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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 41 KB, 640x477, 82S_Subjective_vs_Objective.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3475595 No.3475595 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3475599

I agree. Art is objective. What is subjective is how it makes you as an individual feel, but that's about it.

>> No.3475600

Lmao what /fitizen/ manlet made this image. 5'6 is objectively short.

>> No.3475601

post work

>> No.3475602

just stop
and yes, abstract postmodern art is bad

>> No.3475612
File: 328 KB, 1000x701, tumblr_p8alh5vqo31wnjxxqo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also I've been watching their videos for 2 days now and I am struck.
I feel like I'm watching liberals pretending to be conservatives.

>> No.3475615


>> No.3475918

That's why it's a SUBJECTIVE opinion you retard

>> No.3477319
File: 98 KB, 1000x995, s-l1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

subjective vs objective is for philosophy undergrads too stupid to broach art concepts.

>> No.3477437


Not trying to go /pol on here but run on the mill conservatives, if he/she is consistent with their views, are much more "liberal" than liberals. They know by heart the constitution and will die for it.

The key difference between conservatives and leftie liberals today is that liberals nowadays want to use the government to push what they think is good, while conservatives want government out of it and instead have personal accountability instead for freedom's sake.

That distinction becomes clear politics wise. Libs/Lefties will shout for regulation for things they find injustice, while conservatives will prefer small government and let free market sort things out.

>> No.3477439

>conservatives are more liberal than liberals
actually retarded

>> No.3477462

He's right, though

>> No.3477466

and you're samefagging

>> No.3477468
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>> No.3477471

>medium height

Manlet when will they learn?

>> No.3477472

>obese lesbians on /ic/
who would've thought.

>> No.3477475

pretty sure it's just bots spamming nonsense here. this is too stupid to be real posts.

>> No.3477501
File: 114 KB, 1152x648, nope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. Can't handle that people disagree with him

Typical liberal

>> No.3477539

Alex could easily be a girls name.

>> No.3477551


>> No.3477568

Why is everyone thinking this is some /pol/ shit?
Most vids from what I've seen were politically correct.
I'm keeping an open mind from here.
Can you debunk the vid's stance? If so, elaborate.
Read later xx
That doesn't sound like /pol/ so don't worry.
Your summary isn't very satisfying so I'll drop this link here for all to read: https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-difference-between-a-liberal-and-a-conservative

>> No.3477632 [DELETED] 

Funny though, change liberal into 'conservative', and it still would make sense.

>> No.3477637

Funny though, change that to 'conservative', and it still would make sense if applied to any kind of debate, really.

>> No.3477653


Only Alex I've known was a girl.

>> No.3477668

Conservatives ARE liberals. Americans are so retarded most people don't realize this.
>let free market sort things out
>free market
>sorting things out
lmao had giggle

>> No.3477669

>Can you debunk the vid's stance?

>Why is everyone thinking this is some /pol/ shit?
by the thread being 80% political in content. you just deliberately acting stupid cause you aren't getting here what you already decided on.

>> No.3477697

>how can art be objectively measured
>this is good, this is bad
what a joke

>> No.3477716

If you don't understand modern and contemporary art I'm pretty sure you also won't understand Giotto, Tintoretto, Van Eyck etc.

>> No.3477720

Modern "liberals" (read: Leftists), aren't truly liberal, they're authoritarian.

>> No.3477727

I had a friend come visit me from the US a couple months ago, hadn't seen him in like 10 years, and to my dismay, he became one of those "free thinking" liberals. He would get into arguements all the time with me during his time here. Among them, on of them was about modern art. I told him I thought Post-Modern art was absolute trash, and has led to the decay of standards among the artistic community, and he went on this looooooong ass tirade about "what is art," and "anything can be art" and, "you don't need skill to be an artist, that's what post modernism is about." And despite me telling him that the work of someone like Michelangelo is vastly more skilled and superior than that of some modern arts student, he kept going on and on about "no, that's not true" and "why would it be?"

