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File: 352 KB, 2500x2500, wacom_cintiq13wx_cintiq_13hd_13_interactive_945191[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3489650 No.3489650 [Reply] [Original]

I finally have the money to upgrade from my shitty Intuos and I was thinking of getting a Cintiq 13HD.

I'm assuming some of you will have had experiences with it since it's an entry-level display tablet so I'm looking for opinions.

How bad is the parallax?

Do you feel like drawing on a screen tablet makes a difference in the quality of your art?

Do you feel like a 13" screen is big enough?

I'm a poorfag from a third-world country so please don't comment "lmao just save money for a better model" because that would take too long.

>> No.3489656

fucking ancient tech that should be 200 at most these days. Isnt an Ipad the same price? just get that.

>> No.3489850

Not worth it, save your money for an ipad and pen. Alternatively, get a better intuos (what do you have now?)

>> No.3489855

Get something like a Huion or something that's similar in size, they're much cheaper and work just as well, or so I've heard.

>> No.3489913

Pretty bad if your room have a window in the morning, use curtains.
IMO if you going to upgrade to a Wacom now, may as well buying a Cintiq Pro.

>> No.3489917

> How bad is the parallax?
terrible, known design flaw, see youtube.

> Do you feel like drawing on a screen tablet makes a difference in the quality of your art?
it doesnt improve your art at all. What matters is the time you spend doing. Does that require you to have a screen? No. Many production artists prefer the non-screen tablets for the performance benefits. But it doesnt look as sexy on youtube vids versus display tablets.

>Do you feel like a 13" screen is big enough?
For a display tablet? No, you will be fighting to see around your hand and pen a lot.

>> No.3489935

>How bad is the parallax?
Parallax is much worse than with the new pro models, but it's miles ahead of cheap alternatives like huion or yiynova.
>Do you feel like drawing on a screen tablet makes a difference in the quality of your art?
It's just a matter of what you get used to. I think my speed has improved a lot when I switched from a normal tablet to a cintiq. But this might be a different experience for you. Hard to tell.
>Do you feel like a 13" screen is big enough?
Definitely. In size it's comparable to an intuos Large, which is about A4.
When it comes to screen tablets bigger is obviously better, but if you are switching to anything normal tablet to a 13" screen tablet you'll be fine.
>I'm a poorfag from a third-world country
If you never used a cintiq before, then you might be completely fine with a cheap alternative, but keep in mind the quality is much much worse in literally every aspect.

Bullshit advice n1.
If you want portability, then go with ipad, if you want a home tablet that is more powerful, then go with cintiq.
Bullshit advice n2.
Cheap alternatives are cheap for a reason. They have bigger parallax, worse colors, wobblier lines.
They are nowhere near as good as cintiqs.

>> No.3489938

>worse colors

Wacom's colors are so fucking bad they have to sell a $300 accessory to calibrate them because they're so fucked up by default. I used to have a Cintiq 12WX and what looked like flesh tones on anyone else's monitor looked like margarine on the Cintiq.

>> No.3489945

is the 27qhd worth it?

>> No.3489947

And the cheaper ones have an even worse color gamut. You can tweak cintiq display without any accessory to get it closer to what you want. Cintiq shouldn’t be the only display you’re working with anyway. Even with wonky colors I’ll take my cintiq 24hd over typical board tablet any fuckin day

>> No.3489954

Is 16” justifiable for a home setup? I can’t afford a large new model, and don’t want to be stuck with the drawbacks of the older models

>> No.3489961

Difference between 13" and 16" is almost unnoticeable.
I had a cintiq13hd for like 5 years. Then my glass on it broke and I wanted to get a 24pro, but I couldn't get one cause they're all sold out. While I wait I decided to get an xp-pen 15.6 (Huion tech) and as I wrote above, it's complete garbage compared to my old 13HD.

>> No.3489963

This only says how freaking awful the colors of cheap alternative tablets are.
I'm not comparing cintiq to apple monitors, I'm comparing it to cheap alternative screen tablets.

>> No.3489968

Sounds like the cintiq 16 pro wouldn’t be worth it then. If only I could afford the 24

>> No.3490001

Parallax is a big meme that gets blown way out of proportion.

People have been using the old models for like 6-7 years now and, surprise surprise, still manage to create amazing art with it. You didn't see industry veterans complaining about parallax.

