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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 203 KB, 788x1445, Screenshot_20180715-142048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3519724 No.3519724 [Reply] [Original]

I get a constant stream of messages where people try to discreetly ask for friendship and when i say no they act like victims like 'oh I'm sorry for bothering you, why would anyone want to be my friend anyway' I always try to be kind and just say I'm not looking for friendships, but it just seems to make them try and guilt me into talking to them more. i honestly don't get it they only message me because of my art no other reason, they don't even know me so why message me like they have known me for years?

Pic related is today. Anyone else relate? Do you get children wanting you to teach them art? I have many stories of different weird people messaging me over months.

Tldr: random people message me and ask to be friends i say know and they play victim.

>> No.3519726

I'd get a couple, but they're all harmless. They'll probably look back and cringe off the face of the planet every time they think of that moment.

>> No.3519729

Yeah I would if I did this. It makes me wonder why people who follow creators think their really close to the person they follow even though they don't know them.

>> No.3519733

Maybe you just turn them down like an asshole? Most logical explanation for what i see.

>> No.3519735

Not really i just really gently said that they seem really nice and intresting, but I'm not very good at friendships and I'm not intrested in making any, I'm not sure how you can be nicer than that.

>> No.3519741

That just as bad. Don't get personal and say things they can tell you don't mean. Just tell them sorry but no and say you are not looking for friends on that account of yours.

>> No.3519743

I have said this a thousand times, it doesn't change anything if you're not direct enough these kid will continuously message you and you will have to get even more direct and upset them. I think they did the best they could do.

>> No.3519745
File: 6 KB, 184x157, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw you will never have polite shy boi how ask for your friendship , feels bad man

>> No.3519753

please be my art friend

>> No.3519769

I feel like that once and try to befriend some online artists
I feel lonely and overwhelming in the sea of book and tutorial for art and I need someone to guide me

>> No.3519772
File: 425 KB, 750x740, 1531599519590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats just selfish and sad, guide yourself and stop trying to weigh others down because you're too stupid to learn yourself.

>> No.3519774
File: 54 KB, 461x523, meh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I would have to learn on my own in the end

>> No.3519775

i'm jelly of all the artists that hangout with their artist friends and talk and draw and follow each other on twitter and do collabs and draw art for each other

>> No.3519785

also I thought have someone who help and share the same interest with me would create a thicker bond friendship
but yeah I can't really drag them down with me

>> No.3520317

hm, why would anyone randomly message you about friendships, are you into furry or some shit?

personally, they just say that they like my work and ask if they can buy prints. I make it pretty clear that I'm not some pantsie buddy guy who wants to hear about every sjw's underage problems, but stay strictly professional.

You're obviously portraying yourself in such a way that asks for these kind of people and comments. Aka you're pretending to be a girl or some lgbt furry faggot

>> No.3520341

I draw cute artwork which makes children follow me and then they want to become "friends" for art favours, thats why. Sadly most of my following are childre tf ill never get followers on my patreon even though 5000 people follow me.

>> No.3520343

I am as well anon don't worry

>> No.3520349
File: 4 KB, 249x213, 1524955505566s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can see the gradual slow decline of his hope and optimism turn to humiliation and self hatred
fuck that's depressing
makes me want to paint

>> No.3520363

That's the difference between men and women. Men see that string of messages and feel bad and want to befriend and help. Women see it and get annoyed and want to wash their hands as quickly as possible of this person annoying them.

>> No.3520375

funny joke

>> No.3520377

I've had some fellows from /ic/ initiate a brief a chat, but that's about it.
I wish more people sent me messages, although I can image 15 year old kids on Tumblr aren't crowd you want to get involved with.

>> No.3520379

You'll understand when you're older.

>> No.3520381
File: 236 KB, 768x1024, 640bc1b84198b0c7d0cf53f25c9f70b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3520382

Post the cute artwork

>> No.3520459
File: 55 KB, 728x632, 1530668376039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>used to have online friends like that
>they helped me out when I was at my worst
>suddenly lost contact with them without saying anything for no reason other than being a reclusive twat
>currently have no fucking clue if they're still alive

>> No.3520463

be their friend you faggot, what makes you so special?

>> No.3520467

How the fuck is that not direct. Sounds like someone likes being a drama queen.

>> No.3520469

yes i get these occasionally but i am really really good at ghosting people

>> No.3520471

That comes off as BS to me. Tell them you have like 400 friends already and can't realistically invest time into random people unless they put forth a portfolio. If they actually want friendship they always can earn it.

>> No.3520476

>oh uh,
>I uh
Autism incarnate

>> No.3520477

Anyone else feel kind of ticked reading that?

Something disgusting about it

>> No.3520483

Why would they be friends with a random person? They dont have to become friends because this random kid insists on it.

>> No.3520486

I would be friends with everyone who messages me, but i know that it won't work out, like what always happens when i accept friendships is that you force conversion because neither of you message at all then eventually you stop talking at all and i don't want to do that to anyone.

>> No.3520491

That sounds discusting saying you have loads of friends already like their numbers, I'm content with how op handled it admit it guys you wouldn't have handled it any better.

>> No.3520506

Don't pretend facts aren't facts and you might wind up with some genuine emotion.

I know there are people you look at and think "Lol how does a person end up being so fucking retarded? How do you make decisions that stupid?" But you don't have any personal issues with isolating yourself from the misguided, there's no shortage of them. in fact you've trained yourself to enjoy looking down at the bottom of society because the only alternative would be taking personal responsibility for their actions, which you can't handle.

