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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 674 KB, 2430x4024, 6686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3525252 No.3525252 [Reply] [Original]

How am I supposed to draw stuff like this without wanting to jerk off?

>> No.3525253

graduate from middle school

>> No.3525254

Are mentally challanged?jeeezz

>> No.3525256

you're not, do you think there's a high demand for ballerina's drawn by horny frogmen?

>> No.3525258

obtain a sissy fetish. /gif/ will help you with that

>> No.3525508

You can do both, just take fap breaks you dingus

>> No.3525525

That doesn't even look fappable

>> No.3525548

are all men this pathetically thirsty? jesus christ you need to get some chemical castration. jesus fucking christ the male libido was a fucking mistake.

>> No.3525564


>> No.3525569

fat roasties are fucking SEETHING right now

>> No.3525574

Simple: put the fap as a reward for making a good drawing. If your drawing doesn't look good or is unfinished, you can't cum.

>> No.3525578

fat and a roastie? how does it make you feel that fatties are having sex and youre still a virgin?

>> No.3525589

inb4 le incel

>> No.3525669

post more ballerinas

>> No.3525670

I'm not a virgin though. Fat sex is actually worse than no sex btw

>> No.3525671

>Fat sex is actually worse than no sex
What's it like?

>> No.3525672

Fat, sweaty, desperate, and boring

>> No.3525673

fat head is the best you liar

>> No.3525674

you've never had sex with a fat girl. or any girl for that matter

>> No.3525675

I admit that fat chicks are desperate and willing to try harder and do more, but the fact that she's unattractive makes it objectively worse by an large amount

Stop projecting.

>> No.3525676

>t. never had sex

>> No.3525677

>unnatractive by default
yeah you're a pleb

>> No.3525678

>the fact that shes unattractive makes it objectively works
literal proof of your virginity. no one cares what someone looks like when theyre balls deep in them

>> No.3525679

I swear, incels always view sex as this thing that's really difficult to get. Yeah... maybe if you're fat! But even then there are other desperate folks like >>3525677 that will take your sorry ass

>> No.3525681

If this were true, ugly fat people such as yourself wouldn't have a hard time getting laid. Reality contradicts your opinions.

>> No.3525682
File: 790 KB, 750x1000, Urushibara.Ruka.full.606948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>male libido was a fucking mistake
>chemical castration
>>hot flashes
>>hormonal unbalance
>>muscle loss
>>fat gain
>>risk of tons of medical complications
not worth the risk. just fap till it goes away.

>> No.3525683
File: 94 KB, 601x508, 2f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>larping on 4chan as a chad

>> No.3525686

Not even a chad, just a regular person. You shouldn't assume everyone here is a literal r9k NEET or fat roastie that /soc/ rejected

>> No.3525687

your complete lack of reality awareness is telling my nigga. you will understand when you graduate from 9th grade

>> No.3525689

so you admit youre larping as a regular person when youre an incel? okay

>> No.3525691

Must suck having to project this hard

>> No.3525696

Why are fat people trying so hard to convince me that they're not unattractive? Just give up, I have never seen an attractive porker. A pretty face doesn't make up for an ugly lifestyle.

>> No.3525697

Nigga I'm married. Pussy is pussy. Stop acting like fat pussy is any different.

>> No.3525698

Yes, a lot of people let themselves go after marriage. Even if your partner doesn't say anything, that doesn't mean they don't resent you for letting yourself go.

>> No.3525699

Alright, look. I want to keep this thread about drawing, I don't really want to talk about fat people here, but you made me. Let's drop it.

>> No.3525700

fat people get sex all the time. otherwise we wouldn't have so many of them. and attractiveness is relative. not every flower attracts every possible pollinator. fat people fuck fat people. attractive people can have fat people fetishes. etc. now go back to your high school homework.

>> No.3525704

Just drop it. You're not going to convince me with your fat cope. Just move on and draw.

>> No.3525735

Bro, just jack off before to clear your mind. Take it from me, a professional nudie drawer

>> No.3525757

once i banged a big fat girl and when she turned around to let me hit it from the back i could smell her asshole. maybe she'd had a big dinner.

>> No.3525760

I'm a woman and I'm that thirsty.

>> No.3525767

no youre not

>> No.3525771

This may sound completely retarded, but it's kind of a retarded problem so have, so here goes. Just fucking master your sex drive so it doesn't control you like that. Allow yourself to be aroused, but resist the urge to jerk off. Have sex with her in your mind, and use the fantasy to draw her form with a more genuine and loving idea in your mind.

