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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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[ERROR] No.3511168 [Reply] [Original]


Everyone is going to make it, man. Bro ambient, people is very helpful, a lot of banter but aimed to the lulz. Professionals are admired and a source of inspiration.


Nobody is going to make it, fuck you. Bitter ambient, not very helpful. Professionals are a source of envy and jealousness. "why is he earning thousand when I'm better than him, he is a hack" "he sucks, people have bad taste".

Is this a board oriented to women ?

>> No.3511170

nice bait faggot heres your (you)

>> No.3511182


When was the last time you got fucked, you seem to need some benis :D :D :D

>> No.3511267
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>> No.3511281

Pretty acurate

>> No.3511292

>no slashes

>> No.3511304

Have you ever been to /fit/? The board culture is virtually identical. The noobs procclaim that Loomis/Starting Strength is a meme, dumb frog posters everywhere telling stories about how they didn't make it. Random e-celeb fitness people hate threads, Fat people hate which is basically our Deviantart / Tumblr cringe threads. People attempting to make others insecure by pretending they have some obscure disease like Klinesfelters or they lack an essential ligament for drawing. The lolcow of the board in Blaha/ Dobson etc.

>> No.3511333

Based on the fact that this board worships concept art and anime waifus like they're the second coming of Jesus, I though it was obvious its mostly men.

>> No.3511344 [DELETED] 
File: 982 KB, 2500x1768, Production_Painting_Week14_Iris_Hoppenbrouwers_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

simple, its easier to live the 'swole life' than it is to foster creativity.

the sheer amount of mental fatigue associated with the phrase 'git gud' is often a sober reality to most (at best).
>that even 10 hours/day for an entire fucking year will only net you results like pic related.
it's too much for most, stagnation and recession often follows.
it's these artists that constitute this board.
is it any wonder then that SinixDesign visits to shitpost now and then?
the man has been stagnant for a decade (compared to other artists his age, say jaime jones).
he even said so on his stream (https://youtu.be/qPjXrgIoIYE?t=1h10m5s).).

you'd be hard pressed to find some cunt who'd just mindlessly followed routine for 6 months to not look jacked.

>> No.3511347

> /fit/ is more supportive
Don't know who you're trying to fool mate.

>> No.3511349 [DELETED] 
File: 982 KB, 2500x1768, Production_Painting_Week14_Iris_Hoppenbrouwers_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

simple, its easier to live the 'swole life' than it is to foster creativity.

the sheer amount of mental fatigue associated with the phrase 'git gud' is often a sober reality to most (at best).
>that even 10 hours/day for an entire fucking year will only net you results like pic related.
it's too much for most, stagnation and recession often follows.
it's these artists that constitute this board.
is it any wonder then that SinixDesign visits to shitpost now and then?
the man has been stagnant for a decade (compared to other artists his age, say jaime jones).
he even said so on his stream (https://youtu.be/qPjXrgIoIYE?t=1h10m5s).).

you'd be hard pressed to find some cunt who'd just mindlessly followed routine for 6 months to not look jacked.

>> No.3511354
File: 982 KB, 2500x1768, Production_Painting_Week14_Iris_Hoppenbrouwers_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

simple, its easier to live the 'swole life' than it is to foster creativity.

the sheer amount of mental fatigue associated with the phrase 'git gud' is often a sober reality to most (at best).
>that even 10 hours/day for an entire fucking year will only net you results like pic related.
it's too much for most, stagnation and recession often follows.
it's these artists that constitute this board.
is it any wonder then that SinixDesign visits to shitpost now and then?
the man has been stagnant for a decade (compared to other artists his age, say jaime jones).
he even said so on his stream (https://youtu.be/qPjXrgIoIYE?t=1h10m5s).).

you'd be hard pressed to find some /fit/ cunt who'd just mindlessly followed routine for 6 months to not look jacked.

>> No.3511370

Yes. Made an /ic/ discord a year ago and when I went into voice chat, ten other people joined and 9 of them were female.
I'm also female.

>> No.3511372

Obviously. Most casual artists are women just as casual lifters are men.

>> No.3511404

Imageboards in general are a refuge for bitter virgins & shut-ins, while /fit has the highest concentration of normalfags.

>> No.3511423

depends, are you an incel?

>> No.3511438

Im boy

>> No.3511453

>the man has been stagnant for a decade (compared to other artists his age, say jaime jones).
I dunno, Jaime's work today looks also the same as it did 8 years ago, maybe slightly worse even. Every artist stagnates once they understand the fundamentals, simply because there isn't any big stuff left to improve on.

