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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 198 KB, 1540x968, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3489232 No.3489232 [Reply] [Original]

>this earns over $12,000 a month
Fucking how?

>> No.3489234


>> No.3489235

post link

>> No.3489238

Why aren't you earning over $12000 a month?

>> No.3489241
File: 2 KB, 122x51, egwa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's already enough shilling on a daily basis, I'm not contributing.
>3600 patrons
>average $3.50 pledge

>> No.3489244

Apparently I'm not appealing to the right crowd. Here I was thinking if I get really, really good then I will be worth something when I step into the market. But apparently all I need to do is produce extremely amateur level 1 second long poorly animated gifs of random video game girls.

>> No.3489251

What are the rewards is it handjobs cus this is untennable

>> No.3489257

>mad cuz bad

>> No.3489272

aside from the foreshortening and style, it's not that bad

>> No.3489278

It doesn't matter. Sometimes you can work your ass off on your artwork or improving but if you don't draw cheap trendy nsfw you wont be as big.
But you can say the people who stick with you and follow your work are the right kind of people.

>> No.3489281

Nice ass

>> No.3489296

cause dva is best girl

>> No.3489305

is this for real.. I understand all the saki ilya shit.. but this is just fucking discouraging

>> No.3489333
File: 97 KB, 1090x926, 1521579048218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just as bad as Hackimichan and objectively better that Cuckshinov who literally never produced anything on his own.

>> No.3489347


>> No.3489353

dont worry in due time this shit will get diluted so dont count on it

>> No.3489410

Porn animation isn't that common so there's much more demand with much less supply

>> No.3489424

>Fucking how?
Because people on IC live in the pointless smoldering remnants of the CA grind fest culture, constantly obsessed with technique and skill level while ignoring artists who actually make a living and how they're doing it.

Meanwhile, in the rest of the real world, people understand that you only need to offer a product someone wants and they'll buy it from you. Normal people don't necessarily care how realistic or well painted something is. So while you're all on here being autists about which chinese render machine is the best artists of all time 99.999% because he renders such realistic spring 2012 fashions from photo ref other artists are just making creative shit at whatever skill level they can, putting it out there and gaining a following they can monetize.

Spend less time on IC, less time on social media and more time just making art. The person in OP's image probably spent years putting shit up on websites building a following before opening that pateron.

>> No.3489427
File: 129 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you guys keep acting surprised about this? If your work is just barely appealing enough to a certain pleb audience and post consistently you'll get popular. anyone of you could do this shit.

>> No.3489431

I'm assuming this is a still from an animation

Animation is hard

There you go

>> No.3489433
File: 295 KB, 640x360, 1511727209.diives_01_spla-butt_small.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isnt that the guy who did this?
some of their work is adorable

>> No.3489445

he's great

>> No.3489454

Very very cool subbed and followed ;)

>> No.3489466

>what is animation

>> No.3489468

>a still from an animation
Nice bait

>> No.3489495

Because porn, and because appealing art style.
I don't even know why you even bothered to make a thread to ask such an obvious question.

>> No.3489496

But it's not appealing. It looks stiff and ugly.

>> No.3489499

If real world means doing online commisions that's just a shit standard.
Real life jobs that involve drawing would need much higher standard of correct anatomy and not only making it pretty.

>> No.3489500

Not to normalfags, and especially not to normalfags who have their eyes fixated on le position and could care less about anything else.

>> No.3489532

someone has never watched a nickelodeon cartoon

>> No.3489543

>appealing art style
>shit psuedo anime

>> No.3489544
File: 486 KB, 1280x720, tumblr_p6539iJZ2d1ql31zxo1_1280.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3489547
File: 1.72 MB, 1500x838, arrival_by_clockbirds-dcdsfv1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I notice that a lot of really popular artists do well sticking to one particular niche, like for example drawing anthropomorphic or semi realistic animal /fantasy creatures or cute girls.

If any of you have a niche that you're really passionate about (animals, cute girls (or boys), landscapes, comics, etc) , it might be best to just invest your time studying subjects that help you become as good as you can in that niche.

