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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3502867 No.3502867 [Reply] [Original]

what was /ic/ like in 2005

>> No.3502877

would anyone here know

>> No.3502894

There were no /beg/ threads - everyone posted in draw thread, regardless of their level. If you were too much of a pussy to post your shit on the internet you simply didn't post your shit on the internet. Now people made a "safe" space: /beg/ thread.

There weren't any porn threads, my style/your style threads, /las/ threads, vents threads. There were "rate this picture I made" threads, but they were either ignored or saged to hell. There weren't as many children here. The board was even slower, but it was of higher quality.

People actually drew, even in collaborations. It was easy to get a good critique or redline. And people that asked for critique were different as well - they didn't get butthurt after having their mistakes pointed out (one of the reasons why I think d/ic/ks used to be more mature).
The last big difference that comes to mind is that "post your art" was a legitimate argument. It was obvious that someone who's good could give you a more insightful critique. Almost everyone understood that only a retard would ask a beggar how to become a millionaire.

... I miss old days.

>> No.3502901

/beg/ is not a "safe space", it's a containment thread. Just like the other tumblr/discord generals.

>> No.3502910

I assume the actual good people got better and went on while the crabs grew stronger in numbers and stayed

>> No.3502923


>> No.3502927

The same but more shitposty and less quality. Also alot less activity

>> No.3502944

post your art

>> No.3502957

>The board was even slower, but it was of higher quality
Now you're describing pre 2008 4chan as a whole

>> No.3502967
File: 169 KB, 1200x799, sad frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, no problem. I'm still working on this acrylic painting.
Sadly I was just a casual lurker back then.

>> No.3503003

How did you get to this point? You said you did a lot more observational than imaginative drawing so your journey must be interesting

>> No.3503009

There was some guy who kept drawing a dolphin fucking a meremaid. Everyone just started their own thread. People have always been as vain and defensive as they are now. Tumblr wasnt a thing so people got self confidence by bashing artists on deviantart and gaia. Very few posts in a day.

>> No.3503013

very pretty frog

>> No.3503014
File: 708 KB, 843x1101, HiRes-PrinceOfPeace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3503020

is it just me or are his eyes fucked

>> No.3503025

Yup, those eyes are fucked.

>> No.3503027

In addendum, it was still pretty harsh. I also miss the collab threads

>> No.3503045

Bryan wasn't born yet, it was a peaceful time, indeed.

People were more intelligent and sincere with critiques towards one another.

>> No.3503058

The same as now just with different memes and materials. Don’t let nostalgiafags kid you.

>> No.3503173
File: 107 KB, 480x953, 1483114346077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The main difference is that the /r9k/ification of the site had happened yet. We didn't always have anons constantly projecting negativity and hopelessness aka 'feels'. But this is a site-wide phenomenon as seen on boards like /fit9k/. At one point there were a lot of high level posters like long, tehmeh and catbib who posted here frequently but they stopped and no one really stepped up to replace any of them.

>> No.3503661

This. At least you can post freely on /ic/ with any opinion that you want still, but the board culture has still been affected.

>> No.3503687

It's not about how many good artists posted here and how to replace them, it's about the lack of reasons for them to post anything here nowadays. For instance, we used to have at least 1 study thread up at any given time, often several for different subjects. Alongside challenge threads, collabs etc. That attracted decent artists to participate, or at the very least it attracted people who genuinely wanted to improve and wanted to post their best effort. That part of /ic/ is almost completely gone now and I blame LAS for it. LAS is what ultimately destroyed /ic/ by taking one of its core appeals and turning it into yet another shitty general.

>> No.3503710

>core appeals
which is?

>> No.3503718

as I said, study threads, collab threads, challenges etc.

>> No.3503728

it's exactly the same when /las/still doesn't exist tb h. The only problem in the current time is that more animefags have invaded the board and drove the good artists out

>> No.3503743

No, the drop in quality on /ic/ is directly related to the beginning of /las/. People who used to participate in the aforementioned threads would now flock to one general. The study threads and challenge threads became less and less active and after a while, they simply stopped being made entirely on any regular basis. This is the real reason why /ic/ is in the current state it's in, it has nothing to do with your anime boogeyman.

>> No.3504192

>/ic/ isn't shit because of anime boogeyman
>/ic/ is shit because of las boogeyman!
You can play the blame game all you want, but it won't help you any with actually fixing /ic/.

>> No.3504233

las is only a couple years old
this board was shit long before it came around

>> No.3504234

make study threads idiot

>> No.3504322

useless thread, sage pleaes

>> No.3504466

useless sage cause i just bumped it bitch. i just wanted a history lesson its fine as its relevant to the board itself

>> No.3504847

/ic/ is that old?

>> No.3504857

And loomis wasn’t a meme at that time, right?

>> No.3504924

It was a lot better than it is now. Much like nearly every other image board/forum on the internet.

>> No.3504925


It's just you.

>> No.3504926

I like your frog, anon.

>> No.3504957

No, it isn't. It sounds like you've had a bad personal experience with LAS, and you're trying to project it into something it's not.

I haven't been here from the beginning, but I do remember when boards like /fit/ became overrun with the /r9k/ mentality. It kind of sucks, because I used to really like /fit/. I don't think /ic/ is there quite yet, but it's teetering. One big gust, and it'll fall over. It definitely has all of the starting signs.

The projection of negativity is used to round up others to feel miserable with. When you have others to feel miserable with, your own situation seems common and you can tell yourself that it's okay. There's a thread open currently about 'artists that you once admired but don't admire anymore'. It's not really a critique thread, it's just a list of why people don't like other artists that they used to look up to.

There are also a LOT of romantics involving the mentally unstable, poor, struggling artist that should NOT EVER BE ROMANTICIZED. EVER. It's not just on /ic/, but that doesn't mean it's any less stupid.

I think it's good we have a place to talk about struggling. To talk about what frustrates us, and discuss challenges apart from the pen and paper. It gives us a place to vent, and to hear about others going through similar things... But that doesn't mean it's okay to stay that way. And the principles of /r9k/ that have begun to leech out of it are completely the opposite. Not to mention that there are an unhealthy amount of these threads every day, and they're filled with people purposely wallowing in sadness. It's not good for the overall image or health of the board.

There are pockets of /ic/ that are wonderful. Absolutely phenomenal. But I'm worried about the future of this board. We have a lot of things working against us, and it's going to take a hell of a lot of firm hands to push this board in the right direction.

But that's just, like, my opinion, man.

>> No.3505072

pretty much this. People are just too whiny nowadays and demand everything to be spoonfed and hand held to them