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File: 130 KB, 533x1199, DgdhrObUwAEYl-N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3499574 No.3499574 [Reply] [Original]

>how to become successful as a porn artist

like unironically. What are the best tags, best ways of exposure?

>> No.3499587

Step 1: learn to draw good
Step 2: there's no actual step 2, because you're still stuck at step 1 because you think you don't have to draw good.

>> No.3499591

Draw popular shit, try to create something that will become a meme, follow trends really but try to one-up previous attempts. It's a never-ending cycle of one-upmanship

>> No.3499593

Furry shit in general

>> No.3499595


Be productive and be consistent, both in terms of output and in style. Most people fail at these points because artists are generally undisciplined in temperament.

>> No.3499617

just draw good looking shit dont listen to retards like >>3499595

literally just draw GOOD shit doesnt even have to make sense

>> No.3499618


>> No.3499620

>draw good
Wow what a novel idea. Did you come up with that yourself?

>> No.3499622
File: 94 KB, 1200x1028, DhGCvZ6X4AUeRFC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


is this good?

>> No.3499631
File: 238 KB, 1145x1460, 1513736362700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go draw your boxes retard

>> No.3499647

>hurr durr draw good
that's implied you retard. How do you even remember to wipe your ass without saying "but it has to be wiped clean, don't leave any poo poo!"

>> No.3499657


>what is work ethic

>> No.3499661

im not implying anything lool. thats the problem with you pretentious retards. you think theres some secret to drawing appealing shit, but there isnt. if you dont have an eye for good looking shit just fucking stop. theres a reason abstract art look good not just because theres some shitty meaning behind it that is 2 deep 4 u and i dont mean pallock or those who literally shat on canvas, those are just bad.

>> No.3499665

yeah im sure every artist is updating everyday, do you even draw bro? i follow 2000 artists across different platforms and everyday i get 40 new submission notifications out of the 2000.

>> No.3499666

You're such an idiot, you don't even know what this thread is about. To be successful, of course you need to be fucking good at what you do. But there is obviously more to that, like self-marketing which is important in life no matter what you do

>> No.3499669

This is so very well done wtf. I would feel bad masturbating to this

>> No.3499671

god i love retards like you
muh marketing
muh work ethic
cant wait till you finally realize that you dont have what it takes and resort to whoring yourself out for the sake of a few pennies

>> No.3499677

>I have this drawing skill thing
>but no one knows I exist
>I least I have this drawing skill thing!

>> No.3499680

No, he's right. Marketing is important no matter what you do. Every career you try to get into involves marketing of some kind, tweaking your resume and looking attractive to employers. Gaining followers is the same way. You have to do things to attract them, like draw popular things and use the right hashtags

>> No.3499685

must be nice living an oblivious life

>> No.3499687

must be gay being a faggot

>> No.3499690


>> No.3499694

stay mad my friend

>> No.3499695

whatever fag

>> No.3499702

this is something i totally need to take advantage of but as someone who stays in the same bubble and rarely ventures out when it comes to pop culture, how do you know what exactly is popular at the moment? is there somewhere you can look up to see what's hot? like when it comes to whats trending and what's popular atm i totally feel like Velma without her glasses

>> No.3499709

draw your boxes like always

>> No.3499712

lol at least I'm not gay
draw gay boxes faggot

>> No.3499721

only work of at least this level is even worth fapping to man..

>> No.3499724
File: 775 KB, 245x245, 1459724713325.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a shota artist or what? it's so small

>> No.3499730

someone pissed in your cheerios

>> No.3499749
File: 57 KB, 312x560, 1526659309814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Learn anatomy
>Learn to break rules of anatomy so it is aesthetically pleasing if you catch my drift.

