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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3508241 No.3508241 [Reply] [Original]

Is /ic/ willing to overlook unattractive aspects of an artist's personality/beliefs if they are really talented?

>> No.3508244

no, an insufferable person can't create genuinely good art.

>> No.3508248

people overlook your shit personality if you're hot or rich, but not if you're talented/smart. Nobody cares about your skills, just what you can give them.

>> No.3508250

Not if those aspects directly impact somebody.

>> No.3508251
File: 117 KB, 800x580, the_purple_kecleon_marches_by_ry_spirit-d2w1rfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3508256

I don’t care if an artist is talented, I care if they make good pictures. And if they make good pictures, I don’t care about their personality defects. That’s not my problem.

>> No.3508271

No. I would never support a good artist if they were also a Trump supporter, racist or all around bigot.

>> No.3508277

only for alexis flower. i hate him so much as a person but i love his art.

>> No.3508279

You do realize that supporting Trump doesn't make someone racist and or a bigot right

>> No.3508280


>> No.3508282

Yes.Some people's creativity is build in other "mental biomes"to call it.

>> No.3508284

>good artist
>Trump supporter

You do know that can never happen, right?

>> No.3508293

Learnt to separate the artist from the art, some of the artists I follow are unsufferable retards but the art they produce is in stark contrast to this and the only reason I bother following them in the first place.

>> No.3508296

90% of art community needs to be gassed.

>> No.3508318

opinions are like an anus right. but when the anus starts spreading gonorrhea, I have to draw a line.

>> No.3508332

No, I don't want to see infuriating shit when I'm browsing art to relax.
Which is why over half my feed is asian artists, their picture to text ratio is much better. I appreciate when artists have separate art and personal accounts and did the same myself.

Though there is stuff that would turn me completely away if I found out, even if they were amazing - CP, conspiracy theories, unironic crusading for either alt-right or tumblr-left, animal (and human) cruelty. There's enough good artists to fill the void left by complete shitheads.

>> No.3508369

you forgot to mentioned that you're following actually shitty artists

>> No.3508373
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It depends.
As long as they dont broadcast their political beliefs 24/7 and keep them mostly to themseleves, then im willing to overlook one offhand comment about how 'all mrn are rapists' or 'Trump is literally hitler' every now and then.

>> No.3508385


>> No.3508390

Here's you're (you), nice bait Tumblr raider.

>> No.3508392


>> No.3508413

Same way as this wise Wizard Anon, but also applies to right wing firestarters with the occasionally "funny fugging cuck feminist libtard style." When artists aren't liberals they seem to really need to let you know because it makes them different and cool

>> No.3508464
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Part of becoming an adult is learning to seperate works from their creators. For example, take John K. Being the creator of the show Ren and Stimpy, it was his work that inspired and entertained many of the same people who would go on to animate today, and yet you see him getting blasted for a lot of the shit he's done as a person over his career.Maybe this is a shitty example but I hope you get my point. Ultimately I believe that art has to be taken out of the context that involves it's creator entirely and judged on it's own merits, I think you'll find there are plenty more pieces out there to enjoy if you keep this in mind.

>> No.3508506

No. I've dropped tons of artists because I found their twitter bullshit irritating.

>> No.3508530

Such as...?

>> No.3508544
File: 41 KB, 232x267, 1528617992916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can handle a little politics (in moderation)but one thing that will convince me to unfollow is when an artist is a perpetual sad cunt. Always down about SOMETHING or shits themselves at any minor inconvience.

Constantly complaining about things entirely in within their control and talking about how shit they are is another quality of their personality that will make me smash that unfollow button.

>> No.3508545

Way too many to make a list. But everything from Disney to Tumblr. Especially the female artists, at some point they HAVE to say something about how gender is fluid and crap like that. Unfollowed.

>> No.3508548

>talking about how shit they are
I used to do this sometimes. Fuck. Now I quit art.