>> No.3511455


>> No.3511554
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most people here want only to draw anime girls porn, and praise only anime porn jap artists. Take a guess which audience is mostly interested in that

>> No.3511712

Literally the only three types of art this shitty board cares about:
-photobashed unoriginal concept art
-cum-soaked animu waifs
-overly rendered gritty space marines

so very womenly yes

>> No.3511718

fit chads are generally good to one another and art virgins are spiteful no matter their gender

>> No.3511799

actually there are probably more people on /ic/ who are constantly bitching and whining about anime than those who only praise anime and japanese anime artists.

>> No.3511800

Those are coincidentally also the types of art most people on this board constantly bitch about though.

>> No.3511827

A female majority would explain why everyone hates Sakimichan so much. Nobody hates women more than women.

>> No.3511977

Yeah artists tend to be narcissists, it's not just specific to women. A lot of them border on a personality disorder, so unpleasant and bitter, so concerned with their own self-image that they have to attack other people to inflate their self-image.

>> No.3511979

Are you implying that women have greater mental fortitude than men? Women have such small minds that they have almost no hobbies, and if they have art, they just slap down some "abstract" shit in five minutes to share on social media.

>> No.3511981
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Are there unironically women posting on this board?
Imagine what a bottom of the barrel female you need to be in order to post here on a site populated by fat boys who piss in bottles

>> No.3511986

This. They've even taken up using a sneering term "normie" for anyone who doesn't draw anime or video game related art or porn.

It's 4chan, it's to be expected, it's one big echo chamber for the autistic and neckbeards to validate themselves that their way is best, and everything else is somehow flawed.

>> No.3511990

There are a handful of people seriously trying, outside of that, which is why I come back, i feel like I'm doing volunteer work helping victims stuck in a disaster area.

>> No.3511992

Yes I am a women.

>> No.3511993

Mhmm, and you're complaining because this isn't one of your echo chambers that hates on anime or video game related porn or art.
>My way is the best! Everything else is just autistic neckbeard shit!

>> No.3512010

You just scared the last one who posted here away. Good job.

>> No.3512013
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We're all little girls here, silly

>> No.3512019

this. kawaii desu-ne~!!

>> No.3512023

/fit/ is nothing like this board. Sounds like you need to lurk more.

>> No.3512036

Don't forget that /fit/ is comprised of closet homos.

>> No.3512074

>pick weights up then put them down 3 times a week, 2 hours a day, for x amount of months
>gains are easily noticeable
>practice fundamentals for 5 hours all day, every day
>still a shitter
apples and oranges dude.

>> No.3512096
File: 48 KB, 600x600, 1526746294888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most of the people posting their work here are posting gross beginner shit. the only people who get butthurt are the ones getting triggered by anime reaction images. people producing anime work is extremely under represented. maybe your Aspergers is flaring up because you see a lot of anime threads asking how to do it.

>> No.3512184

>R****t spacing

>> No.3512189


The fug is reddit spacing ? Are you seriously getting triggered by the formatting of a text ?

>> No.3512196

Ignore him. Just some idiot who is new to 4chan who doesn't know people have written like that on 4chan since before Reddit existed.

>> No.3512659


Nice reddit spacing

>> No.3512672

/a/ comes here and once they realize it's not a circle jerk anymore they get upset.

>> No.3512692

i guess it's because you can't dunning-kruger being strong

>> No.3513059

way to prove his point

>> No.3513060
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>> No.3513073

“Practicing fundamentals” for 5 hours a day every day would be like doing hundreds of reps with a 10 pound weight and wondering why you aren’t swole. You only grow in strength by pushing your limits, and it’s the same for art. The only difference is it’s far better understood how to push physical limits than mental ones.

>> No.3513098

lol imagine projecting this hard

literally how is this proving your-- sorry, "his" (lol) point. Fucking retard

>> No.3513100

It's called picklerick spacing

>> No.3513216

Would have been a good bait if you atleast wrote 6 or 7 female.

>> No.3513222

>I'm female
Implying females are real. Girls are like unicorns they dont exist.

>> No.3513225
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>> No.3513246

it's not about gender, it's about a lack of test
unironically high test bros are much nicer people to hang around than repressed, angry nerds

>> No.3513247

That's because you don't repeatedly sprout your bullshit at them.

