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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 382 KB, 1600x960, Saejinoh.full.1255911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3469965 No.3469965 [Reply] [Original]

Thought I'd share this with you losers. Listen to it while you draw or whatever.


>> No.3469990
File: 2.15 MB, 6000x8000, jBpu0Ju.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yikes no thanks

>> No.3470002


>> No.3470024

I hate thunder thighs

>> No.3470026


>> No.3470034

where can I fap to hentai like this
don't judge me

>> No.3470044

Looks like a t-rex

>> No.3470390

Why do some people who draw porn think others are losers? They seem to form this weird pompous nature about themselves. Just because you can draw chicks on paper doesn't mean you can get them in real life. However, having a lot of money does change that option.

>> No.3470448
File: 274 KB, 900x844, 1519632782099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just because you can draw chicks on paper doesn't mean you can get them in real life.

>> No.3470524

just stop.
there is only one way to draw them, or at that, anything.
and thats to, get this, draw about 10000 pictures each one being about 1 hours worth of effort.
and that is the easiest way to get good.
there is no other way.
there will never be another way.
no book will enlighten you to another way.
no drug will show you a way.
no hack will give you the way.
no tablet will ease your way.

only time will give you a way.
but you still have to walk it.

>> No.3470585

>and thats to, get this, draw about 10000 pictures each one being about 1 hours worth of effort.
>and that is the easiest way to get good.
you know how i know that doesnt work? because someone legit has done this. i dont remember the source but there is some guy who drew 10 thousand drawings in a year and he literally did't improve

>> No.3470605

Don't compare with people with learning deficiencys or increadibly low IQ/legal retards. Yes chris-chan has been drawing sonichu for 11 years but that doesn't mean thats the norm. This no improvement after 10,000 drawings is an exception.

>> No.3470606

if ur acutally not a greasy fat neckbeard being an good artist acutally makes you desirable

there's alot of weeb hoes out there

but ur true love has to be art, the women will come to you.

never chase em

>> No.3470607

You should draw up-to a short goal amount and then watch your teachers example and internalize the information in your next attempts. Rinse and repeat. Only a retard would just draw without the absorption of new information.

>> No.3470624

>Someone with super Austim has difficulty doing anything and the reason for his inability to do anything is due to his disabilities
>When drawing is involved, suddenly it becomes a concern of how to Not git gud

You people just love finding excuses.

>> No.3470663

it wasnt someone with autism, he was doing figures and small illustrations every day he was doing a challenge.

>> No.3470868

This was a good video. Thanks OP.

>> No.3470895
File: 7 KB, 205x246, 1522711026836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's another "just do it" speech
For the love of fuck, do you people not get it? If it was as simple as just doing it, I would be DOING IT. What reaction do you expect when you tell somebody "Just do it." Do you expect us to go "Holy shit, you're right! All this time I thought the key to being good at drawing was to not draw!"

The fucking problem isn't doing it. It's doing it for the MOTHERFUCKING YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS it takes to get good, and not killing yourself out of insanity. You faggots might be able to produce 10,000 shitty fucking embarrassing pieces of donkey crap, but not everyone is the same. We all have different shit that we can't do. Some people can't touch spiders. Some people can't talk in public. People like me? We can't do "complete utter failure and submission to failure for the foreseeable future". So when we ask "How do I start drawing?" we aren't asking HERP DERP HOW 2 GIT GUD IMMEDIATELY?? We are asking "How the fuck do we stay sane through 5+ years of sucking fucking dick? Literally what is the fun of drawing horrible fucking garbage in the hopes that one day it won't be garbage?


>> No.3470901

I don’t really get it, so instead of asking how do I start drawing, I ask why do I start drawing? And if I say for my reason that I want to start drawing is to draw cute anime girls in crazy fantasy situations. Then what do I do? Just start drawing that and I’ll eventually good just by a ton of mileage plus whatever other tutorials I find on google?

>> No.3470910

The point of the video is that passively waiting for a secret formula that gets you to a vague master or pro status are will stunt you growth.