>> No.3508561 [DELETED] 
File: 83 KB, 750x751, 0cffafba-1a76-4e1b-b5f8-41855dad4155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hsv8ng some self awareness about the flaws in your art I dont mind.
Its all the constant whining and comlaining while not doing anything about it i cant stand. I followed an artist dir 3 yrs and they would never stop. 3 fucking yrs of almost daily posts about how much they hate themselves and they hate drawing and other depressing shit.
Jesus, we get it stfu

>> No.3508562
File: 10 KB, 285x287, excellent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. Some furfag artists I follow are insufferable tumblr-crowd faggots but their art is pretty great so I just focus on looking at their tasty works, as I should be doing

>> No.3508564
File: 83 KB, 750x751, 0cffafba-1a76-4e1b-b5f8-41855dad4155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having some self awareness about the flaws in your art I dont mind.
Its all the constant whining and complaining while not doing anything about it i cant stand. I followed an artist for 3 yrs and they would never stop. 3 fucking yrs of almost daily posts about how much they hate themselves and they hate their drawings and other depressing shit.
Jesus, we get it stfu and git gud. Or just stop posting that downer shit.
Talk about literally anything else.

>> No.3508595

You can't be good artist without being a good person.
But if you somehow manage to be a talented asshole... Well, you can afford that.

>> No.3508612
File: 513 KB, 2068x2236, 1526603980807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They make good art, but knowing what kind of shitty people they are leaves a sour taste in my mouth. And so I can't bring myself to enjoy their art.

>> No.3508621
File: 41 KB, 645x729, 8d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can't be good artist without being a good person

>> No.3508625

Most great artists I've met are still my friends today because they weren't pieces of trash. But the ones that did have a shit attitude have all but quit by now and stayed shit. No one wants to recommend them for anything so even the really persistent assholes don't get much help in the form of job offers and I knew a few that have quit that way. They usually have to be really bad though.

People that are kind of unapproachable, especially while they're working are usually fine, but that's a common trait in a lot of artists so of course it would be.

>> No.3508663

>follow alexis flower/rupert neverton on twitter
>largely silent besides some wip posts and the usual 'woman on twitter' posting
>gets a large amount of followers all of sudden
>starts attacking jordan peterson and retweeting social justice crap in an attempt to filter them out
>this happens every few months

>> No.3508671

To be honest I like those obscure twitter artists that dont even post anything outside their art. Just post their drawing and # the tags

>> No.3508680


>> No.3508684

Yes. A person's personal views or actions do not impact the art itself.

If Ted Bundy painted the Sistine Chapel, while I would be disgusted by the murders he committed I would still recognize the beauty of the work.

>> No.3508784

90% of population needs to be gassed


>> No.3508788

>I would be disgusted by the murders he committed I would still recognize the beauty of the work.

like Caravaggio

>> No.3508800

Gas pollutes tho

>> No.3508831

Caravaggio dindu nuffin tho

>> No.3508865
File: 219 KB, 990x742, AnimalNoses11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*sniff *
Not if its from a shapely braphog my dear

>> No.3508882

I can appreciate their art but would not actively follow them

It’s like 90% of female artists are insufferable cunts complaining about anything while barely posting any art.

Some “artists” reputation have way more to do with how progressive they present themselves than their freaking art

Another field, but same problem. Junot Diaz. The guy’s body of work is being torn apart by the same people that made him popular. It shows that people didn’t give two shits about what he wrote and just decided he was good because he presented himself as a complaining spic

If your body of work can’t stand by itself after liberals start attacking your person then you were never a good artist to begin with

>> No.3508891

/ic/ BTFO

>> No.3509376

In what sense? As in I'll buy their shit or as in yeah they're really good but fuck them

>> No.3509451

i was actually trying to picture this and i dont think its possible either. thank you for having the gumption to say it

>> No.3509454

so now you post your art and then i post my art and then you feel stupid. Go

>> No.3509529

I'll never know they're personalities are shit if I don't even speak their language

>> No.3509544

i literally only care about what and who they are as long I like their art and they dont try to force their political opinions down my throat especially not when I dont agree with them

Im a rarity though, people are all about people, not materials.
If youre a loveable person you can shit on a floor and its art, if youre an anti social misanthrope you can create a masterpiece but its still bad in their eyes

sadly the worlds works this way
i wish i realized sooner, i guess thats the retardation doing its thing

>> No.3509548

This person I know has some self awareness on how depressed and miserable she is. What I can't stand is that she projects her hate and misery onto others by talking shit behind other artists, at the same time not taking any actions to treat said depression.

