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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 227 KB, 1459x1500, Cosplayers_of_YuruYuri_at_Comic_Market_82_20120821_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3462922 No.3462922[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The only reason to draw is literally just so you can meet one of your fangirls at a con and fuck her. Seriously, you think Murata or Miura could not bag one of their many fangirls? Are you shitting me?
And dont say
no fucking shit tard. Im talking about being an artist with at least a 10 k fanbase. Ive seen lesbian artists get tit pics from their female fans. Please, keep drawing for pussy. It is the greatest honor you can get from drawing. I hope this knowledge motivates you, anon.

I leave you with this (pic), one of the many cosplayers, Namori could easily fuck and convince to join a 5some in a heartbeat if he wanted

>> No.3462932 [DELETED] 

cool blog

>> No.3462937
File: 45 KB, 1200x1500, 1528427918607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit. heed my info newfriend. Do you know how many people on /ic/ spout
>dont draw for women
>dont draw for women
>dont draw for women
DRAW FOR WOMEN. I literally am telling you why you should draw for pussy in the op

>> No.3462938

So you're saying the key isn't to be a great artist, just a huge successful one with bragging-worthy numbers.

Or are you saying I need to produce a work with cosplay worthy designs which is the real key to pussy

>> No.3462939
File: 22 KB, 299x299, 1467656371681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doing anything for women
wanna know how I know you're mentally a teen?

>> No.3462943
File: 185 KB, 730x1094, dsc_7289v2_by_nutcase23-d8tp8mb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course you idiot. the whole point of art is to entertain people. you dont even need the cosplay part. just show up to a con, and hopefully a girl whose a fan of your work is cosplaying as your waifu from another show.
im 19 sir. so am physically a teen.

>> No.3462944 [DELETED] 

arigatou :^)

>> No.3462947

who cares, i stay home all day. ive got no reason to leave other then to get my daily dose of vitamin d

>> No.3462950
File: 36 KB, 480x480, 29716155_1995629070741338_1186170646036480000_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you arnt being ironic and actually taking my advice. When you have your very own booth at a con, and fucking a girl cosplaying as your animu. Right when your tongue is 2 inches in the vagina, youre going to remember me
getting married is the greatest and most pleasurable thing you can do in life. If you want to have a girl whose loyal, Marry one of your fangirls ffs. You can draw all day, and shell be there for you still cosplaying. ZUN's wife cosplays as Aya.

>> No.3462951

>You can draw all day
>getting married
obv youve never had any relative/siblings to experience this up front. when you have a gf and become engaged/married. you literally wont have any time to draw. you art career is literally dead at that point, marriage is the nail in the coffin.
premarital sex ftw

>> No.3462952

should I draw boys or girls?

>> No.3462954
File: 101 KB, 970x545, Dragon-Ball-Super-Goku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit. are you saying theres never been a mangaka whose gotten married? (pic) related
whatever you want lol. being successful and getting popular fast is another topic. Namori literally draws lesbians doing lesbians things and activites, and he has an onslaught of straight female fans wholl fuck him.

>> No.3462955

but fan girls can be fucking crazy

>> No.3462957
File: 1.10 MB, 500x750, tumblr_static_8umfo3fgifc44sgs88kg44s8s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and i know theres going to be a bunch of /u/ homos spouting
Take AVGN for example. Can we all agree, his show is completely for males? Down to the subject and tone, wouldnt you say thats a completely male show? James back in the day had all types of fangirls going to his cons. Theres famous pic of a big boobied blonde girl hugging him in a pic.
Hope this makes this realize, theres no fandom you can go wrong with.

>> No.3462958
File: 5 KB, 181x182, 1524771663063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Op drew for a woman and didn't get pussy now he's mad

>> No.3462960
File: 169 KB, 1024x683, rachel_alucard__blazblue_____bad_mood_by_atunacosplay-d689if5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well. there will be an onslaught of fangirls all at your booth. hopefully, one of their personalities is compatible with yours

>> No.3462962

don't you have like, anywhere else to post when you're horny dude

>> No.3462963

what if I like boys?

>> No.3462965
File: 214 KB, 736x413, 63234563456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhhh. dont get how youre getting this. I never drew for a woman in my life. and even if i did. i literally said
>And dont say


Also, if i drew for pussy and didnt get any. WHY THE FUCK WOULD I MAKE A WHOLE THREAD SAYING TO DRAW FOR PUSSY. i mean, are you fucking high or something? get the fuck out of my thread you weirdo

>> No.3462969
File: 70 KB, 800x686, KeineKamishirasawa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just have a need to get this information out there. ALl the lies /ic/ has been saying
>dont draw for pussy anon
>youll never get pussy when youre gud anon
>draw for yourself
its so simple! Why does /ic/ lie and say being good drawing =/ getting pussy!?
well. fuck a male then? Homo?