Rather you have to define what you goals are, (ask why you want to draw, then answer, you now have a finite goal). When you define the problem, you can then figure out ON YOUR OWN what you need to do or the next questions you need to ask to achieve your art goal.

>> No.3470919

holy shit this
when will you "just do it" posters understand?

>> No.3470920

You don't need art help. You need psychological help. Seek a psychiatrist.

>> No.3470927

Most people who are amazing artists, while not necessarily always good, were always far bettter than all of their peers of a similar age, simply following the path of least resistance and constant positive reinforcement. They were never bad beyond the age in which it is acceptable to be bad. Some aren't like this, achieving skill later on through great stuggle and suffering. For them it was a path of most resistance where only the strong make it through. Are you strong?

>> No.3470941

He just made a huge post about how weak he was.

>> No.3470950

don't call me a loser and fuck off retard, i'm 10 better than you will ever be

>> No.3470954
File: 915 KB, 3993x2276, 14sIsJm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being this upset about it means you aren't meant to be an artist anon. It's ok. Nothing is wrong with that.

Find something that you truly enjoy in life.

>> No.3470963

>implying op isnt saejin

>> No.3470976

You don't want any help, you want a mommy to tap you in the back and tell you how great you are or a daddy to tell you you're wasting your time
Fuck off, it doesn't take that long to make appealing shit
You'll never be fully satisfied with your skills because no artist is, just don't set retarded goals
On a regular basis, do solely stuff that's at or slightly above your skill level, be creative with it, and just occasionally tackle the shit you have trouble with, it'll make your learning experience much more enjoyable

You wanna know how people get good? They enjoy drawing and finding out how to cheat their way through nicer and nicer shit
It's all about finding tricks and with time turning them into skills, you're not required to become a master of discipline or some shit

Use your brain first, then your hands
In case you haven't noticed, every decent artist on this board shits on every other decent artist that does something even slightly different to what they do
Art is not an exam that you pass or fail, it is very subjective

At some point you have to ask yourself some questions, why do I want to pursue this? For eternal glory and money or just to be proud or yourself once in a while?
Should I pursue this goal if I literally can't stop being a whiny bitch about it?

>> No.3470981

you dont have the hunger to make it lol

sometimes art just isnt for you

>> No.3472427

It doesn't sound like you're having fun drawing
Maybe you should try doing something else

>> No.3472665

This would make more sense if it wasn't for Saejin likely not even caring about /ic/.

>> No.3475443

I was the only kid on the playground in the 3rd grade who could draw 3D shapes and am I the next Picasso? No.

>> No.3475706

Sometimes I think the neurosis that develops out of trying to ‘get good’ is in fact that many of you are poorly socialised basement-dwellars who pin all of their hopes at getting laid on being good at art. That’s why their seems to be so many time constraints on when you should be getting good and psychotic frustration when the truth is that it will probably take a lot longer than you think. Luckily I have a well-paid STEM job, and don’t really mind 10,000 shitty drawings, so long as I amuse and impress myself with them.

>> No.3475719

saejin is /ourguy/
fuck off nu/ic/
Moatdd is /ourguy/ too but he's more /pol/

>> No.3475729

Awful perspective, but decent color theory.
Basically polished turds.

>> No.3475748
File: 27 KB, 600x600, 1231543654876897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like old masters bruh. They all have incorrect persepective and polished turds.

>> No.3475780
File: 78 KB, 500x639, twiiiliiight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"How the fuck do we stay sane through 5+ years of sucking fucking dick?"
Stop looking for reasons to fly off the handle. Refine your taste to determine your goals. The gap between crap you make now and end goals doesn't actually hurt. You are just gut punching yourself for dramatic effect because you THINK not being competent right out of the gate deserves punishment... spending too much time on /ic/. Probably your parents fault. Therapy can lessen the impulse to self harm. I typed this as condescending as possible so you never mistake unvetted anonymous advice as worthwhile advice ever again. Pic related, a lazy doodle I'm very fond of. I didn't remove my own finger nail after drawing it even though the art police strongly suggested I do so.