>> No.3509553


>> No.3509623

Made a list of some things I don’t overlook, that will make me literally put effort into retroactively hating their work, removing from my hard drive, etc:

1) Female
2) Not white
3) Not facist
4) Failed to pay me $400
5) Called cops on me
6) Failed to complement my MAGA hat
7) Made me pull a muscle while beating them to death
8) Drinks diet coke

>> No.3509631

fuck off retard

>> No.3509648

You tried

>> No.3509651

I really don't give a shit about their opinions or what they do. Unless their using their money to do awful shit, I'd just stop giving them money but I probably wouldn't stop looking at their art. If anything I'd just pirate what they do. Eventually the art will out live the artist and plenty of artists we see as masters were deplorable people in their time. The idea outlives the person, regardless if artists can't accept that they will never be as important as the shit they make.

>> No.3509655

Good, fuck that pseud antiscience parrot peterson

>> No.3509659

>antiscience parrot

proof please

>> No.3509713

Go look at his twitter and watch him retweet climate disinfo blog posts that were debunked before they even got posted. Go listen to his lectures and debates where he does backflips trying to misunderstand quantum physics so it can support his religion, and regales you about how ancient cultures knew about DNA through magical means because helixes are common in design, and that quitting smoking requires divine intervention. Oh and the fucking endless 'it natural therefore it good' fallacies. This guy is a laughing stock to everyone working in STEM.
I think recently he tried to argue that socially mandated monogamy would reduce male violence because there would be more females for more men so there would be less sexually frustrated men or some shit, and he had the balls to cite a piece of research to support it, which looked really impressive to his audience of braindead parrots. Too bad everyone with a brain clicked on the publication and read it, and saw that it really didn't say that, it said both partnerless and monogamous men were less likely to be violent, so his conclusion that """incels""" are becoming violent due to no partners and that distributing partners more evenly would reduce violence was refuted by the very research he cited in support of it. That is a classic move from antiscience pseuds, cite random research that doesn't actually support your claim because you know your core audience will take what you say at face value and will never fact check.

>> No.3509715


Purplekecleon IMO is like the John K of pokemon fanart. Even though she has a bad personality, I can see how her work influenced so many Pokemon fanartists. Even now when she's not as popular anymore, I can see many Pokemon artists use the same color palettes and rendering style as PK.

But it's sad how PK stagnated. The most amazing thing about PK's art back in the day was her use of color theory/values. Now I can go on Twitter or Tumblr and find artists who although were probably shit in PK's heyday, have now surprassed PK in art ability. PK could have probably become amazing by now if she stayed in art school.

>> No.3509716

i know how that shit is.>>3508277

>> No.3509727

I won't commission them or buy anything from them, that's for sure. I will gladly continue to take their art though when it's posted online.

>> No.3509732

Kek. Nice one, anon.

>> No.3509761

I'll instantly think twice about an artist if they take it upon themselves to publicly announce their political/religious/personal beliefs
why do I give a shit about that?
if I went and found out about it on my own volition, though, then no, absolutely not no matter the outcome.

>> No.3509765

I wrote that wrong.
i mean if I found out myself, it wouldn't effect my opinion of them nor their art no matter the opinions I found. been day drinking.
I prefer to measure someone by the quality of their opinions. someone can be the complete opposite of me but if he/she can articulate their opinions well and give a convincing argument thats what earns my respect
tribe mentality is for gays

>> No.3509781

>artist is a pedophile
that's ok i dont like it but i like his art not his personality its not a big deal as long as he only looks at pictures instead of actual children

>supports trump

>> No.3509890

Alot of pedo artists ive met are actually pretty cool people. More so than some of the more "normal" ones ive encountered

>> No.3510069

heres a (you)