>> No.3490065

So close to quads of truth
Anyway, I've heard some say they prefer parallax as it improves cursor visibility. I'm undecided however.

>> No.3490241

iPad is just as powerful. It's not necessarily bad advice unless OP is tied to using Photoshop, etc.

>> No.3490258

post proof that its as powerful as a cintiq please

>> No.3490381

I really just meant it can do the same job if you don't need Photoshop, fully admit I was talking out of my ass and have not personally benchmarked them. iPad Pro has higher resolution and better screen because of true tone, pixel density, etc. 13hd is only 1080p. You can Google the resolutions yourself. So on that front the iPad seems better.
I can't actually find specs on the 13hd for the CPU etc. But it's largely irrelevant unless you're planning on doing 3D then you may as well be tethered to a desktop anyway. Honestly with how poorly I've been hearing about their cintiqs doing from the artists I follow with overheating and dying in general, I'd actually like if someone could find specs for curiosity's sake to prove one way or the other.

>> No.3490384

Nah. iPad is limited to the software tied to iOS and the hardware in the tablet.
Which is incomparable to strong PC setups.

>> No.3490389

You have no idea what you're talking about lol.
A cintiq 13 HD is simply a screen tablet that you pair with a PC that can be more or less powerful.
Ram and CPU speed are very important when it comes to big canvases and custom brushes, not just for 3D. Stop giving half assed advice.

>> No.3490406

You can also use an iPad cintiq style with Macs so it's not quite that unbalanced. Even use Photoshop etc.
Man I forgot how bipolar 4chan can be.
With you questioning if the iPad is stronger I was lead to think it was one of the portable ones. If it's "just a screen" then what does it matter? They have theoretical infinite power. "Lol"
The iPad on its own without a pc/mac can handle large canvases and multiple layers. Which is why I said it really didn't matter unless we're at the point we're taking about 3D.
Here are the maximum canvas sizes by device:
iPad Pro 12.9” and 10.5” - 16,384 x 4,096, or 8,192 x 8,192
Unless you're really telling me you commonly use 8k resolutions with high amounts of layers.
My advice wasn't that half assed. It's still a perfectly valid assertion that an iPad can be just as useful and capable (which is the real question here) as another screen tablet regardless of the portability.

>> No.3490573

I have it. Top tier, no complaints.

>> No.3490592

Does iPad Pro's cintiq style app work better these days? Is it still astropad? Will it ever work with windows?

Will we ever have a permanent cursor for Apple Pencil?

>> No.3490642

I think it depends on what type of art you do I guess. When I got my 13HD I used to primarily focus on regular digital painting and it didn't really feel like it was a big difference. I switched over to mainly doing linework over the past year and I'd say I would've had a hard time trying to do what I do on an intuos if that helps

>> No.3491236

The most common complaint I heard about the iPad Pro when compared to a cintiq is that there's no cursor when hovering and that the pen tip isn't as precise.

>> No.3491287

true but that's just initial bitching. I spent 2 months mulling over the decision to buy an ipad + pen after hearing the same complaints. It took one session doodling at a coffeeshop to get used to it. To think of the time I wasted listening to some autistic idiots on the internet.

At your budget, the ipad + tablet is the best option if you want a screen and dont want to be tethered to a electric socket. Wacom has no product past or present that can compete for the same price so unless you are seriously going to take up the time, money, and space investment of a 24" cintiq pro, the decision is simple.

>> No.3492040

To be fair if he's used to working in Photoshop or similar with a keyboard on hand then his workflow will be extremely slower on an iPad.

>> No.3493468

Highjacking the thread because I don't feel that it warrants its own.

Should I get the Surface Book 2 13" 8gb i7 gtx1050,
Or the Yoga 920 UHD 14" 16gb i7 integrated gpu?

I will use it for pretty much everything related to art. Drawing, video editing, 3D modeling. Games are not important.

And I already have a desktop for the toughest stuff.

>> No.3493517

Don't get a Surface or anything that lists an "N-Trig" as its stylus/digitizer. Out of those two I'd get the Yoga UHD just because Lenovo apparently uses Wacom digitizers. I loan a Surface Pro 2017 for university and the pen is borderline useless because of how much wobble there is.

