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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 247 KB, 1010x654, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3513323 No.3513323 [Reply] [Original]

Post helpful tutorials.

>> No.3513326

nice self post my nigga

>> No.3513331


but thanks for the pic anyway

>> No.3513332

this is a really bad tutorial of an artist who should learn instead of trying to teach others

>> No.3513338

looks like a study not a tutorial of something the artist noticed and now someones posting it as a tutorial for some reason I cant understand

>> No.3513345

I don't understand why OP would post such a bad example when there are much better images out there. Is the taste of /ic that bad?

>> No.3513350

No, I knew people would sperg and I thought I would add a disclaimer that I wasn't sure if it was even a good tutorial and I guess I was right. It was the only example of a simple tutorial that explains an otherwise complicated thing in a simple way.

Don't worry, you can get off your high horse.

>> No.3513355

>complicated thing

i'm not on a high horse, you are just on a low donkey

>> No.3513356

>Human anatomy isn't complicated
It's time to stop.

>> No.3513370

I was talking about the hip thingy in your image you posted in another thread you humongous faggot
holy shit did i mention how bad you are at drawing?

>> No.3513375

And I was referring to anatomy in general with that sentence, not the specific image you dense fuck. Do you not understand context and how me agreeing that it probably wasn't the best image but it was the only one I had might remove the image entirely from the context of me saying it?

I don't even draw anime you faggot. The tutorial was an example, as I said before. Learn to read.

>> No.3513387
File: 315 KB, 1361x1020, f6faa577dfad3d8b97a9ff9b55ac4f9d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3513391
File: 41 KB, 509x1200, 1511907590363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3513398
File: 24 KB, 163x159, skerl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this looks like it has information but im not getting anything from it like that bottom right thing looks like they drew the body first and then put a skeleton in it that doesn't look correct
i must be really missing something because i dont speak japanese

>> No.3513406
File: 99 KB, 640x853, 99D6AC94-6173-4343-8F81-5A4A346F8D82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

artist of OP’s pic
why did you sacrifice a thread for this, anon? these are very clearly rough notes of mine- not teaching material.
they’re so loose & inaccurate that using them for yourself might do you more harm than good. again, they’re notes for <me>

here’s the lesson i referenced if you wanted credible advice on hips

>> No.3513412

My apologies. I guess helpful tips would have been a better use of words?

>> No.3513429

no. these notes especially are not helpful to others. i can look at it and remember the video i watched- or maybe even revisit it- but to anyone else it’s just a bunch of nonsense

>> No.3513438

Yeah but I wasn't trying to help people. I just wanted to get a thread started because I had no other pics that were related to the topic. Trying to build a folder. I forgot people in /ic/ like to complain instead of participate.

>> No.3513442
File: 848 KB, 1754x1240, 64451055_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3513477

>had no other pics
i.. what

>> No.3513484

Hard drive failure.

>> No.3513485


>> No.3515403


>> No.3515448


>> No.3515475

>helpful tutorials
Image not related I can see. People who don't know anatomy shouldn't try to teach it.

>> No.3515488
File: 261 KB, 1350x689, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3515505


>> No.3515506
File: 436 KB, 1080x1080, 1485069789294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3515515

that person wwasnt trying to teach anything those were personal notes based on some video they watched

>> No.3515517

looks like it was drawn by a deviantart artist that's under the impression theyre good because their 13 year old followers keep begging for tutorials

>> No.3515519

They were trying to teach it, bitch. Fuck you.

>> No.3515521

something something loomis something something triangles

>> No.3515522


>> No.3515528

take your medicine

>> No.3515530

No fuck you, trying to tell me they aren't. Damn liar.

>> No.3515531
File: 74 KB, 500x414, tumblr_inline_nu6rov8nHT1qi26xi_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like your art.

>> No.3515532

>Post helpful tutorials.
>only nip unreadable tutorials that are useless

>> No.3515542

I'm no punk bitch

>> No.3515625

it's the jaw

>> No.3515626

>needing to read a tutorial about drawing

>> No.3515631

I don't get it

>> No.3515632

You don't really care about the trials of tomorrow.

>> No.3515634

It's just a bunch of bull.

>> No.3515653

Rather lay awake in the bed full of sorrow

>> No.3515702

How about girl you couldn't bite my wire?

>> No.3515823

which one is bad?

>> No.3515826

By pretending to be Japanese?

>> No.3515829


>> No.3516018

refer to

>> No.3516029

I can't stand that ahmed guy.

>> No.3516064

there's a recent tutorial thread, anon. You can go check it out in the archives

>> No.3516066
File: 45 KB, 478x630, 8A819E83-321B-4725-A355-28CA408AF593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favourite is the one where the calves and ankles make an angry face :3

>> No.3516074

Does anyone have the Frazetta sketchbooks by Vanguard? I found the first one in the archive but the quality wasn't great. I'm going to buy the books regardless but I might prioritize them if no scans exist.

>> No.3516080

But the queens we use would not excite you.

>> No.3516229

so wait is professorsugoi's oc char a trap or not? my dick needs to know.

>> No.3516242

They got them apple bottom jeans boots with the fur

>> No.3516250

And you may tell yourself this is not my beautiful house

>> No.3516313


Please could you stop the noise I'm trying to get some rest

Seriously wtf is going on?

>> No.3516481

i guesss this would fall under the tutorials thing, but what does /IC/ think of this Shibasaki guy. never heard of him before today but looks decent. he kinda reminds me of a japanese bob ross personality wise except he does watercolors instead.

>> No.3517244

Un guera

>> No.3517302

i find him more tolerable in this video
but youre right

>> No.3517407

post your work!

>> No.3518503

If you don't know who NNS is then you don't have any knowledge to judge what anything "looks like"

>> No.3519793


>> No.3519800

uh who

>> No.3519806

I don't.

>> No.3519815
File: 411 KB, 849x1200, x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3519820


>> No.3519839

Nice trace.

>> No.3519840

is that really helpful, you'd think you'd have covered that after like a day of anatomy right? or is it for drawing better traps and it's a joke i'm missing?

>> No.3520008

When I started this is how I thought of the hips. It's exaggerated to get the idea across.

>> No.3520012

*points at toes*




>> No.3520037

thanks, i guess?
now you post yours

>> No.3520113


So you better go back to your bars, your temples, your massage parlours...

>> No.3520124

see this post >>3513406

>> No.3520519


Post your work.

>> No.3520567

looks flat as fuck

>> No.3521470


>> No.3521478

i see i see, thx