>> No.3462971

t-thanks anon

>> No.3462972

>theres never been a mangaka whose gotten married
i know some artists that have gotten married, and its not working out for them soo... and even if it works out, there are still a lot of consequences. fucking fag just go get married and see for yourself faglord

>> No.3462974

bruh if you want pussy that bad, go grab your nearest escort, like gtfo out of here

>> No.3462977
File: 452 KB, 500x281, 6346346.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... i would give up drawing to get married to a kawaii girl that loves, but no girl ever has...... ;~; I want a girlfriend so baaad. im loyal. Ive gotten multiple likes by women on tinder, who arnt landwhales. i just want to get married and read manga with girl all day.

but. being a successful artist is another means to an end.

>> No.3462978

ur welcome.....

>> No.3462980

We all know you aren't some famous mangaka yet your telling people how to get a fangirl fanbase. I'm more inclined to believe someone with an actual fanbase

>> No.3462982

You pathetic incel

>> No.3462983

>>Give up drawing for marriage
>>Not just harvesting pussy by the pound as you continue being a machine that pumps out good art that makes your fanbase of girls go wild

>> No.3463077

Says a random guy on the internet on 4chan that gave no actual proof what so ever.
Yeah keep dreaming kid you'll get pussy someday.

>> No.3463085

Not OP, but what do all of you here even draw for? Curious but too lazy to start a thread for it, do you unironically think you're gonna make it? do you draw for the pleasure of the process? the satisfication of a finished work? be honest, /ic/.

>> No.3463092
File: 36 KB, 482x427, 1521230801857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is fucking right.
Even though my art greatly improved recently, I'm not feeling like I have achieved anything because I'm not getting any pussi. And the possibility to get pussi is the only thing that fuels my will to improve and grind fundies.

>> No.3463117

As a girl, I have dreams of meeting and falling in love with my favorite artist but my favorite artist draws beautiful landscapes and interesting people. I wouldn't be interested in a hentai artist because I feel he'd be a degenerate.

>> No.3463122

What's wrong with a degenerate?

>> No.3463123

i post decently enough and i fit that criteria, and its mostly clean stuff too. although im more interested on what your stuff is like however. think we can share? i dont wana do it on here tho, so what do u prefer?

>> No.3463134

Sorry, I don't really know how to reply to posts directly (that was my first time posting on 4chan).

For the degenerate question, can you really not understand why a girl would be put off by someone who draws rape/ gore porn?

For the other guy, I'm pretty much a beginner so I don't really have my own stuff to show off but I'd like to see yours~

>> No.3463140

>posting pics of some random cosplayers

what's your point

>> No.3463144

>The only reason to draw is literally just so you can meet one of your fangirls at a con and fuck her.
Unless you're good-looking, this is a terrible idea as you'll just get Jew Wario'd and get accused or grooming a rape, and have your name run through the mud. Women don't like having sex with unnattractive men, and all it takes is someone convincing her that you "abused your status/power" to have her turn your world asunder.

The only benefit to fame is that if you're good-looking, it'll increase the pool of women available to you dramatically, meaning you'll have an easier time finding a decent girl than you would otherwise. But even if you're handsome, it's still fucking stupid to go aroubd sleeping with all your fangirls. You're just ASKING to get #metoo'd by some thot/goldigger wanting her 15 minutes of fame and attention. Women are insane. Either be an alpha dude or don't bother.

>> No.3463148

Are you that Asian girl that keeps posting around, or are you that Cirilo dude pretending to be a girl in order to catfish a hopeless loser?

>> No.3463156

I'm neither ? That was my first time posting on the board or 4chan in general.

>> No.3463157

Neither it's brian

>> No.3463158

Who's Brian?

>> No.3463163


Japan has the worst marriage system that's been rooted within the people itself since a thousand years ago. The guy literally works his ass off, gives his whole paycheck to the wife, who takes care of the household. They eat dinner with the family without saying a word, actually the husband and wife don't converse at all, they are mostly just together for the traditional marriage meme that every Japanese has to follow unless he wants to be shunned and ridiculed. And sexless marriages are extremely common there.