Or you know, just jerk off and draw between intervals.

>> No.3525777

Okay Mr. I-Watched-Tom-Segura. As someone who is turned on by male pleasure, I think I know how thirsty I am.

>> No.3525780

being a sissy doesn't mean youre a woman

>> No.3525789

No, but my vagina makes me a woman. I'm not sure what you're getting at, my friend.

>> No.3525792

Unironically good advice
Priests used to suppress their sexual energy and convert it into creative energy for painting and stuff. I believe it's called "sexual transmutation."

>> No.3525793

are you fat

>> No.3525798

No. Sorry thread, didn’t mean to garner this much attention. Just thought it’d be funny.

>> No.3525801

By growing the fuck up. You know who's entire life revolves around rubbing their dicks? 13 year olds.

You won't be an artist of any note until you grow the fuck up. Go get laid, get it over with already, get over the "OMG BOOBS" thirteen year old thing already.

Who can draw her without jerking off? A man.

>> No.3525809

>I admit that fat chicks are desperate and willing to try harder and do more

I've found that to be the complete opposite. They don't like getting naked, kind of hard to fuck someone that's fully clothed and won't get naked.

You know who thinks that fat girls have sex a lot?


They think everyone is fucking, 24/7. Because they're not.

>> No.3525813

Doesn't make up for an ugly personality, like yours, either.

>> No.3525824
File: 561 KB, 887x316, 1462330829159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not having an overactive libdo to essentially draw with your dick and do it the Kyle way
>Not focusing on one fetish to practice and master from which to reward yourself with a good fap in the end
>Not precumming to your sketches while you're drawing to find out what ticks and what doesn't work
>Not fapping with one hand while drawing with the other
>Not stepping it up and usinh a chasity belt only unlocking it until after work is done
Not. Gonna. Make it.

>> No.3525847

Needed this laugh today, thank you anon.

>> No.3525855

Not. Gonna. Mature.

>> No.3525861

What doujin is this from?

>> No.3525873

you won't get any advice on /ic/. 99% of this board is effeminate $0yboys who are impotent from phytoestrogen overdose, or they're women

>> No.3526863

Self control.

>> No.3526883
File: 185 KB, 500x644, 175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the comments in this thread

Holy fuck this is pathetic.

>> No.3526886
File: 72 KB, 1439x767, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lesbian here.
Can confirm, figure drawing makes me horny as fuck

>> No.3526892

Nope stop larping

>> No.3526895

When I was a bit younger, I watched the entire Berserk movie series in one night. I was (probably still am) mentally challenged or something because I thought getting a boner whilst watching an “artistic” film was pathetic. I still got boners but after a while my libido started waving like crazy.

I’m a soulless drone most of the time but my want for SEXUAL THRILL spikes from time to time.

>> No.3526904
File: 2.07 MB, 3024x4032, Venus De Stracted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just jerk off before and use your jism as a gesso duh

>> No.3527540

It's funny you guys think that only men use this website.

>> No.3527543

women do
"horny lesbians" that get unbearably turned on by figure drawing references definitely do not

>> No.3527548

Get higher standards. That shit is a solid 4 without whisky.

>> No.3527565

You can't know that for sure, or at least, you can't say definitively that a horny lesbian out of the 3 billion people using the internet couldn't possibly find this thread. I mean...we do have an lgbt board on here. It's really not surprising that someone could migrate. Especially since lesbian artists are more popular than ever nowadays.

>> No.3527568
File: 214 KB, 500x502, 1530672612183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post tits for reference or gtfo

>> No.3527582
File: 150 KB, 414x300, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was waiting for that one.

>> No.3527589
File: 170 KB, 540x397, 1530198265890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but that's absolutely disgusting, please get better taste.

>> No.3527591
File: 175 KB, 500x500, 6f6abd741d87267a8a678a7fab6d9b80.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3527595

noob art men are so fucking retarded are drawing pussies in what universe does that look right

>> No.3527599
File: 459 KB, 734x810, 1502588848468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3527608

there are no girls on the internet tbqhwu senpai

>> No.3527615

yeah pussies don't look like that IRL where is the 20 lbs of roast beef flaps

>> No.3527626

Sorry if it’s weird to say but mine kinda looks like that.