>> No.3475792

Oh, you are absolutely correct. In fact if we look at the really really old masters we can find turds that aren't even polished. Am I right? O ho ho ho!

GTFO crab.

>> No.3475796


>> No.3475870

The only smart thing you can do is QUIT and find a hobby it won'd make you suicidal, you fucking moron.

>> No.3475873
File: 58 KB, 600x600, 1529236323089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we can find turds that aren't even polished.
With incorrect perspective and stylized anatomy

>> No.3475882


aesthetic wise it's decent. You can get perfect anatomy and perspective but if you don't have good aesthetic it's shit.

between aesthetic and perfect fundamentals. I choose aesthetic. I can work on the fundamentals slowly over time.

>> No.3477935

My god, how can you be so miserable? Kys

>> No.3477938

>If it was as simple as just doing it, I would be DOING IT.
Instead, you are not an artist.
Is this some kind of a revelation to you? You needed to come here for someone to tell you that you neither enjoy making art and aren't very good at it?

>> No.3477943

You didn't keep at it, but if you had, you probably would've had an easier time than someone who starts in their 20's.

I know from personal experience that getting compliments and praise in early age can also be a disadvantage, it can make you complacent and stop striving to be better.

>> No.3477947
File: 513 KB, 923x599, 1438395637469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"everyone can learn how to draw!" thread number 99999
>"talent is not real"
>"check self taught artists and their progress"
>"you can start late"
>"everyone can do it"
>"drawing is not for you"
>"sometimes art just isnt for you"
>"you are not an artist"
>"you aren't meant to be an artist"
>"QUIT and find a hobby it won'd make you suicidal"

>> No.3477955

It's different to encourage someone who actually enjoys drawing and has made the decision to get better at it, vs. someone who's forcing themselves to pick up the pencil even though they clearly hate it and have no drive whatsoever.

>> No.3477967
File: 40 KB, 932x739, 1459232401808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon simply likes perfection. Not everyone enjoy drawing shit even if they likes drawing. Professional artists who had same mentality exist. But for /ic/ he's "not born as artist" lmao. This is contradiction to "everyone can learn how draw" and " talent doesn't exist". Looks like artist is someone who born with artistic talent.

>> No.3477972

because he drew the same shit 10 thousend times.
Thats the point don't draw a mistake thousend times and except a change. Thats madness

>> No.3477976

>Looks like artist is someone who born with artistic talent.
More like someone who started when they were still young and it was easy for them to pick up new things.

>> No.3478044

>Professional artists who had same mentality exist

No, they don’t. The professional thirst for perfection makes pros work harder, not quit like little bitches.

>This is contradiction to "everyone can learn how draw" and " talent doesn't exist"

Everyone can learn to draw if they do the work. People who find excuses not to work will not learn.

>Looks like artist is someone who born with artistic talent

“Talent” is a female logic word for ordinary work ethic.

>> No.3478225

>No, they don’t.
Try watching interviews with artists. Watch Watts where he talk about "student" types
>Everyone can learn to draw if they do the work. People who find excuses not to work will not learn.
>“Talent” is a female logic word for ordinary work ethic.
see >>3477947
contradiction is contradiction

>> No.3478457

I have similar problem. I can tell you, its not an art problem, it's a psychological problem. Don't be like me and waste 10+ years suffering if you dont have to. Get help.

Art really IS a "just do it" thing, its your own fucked mind that is making it hard. I know because I have it myself.

>> No.3478463

>anything is a contradiction if I say it is

Everyone who puts the work in will get good. Crybabies who won’t pick up a pencil will not get good. Talent is an excuse lazy people use to justify their refusal to work.

>> No.3478468

are you retarded?

>> No.3478471

If someone is struggling to improve, I think it always helps to join some art classes or find a mentor. Have someone that can constantly catch your errors and give you. This strategy works in a number of fields and different types of art besides drawing. I dont know why /ic/ is so hellbent about learning how to draw alone.

