSP 1.6.2 and downloaded a brush, but when I go to drag it into the subtools, it doesn't do anything. When I tried to paste it using the button on the bottom of the materials bar, I got this. Other brushes installed fine either way, any ideas?

>> No.3561666

When you dragged it to your subtools, have you tried waiting a few seconds before letting go of your mouse button? If that doesn't work either try updating, since 1.6.x is really old

>> No.3561670

Shit, I didn't know it had been that long. Let's try that first.

>> No.3561692
File: 296 KB, 1000x947, Illustration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like that did it, time to fuck with weeb brushes. Thanks.

>> No.3561721
File: 288 KB, 1588x1856, IMG_20180808_195307_238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love infinite painter on my galaxy 10.1

The closest thing you can get to apple pencil and procreate without having to use apple products imo

Great tool for sketching and starting images to move to PS on my cintiq

>> No.3561755

thats not a textured brush you fucking brainlet

>> No.3561760

good for you, do you want a cookie?

>> No.3562202

The nearly unlimited free trial helped. Sometimes, I'm surprised people still use it until I remember that CSP was pretty awful to use for various reasons until like 1.4, or around when the brush engine was completely overhauled and they made the menus more photoshop-like. The sheer number of brush packs and deviantart tutorials was also a factor.

I think the big thing is that Ps has never been inherently meant for drawing and painting and feels like a photo editor with mspaint tacked on, because it is. Especially in the earlier versions. In addition to the weeb appeal, I believe that's what made CSP so popular in more recent times.

>> No.3562245

What is the matter with you?

>> No.3562253

I use an XP-Pen Artist 22" tablet screen (someone gifted it to me). It's great, there's maybe better stuff out there but I couldn't ask for more.
CSP for program, picked it up with a promo and didn't change yet, with some PS on the side. I tried Krita too but it feels a bit like a mess.

>> No.3562812
File: 116 KB, 500x391, tumblr_inline_n0d97dMkHh1qf7gpu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noob here.
Should i start sketching with a hard opaque brush or with a soft transparent one?

>> No.3563219

Anyone in Los Angles here?

>> No.3563891


>> No.3565136

Is it possible to have Procreate automatically save to, say, Google Drive by default? Or do I need to manually save it there?

>> No.3565237

If I just want to draw, is it necessary to buy the expensive version of CSP? I have no intention of animating anything

>> No.3565296

What I want:
Cintiq or a tablet with a screen I can draw directly on + PS
What I have:
Cheap entry level wacom intuos and clip studio pro that I got during a sale.

>> No.3566226

Is there a way to instantly change all value in an image to mid/50 while retaining the saturation and hue variance?

>> No.3566398
File: 34 KB, 246x246, 246x0w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this software is claiming to be the photoshop substitute on the iPad pro , anybody had experience with it , if not what art programs would u recommend for illustation

>> No.3566400

... except procreate ofc

>> No.3566609

Is there a good app for making pixel art on the iPad?

>> No.3566621

>Cheap entry level wacom intuos and clip studio pro that I got during a sale.
How has this been working for you?

I'm planning on going digital,
but want to start with a cheap combo of supplies before I start shelling out
the big bucks for the kickass gears and software.

>> No.3566651
File: 468 KB, 500x400, Seinfeld wink.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why procreate with Google's "drive" when you can procreate with mine, baby? ;D

Huh? Whadd'ya say?

>> No.3566670

Looks cool

>> No.3566774


Not him, but Clip Studio is good software. As for the tablet, a cheap one is fine, just make sure you get a medium sized tablet or higher. Small tablets are not worth it.

>> No.3566798

19'' Huion GT-190, Photoshop CC.
Not cheap but hey, i get work done.

>> No.3566829

No, YOU'RE the fag, faggot!

Mom, he called me a fag!

>> No.3566836

Ok, thanks.

>> No.3566955

It's a good photoshop alternative but I'd use Procreate or Medibang for art instead.

>> No.3567451

>doesn’t torrent Ps
Look at this pleb who enjoys wasting his money. NGMI

>> No.3568630
File: 144 KB, 904x455, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started digital yesterday, on a cheap Wacom Intuos. Are there good resources for reading up on techniques? For instance, I don't know how to blend value; I take three tones on three different layers and erase.

>> No.3568849

I’m thinking about picking up a huion inspiroy q11k and Krita. Is that a good idea?

>> No.3568863
File: 732 KB, 1633x933, line.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use Photoshop, the pen tool, and some marijuana

>> No.3568867
File: 2.70 MB, 1536x2006, heads5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is another one. Smoke weed every day

>> No.3570549

The ones that support keyboard shortcuts work with bluetooth keyboards. Having the full array of shortcuts for Clip Studio makes it even more of a powerhouse.

>> No.3570830

Thanks. Yeah I definitely need to use deeper colours as well. Im still rather new to painting and I get scared of using a wide range of hues even on uniform coloured things like snow. But Ill try in my next!

>> No.3570844

The tools dont matter, it's how you use them.

I'm currently on an XpPen Deco01 and moving to Krita from photoshop.
It's breddy gud.

BTW Wacon's pen tilt patent has expired and the chinkshit tablets with tilt functionality are starting to emerge.

Once they make a good big one - i'll get it.

>> No.3572831
File: 1.17 MB, 1981x1797, bleeding gall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i use paint tool sai and a huion kamvas gt-190 pen display tablet

>> No.3574080

I just discovered SAI2's deform tool twists the image like a 3d object. Any other features you were surprised by?