It's absolutely fucking retarded. Mind cancer I tell you.

I'd send this video to him, but I don't wanna talk to that cunt ever again. The art stuff was just the tip of the iceberg, probably the most unpleasant two weeks I've had in a very long time.

>> No.3477734

>Doesn't really define what the highest standard that the old masters was pursuing, just that it was objectively good.

>Impressionist r bad and hated the salon so they "rebelled" for some reason, doesn't even mention the impact of tube paints and adavances in optics.

Opinion discarded

>> No.3477739
File: 225 KB, 913x419, 2018-06-18-062913_913x419_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no art does this after the classical period because humanity started realizing things are way more complicated than any one person can master and 'perfect'. literally ignorant dogshit that can't stop worshiping a fanatic period of 'god wills it' evangelical destiny and pre-enlightenment understanding of reality.

lol. isn't it 2018? do you not even read books or just ones before toasters were invented?

>> No.3477742

>humanity started realizing things are way more complicated than any one person can master and 'perfect'
Can you explain this further?

>> No.3477743

there is no perfection. there are continuums and scenes.

>> No.3477822

>there is no perfection
There is.

>> No.3477842

No that anon, but no one seems (including the guy in the video) to be able to put down in concrete terms what artistic perfection is.

I suspect it's either mimesis, which is and has been a dead end for almost a century since the advent of the camera, or some vague notion of beauty that's even more vague and probably reactionary in nature.

>> No.3477845

>*vague, vague, vague

You know what I mean

>> No.3477884

>imagine being this much of a mental midget

>> No.3477888

>no outside information influencing
I use meters. Stop trying to conform everything to YOUR way of mesuring things

>> No.3477892
File: 96 KB, 736x841, 762b66309a0ab900855f8a2734c2535e--leda-renaissance-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

perfection is not an aspect of reality. it's a myth that came about around the time barbarians were inventing catholicism and worrying about falling off the edge of the world.

care to supply actual arguments though.

>> No.3477897
File: 1.41 MB, 1494x767, xbljyt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art has BOTH aspects : if I want you to draw an apple but your apple doesn't look like a fruit, it's objectively bad. If you managed to draw the apple well but branched out of the realistic style, then it's up to me to judge if I like your special twist on it or not, it's the opinion territory.... You guys see my point?

>> No.3477898
File: 29 KB, 1024x576, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if I want you to draw an apple but your apple doesn't look like a fruit, it's objectively bad
the poverty of realism.

>> No.3477902

>barbarians invented Christianity
Imagine being this fucking retarded.

>> No.3477907

still no arguments. just posts to share how assblasted on a tilt he is.
>Imagine being this fucking retarded.

>> No.3477908
File: 701 KB, 1600x1280, 190-1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that's why I, most of the time, don't use realism : you still have tons & tons of possibilities, but you're way more restricted than the other approach... You can't let your imagination run as wild on paper...

>> No.3477911

Not the guy you were arguing with, just pointing out the sheer stupidity in thinking the barbarians invented Christianity. I don't even know what you're arguing about, but I don't see how you can expect anything you say at face value when you're that ignorant.

>> No.3478007



Thanks for the laugh faggot, fyi you will never make it.

>> No.3479362
File: 946 KB, 499x276, Byeeee.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I.. already made it, actually.
Alright you make a good point. I guess we should just leave such topic in the grave.
This makes perfect sense. I never thought any of this while making this thread.

>> No.3479407

There is a difference in Liberal and Conservative, vs. Classical Liberal and Classical Conservative. 98% of Americans are Classically Liberal, and the Liberal and Conservative monikers exist within that framework

>> No.3479411

The idea of perfection existed at least since Plato

>> No.3479433

Idea is subjective. Execution is objective.
Art is an idea + execution.