>> No.3493531

Just wanted to hop in here to warn you guys of buying huion tablets to use with linux.
huion drivers are wonky as fuck, and those tablets that claim to have full linux support are lying, in huion's case.
spend some extra money on a wacom if youre using a linux machine

>> No.3493586

I've had a 13HD, going from an Intuos it'll feel great for the first few months but it's far from the best drawing experience out there. For one, it's 13 inches landscape. While I'd regularly be able to draw comfortably on a landscape A4 page with graphite, the parallax and smooth surface of the Cintiq meant that I had to work at a much larger size to make up for the loss of accuracy. This meant the stuff I was drawing, especially standing figures, would quickly take up more space than the 13 inches allowed for and I'd often end up drawing stuff out of proportion since I'd be so zoomed in that any point of reference for proportions would often end up off-screen. I had to mirror my canvas onto my desktop monitor to get around it most of the time.
I've got a 24" Pro now and just the reduced parallax by itself makes a massive difference, I can do smaller details without zooming in as much etc. but I've also used 24HDs fairly regularly (took a cheap digital animation course a while ago) and the added size makes those perfectly fine as well, even with the parallax. It's only a huge deal on the tiny displays, that's the only time it really makes things feel difficult. On the larger stuff I'd only really call it a quality of life feature, welcome but not necessary.

If a 13HD is all you can get I'd still go for it. I used an Intuos for 7 years and screenless tablets are genuinely awful by comparison, I really don't know how screenless tablet apologists even exist. Working with the disconnect between a screenless tablet and the actual display is less something that you learn to get better at and more something that you learn to put up with, if it wasn't pressure sensitive it'd barely be any better than working with a mouse.

>> No.3493635

Alternatively, you could get a Samsung Galaxy Tab A with S Pen support. It's what I'm using right now, it works really well and you can find them for dirt cheap. I got mine for $100 at a Disc Replay, amazingly enough they weren't overcharging out the ass for it like everything else in there. AFAIK the thing was almost brand new, no scratches or blemishes.
The wacom hardware on it has pen tilt support, too, which is something I never thought I wanted or cared about until I actually got to use it.

I got a Staedtler Noris Digital emr pen for my Galaxy Tab A, super easy to find right now and pretty cheap, considering. Very comfortable to use, if a little bare-bones.

>> No.3493660

All things considered, is the Galaxy Tab A still inferior to iPad Pro for art?

>> No.3493690

I have no idea. I've never owned an IOS device in my life. I don't have any complaints about the Galaxy Tab, though, except for some annoying software design by Samsung, but nothing that can't be fixed with an installation of stock Android. Hardware and specs wise, it's perfectly adequate. The iPad may have better screen and hardware though, I haven't really researched it.

>> No.3494152

I thought wearing a glove might fix that, but thanks for the warning!

>> No.3494258

It's not the palm rejection that causes it, it's the digitizer itself. You still get wobbly lines with nothing but the ntrig pen touching the tablet.

>> No.3494547

Alright. So the yoga has AES, which apparently is very similar to N-Trig.
Do you know if it still has the same issues with lines?

Sorry for asking to be spoon-fed, but I can't find any good articles about it.

>> No.3494577

How about the XPPEN 16 pro? Also poor fag like OP and have done a fair amount of reading on the reviews etc but as a poor fag I gotta be certain. I've read the parallax can be a problem especially, just how big of a deal is it?
I can get the xppen 16 pro for $700 or get a cintiq 16 for 2.5k so yeah

>> No.3494931

I've got no idea, AES is Wacom's portable/touch screen 2-in-1 digitizer tech and if you look it up there's at least one video of someone demonstrating pen wobble on it. I'd assume most digitizer issues on tablet PCs are due to the limited space the digitizer has to take up, if you look at the all-in-ones with the real-deal Cintiq digitizers in them, like the Mobilestudio and Companion, they're all fat as fuck and heavy.

>> No.3495289

I just got my Huion gt 191
How lond did it take you guys to adapt to drawing on a tablet at first? I've been drawing on paper for years and I'm having a hard time with this because the angle of the tablet isn't quite what I used with paper, and the feeling of the screen's glass is weird, but I just started so I guess it's normal

>> No.3495417

I mean it does seem a bit much to promise full support with how many different distros and flavors there are. Does it at least work on Ubuntu?

>> No.3495908

3-4 days on a screenless tablet. It's a normal initial reaction, relax.