>> No.3574457

i have one of these collecting dust on the side, 1600
loved that thing for basic sketching, works great with sketchbook pro and opengl features turned off

turn it around and flip the screen vertically, then you got the buttons on the right-hander side

>> No.3574462
File: 137 KB, 1316x839, Snipped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just snipping this from my work, could i get some feedback on the piece?

>> No.3574712

The dude on the right. His cap is too smol. It shouldnt fit on his skull

>> No.3574962

It's cheap and easy to use

>> No.3574976
File: 666 KB, 1024x569, speed_painting__old_mill_by_don_carceri-dc4h2lc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Extremely lightweight, no lag, lines at 60fps, great stabilizers, great blurring tools.

Its excellent for art that isnt brush intensive digital painting. But even that can be done to an extent. I did pic related on sai

>> No.3575132

that's...low rez

>> No.3575370

grind anatomy you leech

>> No.3575380
File: 307 KB, 321x471, Screenshot_2018-08-22-18-20-25~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a cheap tablet you ugl/ic/unts would recommend?

I want to get into the digital medium, but I'm a poorfag and cant afford much. I don't even have a computer really, my girlfriend has an acer chromebook that I could possibly use, but I dont know if it could run any decent software. My budget for a tablet would probably be around $350.

I tried using a cheap $80 tablet when I was around 16 but it was a piece of shit and really discouraged me. It couldnt draw straight lines or would not be accurate relative to the stylus.

Pic related, drew it about 3 weeks ago with watercolor and ink. It lost a lot of detail and fluidity after coloring it and got really muddy. I think the digital medium would help me accelerate my learning and encourage me to produce more rapidly.

>> No.3575552

wacom cintique 13, Clip Studio Paint

>> No.3576156

>think the digital medium would help me accelerate my learning and encourage me to produce more rapidly
don't blame the tool/medium.
paper and pencil is still good for learning.

but for your money, a used medium intuos pro(with pen tilt) is good.

>> No.3576313

Another thing is

A cintiq or wacom alternative can go bad at any given time and if u have a job to do and dont know how to use an intuos medium or offbrand equiviliant ur gonna get fucked

Its best to be capable of using the most basic tools that are readily available so you can be sustainable.

I have an ipad pro 12.9 and love it to death but i know training myself to use my intuos is invaluable.

>> No.3576420

Is this a meme? Looks like some /ic/ tard nabbed some professional's work and free transformed random objects
Guys on the right and left are a perspective mess

>> No.3576467
File: 2.86 MB, 1920x1080, Wolverine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Krita, my favoured free program. because im poor

>> No.3576471

i used a 99£ wacom Pen & Touch

>> No.3576760

>be new
>get intuos pro medium
>every five seconds it thinks my palm is making a gesture in sketchbook and whirls the fucking screen around
>google wat do
>you literally have to disable all touch features in the device to stop this, no matter the program. from what I can tell

what in tarnation, is this how it be or am I retarded? I don't want to disable all the damn buttons and touch features, you'd think this would be the #1 feature they would unfuck and make easy to disable

>> No.3576770

>mfw there's a switch on the side for this

wew I'm retarded

>> No.3576807

Procreate and Sketchbook Pro (the original not the crap version they have now that forces you to make an account, too bad it crashes on startup now) on my iPad Pro and Manga Clip Studio on my Surface Pro 4, unless I decide to use it as a second device to my actually decent PC, then it's whatever program then, Krita, PS, etc.

Strongly recommend Procreate and Manga Clip Studio respectively.

>> No.3576818
File: 5 KB, 246x246, 246x0w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone here used Artstudio Pro on the iPad Pro? Any opinions?

>> No.3576873
File: 349 KB, 1920x1080, PSS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a newbie using Deco01
my friend gave me a license for Painstormstudio said that it has powerful brush system or someshit I don't know
but so far it has better UI than Krita so I like it

>> No.3576885

>A cintiq or wacom alternative can go bad at any given time and if u have a job to do and dont know how to use an intuos medium or offbrand equiviliant ur gonna get fucked

That's why you buy warranties. Anyways iPads > Intuos and Cintiqs ( except for the newest Cintiq models )

>> No.3577733

Hi, I'm looking to get a laptop that can comfortably run Photoshop, and has a decent display.
is this realistic in the $300-$400 range?

>> No.3577818

Most could run PS, but getting a good IPS display with accurate colour temperature might be a bit of a bitch for that price

>> No.3577859

Question for SAI fags, but I noticed that SAI1 seems to be 'smoother' and even sharper with brushes and textures; overall appealing to me more despite SAI2 being arguably better for visuals and function.
Is there some sort of list that explains the differences between SAI1 and SAI2? It's driving me nuts and I don't know what to stick with.

>> No.3577869

I began with sai and used it for ages, when I got hold of sai 2 I just learned to use that instead despite the differences, since you'll accustom over time and sai 2 is still being developed, so more and more features and fixes are coming out. Also sai 2 is 64 bit.

Id say go to sai 2, the lines and brushes are still heavenly smooth compared to krita, PS and CSP. Youll be able to re create your old sai tools albeit by fiddling with more settings, but youll manage eventually.

>> No.3577881

Thanks for the reply, I've been drawing with SAI2 for a long while now but recently got tempted to go back since I couldn't seem to manage to recreate the same feel and look of a few older brushes and a number of other things.

>> No.3577904

kill yourself

>> No.3577926

What's wrong?

>> No.3577950


FUCK you for making me look at that shit

>> No.3578162

i have it.

pretty good you can use photoshop brushes.

for some reason though i got back into CSP, both desktop and ipad and man it's pretty fucking good.

the monthly fee sucks ass but man it's so nice to use the comic feature, i can emulate a digital sketchbook doing so and there's so much control with the UI.