>> No.3478472


>> No.3478487

artists tend to have social retardation, meaning that they cant really think well in a group or learning from someone else. Probably because of the dumb idea of a magic formula to learn how to draw.

>> No.3478489

no different math


As you get better you'll find the nuances to getting better that are unique to you

>> No.3478501

Set a schedule for yourself. Spend a set amount time drawing every day, usually the length will be determined by how fast it takes you to get pissed off at drawing. If you're really not feeling take a day off, maybe watch other artists or speed paints,get inspiration and then go back at it again. You can also just do the fundamentals, like boxes and circles so you can't really shit on yourself because you're really just practicing construction and perspective, etc. Then after awhile go back to the paper and try to draw something you want, compare to your last piece and I guarantee you'll cum with happiness from seeing the improvement.

>> No.3478540

That is because you are weak

>> No.3478574


Post your work and prove that you are not a pathetic crab talking garbage about superior artists because you are jealous

>> No.3478575

Sure xnosebro.tumblr.com

>> No.3478603

Check out the "improvement pill" tamed course. It's free on youtube. I know it sounds dumb, but it really helped me with discipline gains.


>> No.3478609
File: 265 KB, 1080x1920, brontosaurass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the absolute state of animefags

>> No.3478616


>> No.3478636

and how is this any better?
you can't even render a face properly or paint hair baka

>> No.3478659


That's not him, is an ironic response typical of crabs

>> No.3478660
File: 55 KB, 1280x720, i(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is this da wea

>> No.3478841

>Watch Watts where he talk about "student" types
Anyone have a link to this? Can't find it anywhere.

>> No.3479075

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.

>> No.3479088

The second best time was 19 years ago

>> No.3479666

This video was a load of shit.

>> No.3479677


>> No.3479698

>weakling asking if I'm strong

>> No.3480409

/h/ or /d/

>> No.3480706
File: 740 KB, 2000x889, 22121321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this man knows how to talk to my penis

>> No.3480796

>I have similar problem. I can tell you, its not an art problem, it's a psychological problem.
Explain more.

>> No.3480799

I fucking hate you, anon, because I'm you but slightly less autistic. The shitty part is is that more likely than not this mentality is hurting you in the long run, not just with art but in life. Not everybody does art, and that's perfectly fine, but if autistic screeching is how you deal with the slightest mental resistance to certain activities you've got a hell of a lot more problems to deal with.

>> No.3480951

Do you have mental problems?

>> No.3480953

and how exactly that doesn't go together?
Talent is a thing and it helps you reach your goals faster. But you can also put in the hard work and it will take you longer, but eventually you'll get there.
Some people have talent and are hard workers, some people don't have talent and are hard workers, and then there's people with no talent that cry about how life isn't fair and are just lazy.
Those are the true NGMIers.
And I am guessing you are one of them.

>> No.3480987

Maybe do what that video says and get your confidence up drawing studies of rocks. Builds confidence, develops observation and penmanship, etc.


>> No.3481000

Mastery series. And fundamental series as I remember. He talks a lot about this across his entire course. But who cares about Watts, right? /ic/ call then crybabies and "not artists".

>> No.3481002

>And I am guessing you are one of them
Post your work.

>> No.3481012

what a good video!it really teaches how to draw 11/10.i couldn't think of something better myself.truly inspirational.just do it mang!just accept you can't draw until you can!you are just lazy!

>> No.3481057

You certainly showed him.

>> No.3481205

woah such confidence you have.

>> No.3481212

do I need to say it?

>> No.3481278

how can a simple concept as learning to draw can attract so many retards??

>> No.3481281

they're dumb people who have failed in everything else and think you don't need intelligence for art

>> No.3481514

Don't study harder, study smarter... (the journey is hard enough) Do you think that 10000 times the same face at the same angle will make you understand how to draw a head perfectly? If you believe that you are greatly mistaken...