Post-modernism is just idea.
/ic/ is just execution.
Both are shit

>> No.3479435

I like this way of putting it

>> No.3479440

How do you get out of the 'just execution' phase?
I've been struggling with this and while I do enjoy making drawings and paintings, it's always studies and with very little creativity, originality or narrative.

How do combine the two? How do I convey ideas in pictures?

>> No.3479443

Creativity takes practice as well. Start trying to be creative, it will probably suck at first, but the more you do it, the better you will get

>> No.3479465

I guess that's the logical way to go but how do you 'be creative'?
I need to set some goals cause right now I have no clear idea what I want to do with drawing anyway but I feel like I've always struggled with this a bit.

>> No.3479468

in fine art there are many motivations based around systematic approaches to form or colour or subject or what have you, perhaps looking into that kind of movement/style will provide some creative focus.

Research and development.

>> No.3479479

(sorry it took me longer to reply)
I feel you, brother. There was a point where I wanted to give up drawing completely because I thought I lacked creativity. The fuck would be the point of mastering drawing (a language), when you have nothing to say, right?

Think of it this way - there's consciousness and unconsciousness.
It's like Proko, who doesn't put down a single mark he wouldn't want to be there, vs Pollock, who uses pure intuition to guide his hand, his choice of colors, his movements etc.
Proko is as creative as a brick and Pollock lacks any solidity.
Be somewhere in the middle. Your intuition is like a very shy gal in your brain. Sometimes she gives you very quite inputs, like "a little blue would look nice in that skin tone", or "here you should press hard and get almost pitch black".
Her advice usually goes against your logic and your experience, but the more often you listen to her, the more confident she'll become.
If you ask truly creative people (especially female artists) about their choice of colors, they won't explain you their process, because they don't understand it themselves. The intuition gal does.

tl;dr: Be impulsive. Follow through with things your intuition will say. The more you use it (and succeed), the less afraid you'll be to step outside of what you know and be creative.

>> No.3479832

Wow, that's a lot of subjective feelings and appeals to tradition there,
got any objective measurements of quality in art aside from "can't you see it's so beautiful?"
well that's that that then.

>> No.3481031

Interesting, thanks for your insight.
I'll try to apply that.

>> No.3481034


/ic/ is the only place where wannabe artists have literally no feel for art. Like legless joggers I swear.

>> No.3481056

You have no idea how much I just laughed at this. Every time /ic/ discusses this topic condensed into a 1:44 minute video.

>> No.3481085

>the only place
oh you sweet, sweet summer child
you'll learn one day
true about /ic obviously, but other places are just as bad, minus social retardation aspect.

>> No.3481213

composition, color scheme, use of perspective, use of technique, etc

literally everything you are supposed to learn can be either learned to (near) perfection or totally disregarded

but it's fine anon, your stick figures are worth a pad on your shoulder as well

>> No.3481216

selfdeclared liberals are screaming for a nanny state and big corporations to regulate their life on dozens of different occasion

open a newspaper once in a while you dunce

>> No.3481329

..."it's like a finger, pointing to the moon... sChWhoop! DONT concentrate on the finger, you will miss all the heavenly glory..." Bruce Lee

>> No.3481332

incidentally Jack "The Dripper" Pollock used hard liquor and self loathing to drive his loops and his swoops, ..final score:Pollock 0, Tree 1.

>> No.3481360
File: 1.37 MB, 3264x1840, gravity defying butt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Butt Lift - Mono Digital - mario 2017

>> No.3481434

All of those things are still subjective measures though, how can you definitively say one colour scheme is better than another, or that something with proper perspective always looks better than something with intentionally wonky perspective?
Which technique is the one you need to perfect? Is that technique always good for the message or feeling you're trying to portray?
While I do agree that plenty of modern Art is shit, I also do appreciate some of it, and at the same time a lot of classical art is just plain boring, regardless of how much effort needed to be put in to make it.
So take your "objective" measurements of quality, and fuck right off.

>> No.3481680

How do I grasp it?