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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 171 KB, 772x516, loomis punchup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3504138 No.3504138 [Reply] [Original]

Can /ic/ draw the famous Loomis punchup in their own style?
show me how competent you really are

>> No.3504176
File: 290 KB, 1080x768, 20180705_124938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but i can try

Based loomis thaught me the little i know

>> No.3504300
File: 456 KB, 1800x2271, loomis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't the poses a little boring though? And wouldn't the skeleton being punched fall the other way?

>> No.3504304
File: 28 KB, 488x463, 1507081530789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, they're really boring. your anime girls are obviously an improvement

>> No.3504310


>reacting sarcastically with a meme instead of a better drawing

I wiped my ass and drew something in the time it took you to find that image. Good job.

>> No.3504316

your poses are stiffer my friend

>> No.3504340

Unironically an improvement. The Loomis skellies look so ineffectual and winded. There's not a single decisive movement to be found, you'd think at least the main center punch would have some force behind it. I don't know, maybe it was intentional.

>> No.3504345

ignoring the fact that >>3504300
changed the poses
>stylized humans are more interesting than a figure meant to teach artsits
yeah i'd imagine

>> No.3504348
File: 7 KB, 250x241, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3504349

its not supposed to be a storyboard, they are all separate figures

>> No.3504352

Set aside meme words like "stiff." Even the best artists don't put 100% into all their drawings or always make the best work. Do you really think the Loomis choreography makes for a more dynamic fight scene in a movie, comic, etc.? It looks scripted, a cartoon slapfight, a fight that's winding down and everyone's falling down tired. Again, maybe that was intended, I don't know the context.

>> No.3504467
File: 387 KB, 1200x2147, luuuumis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If people want to learn how to draw figures, they're better off drawing from life. This exercise doesn't teach proper anatomy and I would be surprised if anyone else can make sense of these skeletons because I can't.

>> No.3504471

>the left happens to be punching and the right happens to be falling down
oh loomis

>> No.3504476

youre not even pretending to have read the book

>this exercise doesnt even teach proper anatomy
probably because it isnt an anatomy lesson

>> No.3504812

i mean they are four figures arranged in a scene.

>> No.3504816 [DELETED] 


>> No.3504944

are you clinically retarded?

>> No.3504982

As much as I like Loomis, I'd be lying if I said that those disc hips don't still confuse the hell out of me. A simple boxy shape does much better and is way easier to draw consistently.

>> No.3505006
File: 166 KB, 1408x1292, deep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a very deep piece.

>> No.3505025

>Read a chapter about how to use the manequin
>"This exercise doesn't teach proper anatomy"

The absolute state of /ic/.

>> No.3505039
File: 98 KB, 1920x1080, 12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this can be /ic/'s loss meme

>> No.3505064

>these anons just sketching the poses
>probably done in 10 minutes
>still puts my work to shame

>> No.3505066
File: 81 KB, 824x496, AAAAAAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a useful tip for struggling drawfags
Use shapes, like a triangle for the mouth

>> No.3505075

What did you study to get as good as this?

>> No.3505179
File: 745 KB, 716x1212, 1513983570639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3505224

In the book, it is immediately obvious that these are 4 separate models being used for the action.

>> No.3505231
File: 173 KB, 772x1024, 1530810898583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3505428

Xamn. Drawing shittily on purpose to show the shittiness of the original gestures.
This is some impressive skill dude, not even memeing.

>> No.3505438

How the fuck does anyone figure out how to draw anime girls like that and even nail the clothing folds/bounceback and hair? How the fuck is that even possible to do?

What do I need to study to put clothes on top of my figures

>> No.3505468

I like it

>> No.3505494
File: 265 KB, 538x741, Figure Drawing For All It's Worth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's this guy that gives advice on drawing stuff, his name is Andrew Loomis

>> No.3505497

literally studying realism

>> No.3505505

fyi these don't contradict each other, you need to do both

>> No.3505524

I can draw good loomis bodies but can't clothe them from imagination ;_;

>> No.3505529

STUDY REALISM do material studies do form studies do drapery studies. fuck loomis I don't care about that fag.

>> No.3505535

I mean I draw from refs in loomis' style but always from realism
When you do drapery, do you lineart it AND render it for practice? And do you set up your own drapery to draw? I have been drawing the same tiny soft cloth from all angles slightly scrunched up over a tiny cylinder but it's really different when clothes hang from the body

>> No.3505536

study fashion silly

>> No.3505540

clothing materials aren't all the same so you need to inject some variety into your studies. but draping should still help you with putting clothes on your figures. if you understand the form of the human body (anatomy studies) and you understand how gravity effects cloth and how cloth lays across form (drape studies) then you should be able to outfit your characters. you can increase your knowledge and visual library of how different types of fabric act but you should be able to dress your character in the same material you've been practicing with at this point, if youre studying mindfully.
lineart vs full rendering depends on what helps you more, helps you learn the forms and the aspect youre studying. if you need render the light to understand the form, then you should do it.
all of your studies should be tailored to how YOU personally learn.

>> No.3505542

also this. its actually pretty important to understand trends/silhouettes that look good + do material studies.

>> No.3505548

This is helpful anon. Thankyou.

>> No.3505565

talentless crab

>> No.3505570

How do I get this good.

>> No.3505577

Not much. If you're actually serious, then you probably never draw ever. Because if you gave it a shot yourself you could achieve a similar quality.

>> No.3505579

I really can't and I've been drawing every day for a year so far.

>> No.3505584

Alright let's see your attempt then.

>> No.3505587

I can't either without exact pose/outfit refs, we can be failures together.

>> No.3505594

Post your work.