And now you're going for actual mangaka who work 14-18h a day and don't have time to eat properly? While yes, unlike normies, they both have hobbies that align and which they can happily share with each other, but- These people are supposed to hold a healthy relationship and give their partner at least a decent amount of attention they need? The only way that this could work, is if they stopped working. Fuck off kid, you don't know what Japan is, nor do you know anything about relationships.

>> No.3463165

Don't type it a third time or he'll reappear

>> No.3463172

It's slightly different if you're a westerner. Asian women, Japanese especially romanticize Western men, and pretty much all of the ones who want a white dude, are generally rebellious of many of her country's norms and traditions, all the while still being submissive as a whole. Like, the most westaboo "wild child" rebellious Jap girl, is still very mild compared to her Anglo counterpart, like, she's still not capable of being the dominant half of a relationship, and starts to drop her facade and return to certain natural forms of behavior once you get closer to her, provided she was raised in Japan that is. It's tricky, but if you know what you're doing, it's very easy to mold a girl like that into behaving the way you want her to, wheras an anglo girl will be challenging you every step of the way, and is at risk of turning on you if you fall put of favor with say, her friends or whatever. Men have much less power and control over their women in the west, than men in Japan, and this is deeply embedded in the psyche of the majority of women.

In short, as a western man, a Jap girl is expecting a different kind of lifestyle with you, than the traditional one, while still being a subservient slut wanting to be dominated that worships white dick.

>> No.3463174

teh asian grill here
You're too good looking for me, foreign guy
I don't want to be labeled as a gold digger, so I'll just date fellow asians uwu

>> No.3463175

Lol, your email literally said "Cirilo" and some other shit. I'm not convinced you're not a catfish.

>> No.3463181

that was a throwaway email like yours
your too old for me anyway
>7 years

>> No.3463182

I feel like this post is about me. And you know who i am. And yes, i do fuck my fans and its easy because im a girl.

>> No.3463183

Fair enough.

>> No.3463185

You better get a guitar and sing to karaoke of Linkin park on Youtube. You can fuck some goth girls with big titties.

>> No.3463192

>goth girl
>big tiddies
>not fat
pick 2

>> No.3463197

Linkin park is for depressed young men, goth girls listen to three gays grace

>> No.3463209

What is this, early 2000s?

Also, Goth girls were into Evanescence.

>> No.3463214

Pathetic fucking ngmis

>> No.3463273


The idea that anyone is going to take this notion seriously makes me drier than the Sahara.

>> No.3463281
File: 2.10 MB, 1800x1080, 9b7WcQK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not learning how to draw to increase your visualizations skills while meditating on the side so you can eventually recede into your mind forever and fuck everything you've ever dreamed of.

Yeah, I think I'm taking this a bit more seriously than you guys.

>> No.3463284

>girl would be put off by someone who draws rape
Weak b8 dude. Girls not only enjoy rape porn but also produce decent amount of it.

>> No.3463288

meditation brings out of your mind, you must do it wrong

>> No.3463289


>> No.3463338

Not that guy, but he's saying you're meditating wrong. Meditation isn't receding into your mind and imagining things. It's literally the opposite, it's quieting your mind and forcing yourself to NOT think, and be fully present in the moment and conscious of your surroundings. Quiet that voice in your head that's constantly observing and commenting. Yes, it's difficult to do, meditation isn't meant to be "relaxing" or "introspective" it's literally a form of mental training to help you have a more focused mind. So, no different than going running every day to train your cardiovascular system, meditation is a form of training, that takes effort, to keep you from getting distracted when you need to be focused on one thing, as well as allowing you to recognize emotions within yourself that start to overtake your conscious being, and being able to dismiss them so you're always acting on clarity of mind rather than impulse. That's why meditation is "forcing yourself to not think," because it's training to stopping your immediate thoughts from taking over your conscious self.

t. have done meditation for years now.

>> No.3463347

im sure you'll get so many girls with your western anime style

>> No.3463368

Nigga, there are many kinds of meditation; you're going all dunning kruger on me right now. You can literally meditate on something happening in your life, and that'd be meditation.

I personally do vipassana, which seems to me closer to what you're talking about, but I also do visualization meditation for real, jokes and memes aside, to help out with drawing, and to aid with that meditation I never remember the name of, where you're basically putting yourself in a higher being's shoes (no, it's not magic).

>> No.3463412
File: 41 KB, 612x612, hi9lpLS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw still no qt supportive soft gf who'll massage my wrist and back and comfort my hand after I pulverize them drawing for 10 hours everyday

How will I ever make it without this /ic/