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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 160 KB, 650x1648, so-called-digital-painting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3465832 No.3465832 [Reply] [Original]

calling it "digital painting" is a misleading, inappropriate euphemism. neither the result nor the methods used have anything remotely to do with painting.
but this is exemplary for how pretentious and arrogant digital illustrators are.

prove me wrong.

>> No.3465856

Abloo Bloo Bloo

>> No.3465860

>an offended tablet faggot
is (You)

>> No.3465864

>prove me wrong
>use hard evidence to change my subjective opinion
that's not how it works

>> No.3465865

A bait thread for a change, thanks OP.

>> No.3465866
File: 57 KB, 284x278, asdsa21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do both.

>> No.3465900

Friendly reminder that legit thread has died for this.
Friendly reminder that the same person was spamming "how do I draw anime" threads before Janny woke up from coma.
Friendly reminder to sage and report to wake Janny up again.

>> No.3466022

what's bait about it?
can you tell me a good reason why it is called "digital painting"?

>same person was spamming "how do I draw anime" threads before Janny woke up from coma.
wtf are you even talking about?

>> No.3466030

it's not a subjective opinion.
look at the tools used, look at the results. compare the two. tell me what is more appropriate: "drawing" or "painting"?

>> No.3466045

who cares, honestly

why does it matter

>> No.3466052

This, being pendantic for no legitimate reason is fucking annoying.

>> No.3466066

>is a misleading, inappropriate euphemism

No it's not. Stop being such a huge faggot please.

>> No.3466239

Is this the autistic guy from the "how old are you drawfags" thread?

>> No.3466269

I dont like OP but will admit that it always bugged me when people call using pastels “painting”.

People call it “digital painting” because in many cases it is intended to simulate painting and even involves similar stages like blocking in, underpainting, selecting a color scheme and uktimately aiming for a result that would look similar (enough) if done by literal painting but with a fraction of the mess, spece requirements and photographing stages etc. Lastly many paintings end up as pixels in their final stage anyway in things like illustration, GD and so forth.

But OP (and everyone here) knows this.

>> No.3466374

Well you see, imagine if painting could be done digitally.
I'd call it digital painting.

>> No.3466855

>>3465832 there you go retard
thread over.

>> No.3466857

What's the proper term for pastels anyways?

>> No.3467031

Actually shouldn't finger painting be called digital painting because you use your digits?

>> No.3467107

Major faggotry
Have a (you)

>> No.3467231

>Major faggotry
>Have a (you)

>> No.3467250

nobody calls it "digital painting", is just "painting"

the deprecated way of doing it is called "traditional media painting"

>> No.3467265

The time spent on this board making asinine threads like this is valuable time everyone could be putting towards improving your work and yourself.

>> No.3467270

Who cares?
You should be drawing instead of doing this.

>> No.3467280
File: 1.01 MB, 4800x2619, 1522145194724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is digital painting.

>> No.3467383

not a single reply that actually tried to argue against the illogical term "digital painting". you look at OP pic and you realize this is bullshit. it has as much to do with painting as looking at wallpapers of Hawaian beaches can replace a holiday there. at best, it's a term that is supposed to help understand where it's coming from, but it is a completely different media.

>> No.3467390

you don't need a brush to be 'painting', just paint. and so to be digital painting; digital paint.

>> No.3467399


Nonsense. Painting is conceptually about creating the illusion of form and light with masses of value. Digital painting is no different in that regard has the same fundamentals as traditional painting with some minor media specific differences.

>> No.3467403

Don't reply to autism

>> No.3468653

this is actually a good point

>> No.3468671


>> No.3470200


>> No.3470343


>look at the tools used

Just because the device used to interface with the computer LOOKS LIKE a pencil doesn't mean it is a pencil.

Have you ever used a tablet? You can both draw on it and 'paint' on it, where painting is generally using strokes of colour/values instead of linework. It's a shorthand for the method which basically everyone but purposely dense retards and pedantic gatekeeping traditional artists understand. "But you're not using paint!" one might say, you're right, and you're not running a marathon when you run a program, nor are you physically climbing a ladder when you climb a corporate ladder. Even in traditional painting you might say 'use your brush and paint to 'sculpt out' a form', you're not LITERALLY sculpting. The word is being used abstractly to describe a process instead of a specific medium/action, because language is cool like that.

Digital art programs emulate all manner of tools, never identically, but usually closely enough that you can compare apples to apples.

>> No.3470344

What the fuck do you suggest we call it then?

>> No.3470357

Pastelling, pronounced PAST-il-ing

>> No.3470526

its tools you tool

>> No.3471017

I prefer digiarting.

>> No.3472079

simply digital drawing

despite a lot of whitewashing, actually a fair answer. digital emulations of analogue processes and materials are essentially cringeworthy and purely nostalgic.



>> No.3472092

Yeah! Digital art isnt Real Art®.
Fuck tgose lazy ass digital new cucks.

>> No.3472864


This one right here. This is a pure specimen of autism, ladies and gentlemen...

>> No.3472874

>this is exemplary for how pretentious and arrogant digital illustrators are

I think this is actually exemplary of how pretentious tradfags are

>> No.3472895

>simply digital drawing
guess what? we already have the notion of digital drawing, but most of the time we use the notion of line art and rendering respectively, the difference is made mainly by the size of your digital brush work