>> No.3505626
File: 1.32 MB, 1105x1476, danceloomis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I doing it right

>> No.3505629


>> No.3505631

they're supposed to be naked, i think...

>> No.3505716


>> No.3505744

Let's look at Loomis' original then.

1st pose - punch with no weight put into it, you wouldn't feel anything from it if it even hit you at all because the character looks like he's dodging something instead of striking.
2nd pose - it's not a right hook, it's not a right uppercut, it's not even a haymaker, it's a blowjob + handjob pose.
3rd pose - this one's fine
4th pose - falls in a completely wrong direction, and you never fall on your knee in the first place, you either don't fall at all or fall on your butt/side/back; it's more of a pose you'd have while getting back up.

Anon's 1st is way better, 2nd is somehow even worse, 3rd is something else (that's how you'd look like blocking a frontal hit from something big and heavy - bigger than a fist), 4th is again better.

>> No.3505779

I've always thought it was something like a bar fight and theyre all drunk

>> No.3505810


>> No.3505889

Loomis was probably just jotting something down quickly without much knowledge and or consideration about fighting and throwing punches. And also since it's just about doing a rough layout and figuring out the composition, that doesn't matter until you work on the final product.

>> No.3506027

Loomis is shit

>> No.3506218
File: 412 KB, 875x1078, 1530810898583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I blame you.

>> No.3506482


>> No.3506628

I guess if you support isis

>> No.3506656

kys you shitty weeb
In the first place, you haven't read the book. You're looking at half a page with no context. You seem to think that think that this is some storyboard to choreograph a fight, which it is not. They aren't even 4 figures in the same scene. Loomis draws figures based on a live model posing. This was probably the same model in various poses. Aka the dude has to hold a pose. The figure can't capture a snapshot of a punch. He is doing a mockup of an fight to show you how to analyse poses (FROM LIFE) with the mannequin.

>punch with no weight put into it, you wouldn't feel anything from it if it even hit you at all because the character looks like he's dodging something instead of striking.
If you look at the hand, it seems like he is grabbing something. Or maybe he is dodging something, who knows? Either way it's supposed to have the weight resting on a side. It's not a "realistic" boxing stance, which looks stiff here, it's a loose, dynamic pose.
>it's not a right hook, it's not a right uppercut, it's not even a haymaker, it's a blowjob + handjob pose.
Your pose looks worse, senpai. The left thigh should be much higher than it actually is. And your punch looks like it completely whiffed, the arc looks way too short. And angle of the wrist is weird. And why the fuck is her torso facing us instead of turning away like the Loomis pose.
>falls in a completely wrong direction, and you never fall on your knee in the first place, you either don't fall at all or fall on your butt/side/back; it's more of a pose you'd have while getting back up.
Again, 3rd figure =/= the 4th figure. And he's on his side you dumb fuck, his weight is on his side. He's stumbling over. It suggests a hell of a lot more than some anime girl falling on her ass.
Fuck you I bet you think those studio bones wannabe sakuga gifs with a rotating camera angles and anime girls fighting looks really good don't you, you shitty weeb

>> No.3506675
File: 686 KB, 1759x663, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check it out

>> No.3506695

>draw me like one of your french seals

>> No.3506706

Ha! Love it.

>> No.3506715

Fuckin neat

>> No.3506721

Loomis gettin BTFO in here

>> No.3506728

You are funny.

>> No.3506748

do i have to do a funny one or can i just give it a draw, and not get ignored

>> No.3506930

Just do it in your style fàm

>> No.3507051

How can anyone look at that and not instantly connect the dots that loomis is a meme

>> No.3508768
File: 1.25 MB, 2055x1256, fukki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cannot contain my faggotry

>> No.3508780

my oc's are all bestest friends and wouldnt fight though

>> No.3508783

i love it!
Loomis confirmed stand user

>> No.3508785
File: 330 KB, 772x516, loomiswhatyousmokin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This exercise doesn't teach proper anatomy
i would hope nobody would think so

>> No.3508794

thank u, always thought papa Loomis was a bit menacing

>> No.3509153

Ha! Love it!

>> No.3509163


>> No.3509187

>Not knowing the difference between anatomy and proportion
>thinking that figures bending in perspective is a sign of inaccurate proportion
homie pls

>> No.3509490
File: 403 KB, 1792x986, 1a6c9e026f70fe94fb67062a6ba858d1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3509496

This is actually really good. It's very fluid, and I hate to say it (No homo((jk full homo i love dick))) those dangalangs add a whole lotta movement. I know u gave up on the far right one

>> No.3509639

what's with all this PENIS! DAMN!!!!

>> No.3509681

For some weird, big and thick reason, I really like this one. No homo, though.

>> No.3511470

for what purpose

>> No.3511510

shouldn't the arms be in front of the giant tits?
>4th figure

>> No.3512063
File: 186 KB, 1200x459, loomis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3512359

Seems like you didnt read the book

>> No.3512363

Blog? You did the best one of the thread

>> No.3512402


>> No.3512410

What's the figure on the left doing? Scratching that guys back?

>> No.3512962


Accurate anatomy is overrated as a beginning point. It's something to be incorporated later when other areas are learnt.

>> No.3512975

1st figure still getting back on his feet is trying to stop 2nd figure from fighting by grabbing his un-drawn shirt
2nd figure drunk flail
3rd figure shit ruined
4th figure already had his shit ruined.

>> No.3513030

Anyone noticed how the right arm of the guy that gets punched almost perfectly follows the arc of the punch that gets thrown at him? I thought it was a motion line at first. If that's not unintentional, then it's really, really fucking clever.

>> No.3514445


>> No.3514470

not gonna lie if this was traditionally made I would put it on my wall