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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 3.99 MB, 956x4724, Rolling Chart 54_3% 05-29-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3506780 No.3506780 [Reply] [Original]

Old Thread: >>3453811

Immortalize your girl in your portfolio, and at:

Post-free dice rolling tool:

Book Mobile: https://mega.nz/#F!es1BSKQR!spODyd0iaQmMelGA2GscFw

>> No.3506781
File: 2.83 MB, 1104x4970, Towergirls The Four Islands.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3506782
File: 4.00 MB, 1051x5194, Thanosdidnothingwrong 59_7%.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bonus Thanos edition from /tg/

>> No.3508038


>> No.3508043

Hooooooly crap that's a lot of girls.

Let's see which one I get.

>> No.3508189


>> No.3508246
File: 488 KB, 818x1091, aoao tower girlssml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3508281


>> No.3508383


>> No.3508958

maybe I'll actually do it this time

>> No.3508990
File: 37 KB, 635x646, 1528688655041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I rolled years ago and never finished my piece, but today is the day that I roll for real.

>> No.3509009


>> No.3509471


>> No.3509711


>> No.3509827


Waiting on you

>> No.3510045
File: 1.58 MB, 3264x2448, 7DBFDBAF-8D4B-4423-8EFD-01365A87B1D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3510052

Hey I never bothered with Towergirl until now, can someone give me a quick rundown? Like what you're supposed to do etc.

>> No.3510273

you roll then draw what digits you got

>> No.3511385

It's a CYOA where you rescue princess from dragons, who are also princesses you can rescue...
From themselves.

It got insanely popular because the setting, scenario, and characters, both cannon and fan made were fun,imaginitive, and lent itself to a lot of creativity.
...It's a lot easier to see this on the regular charts then the rolling one.

>> No.3511416


>> No.3511516
File: 406 KB, 995x858, dreamprincelcolouredresized.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got myself a Towerboy this time.

>> No.3511793
File: 124 KB, 768x1086, tgnomad1m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3511795

Can someone explain to me the instructions? I don't get it. Or at least point me to my princess

>> No.3511798

your last 4 digits are 1795, based on your post number

figure the rest out yourself

>> No.3511932


>> No.3511954
File: 199 KB, 1280x1429, ghost_princess_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3511963

Ahahahahah nice idea, good job!

>> No.3512293

take the last 4 digits of your post number, in your case 1795. use the 17 to find first the group of girls you will search into, then the 95 to find the girl within that group. your girl would be MOUSE girl.

>> No.3512798
File: 3.28 MB, 320x180, 1517130361281.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its like doing a character gen for an rpg and watching the intro movie but then thats it because there is nothing after that and never will be. Basically broquest 2.0

>> No.3512803
File: 112 KB, 379x298, ICreated4chanAndAllIGotWasThisShityReactionImage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adding on to that, if youre talking how its /ic/ related: Its not really, some guys over on /tg/ decided they need more free art to look at while they waste there lives away consuming content that gets generated slower then molasses. The person who made this thread is not an artist, its just some guy who wants free art and has been getting it for 64 threads.

If thats cool with you and you want to get into it thats cool, but I feel like you should get a non biased opinion first.

>> No.3512890


>> No.3512925
File: 65 KB, 649x873, vamp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the person that made this thread is not an artist

I don't know about the current OP but you're at least half right about me. I try but I'm not a good artist-I haven't made it yet, might not ever. My progress has admittedly been dreadful if there's been any at all and I have only myself to blame for that, same as anyone else in my position.

I made this thread initially because I thought the designs were cute, there were a lot of them and because they were made by a fellow 4chan user. An evolution of the "draw your own wizard" mspaint roll thread. I thought having something to participate in would benefit myself and others, and I'd always stressed that the drawing could be more about the concept than their representation on the image.

Ultimately I ended up spending a lot of time critiquing almost all the pieces submitted, but very rarely participated myself, and the point in my maintaining the thread had become muddled as consequence. That went on for about three years, and after deciding it was time for the thread to evolve (I used my ability to insert OC characters into the image as a metric for my own progress) I became frustrated with my predictable stagnation and abandoned it, and to a large degree /ic/ as well. Though in fact, I had little reason to leave. Critiquing took little time, and one of my biggest problems remains the fact that I'm so gun shy about finishing anything and accepting the consequences for it. I could still find the value I'd originally sought in this thread if only I'd start using it as I'd intended from the beginning.

tl;dr - I'm sorry lads, I've failed you and I'd failed myself, but this thread is pure! Thank you for keeping it alive this whole time.