>> No.3513251

>literally never spent time with "high test bros"
implying it has literally ANYTHING to do with testosterone and not the positive effects on mood that exercise has LUL

>> No.3513253

exercise and generally healthy lifestyle* I should say

>> No.3513254

top 5 on /fit/ right now
>lanklet cringe thread
>photoshop your tinder pics
>do face pulls
>sun is good4u
>30+ boomer general

top 5 on /ic/ right now
>music thread
>polish artist general
>how do I cartooning
>how do I Amano? i like his colors and shapes
>I make 2.5k a month just doing art RP

/ic/ wins because /fit/ is focused on everything you can't change about yourself to be contrarian

>> No.3513255

how can you even be this wrong

>> No.3513259

its called being an incel

>> No.3513263

test is the quintessential male hormone, higher natural test levels make men healthier and happier
also a lot of gymbros I know have pretty unhealthy lifestyles - they drink too much, they don't have proper nutrition and rely too much on their genetics/((supplements)) in order to compensate, and still are much nicer than weak-ass nerds.
Weak people in general are just pretending to be nice since they don't have the strength to be mean and get away with it, while a strong, powerful person chooses to be good, instead of being cornered into being a good.

>> No.3513266

just wrong though really, isn't it. ive known gym assholes and extremely nice nerds. in fact ive known a lot of bad and good on both sides. your experience means nothing really, and neither does mine, but we can probably assume that the state of this board doesnt have much to do with test, and more to do with how hard it is to be an artist compared to getting /fit/. there's so much more that can go wrong.

the thing is, reddit is such a nice place, they give good critique and i cant imagine they don't have their fair share of low test fags - but they aren't cunts.

>> No.3513267

Just reading your bitching here I'm pretty sure you are a big part of whatever problems you have encountered. Plenty of artists are fit by the way.

>> No.3513274

>top 5
That hardly mean anything when you sorted them by latest activity.

>> No.3513292

yes, gay men are the same as women. don't go to art school. trust me.

>> No.3513295

I met more pretentious watercolor tattooed straight guys in art school than any gay guys

>> No.3513309

you want reply count?

>no fap general
>boomer general
>current body thread
>fat general
>being tan

>alt general
>the acrylic van gogh guy
>ref thread
>draw thread
>beginner thread

of course nofap tan boomer generals are worse than drawthreads

>> No.3513311

I'm not basing my argument on my own personal anecdotal experiences, I argue the obvious - healthy bodies are necessary for health minds and personalities, and artists have a reputation for being emotionally unstable and physically underdeveloped. Also, I can't really agree about the hardships of being an artist - almost everyone can learn how to draw and design shapes actually, and becoming the actual 0.001% that matter culturally is just as hard as in any other field of life.
I know, I am for sure. I'd say that it's a 1/4 split, at least in my social circle. Also I never encountered any problems, I'm just sharing my observations. The fact that you think I'm bitching gives me a hint about your own social strata tho.

>> No.3513314
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>I'm not basing my argument on my own personal experiences
>I'm just sharing my observations

>> No.3513324

The thing is, literally anyone can go for a jog and pick up some weights. ANYONE who isn't actually physically incapable.

All you need to get /fit/ is some dedication and a year.

To get good at art you need a year just to get decent, along with the dedication, and that will just mean you can draw. It won't necessarily mean you can design anything, draw from imagination well, create thought provoking pieces, all this with the possibility of stagnation for long periods of time, creative blocks, and the mental anguish that comes from those.

Someone getting /fit/ just has to make sure they up their weight every now and then, do an exercise more rigorously and eat enough and you'll gain muscle. You can't guarantee this sort of thing with art. It is fundamentally harder.

>> No.3513330

No, unique IP's might matter if there wasn't a way to reset them. We got threads with just the same guy spamming stuff here and the occasional guy popping in to tell him to fuck off.

>> No.3513339

The fact is that anybody would give you trash if they had to listen to the stuff you are putting out here. It has nothing to do with testosterone or fit. You just sound like a bitch trying to blame others for your problems. And I bet you don't talk like this to people you encounter in person. I wouldn't trust your judgement about other online people's social status at all.

>> No.3513347
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Emperor's Teeth! What about animu Space Marines?!?

>> No.3513360

Is that what reddit told you?