/ic/ seems to think that you have to become a master of all trades in everything to "make it".

>> No.3489559

>I notice that a lot of really popular artists do well sticking to one particular niche, like for example drawing anthropomorphic or semi realistic animal /fantasy creatures or cute girls.
Like every other artist. Old Masters are great example. Watch Steve Huston video with Proko

>> No.3489584
File: 169 KB, 600x300, laugh-track.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Real life jobs that involve drawing would need much higher standard of correct anatomy and not only making it pretty.

>> No.3489602

Yeah we get it, you're a retarded bandwagoner who pretends to hate the same things everyone else pretends to hate so you can pretend you "fit in" with everyone else, but you must be really extra retarded if you actually think that.

>> No.3489658 [DELETED] 
File: 102 KB, 560x420, Animation.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so I could make a living making shitty smut? How much for this ? I shat it out in 5 mins

>> No.3489665


Is this shitty faggot the new minus8/noill/Lonbluewolf? Really shit art and an even shitteier, cancerous person behind it but overexposed for no reason?

>> No.3489673

I created a separate account purely for cute anime. It's growing faster than my original anything goes account.

>> No.3489716

Not true at all, unless you produce something with more technical skill, Sakimi and Ilya are doing some rather generic stuff but they at least have a very high skill level.

>> No.3489751

I can fap to that.

>> No.3489752

You're not really, really good though, are you faggot? You don't know how to market yourself, that guy does, so he's making 12,000 a month with easy animations while you post threads on 4chan bitching about it. I'd love to see your work.

>> No.3489808

├┤ey, you shouldn't call him a faggot!

>> No.3489823
File: 394 KB, 1200x766, TWISTEDGRIM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That shit gets a huge audience and makes ton of money.

>> No.3489859

Nice shot of some chlamydia leaking out of that pussy. Gross.

>> No.3489860

stop SEETHING about other people earning money
get good at marketing and do the same then

>> No.3489873

What is female orgasm for 500 Alex

>> No.3489879

Sorry, that's not the right answer, virgin. The correct answer is, what is vaginal discharge.

How's that Weebtendo world working out for you?

>> No.3490020

>OP doesn't know how to advertise his own patreon
Not even surprised.

>> No.3490027

IDK man, maybe this isn't something to be mad about at all. I feel rather encouraged.
Anon who mentioned that normies don't care about the results of your grinding is true. Slap in bright colors and keep the faces symmetrical enough and you're something to rain money on.
Shit... I might give it a try. Just shit out fanart with simple enough style to be able to puke it out every other day. I wanna see what happens. It seems like audience is more drawn to predictable artists. Too much variety in gallery seems to repel people, but keep it varied enough that it doesn't get boring.
I'm gonna ponder on this and see if I can come up with something.

>> No.3490076
File: 14 KB, 424x283, annoying-ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is selling out
>what is marketing
>what is buying subscribers
>what is non-art

who the fuck cares? if we're talking purely monetary potential, get into advertising. then your ceiling is millions for minutes of work.

>> No.3490479

why would you buy subs?

>> No.3490733
File: 225 KB, 501x750, b_allen_williams_The Unbearable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile, Allen Williams is only getting 609$ a month. And giving useful in-depth tips about his process, how he learned, and what keeps him going.

>> No.3490743

llya does some great stuff, even if he uses references. What do you mean though. It's not as if he's paying Chinese workers to paint his stuff like that sperm Obama black artist.

>> No.3490751
File: 15 KB, 310x233, eating sub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cause subs are delicious!

>> No.3490765

Fuck outta here Mercy is best

>> No.3493271

if he drew furry gay porn it'll be a different story

>> No.3493290


hed get more if he snuck "DARK SOULS" into the description of everything

>> No.3493321
File: 56 KB, 314x314, 1520019307752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uses references
Dafuq are you talking about, nigger, he literally just paints over already existing pictures, swapping faces for his pre-existing sameface which he probably stole somewhere as well. Yes, he's using references, right in his fucking blogs and portfolios with a little bit of filters and brush strokes slapped on top of them.