>> No.3499759

someone pissed in your butthole haha faggot

>> No.3499915


>> No.3499918

stop replying child

>> No.3499921
File: 19 KB, 495x362, 1515967144385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw NGMI because trying to stay out of comfort zone, trying new techniques and themes

>> No.3500754

redline it big boi

>> No.3500758
File: 266 KB, 804x751, vid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been trying to decipher what makes a good lewd drawing for a while now, here's my summary:
Simplicity, low contrast, warm shadows, (especially on characters), something between pastel and earthy muted palette for the best mood, and a big one - shape design. Really put forward that flat, graphic quality of a drawing.
Then there is the secret: the difference between a pinup, a softcore and porn is the ratio of "bodyparts of interest" to the rest. A porn drawing looks like a porn drawing when the ass/tits/face make at least a third of the whole composition.

I'll post a few examples. Pic related is a good palette. The girl has a nice low contrast 'cause she's almost entirely lit by bounced light.

>> No.3500760
File: 193 KB, 800x1183, R4_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good shapes, simple, low contrast. You can get away with next to no rendering, all you have to do is replace direct with bounced light, Incase also does this often. Skin has a very low value range in general, 'cause it's translucent.

>> No.3500763
File: 168 KB, 543x697, nora_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good shapes and simplicity. Go for that Sargent kind of brushwork, lay down a stroke and leave it be, don't over-render.
Part of why large hips look so hot is because they literally take up more space on the canvas. CreamyLewds is also good at this.

>> No.3500766
File: 346 KB, 900x686, asdasd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An example of what I said about ratio. Your head tells you the pic on left is good, but it doesn't look like porn, like something meant to be jacked off to. It's closer to a pin-up.
The pic on the right is different - literally go and measure it, a third of the composition is her ass/hips/face.

I recommend you go to your porn art folder and analyze your favorites for these clues.

>> No.3500784

thats actually super helpful
When i draw porn i ussually treat it as any other drawing but with nude characters instead of clothed
It's so obvious but I rarely ever focus the attention on the face/ass/tits/dick unless im drawing a character sucking dick
People look at porn for those things specifically so obviously its important to make them the focus duh

btw whos the artist for the drawing on the right?

>> No.3500790 [DELETED] 
File: 973 KB, 1280x720, tumblr_pb3s0flsJk1tj2243o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The SECRET to good lewd drawing is to be able to deliver a story, plus be able to draw a sexy gesture, plus good composition, plus dynamic anatomy. All of this things is unreachable to an average weeb because its not just "just draw warm shadows dude its totally sexy lmao", its a knowledge beyond autistic analyzing about why your peepee gets hard.

>> No.3500793

That image is fucking disgusting. Lifeless, overrendered traced porn.

>> No.3500796

helpful anon, cheers bro

>> No.3500818
File: 373 KB, 1428x1416, ksjdkj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>any other drawing but with nude characters instead of clothed
Exactly, that can be a cause of a lot of frustration.
The genitals are important, but honestly not as much. It's more about how you draw it than what you draw, as long as you make it smooth and have a nice shape, you can make any body part hot as hell. Take pic for example, there's nothing much going on but it's pretty easy to fap to. It's more about empathy, imagining what would feel good, what atmosphere gets you in the mood and imprinting that into your drawing.

And sorry I have no clue, I saved most of those pics from 4chan.

>> No.3500825 [DELETED] 
File: 72 KB, 560x800, atmosphere2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last pic - the Xray doesn't even have to be there, you don't need a graphic triple penetration to get someone's rocks off, a good atmosphere goes a long way.

>> No.3501056


But that is a high contrast image?

>> No.3501153

There's the light strip to add a little variety, but the rest is extremely low contrast.

The point behind low contrast lighting in porn is that strongly lit areas make you feel exposed, like it's noon, somewhere outside.
So the area to the left where the girl is reading is a shelter from it, a safe place, evening, intimacy. It's always about striking the right balance.

>> No.3501248

Got a blog? I love your style.

>> No.3501256

sounds like you really know your stuff, mind sharing your blog?

>> No.3501259


>> No.3501288

not to burst your bubble but the pic from >>3500818 is probably joel jurion

>> No.3501487

fucking sauce?