>> No.3513364
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It is correct that, in general, people find dyels that can barely bench a hundred kilos (btw getting there doesn't take a fucking year, how delusional are you) to be the epitomes of physical development (and I agree with that somewhat, Greek aesthetic da best). I would say that pursuing a career in sports/fitness related fields is arguably harder than art because there's waaay less money there and a lot more competition,but I don't have much data to back up this claim, and I don't really mind people disagreeing with that. However, it looks to me that you, an artist presumably, has a higher standard at what you deem to be decent in art related fields, compared to physical development. Like, I personally think that unless you roid, going from a dyel to an ok human takes at least 2-3 years of hard fucking work, decent genetics and an impeccable work ethic. Same can be said about drawing - a somewhat talented young person could be taught this skill in about 3 to 5 years - producing pic related studies after graduating any decent European art uni. Stop trying to put your particular field of interest on a pedestal - people have been doing art for hundreds of thousands of years, it's not something special - it's just one part of our lives.
good luck making it with your reading comprehension skills, brah

>> No.3513367

No, that's what I'm telling you. And it's fucking based.

>> No.3513373
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>picking heavy stuff up and putting it down requires more skill and determination than art

>> No.3513379
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>Girls are like unicorns ...

... or black astronauts.

>> No.3513392
File: 40 KB, 323x412, 1489592147671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chickenscratching anime porn requires more skill and willpower than essentially torturing your body for the greater good every day

>> No.3513397

As an artist and a /fit/izen, they are both equally demanding and challenging.

>> No.3513400

I'm not talking about becoming professional, I'm talking about the process of improving to a satisfactory point, we'll call satisfactory the point where people really notice your results as being very good.

If you want to get fit, you lift weights and out them down, there's some form to learn for safety but even with just decent form you'll still be making decent gains.

Whereas in the process of learning to draw all the things o highlighted could really get to you, stopping you from taking it further. If you stick to a tight regimen drawing, you can still potentially plateau too early, become demotivated by your lack of creative ideas, or a streak of bad drawings that you and othersoverly criticise. I'm not talking about becoming Ruan, and I'm not talking about becoming an extremely lean muscle monster.

As I said before, if you go to the gym and lift heavier weights every week you will see gains, there is almost no doubt about it. It will take dedication yes, but if you do it, you will make it. Drawing or painting guarantees no level of proficiency for a lot of people.

>> No.3513410

ahhh youre retarded that's why youre posting this shit

getting fit requires willpower which is different from art which yes requires willpower but also a lot of studying (information that you don't only need to KNOW like you could say knowing about nutrition is information you should know for getting fit, but also information you need to APPLY. understanding something like color theory and learning how to apply it require different skills), amassing a visual library, and cultivating skill. saying theyre equal is just retarded

>> No.3513449

Regardless this discussion has made me realise I need to get back to the gym. I love how much I can eat when I exercise, I eat so much without gaining weight as it is. Plus I'd look good as hell if I was /fit/

>> No.3513460
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everything in the world is exactly the same, I was just being sarcastic.
well this is exactly where's you're making this leap of logic - you assume that there are some kind of arbitrary "people" whose opinion on stuff is some kind of an origin point, who determine if your skill level is satisfying.
Now there are, indeed, some levels of success in any field that can be used as such point of origin, but not only it is incredibly hard to define it, it also changes over time and from country to country.
You, again, tell me that by sticking to a routine you will see muscle gains, and that is indeed true, I don't have any doubts about that. But so, in my opinion, can you get steady art gains - you find a good book, and you stick to it, and you will most definitely improve over time. However, both of these gains are usually judged by the actor and the environment according to the existing social standards - a clueless skinny teen that tries lifting for half a year, gets maybe a couple kilos on his sides at best because his nutrition sucks and he has no idea what to do with the bar can easily get disillusioned with fitness and drop it all together since he was wrongly expecting to become a Bruce Lee by that point. On the other hand, a person with little talent can grind fundies for years, truly trying his own personal best and getting almost no results too, because his approach is fundamentally flawed and he needs a teacher to point it out, which he reaches out to due to social awkwardness or stubborn defiance.
one can encounter issues and troubles in any field, regardless of what he's doing. In some fields you might need more cunning and intelligence to reach for the top, in others fast reactions and great skeletal structure is more important, but everywhere you will need determination and willpower. You see dyels and think that they made it, I see artlets polishing turds for Riot games and get sad that they squander their time and talent.

>> No.3513578

Ya got me. I only read half, but I don't need to read anymore. You're right.