>> No.3497459

Okay, so, I read the sticky, I read a lot of links and I read stuff on google. I can't wrap my head around drawing tablets.
I'm just too far gone from being able to understand new things, but my niece really wants one, I really hate to ask this in a thread with serious discussion going.
But what is a good beginner tablet, that is rugged, has good features and wont obsolete quickly?
The hardest thing for me to explain is my budget, technically unlimited, I could happily pay 500-3000 euros for it, but It either needs to be around the 300-500 euro range. OR something I can pass off as much cheaper than it is, because my sister doesn't want me to spoil my niece.
Please help me, I am just a /diy/ guy out of my element.

>> No.3497473


when I get enough money together to buy one for myself. i'll share my secret to getting wacom display tablets for sub 200$. till then I'm not inflating that market.

>> No.3497576

Xp Pen Deco (not wireless) is good and cheap.
Wouldn't worry about it going out of date or anything, they're all pretty much out of date as is. There's also the Wacom Bamboo range, or Intuos, if you wanna spend a little more, and Huion too for a mid range to the two I mentioned.
Worry most about drivers, as they'll be the biggest deal breakers in my personal opinion - bad drivers ruin everything some times. I personally haven't tried xppen drivers but I hear good things, Wacom is hit or miss (I suppose the most reliant as they update often but some times their updates make things worse, hence hit or miss.) I haven't had a Huion for a few years now but their drivers made me get a refund - hopefully they're better these days.
All depends where you live too for pricing, but hopefully gave you some ideas to run with.

>> No.3497621

Use the money for a ski mask and toy gun and rob your neighbor?

>> No.3497633

It's pretty good. I used it for a couple of years before switching to a 22"

>How bad is the parallax?

Not bad. I never noticed a problem.

>Do you feel like drawing on a screen tablet makes a difference in the quality of your art?

Huge difference. You will draw much faster.

>Do you feel like a 13" screen is big enough?

Get a 22" if you can. I shoulda bought a 22" to begin with, but I wanted to save money.

If you're on a budget it's a worthy investment though.

>> No.3497784
File: 78 KB, 540x720, 188c6281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I happen to own 13HD but I have been thinking of upgrading to iPad pro since I move around a lot so mobility intrigues me.
How many of you guys use tablet to draw? How good are they even these days compared to cintiq?

>> No.3497793

You buy all the Companion Hybrids nobody wants anything to do with.

>> No.3497821

Thank you for your time, I'll look into it more.

>> No.3499438
File: 471 KB, 1557x594, Screenshot_2018-07-02 Amazon com XP-Pen Artist15 6 15 6 Inch IPS Drawing Monitor Pen Display Graphics Digital Monitor with [...].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a trick

>> No.3499459

How old is your niece? I figure if she's a kid she'll appreciate a screen tablet way more

>> No.3499465

I bought 13HD a year ago

I thought it'd be the perfect size for me because I ususally draw small anyway. But I drew so much on it it fucked up my eyesight. It's an amazing product and I don't regret getting it, but if I were you I'd just get a larger size. Staring at a small screen for so long could fuck you up.

>> No.3499499

I thought only Wacom had that passive pen tech

>> No.3499502

good lord anon are you 13?

because the way you phrased everything in that post makes it sound like youre 13.

>> No.3499521

wtf are you talking about, there's a whole project devoted to developing Huion kernel drivers (https://digimend.github.io/)) that make all supported tablets function just as well as wacom tablets and allow you to use all wacom specific tools (xsetwacom etc.) for configuration.

>> No.3499522

Patent must have expired or something because every company is releasing new tablets with it now.

>> No.3499908
File: 25 KB, 500x500, 1454025140408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking at a 15.6" tablet. Is Artisul D16 or the XP-Pen better?

>> No.3500894

I'm looking at that exact one, made a post up in this thread asking about it too
Watched some youtube reviews and they seem pretty much all positive. Seems parallax is a bit extreme? But otherwise no tricks. I'm tempted to get one soon, the price is just too good - I hear they're having a sale this month too so even cheaper, if that isn't sale price.

>> No.3501527

Sorry to hijack a thread, but I'm having shit loads of trouble installing my XP-Pen driver. The tablet works, and it seems to fully install in safe mode, but once I revert to normal mode, the file gets corrupted. I'm not about to draw in safe mode, so does anyone know how to deal with this? Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask about this.

>> No.3502003

You using the USB or from website?
Don't use the USB
& your other drivers are uninstalled yes?

>> No.3502700

ipad pro is the best tablet at the moment, specially with procreate