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File: 17 KB, 319x400, head-loomis-ball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3480143 No.3480143 [Reply] [Original]

is loomis a meme or not?

>> No.3480148


>> No.3480156


>> No.3480158


>> No.3480159


>> No.3480163


>> No.3480178 [DELETED] 
File: 195 KB, 700x414, loomeme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loomis retired!

>> No.3480189
File: 195 KB, 700x414, loomeme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loomis resigned!

>> No.3480196
File: 75 KB, 861x563, Loomis1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well let's try shall we?

>> No.3480199


How the fuck is that connected to the placement of the highlight? The midtones of flesh tend to be of a richer color than the full light, btw.

>> No.3480204

>posts a picture where the Loomis method works
>still asks the question
You're a meme

>> No.3480214
File: 61 KB, 800x396, david-briggs-cliffs-at-coogee-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So this is the power of color theory...

>> No.3480402

When Briggs means “highlight” he means specular highlight
And Briggs specifically analyzes color in opaque forms, his site has very little information about the nature of translucent material (your skin example)

>> No.3480405

>draw the rest of the fucking head

>> No.3480544
File: 30 KB, 297x600, lyndall-oil-on-canvas-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3480548


it's a perfectly valid and easily mendable if your desired head has exaggerated features.

>> No.3480598

Loomis is a meme because his art instruction is simple, practical, and it works.

>> No.3480611


Loomis BTFO

>> No.3480619

He's lighting a virtual object with pure white light in a neutral environment. I hope you can see why that's a problem.

>> No.3480621

no shit retard, hes discussing color and light, what point are you even trying to make

>> No.3480623

That the image is inapplicable in most real world situations?

>> No.3480629

>the richest color here is in the full light
>riches color here

>> No.3480638

Meme status and veracity are separate qualities. You're asking the wrong question.

>> No.3480639
File: 7 KB, 138x142, loobis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3480673


Yeah because a 3d ball rendered with mid 90's phong shading provides such an accurate model of how color works in the real world.

>> No.3480682
File: 17 KB, 350x250, 259662-eyeball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit I can't wait before he breaks down the theory behind the colors in this picture, with this knowledge I will be able to creat worldZ!

>> No.3480705

Learn it, but don't use it as a set formula you're never supposed to break.

>> No.3480897

Remember that no one on this board can post decent work using the loomeme.

>> No.3481598

As an artist no, he is amazing. As a teacher/method, unfortunately, yes.

>> No.3481632

>Is loomis a meme?

Yes, but in the literal sense, the same way adviceanimals were technically memes. You may be asking as a proxy for

>Is loomis actually useful learning material?

Which is itself a proxy for

>What would reading Loomis teach me?

Which can be answered.

Loomis is good for a beginner-level intro to a lot of fundamentals. He wrote pretty coherent and well structured books about a lot of art topics. His strength is he mostly shows you examples of what he’s talking about, and strategies to produce similar work to what you’re seeing, rather than just explaining the techniques abstractly.

His book “Fun with a pencil” is good for getting “I literally cannot draw anything” people to “I now draw poorly”, which is an upgrade. The famous “sliced head” is how he begins to teach proportion and quick approximations of anatomy before going into detail.

“Fun with a pencil” covers lots of ground quickly, but leaves out complexity. That can be found in his other books, like “Figure drawing for all it’s worth” and “Drawing the head and hands” where he breaks down these topics in the most comprehensive and granular way possible, each having thousands of examples of unique instructional drawings.

Loomis is qualified to teach as he made a successful living in the advertising industry for years. His techniques emphasize speed, ease, and consistency, based on the assumption that you’re trying to also be a commercial artist. This is refreshing for beginners because it cuts past artsy-fartsy bullshit to say art skill is both learnable and accessible to the layperson with practice.

Loomis wasn’t perfect. He very much was a product of his pre-1950s time. He drew a lot of white men and women, but his depictions of other races are today offensive and crude. Furthermore, his “show, don’t explain” attitude also can be mentally taxing. His teaching, though, stands strong.

>> No.3481635

Jeez. And I get told *i* write long posts.
Nice to meet you anon.

>> No.3481636
File: 6 KB, 193x261, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is loomis a meme or not?
What is a meme?

>> No.3481639
File: 57 KB, 320x320, B144430A-0F64-4774-891E-87F134CB7B43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Loomis wasn’t perfect. He very much was a product of his pre-1950s time. He drew a lot of white men and women, but his depictions of other races are today offensive and crude

>> No.3481643

I agree with all of this except the last tacted on paragraph. It's not crude, it's much more realistic than the post 50s crusade against offensiveness. Human beings have different features depending on what ethnicity they are.

>> No.3481653

Meh. If the other races could fucking draw, their pictures of Whitey would be pretty offensive and crude too.

>> No.3481900

How do you guys pronounce Loomis?

One guy told me it was Loo-Miss (like WaterLOO + MISSissipi), but another said it was pronounced Lo-mez (like the spanish surname Gómez). Who was right??

>> No.3482025

How is it that you can't tell if you want to learn what he is teaching by just going trough one of his god damn books? IT HAS GODDAM PICTURES SHOWING YOU WHAT THE BOOK IS TEACHING.

How can you be so divorced from the process of drawing that you can't even tell if a book is good or not?
If I were you I would worry more about being so inept than about which books are memes.

>> No.3482036
File: 1.23 MB, 1821x2368, 1525216163040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3482050

there's plenty of asians that can paint and draw just fine. middle easterners are sort of forbidden to recreate human images because of their barbarian religion and africa is just a wild mad max world, so yeah.

>> No.3482251


>> No.3482883

Loomis is a product of his time, station, and particular focus on advertisement art. He is no ultimate authority on artistic expression but merely a man who wrote some good books. If Andrew Loomis is the only name in your library of art instructional texts, then your library is sorely lacking. I'd say include at the very least Gurney, Norling, Robertson, Mattesi, and Bridgman as well and then whatever other authors you think will be useful for instruction in particular media and styles. I want to work mostly in watercolor for finished work (digital tools still being useful in process) so there's certain reference materials (both print and web, handprint.com might as well be a book for how much work went into it and how well it's put together) on how to work with that media that I like that are completely useless to someone who wants to work with a cintiq and photoshop for finished work.

>> No.3483015

craig mullins said loomis no bridgman yes so..

>> No.3483021

never fails to make me laugh