>> No.3512928

rolling for glory

>> No.3513190

thanks man, fully answered

>> No.3513265

non biased my ass

>> No.3513493
File: 145 KB, 768x1086, tgassasin1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3513524

this is really awesome
you got a blog?

>> No.3513527

rollo tomasi

>> No.3513545


That's because you lack drive, it shows when you spend all your time generating content for someone else. I'm sure you didn't wake up one day as a kid and go "I'm going to get into drawing so I can get (you)s making CYOA fanart!", you need to tap into what ever motivated you to draw in the 1st place. If you never had any motivation to draw in the 1st place then you're NGMI until you find a purpose. Good luck anon I believe in you.

>> No.3513600
File: 186 KB, 700x999, sdfkjldfsjkldsfkljfsd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3513601
File: 392 KB, 451x619, 1489881246663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you need to tap into what ever motivated you to draw in the 1st place

i wanted to draw at first because i wanted to be better than this girl in my middle school. she was the class "artist" even though all she drew was shit anime.

well i'm better than her now because she stopped drawing after high school, what now? i didn't want to be better than EVERYONE else, just her, because i had a crush on her and really wanted to impress her. but now she's way out of my life since it's been more than a decade since the end of my highschool life.

i think your first reason isn't really all that important.

>> No.3513624

Thank you! Sorry I forgot about this, now I have somehing to draw today :^)

>> No.3513716
File: 160 KB, 1177x785, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I appreciate the advice, you're right.

I have a good idea about what I want to do but the road to get there has been a self-imposed slog and I tend to let my frustrations get the better of me, making the problems exponential in nature. To be honest this thread was/is the least of my problems if it even was one to begin with; critiquing stuff (without punching above my weight) helped me retain a lot of the information I'd read in books and helped inform my own work when I'd bother to make it.

However, in the end anything you read is just trivia until you start drawing, and that's where I'd been very "on and off" for many years. I know myself better than to say that "today is the day" that I completely change my behavior that'd I'd developed over many years (I'd said those words many times before), but maybe if I just take small steps in the right direction I can reverse course before my regrets pile up even higher.


>> No.3513721

Post your work, let's see what "more then a decade" of art looks like when you have no real motivation.

>> No.3513744

i said its been more than a decade since high school, not 10 decades of art, faggot

>> No.3513771
File: 68 KB, 639x453, Untitled-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute. At first I was given the impression by those wrapping lines and the cylindrical shape they create that the humeral portion of her arm was emerging from behind the contour of her body too low (almost like she had a third joint apart from her shoulder and elbow), but even after posing for myself in a camera I guess I'm not really sure, sorry!

There does appear to be a very slight discrepancy between the overall volume of her arms, with the arm on our right appearing slightly thicker and vice versa-and with perhaps the opposite being the case with the forearms.

The knuckles on her kunai hand are at an unaturally low angle; one thing that might help if you're using a windows laptop with a webcom is to hit the windows button, type in camera and hit enter to give yourself an immediate reference.

Sexy, I find the thickness of the lines appealing, but it has also led to a few line tangents between the ears, bangs of the hair and eyes. There is a bit of asymmetry between both ears and eyes as well and it's kind of hard to tell if it's a (very slight) mistake or if you're actually suggesting a subtle angle.

One thing that might help suggest a subtle tilt of an otherwise straight on head in this instance would be to show a bit more of the medial plane of her ear on the side she's supposedly turning towards.

Good stuff keep it up

>> No.3513785


Not that guy, I think it's fine to change your reason you're motivated to draw, but it should be a good reason. Tapping into the first reason often works but not always (like in your case). Generally I think having the motive be 'impress x person' or 'surpass x person' is a bad reason to pick up any skill, but to each their own.

Did you reevaluate the reasons you draw, or are you just stuck in the momentum you started in your quest to 1up a middleschooler?

>> No.3513787

>I think having the motive be 'impress x person' or 'surpass x person' is a bad reason to pick up any skill

I was in middle school, I was just thinking with my dick.

>> No.3513788

>10 decades of art

When was this ever implied? Also you realize that if 10+ years have passed since you started drawing and you haven't improved at all its because youre not even motivated to draw. I garantee that you improved the most in rhe 2-3 of highschool when you had a clear goal that motivated you. Now out of high school 10 years later with no motivation you have done jack shit. You're not ngmi because you were incapable you're ngmi because the reason you started drawing in the first place was retarded and short lived .