>> No.3527630

hey bb how u doin

>> No.3527639

if your pubic mound and labia are that wide you must have a deformity

>> No.3527643

yeah she has a vitamin D deficiency if her vulva mound is that pronounced

i will begrudgingly volunteer my D to remedy this deficiency

>> No.3527647
File: 120 KB, 768x1151, 486a589af8eaa1e0d7b4e3799a0066f4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not what I meant you retarded incel

>> No.3527649

it's an exaggerated venus mound or w/e it's called
calm your petty female autism. no one gets pissy when women draw 300 lbs beefcakes with 2 foot long dongs

>> No.3527650

My labia are just really small lol call it a deformity if you like, but I’m okay with it.

>> No.3527652

no its bad anatomy. would love to see what woman draws 300 pound beefcakes with 2 foot long dicks

>> No.3527656

>looks like that
pick one

>> No.3527657

i am going to require photographic evidence of this for research purposes

>> No.3527661
File: 1.05 MB, 1199x621, 1470856932596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baginas look like something from a scifi horror film or whatever lurks in the cold depths of the deep ocean and feminine penises are more aesthetically pleasing to look at. Prove me wrong.

>> No.3527667

No no it’s more like my mound takes that shape, or the labia taper drastically toward the middle. It’s kinda weird to describe, but the point is that it looks like the stupid Manyakis drawing. Then again, I could just be retarded and I don’t know female anatomy.

I know better than to post picks of myself online! They’ll use my vag’s address to put one of them e-worms in my butt!

>> No.3527676

just get over it and let people draw their stylized pussies

>> No.3527692

Anon, thank you for this!
Now getting a boner wasn't necessary a problem for me during drawing, I never "utilized" that energy either.
So I immediately tried to put this into practice and it does help a bit when you accept your desires, it kept me going for longer than I expected, drawing felt more rewarding, it somehow became really intimate to study all the little details of this woman's body and I did't want to stop.

>> No.3527693

That’s great to hear my dude! Keep it up!

>> No.3527703
File: 235 KB, 1920x1080, 132153765987987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like sand vagina threads

>> No.3527708

>all men r pigs!
Across both genders, I find its an even 50/50 split for this level of horniness. Women are just secretive about it.

>> No.3529439

Sister from another mister!

Pretty much this. Be a lady in the street and a freak behind sheets.

Personally I don't get aroused from single figure drawing. But it's hard to stay focused when drawing porn since your body will uhh...get sensetive.
When it get's too much to endure I will have to change underwear and take a cold shower, then I should be able to work again, at leat long enough to complete the drawing.
So my tip is cold shower breaks.

>> No.3529440

stop larping and go draw

>> No.3529608

t. femboy who gets off on pretending to be a femanon
just post your bussy already

>> No.3529622
File: 2 KB, 170x170, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking hell, now I'm horny again. I'm too damn thirsty, man.

>> No.3529709
File: 699 KB, 556x772, IMG_0520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.3529783

it wasn't because women aren't funny
now post your feet or get out and stop posting

>> No.3530399

Are you 13?

>> No.3530408

Looks accurate. They don't all look like yours.

>> No.3531521


>> No.3531528

>t. Never seen a pubic mound in his life

>> No.3531691

How is that possible when the internet is filled with pictures of all different sizes, shapes and angles?

>> No.3531710

Try sitting through an hour or two of gestures with 30-45 sec intervals. The more you try to jerk off in between, the less likely you'll improve due to said distractions.

People who get distracted easily tend not to improve.

>> No.3531714

Then reward yourself at the end with porn or games.

>> No.3531720

No no no, reward your self at the end but only allow yourself to jerk it to the drawings you just made.
That'll force you to draw better stuff.

>> No.3531742

doesn't that just inspire him to draw porn?

>> No.3531787

Men did and still do dominate the Art world.a big chunk of it is related to sex

know your place babe

>> No.3533208

How do I avoid the embarrassment of getting a boner during model drawing class when the teacher managed to score a cute model?

>> No.3533473

sorry anon, you just can't. Low IQ monkeys such as yourself cant visualize the skeletal structure, muscular system, and overall shape and proportion of the human body that makes it beautiful but not necessarily arousing from any angle
clothes are sexier than nude anyway, and a ballerinas garments arent all that hot

>> No.3533830



>> No.3533836

Noooo worst fetish ever. All the ppl I date are as smooth as serial killers.

>> No.3533837

Just be an alpha and embrace it. Wear tights shorts and biosterously adjust it for comfort 4 times a minute.