>> No.3493353

other anon just tell me how ?

>> No.3493375
File: 49 KB, 665x574, 1526668503246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No shit, the market that he is selling for is infinitely smaller than pornmakers. How is this a hard concept for anyone here is a mystery.

>> No.3493379

Take pretty much everything on here with a pinch of salt.

The dream is to be equally great at drawing anything and everything, developing a method of either learning or output that means all your work looks polished, but in reality, a lot of artists who get by don't achieve that.

A few years back I met a fairly well known, older illustrator who said in his experience, whether you like it or not, most illustrators get sort of type-cast into drawing certain things.

The example he used was; you draw a really great picture of an owl, suddenly you have 2 book cover commissions featuring owls, after those two a magazine sees one of the covers and wants you to do a poster of owls, that gets published and more people want you to draw owls, and it keeps on bringing in a steady stream of work for a few months/years, and you essentially become well known in that time frame for drawing owls.

He always wanted to draw cars and trains and shit like that, but when he was first starting his career, photography was extremely popular for displaying pretty much everything, so realistic looking paintings of cars weren't particularly interesting to publishers - why pay a bomb for a painting of a train when you can have someone take a photo of it quicker? And eventually he drew a couple of animals for a personal project and now, forty years later, he's known for drawing animals, particularly realistic ones with a little splash of cartoonish character to them, as well as animals for informative pull out posters featured in a particular well known British newspaper.

For some artists, the niche finds them, for others, they find the niche, but it's idiotic to say "fuck no" when you start becoming well known for drawing one thing really well and it starts bringing in a ton of commissions and high-profile work.

>> No.3493392

You have to know how to promote yourself in the first place. The subjects you draw come second. That's just how it is.

>> No.3493408
File: 203 KB, 349x491, 1507220929564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK, I always thought Ilya was a woman.

>> No.3493426



>> No.3493434
File: 166 KB, 768x768, 1525122373180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know about best girl.

>> No.3493516

How? The guy literally spends all day animating/drawing, he tend to post a lot and got a lot of websites around with his stuff up to date.

you can draw shit but if you keep posting eventually you will get a community to follow you, if you draw what they want to see of course.

>> No.3493600

Aaron Blaise? That guy is a legend!

>> No.3493674
File: 498 KB, 600x800, Taste.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The year of our Lord 2018
>People still think Luan is best girl
Thank God I stopped going to that shitty general.

>> No.3493686

I do say fuck no to porn I feel dirty when I draw it

>> No.3493700

That's the thing. Any of these assholes could do it, they just choose not to.

>> No.3493701

Dr. Seuss made a fortune from his books and millions of people around the world love them, and his drawings all look like kindergarteners made them.

>> No.3493705

amazing art

>> No.3493706


That, and the simple fact that not that many people really care about that kind of art. Yeah, it looks badass, but it means nothing if it appeals to nobody.

>> No.3493709

This sort of thing will always be in high demand. Sex sells. It always will.

>> No.3493711


thats just you dude, not everyone else

>> No.3493713

gotta figure it out on your own

>> No.3494116

>you will never be popular enough to get dedicated hate threads
it hurts, you guys

>> No.3494680

Yes. Realized yet how he got his fan using very recent and popular characters like Splatoon and Pokemon?
Also reminder how they are always Nintendo related? Anyone remember Akairiot? The guy that guy famous riding the hype around Smash for Wii U by drawing the female Smash cast?

>> No.3495691


Gee guys, you think, maybe, you get more attention from people when you draw stuff that makes people feel gud instead of just gettin gud

>> No.3495701

because he makes trendy shit that loads of people are interested.

thats the sad life of an artist, most people dont give a shit about you scribbling random shit from your head onto a piece of paper.

talent and creativity != money and a career

>> No.3495705


Is a trend itself not something to observe and illustrate? Like a landscape made up of the collective consciousness?