It's not even legal to go knock sense into druggies, the system itself wants you to feed them to the meat grinder, so it's all to easy to make up excuses.

>> No.3520507

post your tits

>> No.3520517

they see part of our "creative process" and think it makes them closer to us than they actually are.

half of these that I get tend to be kids looking for free art of their OCs/fanfics.

>> No.3522342

He has the right idea but is going about it the wrong way.

>> No.3523084

How do you know OP is a she?

>> No.3523103
File: 30 KB, 300x250, 349ac6119a467aaae82aed883275ac457c863cbc39c9ef0819286b8022e522e0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's obvious OP is a woman. Because instead of being friendly towards inquisitive fans who are undoubtedly children, or at the very least explaining she's busy or uninterested, she callously ignores them.

But not only does she callously ignore her young fans, but she has no concept how cold her actions are, and she has zero shame about sharing their correspondence. She assumes people acting with regret and shame at her callousness are "playing victims" instead of simply feeling burned.

Only a woman is capable of being this unempathetic towards a well-intentioned stranger and inept enough to think her actions are acceptable. If a man ignored a fan in such a manner, he would be able to comprehend at the very least he should not share his callousness with the world. But women need attention and need to subtly brag and inform others of their popularity.

>> No.3523127

if the op was a woman she'd get constantly propositioned by indians asking to see bobs and she wouldn't need to ask /ic/ about it.

>> No.3523193

If anything I've noticed the opposite trend. Every time I see PSAs about artists not wanting random friend requests and such they're male and tend to be a little jerkish about it.

>> No.3523200

I never understood this kind of thing. Maybe I'm a bit autistic and can still relate to the dweebs. Yes you value your own time and self above all. But not even giving them a chance seems pretty rude.
If you saw someone in public and decided to make friendly conversation because you saw they wore a shirt of your favorite X or something, and they just shut you down immediately, not even gave non-committal responses, it'd be super rude. So I'm not sure why being online suddenly gives people, artists especially, this kind of view set.
It's like they're okay with making friends while tweens and as soon as they stop being cringy and get popular they all just shut down and stick with their old friends.

>> No.3523214

Males will outwardly act like jerks. Women will frequently act caring and kind outwardly, but in private will be extremely cruel, manipulative, cold, etc. Men do not act like this

>> No.3523219

Start posting on this board again when you’re over 18

>> No.3523224

I don't care if you reject reality. You're only going to cause problems for yourself.

>> No.3523227

When you get out of high school you’ll understand reality

>> No.3523445
File: 90 KB, 933x960, IMG-20180716-WA0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this autistic

>> No.3524539

Why are you on 4chan if you're not Autistic?

>> No.3524547
File: 61 KB, 700x759, DcwLlV8UQAEW4JP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you give in to these kind of kids even the slightest bit, they will NEVER stop bothering you and it'll just get harder to get them to let go the longer you wait

learn from my mistakes anon

>> No.3524548

>hey i saw you drawing art over in /board/
>im never online when you're posting
>can i put in a request for the future?

this is why i stopped putting my username on art i do for fun

>> No.3524578
File: 74 KB, 285x285, tumblr_nlfb84Amy51uqb95ao1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ask artist to be my friend
>left on read every time i message him
>try to strike a conversation
>Seen by Anon
>apologize and delete my social media
>go onto /ic/ to escape the embarassment of this encounter
>see this thread

>> No.3524591

>hey i saw you drawing art over in /board/
>im never online when you're posting
lmao this. Some wacko keep messaging me in tumblr back when I used to draw for /co/.

>> No.3526299

Networking is good.

>> No.3526473
File: 14 KB, 300x400, 1499573901501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no art friends
>tfw no friends

>> No.3526487

haha that was probably me

>> No.3527072
File: 13 KB, 302x402, 1529969263523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no art friends
>tfw no friends
>tfw no one can distract you from drawing

>> No.3528115
File: 19 KB, 636x266, no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see this
>go to check their profile
>a bunch of posts asking to draw their oc and retweets from others who fell for his free OC begging
don't ever do this lol

>> No.3528151


There is a "depressed" guy who wants to talk to me. Half his messages are him adding dots after each sentence or typing mmmmph

>> No.3528171


Well a needy person like that it not someone you' d want to be friends with anyway. They'll attach like leeches upon you if you give them anything at all to work with. Feel gross just reading this.

>> No.3528178

Hmm, viewing this thread I now remember the time I became infatuated with a popular but underground local music artist. I found her snapchat on her instagram, and added her and kept sending weird messages for many of her stories. Also she posted her tits on her story so i recorded that. Anyway i think she blocked me eventually, or just read but didn't respond at all to anything i wrote so that i grew mad and deleted her.

I felt that i knew her because i was so intimate with her music and vision and stalked her online, but i really didn't and was only creepy

>> No.3528258

Obviously, you only reply if its a cute legal grill so you can have an arthoe fan gf. Just don't be like the Ren and Stimpy guy.

Anyway, we all know that getting laid is the only reason we are all drawing for.

>> No.3529985

OP, post work I want to suck your pee pee too

>> No.3530153

Thats because women can see through their fake bullshit you mung incel

>> No.3530162


I’ve got some of these too, and without fail theire clingy as fuck and mega demanding.

Theirs not bringing any interesting attributes, but just out of the blue messaging you asking to be friends. That’s awkward as fuck.

I just ignore them.