>the reason you started drawing doesn't matter
Absolutly false

>> No.3513791


heh, well you know what I mean

>> No.3513793


Yeah but you're not in middleschool anymore, which is why I asked the question.

>> No.3513992


>> No.3514382

Don't have one yet but glad that you like it!

Thanks for the crits! I still need to work on my anatomy a lot, the webcam tip is very helpful too, will be using it a lot from now on

>> No.3515010


>> No.3515020

rolling for lillend's gf

>> No.3515052


>> No.3515174
File: 234 KB, 1028x1180, drake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why was i thinking about the wrong pair of numbers when choosing the other day
Oh well, rerool

>> No.3515415

really nice. i would want to see it coloured thou

>> No.3515439


>> No.3515916


>> No.3515920

roll pls

>> No.3515921

roll :)

>> No.3515932


>> No.3515964


>> No.3515983
File: 1.41 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the poor quality.

>> No.3516014
File: 162 KB, 1000x1000, homu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i noticed too late that homunculus girl has one big arm but whatever

>> No.3516070


>> No.3516107


>> No.3516123
File: 31 KB, 288x200, 1476138829152.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The chibi has tits, though. Are you sure that's supposed to be a guy?

Nice artwork btw.

>> No.3516126

looks really good though the one problem is her arms are too small anatomically

>> No.3516127

Honestly, you aren't half bad at all. Your art is really clean and it looks good. I like it. Keep on trucking, OP!

>> No.3516129

>t. retard

>> No.3516166


>> No.3516632


>> No.3516642


>> No.3516686
File: 205 KB, 589x1000, phoenix prince resized.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3516694


>> No.3517125


>> No.3517168


>> No.3517392


>> No.3517395

rolly polly

>> No.3517397

hi ace

>> No.3517457
File: 49 KB, 383x300, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw i'll never have a smug mouse GF to beat me up

>> No.3518136


>> No.3518178
File: 2.09 MB, 1754x2480, slime gir4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck shit slime girl.
The more time I spend polishing this turd, the more I hate it.

I know that my plants suck. But what about the figure? Any tips on drawing girls that are actually appealing?

And do you have some good refs for a gryphon princess? I can't find any pics of her on tower-girls.booru

>> No.3518184

The figure isn’t the most glaring problem through it’s the oversaturated colors, it just looks like a coloring book. The concept is interesting to me (slime girl coming from well) but the colors you chose for your environment are just the opposite of comfy. In something that brightly light she would also probably be reflecting a lot more of the environments colors on her “skin” and be more translucent.

My tip for drawing appealing girls is to practice drawing appealing girls from pictures

>> No.3518270
File: 255 KB, 800x1003, saturated ref.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the crit, Anon!

Yeah now that I look at it, I get what you mean about reflections - I'll try to keep it in mind next time.
As for the oversaturated colours - I was going for a cartoony, playful style; I was hoping to achieve something like on pic related.
But if you feel that "colors you chose (...) are just the opposite of comfy", then obviously I've overdid it.

>> No.3518275

I see what you mean yeah. saturated colors are hard to work with though its really easy to go garish instead of comfy cartoony. I think if you had a real light source in your piece it would help in taking away the "coloring book" feel. right now everything is flat and mostly colored with their local color vs the picture you posted which are saturated, but most of their saturation is defined by much more neutral colors in their shadows

>> No.3518281

i gotta get to work but let me drop you a piece of advice from gurney really quick, "better grey than garish." gl anon

>> No.3518294

thanks again!

>> No.3518404

Try to use Adobe Colour next time, should make choosing the colour much easier

>> No.3518424

Personally I think subjectivity should be kept to a minimum when it comes to critique if it's even present at all.

>the colors you used are wrong

That isn't a crit, it's just somebody's opinion that can and should be freely ignored.

>> No.3518433

okay keep making ugly art that is absolutely your prerogative to ignore critiques that talk about your palette

>> No.3518438

>completely ignores entire critique and waters it down to "your colors are wrong"

>> No.3518599

ok but these pieces have one or two bright/vibrant hues, the rest are muted. They are balanced and work together. Yours sucks.

>> No.3519384

gorgeous!! if youre still around anon, do you have art instagram or anywhere i can follow you?

>> No.3519386

sushi roll

>> No.3519828

rolly polly

>> No.3520350

Thanks! I draw only for fun thou, i dont post regularly and i dont have a proper art blog. I appreciate it!

>> No.3520403


>> No.3520777


>> No.3521557


>> No.3521810
